Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 May 1922, p. 1

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The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick l‘mmpunv, Lt'd. haw:- un lmnd for sale. Uemem. drain ‘tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 1) inch (30 inches in length) _ Also Cement Brick. Sand or vael sold by the load or in our lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. COUSINS. P195. and Manage r Maple. Acar of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Corn. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour al; ways on hand. Purnia Scratch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick ‘Open All Year---Enter NOW QELLIOTT/y ;- \,_ â€"-'l‘HE HIGH GRADE BUSINESS SCHOOLOF ONTARIO. Our gradu- atesau‘e in strong demand. Pre- pare now nnd be ready to accept a gund pmition in the Full. Wnite for our Catalogue which gives cum- plele information. THE PUPILS 01“ Tms SCHOOL GET $01.10 VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. Yunge 'nnd Charles Sts. Toroth VOL. XLIV. The Richmond Hill Municipal \Vuterwnrks Commission an- nounces that it is leady loinstull water services. Application forms and infornmti‘nn re rules etc, may be obtained at [he Cleik's Office. 44-47 PrintingnWe Know How Public Notice $1.50 per annum, in advance.] Waterworks \V. J. ELLIOTT Principal. I. D. Ramer Branchesâ€"Thorfihill and Wkuowdale ‘ The Royal Bank of Banada Every farmer’s wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses a heLp and a. safeguard. Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail. making a trip to town unnecessary. EnJ close your cheque with your order. A Bank Account for tho Farmer’s Wife Chairman t-f Commission L LUNAU Auction Sale of Furnishings of the l‘WELLINGTUN HOTEL, Aurora, Properly of MR. JAMES WAITE. Sale at 1 p.111. Shelp. TERMS CASH At the same time and place, the property known as the Wellington Hotel will be offered {or sale, subject i to a reserve bid. EB 14‘. (OK, F. N. SMITH, ' Clerk. 46-47 Auctionetr. Th9”) wusquiteu glimm. oust over the village of (inrmlvy on Tuesday morning. May 9th, \\ ht-n we heard of the sudden death of john J. Snider, of he-altfnihn-o. nu- he llnd been at tho revivnl sm-vires which ale being held llPIO. Just the evening before he had [euchml his 77th year. and yet he was ulwnys busy. giving u helping hand to e\ ery uue in lllH‘Il nf help. “'hile he hud nut unith himself with any body uf lwlluvm's, he was a firm-t rhmch gut-r. ofu-n ntlvnding three church servicrs and two Suhbuth Schnols on one Sundny; also all the prayer meelings in the neighborhood. Hiclast lPslinmny “as, "My josus Lm‘e Thee. 1 Know Than Art Mine." lie wus nmriied tn Miss Sarah M. Prentice, of Cunrille, Nov. 6th. 187]. To this union \w-ro burn five children, Albert A. Snider-,\_ Pinewood. Ont. Mus. James 'l‘ilsnn, Pineivvod, Out... Mrs. (71139. \Vhitnev. Tmoutn. Mrs. jaim Bnkvr. Cannille. and Sarah who died in infuilcy. His first Wifodiod May 10th. 1883. On April 7. 1885. he “'uu mmried Ln Miss Melinda Uober. of Concord. To You will be needing Shoes for these Bright days, and I have some splendid lines of the new Buckle Scrap Shoes, with low heels, in can and clzocolaie; also Oxfords in black and tan. All sizes, with Silk Stock- ings to match, and at Reasonable Prices. A‘so a few English Shirts, good quality, at Reasonable Prices. Mrs. Thus. Pete-r Clarence, who died Mulch 19. 1913. JohnGeh, Snider, Edgely, Uura Snider, Gurmley. Oxfords and Boots in black and tamfor Spring wear, for gentlemen. Shirts, in light Spring colorsI all sizes to suit all purses. :. J. W. WELLMAN’S GENTS’ F URNISHING lbisnninn wele horn funr Light Weight Underwear and Socks for the warm weather, and Hats or Caps, Collars, Ties, and numerous other articles to complete your Spring Outfit. And for your work-hoursâ€"Over- a115, Shirtfi, Caps, and Boots. Come and See for Yourself at AUCTION SALE FERTILIZERS SALT Full Lines of FLOUR and FEED at the CHOPPING MILL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Grain ~ General. Corn â€"â€" Special. Potatoes â€"â€" Clay Soil. Potatoes â€"â€" Sandy Soil. Vegetable â€"â€" General. Vegetable â€" Early. Vegetable â€" Very Strong. Seed Oats. â€" AURORAâ€"â€" Saturday, \May 20, 1922 J. F. BURR Yonge and Richmond Streets RICHMOND HILL. ONT. THURSDAY MAY 18,1922 In Memoriam FOB In Essenl-im'vs, Unity,- in Non-Essentials. L?be’rty; in all things, Charity.” children, I The 41st convention: of Vaughan IS. ' Ausociguiun will he held in Ihe Methodist Chmch, Edgrley, on Thun- dny. the first of June. Three leuionl, 1 good programme. After a long and surinui illness, Mrs. Goo, Gee, pnssed uwuy Fridny, May 12. at her home. Centre Striet east. Deceased had spent the greater part of her life at Victoria Square. and removed hen- with her husband and daughter a little over tw years ago. The funeral Monday af?ernonn wus Conducted by Rev. N. WeHWnnd and Rev. A. McNeil]. the former giv- ing the nddress at the residence, the latter in the chmr‘b at Victoria Square. where the remains were taken fru- hUIini. Both ministers referred to her kindness of hem-t. her loyalty to the church and associate societies. her abiding fnith, and her aifectinn us :wifennd mothers. During the service here the house was crowded, and the. church was filled with friends and fennel-neighbors. The deepest sym- pathy is felt fnr husband and duugb ter in their and bereavement. Sntmday. Seniors will conduct their baseball as nlso (hejuvvniles. Cubs will be drilled by the O. C. and M4 o'clock Cadrts will assist, the O. O. in the decomling at, the link. in the even- ing at 8 o’clock rehearsal will take place at the ilnk of the choruses. Mr. Earle Newton ,wlll be present. to criticise, and disciplinary conduct is imnemtive. Full strength Parade is imperative for Friday Evening next the 19th. nThe Corps will muster M. 7.30 the work living divided as follows. The 0. 0. will drill the Seniors and Juveniles in the Guard duties nvm-ssm-y fur the 2llh of May. Cadet Lleut \VhltP will curly on with Signalling. {Ind Cadet Lieuts. Bert Giant and Eric Bluney will dxill the Cub platoon, at 9.0’clnck [he Corgs will rehearse for the Cnncerb. Wednesddy, the 24th of May, the er.- tire ()0va will parade at their ernck Quarters at l o'clock‘shurp and await the nrrivul of Mr. MRcLean President of the Agricultural Society and the official guests for the Day. The Guard will. he detailed und the Corps will march to the punk with the hand. Cadet Otfir‘erl will take charge of this parade as ulso Senior Cadets. the O. C. trusts for their united efl‘ort to assist in the task of Parade nndUonceI-t following. Should the new uniforms promised not mrive frmnOrdnnnce those not in unifnrm will mverlheless pnrude with the Corps and march independently at the rear under Cadet Sergt. Allen Armstrong. The summer sport uniforms are promised by the House of Spalding hy Satulduy. and will be complete. Mothers of the Cadets will kindly sue Ihuse taking pant in [he Physiq‘ul Drill have their boys provide-d with clean white ducks as also clean white cum-ass running shoes. The 0. (J. asks fur the loyal support- of the Muthm-s of lhe.Cudets in Maia!- ing Mrs. Armand Savage in the matter of candy require-d for the uh». uh auge- ments are being made for the disposimz hf [ha same by seven] nf the High School as nlso Public School alrl pupils. The 0. C. the Cudod Officers, the Cadet N. C. 09. and Cadets {uppeal fur the support of Ike citizens in making of this veneer: an event to be evrl‘ afterward a happy night to recall: let. all plny the game and it will. and may the Cadet. organization he one in which the citizen: will always take pride and plausul'd in supporting. The Concertâ€" the O. C. lml tha honour of extending the cmnplinwnu uf the (‘orpi tolhe fullmving Executive Mannheil uf the Richmond Hill Ladies Innli utr, viz: Miss Movie, nnd Mn. \ansnn, and to the Richmond Hiil Ladies Christian Tvmpemnce Union, viz: Mrs. Phipps and MrmShmn. whnse names are added to the Patron sues of this concert. Cnnndinn Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist North Pnrkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmond Hlll on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Butty‘s. Arnold St. Particular»: can be obtained by calling, Phonpzz Ring 11. 29-33 "ML‘RTRY-DENTONâ€"On “'ednvsday, May IOLh, at. Centrnl Methodist Church. Toronto. by the Rev. J. Bruce HuntPr. Rosamond. ynungeat daughtor of the late Mr. Frank Demon. K. 0.. and Mrs. Dentnn. to gr. Claude Ashbourne MoMuruy, PSPIVB of Ot’fivers. Royal Field Artillery. sun of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMurtry. Mrs. Gee’s Death York Rangu Cadets S. 5. Convention Wm.C. Ruttan MARRIAGES The Ladies Aid will gii/e :1 Hot Dinner and 'I‘mé'in [he basement of the (‘hmch \Vedm-sday next, VictoriaV Day. Dinner served frt-m 11:1. m. to 2 1;. :11. Ten frmnfin’clnck. Tickets 50 tents; Children 25 cents. Every- budy welcdme. Anniversary Service, under the auspices of the Lndies Aid Society, will he held nnxt Sundny. Rev. Byron Stauffer of Toronto will preach in the nmruing at ll o'clock. and Judge Mott of the Juvenile Court. will preach at '7 p. In. On Wrdnesdny, May 24. hot dinner will be servedfrnm lla. "1.10 2 p. m., and [em from 5 o'clock. Adults 50 cenls: Children 25 cents. The ladies will be pleased Lu serve you. The hearty responsa nude by the schnol boys und girls in the prize con- tent utfvrqd by the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society, for the host collections of native wiid flowers was gratifying, oulreaching all expgctat‘iorj. Thirty cullecliuns wire displayed all of which pugsessed merit. though only seventeen plizes were awarded. do- nated by mvlnhers of the society. Higheit. polntu were taken for vnriety though qualify. quantity. rarity of specimen and artistic arrangement. were considercd. Below are the names of six hlghfst plize winnenzâ€" Betty Inna, Alice [um-s. Bi 1, Savage, Pelt-r Sun/ago, Margery Tyndall, Anna Phipps. Next .yenr the”! wlll be mun-mp: zen. fm nnPy re; gr“. fivas felt. that. such splendid enthusiasm was not. met adequately. C. Browne Public notion is hereby given that. a Court, of Reviliun of the Allesunent Roll for the 'l‘ownshl of Markham will be held in Victoria all. Unlouville, on Municipullty of the TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM County of York to hear und adjudicate upon all com- plaints against. the Assessment R In! the Municipality of the Townshi, of Maikhum for \he said yeur1922. All parties intereated are requested to take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. Court of Revision HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION I’RESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' \OF‘CANADA SAVE ‘a Because Oink ol the said Municipality. mule. May 13. 1922. 47-15 MONDAY. MAY 29 th 1922 at 2.30 o'clock. p. m. METHODIST CHURCH Call on our local Manager at your convenience. “Fm: STERLINGBANK Prize Contest G. A. M. DAVISON. Invest‘your surplus money in Sterling Bank Savings Account. Keeping money about the house is a risky proceeding. You run the risk of losing itâ€"having it stolenâ€"de- stroyed by fire. Thornhill Safe Money CUTHBERT RASPBERRY (V‘ANES, $11.00 per 1,000. ‘ GLEN MARRY STRAWBERRY PLANTS, $8.00 per 1,000. $1.00 per 1,000 less if gofiten at plantation. - Asters, loose and compact, separate colorsâ€"Heart of France Aster, (deep red.) ‘ Quarter amount\cash in advance; balance C. O. D. at yéur nearest ex- press office, Flower and Vegetable Plants BOX 22 COOKSVILLE. ONT. BLYTHWOOD GARDENS The W‘orkingman’s Friend . First‘class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Satisfaction guaranteed. New Shop on Lorne Ave. 45-48 Marigold. Phlox Drummondi. Nicotiana. Antirrhinium, (Snap Dragon) Salvia. Zinnia. Sweet Alyssum. Candytufr. Ricinus, (Castor oil plant.) Verbenas. Scabiosa. Stocks. Balsam. Heliotrope, Cobaea Scandens, (blue) Calendula. Ageratum. C. B. Crawford Fruit Growers L. WADEi H. DAVIS Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf [Single cdpies, 3 cts Mill St., Phone 105 W. RICHMOND HILL Peppeul, Tomatoes Celery

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