A glance at the vessel‘s crew then! would have conï¬rmed a landsman in; the belief that they were a gang of, pirates. Gone were the nice table manâ€"l ners of the shore; gone were the trim; clothes, collars and ties, shirts of linen‘ and natty shoes; and gene also were the niceties of speech. Men passed their remarks cursefully, and conver-i sation became painfully free and highly charged \vi~th.the red-blooded talk of the sea. The environment had. changed it all, and the kick of the surge underfoot had dissipated the shams and foibles of the land. At sea a man comes out in his true colors, and he speaks as he thinks, and Shorty} himself began to feel he had taken: his place as a man and no longer as a fourteen-year-old boy. ! When he came on deck again it was. to see Cape Ann astern and the Kas-} talia scudding along and curtseying, to the swell. The sun had risen clear. of the sea to the eastward, and the‘ day was sunshine and clouds with al fresh sou’-westerly breeze blowing} As soon as the ï¬rst table gang emerâ€"l ged the skipper sung out sharply, “Set; th’ light sails.†Spying his nephew,i he called him. “Kin ye steer, Frank?â€l “Sure thing," answered the boy. “I! kin steer Cap'en Daley’s packet.†{1 Uncle Jerry laughed. “Huh! Waal,,‘ ef ye kin steer that barge I cal’lateif ye kin steer anythin’. Take th’ wheeli at the after end of the fo’c’sle ladling‘ out mugs of coffee to those who called for the beverage; the tousled bunks littered with suit-oases, dittynbags, and vari-colored counterpanes and! blankets; the oilskins hanging; like, dead men upon the bulkheads; and lastly, the men themselves, ruddy- faced and loud of speech, clad in odds and ends, sea-booted and rough-l looking, all piling in to the food, while the Whole apartment creaked andl' swayed to the rising lift of the seal under ~the Kastalia’s forefoot. It was a strange seaâ€"picture. The dim-lit fo’c’sle ranged on either side with two tiers of bunks which ran be- hind the pawl-post up into the dark recess of the peak; the narrow table, piled with steaming pots of potatoes, boiled heef, cabbage, and beans, bread, doughnuts, and stewed cranberries; the saproned cook standing by his stove " ‘Frank Westhaveg' known as Shorty,†lives at Long Cove 0“ Bay Of FLndy coast with his mother Jud his uncle, Captain Jerry Clark.‘ H9 and his chum Lemuel Ring, drink ya bottle of rum, whereupon Franks uncle tells him the story of his fath‘ er’s fondness for drink and how we “Grace Westhaver†went down Off Sable Island with ten of her crew and he; Skipper. This has the desired _ef- fect upon Frank. The two bOYS 13110t an Italian vessel into Anchorville to the astonishment of Captain Spinney» harbormas‘ter. Frank ï¬nishes schOO1 wzth credit to himself and spends the summer as an apprentice to “Long Dick†Jennings. In August Clark takes him to Gloucester as Spare hand onthe Kastalia. Frank checks upfhe ship’s provisions accuunts and enJoys hls ï¬rst breakfast at sea. 5 V r ‘ * J mziwéï¬zggé SMPWWARE st-no'th-east' th’ Eastâ€"no’thâ€"east, CHAPTER FIVEâ€" (Cont'd.) Dishwashing is the day’s most dis- agreeable task. Pot washing is the dirtiest job of all. Save time and keep your temper by cooking with utensils that cannot absorb dirt or greaseâ€"pots and pans that wash eas- ily with soap and water and wipe sweet and clean like china. Make your housework easier by using How the BUVRIL FLAVORS STEWS AND HASHES BLUE WATER Story Started. BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE C Oil-1‘56!" “11‘!†[Copyright by the z«usson Book ComBany] A TALE OF THE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN Naomi Ware is a three- coated enameled steel. ab blue Ind white outside with a snowy white lining. Pearl Wire is a two-(Mud enameled steel, pearl grey and while inside and cut. s wit}; a! From the wheel the boy took in mowingjeverything with his eyes. Ahead, the ï¬g emebllong‘, black bowquit poked far out -p]y’ usetiover the waterâ€"the standing gaskets nephewygupon it streaming out in the windâ€"â€" Frank'gniand it seemed- to be describing a con- boy_ “1| tinual see-saw with sea and sky, while ket," 'from under the sharp forefoot came a h! waal, , ripping and tearing as the bows shear- [ caJ'lateled through the water.- Little Steam- h’ wheeLllike clouds of spray came whisking up, and the Windlass gear, anchors, repeated ‘ and foredeck dripped and gleamed wet The loom of the land faded from a streak of green, brown, and black into a silhouette of blue, and when they hauled the log at nine and found they had made twenty-two knots the vessel was alone on a sunlit circle of rol'ling blue sea. They were out on open water at last; the land had sunk beâ€" low the horizon, and Shorty, as he steered, sniffed at the salt-laden air and glanced at the stretch of sur- rounding ocean with gladsome eyes. The long roll of the Atlantic could be felt now, and the Kastalia would rise easily over a hill of blue water and discend the slope with a crash of spray and the slat and slam of sails and booms. Iieaving the log over the stern, the skipper watched it for a few minutes, and then with a sigh of contentment lit up his pipe and began pacing the weather quarter. The gang were lay- ing around in. sunny places overhaul- ing and rigging trawl gear, while some who had ï¬nished their work were lolling in their bunks below. After the sail is put on her there is very little work to be done on a ï¬sh- ing vessel except steer and keep a look-out. “This is a patent log. I’m a~goin’ t' put it over now. We take our de- parture from here~ï¬ve miles off Cape Ann and jeslt seven o’clock. Rem that, Frankf’ ember The skipper came up from below with a polished brass instrument. “See this, Frank,†he said. The other, intent on steering, nddded. “Thar’ now, son,†cried a man, ad- dressing Shorty. “We’ve hung out all her rags for ye. See ef ye kin tear th’ patch off’n her. Drive her, son, drive her!†The ï¬sherman’s staysail or main- topmastrstays-ail was sent aloft next and set to leeward, and then, having “dressed’ the vessel with all the “patch†of four lowers, two topsails, balloon, and srtaysail, the gang trooped aft. If ever a boy felt proud it was Shorty that morning. Standing at the wheel of the schooner he kept a vigi- lant eye on the compass and aloft at the gaffâ€"topsail which was set. There was a spanking breeze blowing, and when the gang piled on the “kites†the K‘asta'lia careened to the weight of the wind in them and buried her lee scuppers in a boiling of froth. Up went the great balloon ji'b, and the men swaying on the halliards were drenched in spray when she hefted the sail. “Hey yi! Sheet her down!†And six brine-drenched ï¬shermen laid their weight on the lee sheet and belayed it'Taut as a Wire backsbay. Shorty, and he grasped the spokes, while his uncle went forward for breakfast. 66 ERR .6: t} _ 7m ASMP ; UALITY 'Shorty turned in that night with all the sea noises acting as his lullaby, and the easy rise and swing of ..the vessel tearing over the dark-swathed sea cradled him into the forty-fathom slumber of blue water. When he awoke heft morning at four the wheelman pointed with a mittened hand to a light gleaming over the port bow. “Cape Sable!" he said, and Shorty stared once more at the land of his birth until the sun quenched the flare of the lantern and illuminated the ‘low-lying-sandy shore, fringed with the dark green of spruce, past which they were tearing. All day long they stood up the coast of Nova Scotia, dropping the land into a. blue streak towards nightfall; when another light gleamed, star-like, in the darkness off the bow. “That’s Ironbound,†said the skipper in reply to his nephew’s enquiry. “Th’ neg? The day passed quietly, and the. schooner sped along at a steady eleven-knot clip. Hourly the log was hauled and the reading mounted by eleven sea miles on every sight. It was good going, the breeze was steady, the barometer “set fair,†and the gang surmised that they’d be up with the “Cape†at daylight next morning. Even though the skipper had not told them, yet they all knew that the E.N.E. course would take them to Cape Sable, Nova Scotiaâ€" the point where most Eastern Bank- bound ï¬shermen make for on their journey to the “grounds.†Where the skipper was going to after that none knew, though in the fo’c’sle various surmises were made. Some said Hali- fax, others said Canso, and some ven- tured on ,the Magdalens or the Treaty Shore of Newfoundland, for the bait had yet to be procured ere they gould start ï¬shing. Everything aboard a ï¬sherman is drawn for at the beginning of the voy- age, and by this means there is no squabbling afterwards, as each will stand by what he draws for. The top of the cabin house is capped around its edge by planks, upon which the ‘men cut their bait, but there is not enough room for all the twenty men to cut bait and bait their trawls around these bait-boards, so some have to bait on the g'urry kidâ€"a huge box just forward of the cabin houseâ€"â€" and down in the hold. Thus the reason why the favored spots are drawn for. watc . The positions for the ï¬shing work were also portioned out, and the! men were detailed 01? into “splitting‘ gangs†consisting of a “throater,†“gutter,†and “splitter,†while the best and oldest salt ï¬shermen aboard were selected for the saltimg and “kenc‘u- ing†work in the hold. Shorty, as spare hand, was given no deï¬nite place, but.‘ he was competent enough to join a.“ splitting gang if necessary, although he did not understand the science of salting ï¬sh. He did not have a watch to stand; but he was supposed to give a hand to anyone who wanted him. )1 After this apportionment was sat- isfactorily carried out the skipper asked, “Who drawed Number One dory?†No men answered. “All right, boys. Set th’ watch at twelve noon. One hour. an’ _twe1ve minutes to in the sunshine. The vast stretches of canvas reared silently aloft, full with the wind and uietly doing their work with but a ("menimz‘ of mast work with hoops, the the clink ( of t their mom je x with but a cheepingN of mast Is. the grinding of boom jaws, and clink of sheet blocks fetching up nst shackles when the vessel bow- o a surge. Amidships sat a few he men overhauling trawls, and ‘ voice floated aft in a growling otone, while the rattle and clink wans sounded from the fo’c’sle :jected by snatches of song from with but a ciaeeping‘ of m the grinding of boom jaws, z nk of sheet blocks fetching ; shackles when the vessel bc 1 surge. Amidships sat a f men overhauling trawls. 2 are the skipper in reply enquiry. “Th’ next showin’ above th’ )ro Head at the en- x harbor. We’ll see ‘ht long as we travel .at is, ef it don’t shut sleei) with the watch whlle } Send one article orapércel of goods [b post or express. We will pay car. ge one way, and our charges arc most reasonable. ‘ 0U will be astonished at the re- i sults we get by our modern system of dyein and cleaning. Fabrics that are Shabgy, dirty or spotted are made like new. We can restore the I most delicate articles. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone†for a few cents, sufï¬cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toe. and the ca!- lnses. without soreness or irritation. Doegnv’t hurt a bit! Drop a. little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- ly that com stops hurting, then shortly you lift It right off with ï¬ngers. Truly! Little Horace was sent be his‘ room as punishment for taking forbidden cake from the sideboard. His moï¬her, thinking to make the punisihment more impressive went up to his room. and after all was forgiven, said: "‘Now, Horace. what did‘ I punish you for?†" Horace Looked at her in amazement, and his face wore a pained expression. “Well, mummie,†he replied, “I like that!' Here liave I kept in bed all the afternoon, and now you can‘t remem- ber what you did it for!" from out the gloom for’ard came the drone of a horn. The crowd were all up and mustered aftâ€"their oilskins gleaming in the wet of the mist. “All right,†cried the skipper, taking the Wheel. “Clew up yer tops’ls an’ tie them up. Down balloon an’ stavs’l!†Buy “Diamond Dyes†and follow the simple directions in every package. Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes even if you have never dyed be- fore Worn, faded dresses, skirts. waists, coats, s'weatems, stockings. draperies, hangings, everything, be come like new a: grin. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is Wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton; or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot. fade, or run. Minard’s Liniment Ifor Burns, etc. Dye Any Garment or Old Drapery in Diamond Dyes : x- The $185 Tractor (F.O.B. Toronto). Lift Off with Fingers (To Be continued.) CORNS SEW [HULTIPLIES Man Power by Too Bad. FIVE 11 up and mustered gleaming in the “All right,†cried the Wheel. “Clew e them up. Down VHEE ‘ractor (F.O.B. Toronto). Plant More Rows and Get Bigger Crops There’s no need to plant in wide rows when you cultivate with Sprywheel. Only7 inches wide, it weeds and cultivates the nar- rowest rows. You plant more rows and get bigger crops and proï¬ts. Agencies open in some ‘ Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. 62 COLBORNE ST" Japanese Shipbuilding. At present there are fourteen Japan- ese shipbuilding establishments cap- able of constructing ocean-going mer- chant vessels as compared with ï¬fty- three in 1918. Of these fourteen plants only nine are actually engaged in new building. The estimated output of Japanese yards for 1921 was forty ships of 190,000 gross tons. The maxi- mum o-utput was in 1919, when 136 ships of 621,513 tons were built. Canadian Company Canadian Capitd Canadian Workmen IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Imperial Eureka Harness Oil does more than simply coat the surface of the harness. It penetrates to every ï¬bre of the leather, making it soft, strong and pliable. Imperial Eureka Harness Oil doubles the life of harnessâ€"makes it water- proof â€" prevents cracking and breaking of stitches. On sale everywhere. TORONTO Imperial Mica Axle Grease keeps axles cool, reduces friction, lessens wear. The ground mica forms a hard, smooth surface base while the grease forms a friction- less coating on all wearing parts. Requires only half as much as ordinary grease and lasts twice as long. Sold everywhere in sizes from lâ€"lb. tins to barrels. men in S lities. Sold everywhere on our manâ€" ey back guarantee. ADVICE FREE. Tell us your trouble. PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Pratts Buttermilk Baby Chick Food a strong proï¬table bird. Successful poul- tzymen everywhere bank on No need to lose chicks. Raise every one into Toronto