Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 May 1922, p. 3

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This memorandum would then be submitted 00 the Governments of the powem and, if approved, a Russian committee of experts would meet, the powers’ commission of experts and negotiate up to October 26 in an efi'ont to reach an agreement on the issues of Russian crafitzs, debts and private property ewned by foreigners in Rus- sia. Should an agreement be reached, acceptance or rejection of its terms would be :put up to the Governments. All the powers here would pledge themselves to conclude no separate treaties with Russia up to October 26, not support: their nationals in any efl’ort to, obtain property or rights in Russia which were not theirs before the inauguration of ihe Soviet regime. It will, therefore, be proposed to the Political Commission to-mcrrow by Britain, France, Italy. Japan and Bel- gium that the Government represent- ed at Genoa. send delegates to The Hague next month to choose, by a panel, a commission of experts of the powers. For a petiod of ten days, that: is, up to June 26, these experts would try to draft a common memor- andum stating the attitude of the powers toward Russia. ! l Genoa, May 14.â€"Tryn:g' to burild something- wp on the ruins of the Genoa Conference, Premier Lloyd George tooday succeeded in having the convening powers agree to a proposal for another attempt to reach an agree- ment with the Russian Government, to be begun at The Hague on June 15. POWERS TO REASSEMBLE AT THE HAOOE - O TO CHOOSE COMMESSION At Lathom, just east of Bassano on the Canadian Pacific main line, on Wednesde there was an occasion when farmers from a radius of more than 80 miles met. and opportunity was taken by the writer of sizing up their opinion of crop prospects in that section of the province. Each one had practically the same story to Alberta Farmers Rejoicing Over Abundant Supply of Moisture. “Calgary, May 14.â€"Old-time farmâ€" ers of ‘Allberta have never been more sanguine of a good cmlp than they are this year. Generally speaking, these men, who in the majority of cases have gone “through the mill” from the pioneer stage, are not given to throwing needless words away as to prospects. The French have asked Premier Poincare for instructions. If he orders them home they will leave at once and expect at lea-st five delegations 170 go with them. If he orders the delega- tion to stay, they willl'remain as long as Mr. Lloyd George wishes the con- ference to continue. BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR CROPS IN WEST What turn the fonference will now take cannot be told at present. Mr. Lloyd George is desperately hoping to make something out of the conference, and would continue it for the discusâ€" sion of other than the Russian finan- cial and economic problems. The Italians agree. The French, on the other hand, see no use going on, and declare they do not wish to treat political questions with Russia if Rus- sia. refuses to shoulder her obligations. As for Mr. Lloyd George’s Wish to go on toward the compact of non-aggres- sivon, the French quote the British Premier as saying that the non- aggression compact depended abso- liutely on a Russian settlement. GENOA DEBATES EN!) EN FAHWRE SO FAR AS RUSSEA ES CANQERNEE) The Russian reply is not a flat “no,” but it is a “90 per cent. no.” The 10 per cent. “yes” consisted in a proposal that a commission of experts be named to review the Russian financial situa- tion, and in a nervy proposal that the Russian delegation should neverthe- less remain at Genoa tovd‘iscuss other fquestione of the agenda, including the compact of non-aggression. Not one of the conditions imposed by the pow- ers as the price of resuming commerâ€" cial relations with Russia was ac- ceptecL ‘ A despa-tch from Genoa sayszâ€"The! entire month’s work of the Genoa! Conference was wiped out on Thum- day when, after the powers had reâ€"_ fused the demand of the men from! Moscow for a billion-dollar loan, the: Russian delegates sent a reply to the; powers’ conditions which makes it? practically impossible to effect a finn ancia-l and economic settlement withl Russia at‘Genoa. éoviet Delegates’ Reply to Powers is Considered Unsatis- factoryâ€"Question of Prolonging the Conference is Now Being Argued by Britain, France and Italy. 3 This is the revivifying thought ' which has been worked out by Premier Lloyd George with the help of Foreign Minister Schanzer of Italy. It looks now as if the idea of a truce will go through and prevent what it was feared might be a com- l'plete failure. For the Genoa confer- ?ence is finished. It took some hours “before this essential fact ran through all] the delegation-s. Then Premier Lloyd George, with the necessary buoyancy, did what a member of the British delegation termed “making the corpse do a somersault.” What he did was to place a new hope before the conference that a deadlock which would only grow worse before that body could be solved imperceptibly in a Commission. The decision reached by ing powers has the incon meeting the opposition 0: sians, Whose acceptance, 0 necessary to make it work posal, not Having been 51 the Russians. they cannot it. but: M. Tchitcherin said view to-night that he did much of it. He made fibre: I t was also decided- by the convening powers to make an’ effort to get the United States to co-operate in The Hague plan, and a draft of the plan was handed to Ambassador Child to- night eind he was asked to communi- ca-te it to Washington, and ask what would be the attitude of the American Government toward the proposal. 11;. oul; m. L‘cmtcnerm sand m an inter view to-night that he did not thini much of it. He made three points: “In the first place,” he said, “w protest against these decisions rela tive to Russia. taken bv state-sums wit} place, i to be a ment 0 place, we down in L] cidiug tha Russia. sha] four or The action of the Governments upbn the avgpeerfient, if reached at The Hague, would determine w ether or not there would be another conference of the powers‘ statesmen. A despateh from London sayszâ€"The new Soviet postal and telegraph rate schedule has been announced as fol- lows: For a’ postal within the city, 20,000 ruib‘les; a letter in the city, 30,000; in Russia, 50,000; registered letters, 100,000, and telegrams 50,000 rubles a.word. ’ The French announce officially that they will agree with the British and the Italians in whatever they suggest. It was reported earlier that they inâ€" tended to object to the presence of the‘ Russian-s on the Commission‘s. yThis would have meant an immediate break, but during the day it was reported that the French had received a tele- gram from Paris taming Vice-Premier Lo-uis Barthou to finish on friendly terms with the British and the Italians. in lies the optimism of the farmers of that section of Alberta at this par- ticular juncture. It is not unreasoning optimism, but sheer confidence of a ‘big crop this year. The gbeat autstanliring fact is that there is more moisture in the sod-1 [than ha;5_'_be:enfkmown for years. And here- Soviet Telegraph and . and Postal Rate Schedule tell: that not since 1915 {had there been such abundant; moisture, that this was amplre to carry the crops well into June, and that with rain during that month Alberta would most assume-dli' come into its own again. This is a summary of the Russian reply: A later diespa’cch from Genoa says:â€"â€"A truce while Russia’s future and European frontiers are settled. A truce perhaps for six months while a Commission appointed by Genoa ex- aLmin-es cred-its, debts and private pro- perty in Russia. A truce which every body will Sign and which will be a foot inside the door of\ Russia and prevent its being closed aiéain. 1. Russia must have a. loan. 2. She is willing to negotiate for compensation of confiscated private property, although not recognizing the principle. 3. She refuses to stop internal propaganda, but will abandon it in other countries where it is against the Law. the amst these decisions rela- gssia taken by states-men lssian participation. That all alomg, the trouble with Conference. In the second resent five nations sitting and George's villa and de- t the sovereign State of [I not make any treaties for ve months. In the third re proposed commission is ~t of tribunall to pass judg- mssia, we wfll have Home r'opos-aL the con-ven- venience of f the Ru-sâ€" -f course, is . The pro- lemittecl to K use u we Winnipeg, May 14.â€"â€"Disaster over- took the colony of Hutterites 15 miles west of hem on Saturday night. when) the temporary dyke constructed by them 'to stem the encroaching flood‘ of the Assin-i‘boinve River went out dur- ing the hours of darkness, allowing the water to‘ cover about 1,000 acres of wheatâ€"sown hand immediately to the south, threatening thousands of! other acres of low-lying,r spots, and1 cutting off the colony from easy ac-, cess to other districts, ‘ Day after day and night after night? the colony ‘had fought the flood, orn'lyi to have their efforts go for naught. Should the river rise any more, only? i superhuman exertions will be able tol save the results of months of, toil from complete ruin. The flood' situation for mi-l'es along the south; side of the river is serious, but the consequences would have been more serious if a large quantity of water: had not made its eSC-ape to the prairiesI north of the river. l Philippine Government Wel- comes Heir to British Throne. When the Renown. w escorted into the harbor 1 Sbates destroyers, dropped a national salute of 21 guns and Govemmr-General Leon made an official call on t aboard the cruiser. Later 1 disanbarked, and was re; Vice-Goveimor Gil-more on the Philippine Government sands cheered the Prince :15 through thekcity. Brandon, Man., May 14.â€"The flood situation is improving here. The water has dropped from the high mark about a foot. Firslt street now passable, and Eighteenth street is almost cl-eal‘. PRINCE OF WALES ARRIVES AT MANILA Manfia- May l4.â€"â€"â€"The Pr said to be the first heir to the of a world power to visit the pines Thrifty Settlement Cut Off From Other Districts. HUTTERITE COLONY SUFFERS 1N FLOOD F LOODS ALONG THE ASSINIBOINE RIVER No loss of life has »as yet been‘ re-‘ ported, but many families in flhe Rea- 'burn and Irbervil‘le districts have been forced to vacate their homes. Mar- quette is sheltering about a dozen families from Reaburn. Hundreds of head of cattle, d'niven to the hill lands, may starve, as hay and feed have been swept away and there is little grass on the ridges. Families Obliged to Vacate Homesâ€"Hay Land Under ' Water. A diesvpatch from Winnipeg says:â€"â€"- The floods in the Poplar Point and Reaburn districts show no signs of abatinxg, and the general opinion among farmers who have famed for twenty years and more is that the peak of the flood will not 'be reached for some days. At any rate, they ‘be- ileve, not for fou-r days after a definite decline is found at Brandon. as it takes the flood waters 96 hours to travel that distance. No estimate of the damage to seed- ed lands is available, nor is any esti- mate of the am‘eage affected. A large portion of the flooded land is used ex- tensively for haying and Wi‘lll benefit from the soaking. One report gives the flooded area as twenty square miles at Reaburn. ' The flood still has not reached the high water-mark svet either in 1902 or 1882.- It was more than a foot higher then. Lanld marks are still visible which were completely under at the time of the former floods. Several farmers expressed the opinion that the river still had “a foot to go” before the peak. For six miles south of the Canadian Pacific Railway main line east of Rea- burn a huge lake stretches south for four miles to the Assinirboine Riv-er on the south. On the north side the water is rapidly covering the land as it finds. an outlet through culverts. )or by United oed anchor, the gun-s was fired Leonahd Wood on the Pr-ince er the W'hlc behalf of *hou - “'3 S :ARMENEANS AND fiREEKS 0F PGNTEJS i SUFFERING FROM TURKEH CRUELTIES New laid, Beans - bushel, $4 Maple sacks, 98’s, $7.10 pel' ban-e1; 2m pat- ents (bakers., $7.20. Straightstin bulk, seaboard, $6.55. Manitoba flourâ€"lst patents, in cot- ton sacks, $8.70 per barrel; 2nd pat- ents, $8.20. Cheeseâ€"Now, large, 17 to 1755c; twins, 17% to 18c; triplets, 18% to 19c. 01d, large, 21c; twin 2155c to 22c. Sti'lto’ns, new, 20c. xtna. old, Image, 26 to 27c. Old Stiltoms-, 24c. Butterâ€"Fresh dairy, choice, 24 to 23c; ureamery, prints, fresh finest, 39 to 40c; No. 1, 38 tda39c; No. 2. 36 to 37c; cookl'ng, 20 to 23¢. Dressed poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 65c; chickens, 30 to 35¢; roosters, 20 to 25c: fowl, 24 to 30¢: duck-s, 35c; tur- Ofitén'io wheatâ€"No. 1 commercial, $1.50, outside. Ontario No. 3 cats. 40 to 450. out- Strawâ€"Car Lots, per ton, track Tor- onto, $12 to $13. side Back of this proposal is the fear that Russia is going to make separate agreements once Genoa is off the boards. In effect thiS'mean-s that the United States has entered! the conference just as the failure to find a gen-eml solution of the Russian problem here seems inevitable. The Russians are not convinced of Premier Lloyd George‘s true position. A despatch from Genoa shyszâ€"The United States is injecting itself into the Russian muddle at the conference. The move is veiled in official secrecy but the correspondent is in a position to state that Premier Lloyd George has .received from influential Amer- icans a proposal that/an American be put on- a commission to go to Russia to superintend the giving of credits, capital and concessions. A despatoh from Constantinople slayszâ€"News of the ill usage of Am- ericans in the neighborhood of Pontus, Asia Minor has reached the United States Commissioner here. A member of the Near East Relief Committee- working in the neighborhood of Pon- tws, reports that during the atrocities against Chmistian residents, several Americans suffered at the hands of the Turks. Especially roughly treated was a Dr. Owen of Washington, Di- nector of Relief at Chanpont; Dr. Markward, of New York; Dr. Ruth, of Boston, and Miss Charley, Manager of the Orphanage at Chanpont. After roughly using the Americans, the Turks expelled them from Charpont. The report confirms the news that U.S. SEEKS TO ENTER GENOA CONFERENCE Americans Ask for a Member on Russian Commission. eys, 45 Live 1') casters, Ontario Ontario cks. 98’: B: THE REAL HANDCUFF KING t050c New laid‘, candied, 31 to 32c; in cartons, 360. â€"- Canadian, hand«picked, .25; primes, $3.75 to $3.90. productsâ€"Syrup. per Im- cornâ€"53 to 60¢, outside. flourâ€"~lst patents, in cotton L, $7.70 per barrel; 2nd pat- ers., $7.20. Straightshin large, 17 to 17%c; 18c; triplets, 181/2 to , 21c; twins2 2155c b0 greesé, 25 Spring ch 20c: fowl. Weekly Market Report ~33. '7 E 30 ens 'W’ Smoked vmeatsâ€"Hams, medium, 33 to 36c; cooked ham, 45 to 480; smoked ire-111's, 23 to 26c; cottage rolrhs, 30c; breakfast bacon, 25 to 30c; special brand breakfast bacon, 86c; backs, boneless, 40c. or Its f Cured meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, $17.50 to $18.50; clear bellies, $16.50 to $19.50; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $46.00; heavyweight roll-s, $39.00. Oats, Canadian Western, No. 2, 66 to 661;“; (10., No.3, 62 to 62160. Flour, Man. Spring wheat patents, 191;. $8.50. Rolled oats, bag 90 Ibs, $3. Bran, $32.50. Shorts, $33. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots. $29 120 $30. Cheese, finest Easterms, 13%. to 13%(2. Butter, choicest creamen'y} 34%c. Egg-s, weaved, 84c. Potatoes, pexj bag, 03; lots, 75 to 80¢. 7 Calvin, $5 to 36.75; common drink‘ ers, $4.50 to $4; hog-a, $14.50 11) $14.75: selects, $14.30. choice, $7.50 to $8.50; (10., good, $6 to $7; da, common, $4 to $5; hogs, fed and watered, $13.50; (10., f.o.b., $12.75; 130.. country points, $12.50. MONTREAL. $7; ($0., medium, $4 to $5; camera and cutters, $1 to $2; butcher bulls,‘good-, $5 to $6; do., commOn, $3 to $4; feed- ers, good, $6 to $6.75; do., fair, $5.50 to $6; stockers, good, $5.50 $6.25; (‘10., fair, $5 'to $5.50; milkers, $40 to $80; sprinlgens, $50 to $90; calves, choice, $10 to $11; (10., medium, $6 be $7.25; do., comgnon, $4 to $5; lambs, choice, $14 to sprin Lardâ€"Prime, tierces, 16c‘ tubs, 165M; pails, 17c; prints, 18¢. ghm-ten- in‘g, tlemces, 14% to 15¢; twbs, 15 to 15%c; pails, 15% to 16¢; prints, 17% to 18¢. Choice heavy steers, $8.90 to $9; butcher steers, choice, $8 to $8.50; (10., good, 37.25150 $7.75;~d»o., medium, $6.50 to $7; (10., common, $6 to $6.50; butch- er heifers, choice, $7.75 to $8.25; d‘o., medium, $7 to $7.50; do” common, $6 to $6.50; butcher cows, choice, $6 to They held a conference about this 9.1 , Rappallo on Friday night. AM this is but an indication of tho con-fusion {which can be seen through the half- open door which the Russians have left in their memorandum. The United i States’ proposal contains four clausesI [the most significant of which is the agreement among ~the powers hem that no separate treaties with Russia will be signed. 1 A despatch from Newport News. Va., saysâ€"A little black steamer, Blakeley, pulled in her lines at mund- ci-pad pier here and headed for the sea on the first leg of her run to the British Isles where, off Kinlsal-e Head, she will attempt to recover gold, sil~ ver and jewels which went down with the illâ€"fated Lusitania seven years ago. At Philadelphia she will talc. on equiivpmeimt:I including what is said to be a special deep sea diving suit for use 40 fath-oms below the surface. Will Attempt to Recover Lusitania Valuables the Turks havered‘uved the Armenions and Greeks of Pontus to slavery, many being deported and dying by the way. The Greeks state that 2,000 Greeks and Armenians have died at Charpont alone and that 3-000 are perish-mg while being. deported by the Tanks, their bodies lying unburied at the roadside. The Turks kill the men and seize the women and girls. Others are being cast into prison, so that the Turks may make money by extorting a ransom from the parents. The Turk-s have o-penly declared their intention of exterminatinug the Christians 01 Asia Minor; the Greeks also state that the American buildings have been seized and that their hospital at Chra- punt has been closed, but it is impos- sible to confirm this information. â€"Brown In the Chicago Dally News 315- (10., coininon, $6 to 37; 11am s,A $10 to $14.50; sheep

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