-Here’s Hm Paint DAVID HILL & (10., - Dealers - .Richmond Hill f I Do you throw away an overcoatjust because the Weath- er is wa'rni for a few days or do you keep it for a cold spell P Tlien why throw away a good opportunity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. '- ' Accident and sickness insurance 'is 'a grand protection lorï¬'ou and family. ' Square yard. 2-Yard wide Floor on Cloth, 60c. Square yard. , Sherwin-Williams Paints and Var- nishes at Popuï¬arly Reduced Prices. 4-Yard wide Linoleum, $1.00 per Any one in need nf n 12 imh ruler, ' can cull ut Fnrmer Bras. Fmflm'y.’ Seasonabie Goods The new Mennonites are lml-izng re- vivnl services here at px-¢-scxn.(:und|1ct. ed by Bro. Moore. of Englewoud, Oblu, which are largely attundml. The mlschievum buys have not nll left (:‘rnrmley yal. Four of LhPIn [(mk Bro. Woodwarda (‘ur nut. cf “'m. Fllnch's garage, on Sunday Morning, May 7th. and wok it run tn 'l‘umm... where they goruut of um. and left the car. They have all relurm-d again. and gave themoelves up. \Vu hsn’P not heard yet, wlmt their svntunuu will be. The Master-Four Chassism-Standa/rd McLaughlinnBuick _All Through 510 BAILEY’S Mennonites are holding re M cLa u 911 l in. ca rs GORMLEY 22-44 2245 22-46 22-47 22-48 22~49 Compare the “Master Four†chassis part by part with any other four cylinder car. McLaughlin-Buick cars for fourteen years have been built for dependabilityâ€"and the “Master Four" emâ€" bodies standard units which have proved themselves through years of service. From tire carrier to radiator, the “Master Four†chassis is of the same powerful construction as the “Master Sixâ€. 1 Agent Richmond Hill (i. SAVAGE Special Roadster L Special Touring . Coupe ..................... Sedan .................. 4 Pass. Coupe ...... Special 7 Pass. Touring 7 Pass. Sedan Master Sixes are BUILTâ€"not merely assembled in Canada R where they are" making them by the I thousand. ' I Levi Hmwur, who is again proï¬â€" trated with u. weak hen-t, leught. hp wu leaving us on Sunday afternoon, but h’é rallied uuuiu. ‘ .,A'I‘L'RDAY. MAY 27~Auclitm snlemf fnrm stuck. implenwnls etc..lnt,27 and 28, (run. I, Mmkhnm. Thnrnhil', the p‘rnpertv (If I). L. McU-nthy. Sale at l u'clor-k. 'l'wrms fur clmtlvls 5 months. Tmnm fur fut-m 10 pu- Ient on day of sule: hnl mreurulnged. VMIss Pearl Phillips. xvf Stanford. Ont“, has come to visit on her grnnd- mother. Mrs. H. R. “vise. who is u rheumatic invalid. 1. H. & KIG $2345.00 $3445.00 .3 1965 .00 .8 I 995.00 .8 2695.00 33095 .00 52945.00 MAPLE l’ranicv, Ancts All Prices F.O.B. Oshawa, Ont. Sales Tax Extra 3-34 3-35 22â€"36 22-37 Special Roadster Special Touring Coupe Master Fours md ii] the (Wrning will of his lifr. viL Sunday morning. Mr. Chow, Curt-an Student, ut' Knnx College, \vilrl pmuch in St. Andrew’s clmlch, furnisï¬ed 'l‘hm'nhil] The members ( f the Maple Agricul- t111nlcln.=ses and A number of invited friendï¬ held a very plensant enlm tuin- me!“ in the Memorial Hall ntv Vellm-P, lwi; Fliduy evening. The Thistletown (-IM 5 was also present. A debn'm, "lhanlved {hat Science is doing mnru for the funnier than Co-Opmulion.†was the chief fe :ture of lhv plogram. All thv puinls were well taken, wi h NI r. Ross Anderson and Mr. Paul Snider fur lhu Hflirnmtiw', and Mr. Eunl jun-kson uml Mr. Gen. JlleSl-n fvl' the nPguLive. After dle consid em- tlion lhc- result, was given in fuvuul‘ of Lhe' nl‘ï¬rmlli'e. AfH-r lunch was svrved Ihe n-uninder of the evening was spunt in dancing with music furnished hv McDonald's Orchestra, today. " , And t‘lhut's \vlmt \ve'get and deserve in the mmd. '5 . Alound tho ('nx-nl'râ€"1 vaniahed friend. â€"CHART.ES HANSON Tmqu. The opening of Mr. C. Robeson's new lce-cremn pnrlourtouk place last Saturday evening, when a large num- ber of visitors were sorved with ice- croam and "(her refreshments. Thnse in attendance were kvpt quite busy supplying the demands (if the cunt?- mels. The new parlour presents a very clean and lie-it, nppearuncv, nnd Lhasa calling fur I‘PfI‘PShHlentS wjll ï¬nd Mr. and Mrs. Rolwaun prompt and courlious in attending to their wantei Around the corner. Yet miles "Here’s :1 telegram, si1-"â€"“Ji Aiid the distance helwek’n us and grmvx. - "Tomorrow, " I say, Just to Show I’m But tnmm‘row cnmt And he \VV “‘9 mi (mud [1w conner I have n frivnll [hie ngat ciiy that has no mud; ‘1 days gu lay and weeks rush on, in 111 31340.00 .3 I3 75 .00 31895.00 51995.00 [H th plnvin h lrying t Around the Corner .ng I you» know it. at year has gthw i-r saw my old friend's fact - :1 swift and terrible met Ilikv him just as well days when I rung his hell 1;: mine. oungvr then: m um lmsv. [inn] menâ€" , . “I'll Gallon Iim," thinking of him. sâ€"zmd Lommrow Ike tell lish HilUl the story es away. Jim died menâ€" mum grows Richmond Hill Phone 13r2 who will gladly furnish necessary information, and advice regarding your requirements. Out side the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario WHO SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. C’s., SINKS Laundry T U88 and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Ask for our Septic Tank Circular and get in touch with our local representative “REMEMBER The lJames Robertson Cot, Ltd VIOLET ACNE“ BOTI‘UMLEY of [he said City of Toronto. on H)? grounds «f adult.er HM (1959: lion. DATED at ’J‘vrnuto. Lhi»~ 2llh (lay of anch A. I). 1922. THOMAS HENRY BOTTOM LEY. by his Solicitor. A. J. Sheath. Hamilton Tlust. Build- ing. 57 Queen Street, \Vust. 47-8 Toronto. Ontmio, Canada. vThat’s why we handle this lineâ€" because it is strong- er and lasts longer k - than light weight fences that cost just as much. FULL GAUGE No. 9 WIRE through out‘ “CANADIAN†fence made by THECANADIAN STEEL 81 ,‘NIRE‘ COMPANY. LTD., the City of Toronto. in lhv County of York. in tha Pruvinco of ()nln‘riu. Printer, will zlpply ln thv Punliunvnt of Canada at, the next sessiun thereof for a bill of Divan-e hum his wife. NOTICE is hereby given that THOMAS HENRY BU I‘TUMLEY. of Ax“. an‘nulnl‘ QLLDL 0!. "(47%", WIRE COMPANY. LTD, Hamilton, gives honest value for every dollar. Notice of Application for Divorce closed. cab - Ton Truck, stak closed cab - Tractor - -= - Mfwdg Abseï¬ute Touring, Without starter, $586.00 Touring, with self starter, $673.00 Runabout, without starter, $546.00 Runabout, with seifâ€"starter, $632.00 Coupe, With starter â€" - - $903.00 Sedan, with starter - - - $995.00 Ton Truck, express body Latest Prices= Ford Cars The above prices inclu license and Gave! guaranteed, :11 will madly ‘ PLUMBING A. E.. GLASS, Come in and examine it when you are in town WHEN READY TO CONSIDER Ambrose L. Phipps YOU’LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE I HANDLE the Toronto Hip Roof Silo because I want to give my customers th<_a_biggest value. You can’t have good en- silage unless you have a good silo. And Toronto Silos are good silos. Made of woodâ€"the best nonâ€"conductor of heat and cold. Stur- din built from double J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill With a crnment sales and should any ' replace the s: 535853 ed “iLh gasoline and [DRONTD' Silo esmgn, Richmend Héii bOde NOTICE i“ hmH-yg Murmy Johnsmm' n round“. "I [In- (I‘m in‘ [he Plovince of ;.\i(‘inll, will up. I Pnl'linllll‘nt (-f (Hum I Session lhoreof, for n ‘ from 'his wife Mulml . I 1 ¢ DATED at, the City HrTHl't ntn, in ‘lhe County of Yonk, this 15 h day (If Fobrumy, 1022. said City un tlv- w Notice of Application for Divorce I can show you where 3 Tot- onto SiIo will mean more pro- ductive cattle. bigger proï¬ts. 3 more valuable farmâ€"dollars in your pocket. Let's talk it over. tongued and grooved staves of selected spruce impreg- nated with creosote, they give adequate protection against air and frost. Their special Hip Roof provides more space for ï¬lling. All cars are fully II'L be defective we 3 free of charge. 35 49 of Tumult“, mmds Hf All jumés Munrw Johnston, by hie solicitm (amiath & WALSH $787.00 $445.00 $777.00 Hurtv HI Y' lk. Ontnrfu, Phy- ly In Ilw (i . ~-v tho next. 1 Bill I-f Divnrco, Johnston. hflht.‘ .‘lulli1’d\VUIuI|ll. freight n that the L ily