First Book-â€".\’vllin Hanlmond. (h.l Iris \Vuudhend. (11.1 Olive \Yilson, (11.) Nurnmn Hammond, UL) Jinn Terry, 0).) Jam “mden, (11.) Aileen Grant, Gladys Hoe, Mmi-Il Uleu-ke. Gilbert Forest, John \anlis. Melville Burns. Albert Mortsnn, George \Vhite, Noreen Terry. 'I.illi:m Buyd, Hugh Carter, Q The Womon's Institute at their mmqu HM‘PNI)g an XVHdnesdny evening of Lust, week, electpd the fullnwing Mficmw fur Nico ensuing ywu :â€" l’resideuLâ€"Miss Mnyle 15!: View-PresiJenuâ€"Adrs. H. Endwan 2nd Vite-Pnesidont~Mls. McUumze f‘e'v-Tr81.â€"Miss McLean Programme ()mnmituu.~\lrs~ Mcâ€" Mnhuu, Mu. Phipps, Mm. Kcrswell, Mzs. \ansou. Q3assass3a&sasass$5§@ssasé Din-cmMâ€"Mrs. “’11:. Cook Dr Lillian Inngstuf’f. Refreshnwnt (Inmmi! teeâ€"Mrs. Rumor Mrs. H. Innos, Mrs. Cnmisky. Autlilursâ€"Mns. \V. A. \Vright, Mr.Q I). Hlll. '. ï¬ï¬ï¬‚flSSSfPQSSGï¬S: Dea‘ Sinâ€"Gen. Gm: and daughter. Sadit', wish In express, thmugh yuur paper, thvir sinuew :Ippreviuiun of thy many Illunghlful kimlstses done, and the many beautiful Hum] tzihutz-s sent Lu_.\h.«. Lice dming he»- long and trying illness“ This tynuch nf sym- pathy has done much (0 Suften the Now, which has fallen upun the hus- band and dunghh r. Tn [he EdiLm' nf l‘hel Mr. and Mrs. Willi 1m R. (7.1] Oak Ridgvs. ()nlnliu. :Innoun I'llflilgwlln'ntwuf their daughtm stance Isabel [a Mr. Lester R]. shaw. “My sun of )1 r. and Mrs. Munshnv, lvf Neulmuker, (l the mun-mgr tn Luke plch May. Richmond Hill Public School Au :nuewluwn Am. gin-s nmnim holding sleclinns in Dem-mhw if I this L-hcngw- I‘m,- hv-Mw and Ipliug (he filst. of Nun-l A number hf cnuh and standing mlm. crmvdcd out this walk. l’chE‘e I‘Xl'llsi'. Save mum-y by lmyiug yuur Bread uml Push y Flum- «L Hw ElvvaLOr A pe-L'Ilinn with 2M) signatures in fmm- n! dm 1 gm H--V.Ilg was hruul- d thu (Ymnm'il Monday rvr'niug, but, ncl'u-n was (Il'fcl‘l't’d us .1 culllntflx' vaili m i‘ in circulation. at 24th of May show a good -pmxmunne. (Rune and meet your uh! fuiends, und ruuain fur {hrf cunuurt in [he eveuil‘d. A pvt'lliun with fnun' nf dll\ l g‘hL .It (ht. (Mum-it Monti The Prize Lists for the 2m: of May show a 1:004 Nu mun is strt-nqrr Ihun his at».an h. 1‘Anhlc will make your strumuh. It is sold at Sluan'd Drug Stow. Pianistâ€"Mrs. Myths. sh The safvst and snrvct “my buck tn lwahh, ï¬lm-qul; nl‘d huppim-eu is by the 'l‘nnluc mutv. 1L1"; gold at Slonu'u Dzug Sturv. [\RRULL“ Q-n-hvc. 311'. “In llzuughlu Il'lll Ill Now that Easter is past, we are offering duction on all Millinery in stock. A new shipment of Ladics‘ Vests, Bloomers and (‘meina- tions in Balbriggan and Knitted Underwear, absolutely guar» anceed, both in price and quality. We carry full lines 'ot‘ House Children‘s Dresses, )Iiddies,and Romper spect these liuas. ‘ Mrs. Norman Batty, Richmond Hill Trench Block ‘ ' th wund huud rhuin for s Telephnne Olï¬ce Report of Room 1V Names in order of merit The Women's Institute 1);; AL Millinery Dry Goods Ladies Wear c, ml the uni Ml;- “'hilu, u \vcH-klmwn Kuntucky said ht- cnnld beat his hands g1mm:Lftt-rlaki‘ngTauhc. It ‘L Shmx’s Drug scum. Communication nluwnr, tn the Municipal nuniL-Jpalitls-s the- myth“) of 5mian un the first Monday ‘31- it’ so dam-.1. Towiwa ' the mum-i1 must puma pling this pumisinn before Nun-tuber. 99955995993395@g QUALITY SHOPPE BIRTHS of Mount Ruyeal, Inf .\l;I_\'. 1932,10 [any Giuroll. u Shm tir nn the ()ulul'ifl, July in upc Apply Munâ€" of llm The Durant Assist., Miss M. I: AHSi H. Huppul Nwhrnla‘ Mzs. \\'. lhnuh Stmlvy Bnyut Mt-Cimnv: Cluï¬i m ASFHWM? 3 H0 quking_â€"Nq_Snrayjnuâ€"fla San! Just'Swalloï¬ a’CahsuEe RAZ-MAH [s Guaranteec to restore normal breathing stop mncu gatherings in the bronchial tubes, giw long nights of quiet sleep; coniains m habit-forming drug, $1.00 at your drug gist’s. Triaf free at ouragencics or wrib Tunpletons, 162 King \V., Tomutc I. m. L.‘ Ul‘gdniz-ul N0. 3. ()1 g M Missh'n anpq-r; Ruasyl l MI'.‘R. F. Bnynmn. A~‘ inlenrltâ€"‘nls, Mussâ€, L. E. Sandw'son; Penis; Swelrluril's. H. 1). ML- IUCUHg'H'; Rns<r1 Uuynt Mr. \Vihnul, Brunnw-ll, Messrs. Slhnlvy Bnynh) per: Horgnnn thirm Roz-ding. Mr. LL. Niclv Miss E Morlwn: Mis Lenders Hf Singing. l‘l'snll. L) g Ai-‘Sis nut Or Miss \V. N .\1i 9 Mar i s. Miss M cl 'I‘} 9 Victoria Sqmrt- Sunday School Anniwrsmy nilt"he hm’d julw. 17Lh nndtlsth. See hills laiez‘. The nnmmi menling of the Vii‘lorin Squure Sunday School Was he“ Mny‘ 2nd. forlhc purpnm of receiving the report; ft»! the yoarmu'ing, April 3!), 1922,1md1'or the ('lâ€"‘L‘Liun of nï¬icers nml teuchels fur the cumng yom‘. The nweting 0pmle w‘iLh jRm". Mr. Mchiil in the chIiil. The 113110115 l'n-m the unions dqmrtnwuts (-f the Schuu] were rmd uan «(Inna-d. They sham-HI lhuL We have had a very suc- krssfnl ywu. The nve‘rnga mlvndnnm- fur ï¬fty three Sundays \rns H3. Ewing: uhuutï¬ye highs-r umn nny prm‘ians rwrmd. "I'lu‘trensurvr's report shnwvd [hut the .Lnlu'ol umnllnb ruined during the par 3w†$75000. ' Tlie um 01's and year are "-15 follows Audrey Gmingpr. Peter Forest Margery SunderSnn, Ethel Cnveyduck Nmman Sm-kï¬uld, AHK'It Bales. mum Durraut. Victm- Mull‘is, “Mlqu Merrick. (uhsPnl ). BE EN KERTAlNED B'Y mm Pnimur~l nnie Finch. lb.) llunlley Hunter. (h. Evelyn \Vade, Alice. \Villnughby, Lye Slurppaxd, Freddie Krndnll, Mary Newpmt. Mary \Villuughhy, Dick Alums. Buhhie Dnvis. Flu-ewe Mchlcheon. Billy Rllmhle, Gladys Helulkny. Phyllls \Vhlle. Margumite Mnnlry, Jenn Middleton, Mmgzut-t Lawrence, Nun-n BItLy Marguerite Glass. Bray lnncs. Blnnnh I)Pwshury. Mary Gilliunu. jack Shephn‘d. “’9 Hll‘ [wad quuh‘rs fm- Radiuâ€" phonoé and Supplies. HPI‘CiYng 514.9 {mm $30 up. And we are How in u pmilinn tn supply you with Radio p-Irrt‘. I W. G. BALDOUK, Ltd n‘fsm See Our Exhibit of Tourings and Closed Models in Fours and Sixes at THE FAIR “Just a Real Good Car†1g ue lass MI . BALDOCK LTD. VICTORIA SQUARE Mi Ind Mi *. R. h umwc Distributors Ir Ni Mr. H i) 7.13, M. L. McCUNAGHY, teacher -I nnie Finch. (h.) llunlley (EL, Evelyn \Vade, Alice )y, Lm Slurppaxd, Freddie Mary Newpmt. Mary >y, Dick Alums. Bobbie LL. Nichols; Mr. sun: Miss M. Singing? Misa M 1p substantial rc )[l Brown ‘es, Aprons me and in- BALDOUK, Ltd Phone55 As~i>t., D T, Misa- M I. Ham Bnymu .MIS Mr. C‘ ‘33 M 115‘. H :nguv U‘H. ’1' pm‘iuu istnnt :‘ Ninh Liln R0“)? Ill Mrs Mi“: ‘MAI' Alisï¬ .rgu‘H . Sand BIO\\'II HI! [sun {tn-hols Supt.‘ ‘( retar Rand (H‘ H. F \sumn iH inns “on yls ï¬ï¬‚Milliner m 0. 3, CIA»; Ldm- ‘Q‘ ups} My “Iii 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Sheet Repairer All kinds of repairs to boots. Quality, Economy, Civility, Promptness NOTICE is: hereby gzvnn that Henry- Strachnn M ullowuey. nf lhv City of Toronto, in lhe County of Ymk. in the Prnvince 0f Ontario. Bill'l'islt’hAt-LHW. will apply to fl]? Parliament of Canada. at the nth seSaion Lherenf. fqr n Bill of Divolce from his‘ wife R050, Ellen Mullawney, of the suid City of anonto. on the Grnunds of Persistent vausnl 'L‘n Prnclwlle, Theft. and beset-lion. DATED ut the City hf ’l‘m‘nnto this Seventh dew of Fun uarv A, D. 1922. H. S. MULLLHVNEY. 2:53 Yong? Stmet, 34-47 Petitioner, Notice of Application for Divdrce Clla'EOIHCl'S Mrs. Wm. Davies meritin seasons, offering the best; quality iii a“ chsses ot“-n~nc a: the lqwasc posï¬ble price. ness and establishing ’hone Orders will Receive Prompt AttenLionâ€" . _' with wcll Dewitt; are goods half sold. By knowing where, how, and the light time to buy, we are enabled to make our disolav gléï¬nl‘dlnn m 21m ll I‘C connected w'ich Dry Goods and Millinery for a number of years, and are conversant with every phase of he busineSs, both buying and selling, Lhc buying end of which We consxder the most; important, it. being ack- no‘wledgcd by the nude, that goods we]! bought are goods han cum Are You Ofa given subject, trade or pro- f'essicn, efï¬ciency is obtained by ex- pcrience orstudy. We have bcéu connected w'ich Dry Goods and “The RoYfe Shoe Repair†FOR can 511 pry So‘uth of Shoe Factory All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. GEO. KIDD dune: y on YONG [*1 ST DRY GOODS MRS. WM. DAVIES RICHMOND HILL J v in 3. Winterton giving good service, cdmbincd 1d u Jnsistenc Watching Our Business GFow ? 3 E333 PHONE 110 W the J. )[zmsbI-id Eurvcyor you with All Kinds of none â€" AND Cd 3 Bakery and ex pa'nd mg our busi conï¬ lena 3’ Dw‘ors SouLh 1n e97 (7‘ .- ‘dlll :l 3101 2mm COUHCS V merchandise relationship ge's possible ihe v . 5 E. R. FORTNER E? Electrice Motors, Generators, Magâ€" news, Etc, Repaired. Phone 109 GQGWOM®M¢M®GOOOMW®OG®0M RICHMOND TIRE -& BATTEKY‘SERVHCE Call and see the $25.00 and upwaad navy blue suits, $28.00 and upward Scotch tweed suits. These are ' great value and made to your measure. Hand-made ‘tailor suits for women or men from $35.00 up. Skirts handzmade $10.00 and upward, All hand-made garments are made here on the pram; ises and pertect style, workmanship and _ fit is guaranteed. Gwe me a. calland save your money. CLEANING and PRESSING DONE Closed Wednesday at one orclock. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE Richmond Hill Branch. ,T. R. Harri: DUNCAN’S, Richmond Hill WEDDING GIFTS GUARANTEED to Last I Vulcanizingu C. N . COOPER COOPER’S HARDWARE § 200 women and men mmrâ€"a Ullt-Ofâ€"T‘ ully Invited St Your L Dlsl inx. cannot It: "my be “My mad Saucer, n V" up from one of nwre ()x-nntv PM Your Uhnicv, “'01 VE STA -\Vhite Culthvnu'm-t nhlew-u'e and GLlsst A11 Mak Our Stock Comprises Snfli tsle nnd Pocket-Book. China and Earth: Headquarters for S.M.P. and MCCIary 9, Graditeware IN CHINA AND EAR’I‘HENWARE . A. VANDERBURG OPEN a Savings Account in this Bank for each child the year it is born. Make small deposits regularly, and when college days come, the requi- site funds are ready, and the education will not be a drain on the family purse. {inn he- duplk Lacros akes Plumbing in ', u Vnsml he nf our tv Piece? c )P, we can . A fl'w l inplicntled A R E A L \VA YS .Vll TRENCï¬â€™s BLOCK B Aw "1“ 5'4: R ‘Y s R V 1 0.13 bramte, fy u plate of quuint dedé "an. or m I'lmps u teaâ€"Sr Our Beautiful “Psimh‘ 900' of Puttery fur the nLlsswan sse Sticks, {Watered and Inspecte‘d Free Repaired and Recharged. isimrs tnOur F 0k OVer ()m- St an assure you w nf “1950 pir PHONE 93 aware Unusuai in F311;: Dnne by the IIAYWO TIFIC PROCESS. anger than the Rest or’auâ€"vï¬m fm )Vt‘l THE ient Vun'vty I.“ Satisfy connecnon Tinware and Baseballs at one ordock. Ladies and Mens womer HTY-THREE MILLIONS . R. Herrington, Manager Tallor, Richmond Hill. '5 an w i h‘ ,euf, \Vhiu l'yâ€"U‘d)‘ {7M on Mu} - 6 W009 wamooomow Richmond Hill Mantel â€" huvu the hand- wr and Des lu-Ilmba sunâ€! 91â€"â€" whatever the (131mm nf 1 L11 ruil VESTA Piltzhm 0 “ways in )1) SQIEN Ml Repair )t' the Tim 1C made hill} Ind )UK‘ up