4-Yard Wide Linoleum, $1.00 per Square yard. 2-Yard Wide Floor Oil Cloth, 60c. Square yard. Sherwin-Williams Paints and Var- nishes at Popularly Reduced Prices. BAILEY’S - MAPLE Do you throw away an overcoatjust because the weath- er is warm for a few days or do you keep it for a cold spell ? Then why throw away a good opportunity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. Accident and sickness insurance (is a grand protection tor you and family. A. (i. S A V A G E Agent Richmond Hill Here’s the Point These, monstrous, powerful Buick war tanks plowing their way through swamp and forestâ€"over trench, em- bankment and shell holeâ€"battering their way through : every obstacleâ€"required above all things a clutch abso- lutely positive, dependable, and easy to operate. ‘ This is the clutch that is used in McLaughlin-Buick cars. It provides the same certainty and safety either for ordinary service or unforeseen emergency. This disc clutch is a development of twenty years 0!, consistent effort. Rome was not built in a dayâ€"neither “2 Is a perfected clutch. DAVID HILL 8: (10., - Dealers - Richmond Hill THE NFKV ROUTE WINNIPEG SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERT BRANDON CALGARY VANCOUVER REGINA EDMONTON V‘ICTORIA Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. daily. Standard Sleeping car Toronto to Winnipeg Via North Bay and Cochrane. Through Tourist Sleepin car [Toronto to \Vihnipcg on Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays an Sundays. Leave Toronto I035 pm. "The National" Mondays. \Vednesdays and Fridays via Sudbury and Port Arthur. Solid through train with Standard and Tourist Sleeping cars. Coaches. Colonist car and Dining Car Service. Connection at \Vinnipeg for all points West. The McLaughlin-Buick Disc Clutch is the Great War Tank Clutch full particulars, reservations, elc., from Local Agent or newest Agent'of the Canadian National- Grnrd Trunk Railways. AND ALL \VESTERN POXNTS CHOICE OF ROUTES Victoria Day in '1“ restlitir'g from ï¬re. of boys kept mn'm tun from noon L1] Expression: of thanks to Attorney General Haney for his efforts in en- forcing the Ontario Temperance Act were expressed in resolutions at ‘he annual meetings of Toronto Central District, Peterborough and other places. Up to date similar resolutions have not been passed by he Literty League. il [I] L1:(‘n:( TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1922 Notice of Application id? Divorce NOTICE is hereby given {hut J‘Imes Murray Johnston, 0f the City of I'm-(mm, in the County of Ymk, in the vaince of Ontario, Phy- sician, will upply tn the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce, from hi9 wife Mabel Johnston, (If the said City of Tux-Onto. Married Woman. on theI grounds of Adultery. DATED at the City nf’l‘m‘unlo, in the Uuunty ()t' Yolk, this léthduy of Feln‘uniy, 1922. James Mnr av Johnston, by hli solicitors, ,, A,-,_ . ....vn.- The next Sitting of Dh‘xsmn Unul't N0. 3, County of York will he held in ï¬ne Court Room. NOTICE is hereby given that. THOMAS HENRY BUT'I‘UMLEY. of the (lily of Ton-mo. in the County of York, in the vaince uf Onlurin. Printer", will apply to the l-‘nl'liument nf Canada at the next session thereof for a hill of Divorce from his wife, VIOLET AGNES BOT'I‘OMLEY of the said City of Tomi-tn. 0n the grounds of adulter nnd deseitinn. DATED at. Tl‘rnutu. [his ‘2th daly of March A. D. 1922. THOMAS HENRY BOTTOMLEY. by his Solicitor. _ A. J. Snenth. qunlllon Trust Build- ing. 57 Queen Street, \Vcst. 478 Toronto. Ontario, Canada. Notice of Application for Divorce .l n Division Court RICHMOND HILL _()N_ Unmmencmz at, 10.15 mm. ity purer Hated that on Pay in Tumnm twomy fires ; from fH‘e\\'(:I‘}LS in the bands kept dim-mm sections on “the m noon L1H midnight. Fire- ‘ and fireworks furnish cnt for boys, but they are us nevertheless‘ T. F. McMAIâ€"ION CLERK GILCH'RIST & WALSH a For thlicd n "I‘montu t“ fn'ewnrlxs in iï¬'clcnb secti . “H midnia {WHO SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. C’s., SINKS Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT I Ask for our Septic Tank Circular : and get in touch with our local representative 2 Richmond Hill Phone 13:2 who will gladly furnish necessary information and advice. regarding your requirements. Out side the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation R E M E M B E R The James Robertson Cot, Ltd. closed cab - - - Ton Truck, stake body, closed cab - - - - - Tractor - ' - - = = - Touring, Without starter, Touring, With self starter, Runabout, without starter, Runabout,with self-starter, Coupe, with starter â€" - - Sedan, with starter - - - Ton Truck, express body Latest Prices = Faré Cars RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Richmond Hill, Ont. You pump over a ton of water every day. Your wife carries over two thousand heavy ails of water every year. My Toronto WindmilY will do away with all that drudgery. It provides a. supply of running water for your kitchen. bath- room, or garden. It ives you water for your stock Without time lost or effort expendes. Toronto Windmill initial cost is ‘Iow. Its upkeepâ€"only an occasional oiling. ‘ Quiet, cheap, powerfulâ€"the time and labor saved will pay for itself 11 a single season, with continual comfort thrown in. Come in and talk it over, next time you’re in town. It will pay you. WE’ KNOW THESE ARE FACTS The above prices include ï¬lled with gasoline anal oil, freight, license and Government. sales tax. All cars are fully guaranteed, and should any part, be defective we will gladly replace the same free of charge. A. E. GLASS, Salesman, Richmcnd Hill . Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario WHEN READY TO CONSIDER Ambrose L. Phipps UMBING- at the turn of a tap WATER! It‘s such splendid value that we‘ll stake our reputation on it every time‘. All we ask is a chance to show you the wonfle'r- $586.00 $673.00 $546.00 $632.00 $903.00 $995.00 $777.00 $787.00 $445.00 207