Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jun 1922, p. 5

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Division Cnul't next of June. Iifih‘l‘CIT'ltlvfiiiilhiltbn span: the huliduj‘ ul thu home of Mr. Mylk-s. rpunding u. M13. Mylks In honnr of K {nu Genrge's birthday. boLh the Stundunl and the Sterling Bunk will he dost-d Suturdny. June 3. King Township Cnuncil will meet at Buttma's Holy], Sclwmhclg, on Salurdny, 11102th ufjune. cheeks and the npzukle your vyea by tuning 'I‘unl Sluun's Drug Stale. Buseh..]l Newmmlct Uill will pl”); allmng mond HiH I’urk Sut: At 3 o':lnck Sani.ud Mrs. C. \V. Manning and Music:- Russrll Manning of IHumHton Mlt‘ spendirgg _ u gulwlc 0E ‘ \\‘H"I(~l with ‘1 The 10 gm NP‘VIHHI‘KQ‘L is hiHeaJ Ln plnv \Villuw dale lmsetmll Lunm next \Vrdnvsdny 7 p. m. daylight saving time, ML Willow dale Pm k. Stop 3'3. Yonge St. “HIS Mr. Yaud-vn, l’xincipzll of the Public School, wus hume lhleu daysdmiug the pust \wek. sulfcring hum blond poisuuing in his hand. He “usulplr lo lesnmo wqu yesterday. You can nmke no mistake in fulluw- ing the udvive of nullitan whu have been rrslured lu ht‘Mllh and happiness by TAMI lL‘. IL is styld at bluuu'u U1 Hg Bture. The Ladies ALI of the Melhndist Ohurch dvsire lo thunk thirfxivndu for the spL-ndid pauunuge given them on May 24th. and rvporL procerdartu be $366.45. A Strawhvrry festival and Entertain- llleuL will he held on the Puruounge grounds of Zmu Lulherun Chmch, 4111 mm. Vaughan. on June Zhd. A lug time is anticipated. See pusLeIs lfltvl'. The recent showerl. followed by wm-Iu sunshine, h4vu induced a \voudvrful growth in firlds and gardens. The luwu umwer is much in uidunue these days. Miss Marguerite Ellis. accompanied by her aunt. Mrs. U. S. quuilwxa of Toronto. lefl. Moudny tn ntleud (lie gruduwtion 0t llOl‘ sister. Miss Kakhle. n Ellis in \Vhile Plains. New Ymk. Mr. Clarence Mylka and Mr. Mly'wy Tired, ovoxwurked. lun~down men and women find in Tduluc just what they need to rrguiu health nnd strength. It is sold at Sloan's Dmg Store. Miss Annie Hewitt nf Edmmftnn is ending n. few \vu-ks with her sister Thr: Richnmnd HiIl Lndiea' Bowling Club, met. at, the guest: Friday aft,”- noun. and x-enrgnnized fur the coming season. It. was decided to chm-ge- the same fee us last. year. At Oontrul Distlict meeting held at 'l‘hnrnhill last. Friday, Rev. A. McNexll was elrcled u mmnher of the Staliuniug Committee. Gen. (ice. \V. A. \Vriuln nnd T. F. McMahon wen- appointed delegates to the Methodist Context-nee. June is here. und Ynnge Street through the villuge, has not. yet. been given u coat. of oil. Naturally our sturekeepars complain about the clouds of dust. that flu in and settle on their geods. Could our Village Fathers nut hurry up the Highway Commission? Nukh um anlugv lehndist Church n9 anon [chad on the night of May 25. me fire started in u gurngv. Luss Contracts have been let on the Yonge Street Highway for turvin umcudsm from the city limits to the Mausuleum. and for: sheet. u_sphalt on [3: Thornhlll 25 feet wide. The cost will be around $36,000 per mile. All work will he done in such a way that when tlel street is shortly to be widened the trolley tracks wlll be in the centxe. 3599999995995993995519635 Q53 9 QUALITY SHOPPE g: 4‘ muf M rs. J E§999999999999 age almut. $3,000 Mrs. Norman Batty, Richmond Hill Trench Block P1101 Ladies Wear Millinery Dry Goods bring the (-ohru‘ Io We are showing this week a nice .line of Summer Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, House Dresses and Aprons, Silk Waists, Children's Dresses and Suits, Summer Hats. etc. We have also secured the agency for Crompton‘s and Warner‘s Celebrated L‘JI'SQLS. Brassieres and Ban- , deaux. We invite inspection. Our prices are low. and our motto is Quaiizy and Servxce. M. ENDEAN. Secretary. Tuesday the Uth 2L nnd Richmond m- G‘mwut, Rich- uulny, June 31d. Tiuw. umin )hu‘ Io your nf health 10 M. It sold at 311p]! a pusiliun in Ol‘illin. The annual picnic of the Epworth League will be held at. 150ml Lake b‘alulday of this week. Take the 3J5 car, new time. Everybody “1+ quue. Bring your ba-kem. Mrs. H. Hatvherof Cuba. (I'm Miss Jenn Boyle) and In 1' daughter Muxiou, hpnnt u haw lhis week uiih lwr s ater, 3113. J. Newton, and called on a nun: her ( 1d hicnds. Mr. Henry Mnylt- um] Mr. T. F. McMuhun Mtpndod n Dinner given Snunday evening by lhv‘ 'l‘nrunto Brunch nf (h National Px‘umeasive Party. The gut-at of [he menlug and plinupul speaker was J. '1‘. bhnw, M. P for \VEet Calgary.l\lv-.Arlhu1 Huwke was chairmun. and (ILhPl‘ speakers ware E. \Vulsnn. M. I’. P.: J. }. Morrison, Dr. Salem Bland. Hun. \V. E. Kant-y and ulhen. Indies night of Putlmsun Lodge was such a hum-ass that enunumgvd Ivy their oi'i'ui-ln, the Ins-nib?“ nf Victoria Crhnpu'l' Hf Rnynl Arch Mason): me making plans ful' unnLhI-r gum] lime in A fvw month“. ' Anoihm- Golf Ciub has started ilt'fl‘. the Uplnmh Golf Uluh have punchmed 300 acres frmn Mr. Pugs: ninng‘z side of the grounds of lice TIn-mhill Golf and cnuntry club. This will make n. clin- tinnnus park fur recreation pmpows of «150 amen. Nuture 11M dune much for this \illngv which is lwcmniug u heimtiful wsidentii and rrcrenlinn CPIItI P. Residpnts of Tun-(mm nrv {aw picking up the many heuuly spots [or futme homes. Delt‘gnles frnm here nrv nllvnding (he “'mnln's Missinnury meeting in Tor-unto: also the Vuughun Suhlmlh School Uuuvenliun at Edgh-y Methodist Chm vh. Building ls brisk, six new housing are living erected, five :ue living levnsivrly wnmdelvd um] [ln- new 550.000 Pulnllc Schuul is Well under wav. Struv hats for summer all styles and sizes, also boots and shoes in black 01' tan, silk and cashmere socks in black, tan, or blue. spring underwear, collars, ties, and shirts, a splendid variety to choose from, good colors at relsonabic orices. Work shirts, overalls, caps, huts and boots fur sale here also. FOR THE MEN A splendid line of slippers and oxforde to be had here in black and ban, some with the low heel and buckle strap, also white canvas shoes for summer, latest styles, and easy prices. A good line of shoes in white can- vas, snap slipper, and black patent leather for Sunday and dress wear, and sandals for every day. Also the summer jerseys for boys, bathing suits, running shoes and many other things. Come and see them for yourself. We are always at your service. Corner Yonge and Richmond Sts. ASTHMARA‘i-sfiu H0 Smokinoflq_Sany§!n~!o Sum '"IJ-I‘I'sâ€"t'Swâ€"iila'i a'Ca'psuie RAZ-MAH Is Guarantee: to restore normal breathing, stop mucn gatherings in the bronchial tubes, giv: long nights 6f quiet sleep; contains m habit-formin drug. $1.00 It your drug let's. Trial rec at our agencies or writ: mlaons, 142 King W., Torontt J. W. WELLMAN FOR THE CHILDREN SSflSS‘fESSSEPG (‘mn Smith left. (0-day tn take! 9 . ‘ iun in [he telephune uflice in g 1 Han-her of Culm. (funnel ly 1 Boyle) and [xx-r lillle Muxion, split :1 MW (lnys \ith ln-r s ater. Mu. J. Eulle LADIES THORNIHLi Phone53 numlwr Q“ "6.. weekly writings in this column early in March, many ladies who had not hitherto vieited our store, have made our acquaintance, and if figure: are any criterion our businms is rapidly increasing, the obvious rca'on are showin cizlte‘ ing that t. various classes of merchandise camisule more widely known here, reminisce inglv made in This line will criminating taste, being of the right depth. and suitable for day or even- ing weu‘r, 'a great point in its favour. This quotation is hlScd upon our usual margin of profit, and cleminatcs competition endeavour We are using more Lhan ordinary prudence in gauging the requireâ€" ments of acliemale \vbo:e confidence wcuow have. and which we shall terpriae and determination Mrs. Wm. Davies Having opened 9. Bakery and Con- fectionery on ' we DRY GOODS Since commencing our series of Phone Orders will Receive Prompt Attentionâ€" GEO. KIDD MRS. WM. DAVIES DO YOU KNOW US ? Now LII at. brighter “The Rolfe Shoe Repair” FOR All kinds of repairs to boots. Quality, Economy, Civility, Promptness Boot and Shoe Repairer can supply you with All Kinds of 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. E29319 Bakery YONGE ST., 3 Doors South of F. J. Mansbridge‘s, Purveyor South of Shoe Factory RICHMOND HILL replenished ou C. Winterton and have Lhi; wsck a special All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Fancy Bread, Buns Cakes and Pastry also Ice Cream & Candies in s to retain by business or:- silk crepe and Dresden, PHONE 110 W -â€"-ANDâ€"â€"- intrinsic value of Phone97 appeal to ladies SEDL m of (1-1in SUilllllel 11 n price ock accord (1.1V ‘oming appre of dis- the are MWOWWMOOO¢OW0000069600600: muncan’g Emma; EDUNCAN’S, Richmond H111; OOOWOWW“WMWWQW “WOW.” RICHMOND TIRE 8: BATTERY SERVICE Electrice Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Nianager WWWWMWW Links in a Chain ° ' D.)ne by the HAY VUlCaanlng“'rIm‘ mocms GUARANTEED to Last Longer than the . R. FORTNER Lad Tm]. We save you money and you A Greek once had an argumsnt with the use of Tea and Len sim'flm the Rom m fashioned enoth to prefer 0‘1 a: “'0 l] Duncan’s Englidl Breakfasc Mocha (‘ofi‘eo and the peopl OME AND SEE VESTA All Makes AS every Link in a Chain is an indispensable part and contributes to the strength of the whole, so every branch and sub-branch of this Bank is a vital unit, closely united with all the other branches, and is a link in a strong chain which en- circles the world and guards the financial safety of clients. Why go to the city to get your clothing. My prices are below city price'. Navy blue suits, $23.00, are selling well. Gray suit from $25.00, see them. Hand-made tailor suits, $38.00 up. Ladies suits. hand-made, $35.00 up. e wise and buy where you can save money; Will be pleased to have you call and see my suits. STAN DAR!) BAN K However. there are still people. who are B A1"? Hi] [RY S E: 1}" 1 C E VESTA {Watered and Inspected Free Repaired and Recharged. Well V01 c m m \k Hb OF CANADA Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN- THE get. Something different lll Ike you r.‘ 1hc Ladies and Gents Taller, Richmond Hill. ult‘. and 0m burnt pens Rest unun about eve he Ux'cc [VH4 an bet Daness, All Repairs of the Tire. 191

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