Vaughan Council MONDAY, JUNE, 5, 1922 FOR SALEâ€"A new 4 romued cottage nud lot 195 x 145, close to Yonga Street. in Richmond Hill, an ideul locatinn for noun. where you can raise pouhry and bus-c u. new gun-Jen. Only $150 cash rvquired. Mud SZSmouthy pays. Iuterrst «ml principal. 9_wuer_ BENsnx REALTY 00.. 132 Victoria St. Turuutu, Main OB SALEâ€"A list of 60 and 100 acre farms, with guud human. and bunk barns, all in Markham township, the vary best. 01' land; also A good all round country store: this is a good buy for sum. one, Apply WESLEY BUYNâ€" TON, Gurmley R. R. 2. or Phone Sloutfville 5104. 4962 OR SALEâ€"A (resh Inka cow; also a: general purpoae bay mare 8 years ula. ISAAC NIGH. lot 31, con. 3, Gouuley. ’ 49-50 -____ -v.‘ vv--AA~Lvu_v, F 7 buggy and bun-Bess. cutter. Pony 8 years old, Well broken. Good driver, whole outfit; for $125. A. MCNEILL. 49-50 OTIUE~anu mower. sharpened and repaired. All kinds of saw: tiled. Scissors and knives, mower and binder knives ground. Fumlture re- paired. A. ANDERSON, rear of “’nlter Vanderburg's shnp, Yonge St. 49-8 OR SALEâ€"Small table, wuhetund, bookcase, pictures, books. ornaments. cooking utensils and Rurdvn tools. MRS. ALLEN will be at her former home Saturday from 1 to 6 o'clock to sell the ahuve articles. 49 OR SALEâ€"Baby onrxlnga, round reed, large size. fancy trimmed. good. condition. twenty dollars. MRS. ARMSTRONG. Standard Bank Ap‘s. 49 UTO [AVERYâ€"J have opened an A num livery two doors nuth of ‘hl: Post Olï¬ce. Charges moderate. Patronage sulicited. R. BURNER. Phunu III-j. 49-52 4 0R SALEâ€"1 New Williams sew- ing nmcbine, in good condition. 1 [run bed. spniugs and mattress, 1 large antiqae stool, 1 round stand, 1 washstnnd enclused, 1 small racking chair, 4 kitchen chuil‘a. Apply 'I‘Hos, HOPPER, Cemre Street West, Rich- mond Hill. ~19 OTIOEâ€"E. Sliney 18 prep-um] to ,L do all kinds oi lrucklng and caning in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage Solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 M :OR SALEâ€"Barn 30 x 60, may be seen um 10: 29. rear con. 2, Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY Richmond Hill. 4041. \ ORK WANTEDâ€"An r-xpurienced ' \vmnan Would like to get house- work by the day. Usvd to electric washers, vacuum cleaners etc. Rafe-r~ ences if required. MRS. ROSE. Onk Avenuv. or Mas. HARDMA‘N. R. R. Richmond Hill. , 48-49 “OR SALEâ€"l Trkm‘h plalfnrm. spring \\ agnn, "curly n~‘-\v,1 MASSEY- Hm-ris, 7 n. binder. MCKENZIE 131409.. \ViHOW‘d‘llt’é. 44-tf. 1 AS I‘UHEâ€"(x‘nod pasture for stock, plenty ur lunning water. lot 23). H’ill‘ 2:“! mm. Vaughan. JHIIN SLINEY, Phlnw 3H Riuhm -nd Hill. 45-11“. LAURA \VOOLLEN MILLSâ€" \Vhy sell your won]. if you me in need of blankets; Int us manufacture yuul' uwn “Rm! inLn [hr Old fashinned lylunkels, the kind gnuldmulher used to make: Lhukind ynu have the plmnurc bf wearing nut. not Warn out at the mill. luveutigntc. Thcleq A real difference, and at .1 very sumll Cost, you can put, in n stuck whivh will last. for yr-aru. l‘hnun. \nite. m- luolur (wm' to the mill and get particulars frmn S. B. LEHMAN & SUN Unionville R. IL. Esmblished 43 years. 44â€"52 ‘08 SALEâ€"PONY OUTFITâ€"Pony‘ 1‘ linuxenf land on Muy Avenue. aner W. FIFE, (338 By-mdvicw Ava, ’l‘nronto. or see 1“. URBEN, Stop 48 Yuma-street. 4_ 51 e next. meeting nf Lhe Unnm Municipality nf Vaughan v held in the Town Hall Yellow. on 10R SALE OR RENT-I-Hoqw and RESH COWâ€"Fresh cow for sale. W. S'mBBs, Stop 46, Yunge St. SHAW ELIE! 't'i‘x‘ï¬eTV'SJSél-ï¬ ESVKZKHBEETH July and Ausuat. Send new for pro- opectun. P. McIntosh, Chic! Principal in the Canadian Typewriting cements has been A student of the Shaw Bulineal Schools. Isn't that convincing proof of the thorough leaching we give‘ Your boy or girl engaging busineupourae SIX TIMESâ€"- The Champion Want Aden at 3. M CLEAN. Clerk he Ununcil 0‘ lughun will I o'cloc 'BUSINESSSCHOOLS TORONTO )o‘ 1 0f th Nothing too gmutanthing to Order's left with Also Family physician (25 years exper- ience.) Yonge St. Thornhill. Oiï¬cs hours 9 to 11 u. m. 6 to 8 p. m. Get Your Painting Done Now A. 8. WHEELER E. R. SANDERSON Sportâ€"Uniforms have been ordered for the Juvenile Tenn) and will arrive before the inspection. At the In- spection the Cub Plntson will demon- strate Physical Drill. They \vlllalmugo into thair white regimental: fur this Drill. Will the mothers of the Cub Cadets kindly see that the white duck trousers are laundried specially for this event. Seniors and juveniles utter the Grnnd Mulch Pust will nluuhange into thelr B (sehull uniforms for Review be- fore the Inspocting Ofï¬cer. At the close of tho Inspection the 0. U. is arranging for u grund display of Fire Works. that the Undetl may have this Its a Night of Nights. Ml'. Hurry Stirling will ussistin (his work. The Orchestra which assisted at the Concert have also volunteered their «issuance for the Review, which will in assistance probability take place in front of the Public School, if the Bomd will permit the same. Dr. W. J.’ Wesley Oub plutuuu will drill at the Park each morning under the 0. 9. starting Mondny. the 5th of June at 6.30 o'clock on Fnduy the 9th of June. Full pm-ticulurs will follow next week. The parents of the Cadets will b. the Corps Glusts on this occasion. Tx~aining-â€"Inteuslve training will follgw~ for†lpq Azqnunl Inspection The Corps express grateful appreci- ation to a“ who so kindly and un- til-{ugly assisted In the Wul'k of the Ooncext on the 24m. Appointmentsâ€"0011;]. Tyndall is made Sergt. for Guard duly Well per- formed on the 24th. bogked for the 911170! June. The cheerful cuuutennnoe of genial John Clark was mined at the paucugcr gate letding to the Fair on the 24th nf May. A: that was the first time in Over 30 years that Mr. Clark was absent fxum his post, many old friends anxiously rnquired the cause. It was learned that, u shovt time ago Mr. Clark wnselruuk in the knee by n hasehull the result of boys playing in the street. Ln tukn plum: in the «we-Hinges. These wlll be delivered in the Howl Casino, and, will he illustrated by lantern allies. The Britiah West; Indies, the Maritime Provinces and the industrial development. of Canada are some uf the subjects on which experts will address the convention. The cmnentlun will continue over {our days. frmn June 20 [0 June 23. Business will be taken up uuly iu the mornings, mud in [he uhernunns ont- dnor spurts and recreation will infuse a little of (he holldny spirit into the cor.â€" \eminn. Lectures have l>u_en «rugged Pleasure and hueinesa le be com- bined at the 1922 com-entiun of the Cnnndiun Manufacturer-5’ Aï¬bnciu- tiun. The first, MVP in this direction has been the selection of the pleasant resort u! St. Andrew’s-hyâ€"lhe-Sen us the place of convelIUon, instead of u. {urge city, as in prpxivus yours. Holding Convention at Popular Resort Tesmn Sahlmlh Scllonl puvpnse hold- ing Iheir annual Garden Party and Strawberry Festival on Tuesday. the 20th of June. Anniversary mun-ices m“ In: held SundnyJuur- 181ml] “.m. and 7 p. In. Rev. D.1Lny(h'uy Will be Lhe speukrr. FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK In [bu Centre Yolk ann Bowling League the following will be played within the next week: JuneSâ€"Almim M. Newman-ks: 7 p.m. juueGâ€"Uniunvllle at Stouï¬vllle 6 p. m. junc 7â€"Unionville at Aurora 7.30 p.111. Stop 47 Richmond Hill GREIN~T0 Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Green. at their home on Richmond St. . on Monday, May 29m, 1922, u daughter. SCOTTâ€"0n Wednesdw. May 24‘ 1922, 10 Dr. and Mrs. Scott. Cuokakowu, Ont., A son. VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER. First class Painter Low Charges ntf TERMS REASONABLE Phone York Ranger Cadets Knee Injured Lawn Bowï¬ng Aurum 8013. TESTON BIRTHS mpt auentjnn. Hinmnn Standard Harding small REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL SAVONA â€"â€" Gnvernment Pramium Impou ted Clydesdale [23398] (19554) enrolled and insppcted, lhe property of Oscar Cnx, Uniunvillv, will make the season At, his own stable. 115 lullvs west of Unionville. Tex-ms $20. GENERAL KEYNOTE â€"â€" Pure~h re d imported Clyde-dale [23399] (20044). the property of '1‘. A. Homes and A. Boucock. Home stable, Concord, will travel thruugh Vellore. Maple, Elgin Mills, Victoria Square, Dollur, etc. Terms $20. MONOGRAM â€"~ Champion Percheron Stullion [Silo-ll 1U9862, the pmperly of “7111. linlninson & Son. prmn Brnnk. will make the season uf 1922 at. his owner's farm. Terms $15. Stallion Register SOLI DITY STAM Pâ€"Pureâ€"bred Clydes- dnle stallion. [22232] the property of David J. Howard. Downsview. wlll stand at. his own stable. Terms $12. W, JUNE 5. 192 ‘ at 10. n’cloek. n. m. to hem- and adjudicate upon all com- pluints against: the Assessment Roll of Lhe Municipalitv of the Township of Vuugll'un fur lhu saiJ yeur192y- All parties iMerteed are requested tn lake- notice and govn-n lhvmselves ac- cordingJy. j. B. McLEAN. Clerk of the said Municipality. Maple, )vluy'ï¬ï¬‚‘r19227L, / k 1 m/J V Public notice is herehygiven that. n Court of vaisiun of the Assn-men! Roll for the '1‘0wnship of Vaughan will be held in the Township Hall. Vellure, LUMBAGO , maunms vs. T R C S SCIATICA ° ° ' Have you given up ? Have you resigned yourseltto that old, gnawing pain that nothing seems to relieve? Do you think be- cause you can‘t go to Hot Springs or take some expensive treat- ment that you have no other alternative? We have many cases considered hopeless, tried everything. baths, serums, elec- tricity, who found recovery in using T. R.C.'s. (Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules). We have thousands of letters that prove beyond doubt T.R.C.'s to be the most practical and successful Rheumatic remedy sold. At drug- gists. $1.00 per box. For Free Trial write Templeton, Toronto. Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN County of York The Richmond Hill Colt can't win the games if they don't turn out to practice. The New Rink is getting along rapidly 3’ Two loads of Gravel “as dmwn a month ago. Don’t miss the big Town League ball 3 :me. Monday, June 5, betWeen the Ku-Klux-Klans and that strong Cadet team. REEAUMATISM, Thursday, thv 25, Richmond Hill Uolts motored to Aurora and played a Tri-County League Ball game with Afurorn Cubs, Aurora winning by a score 0 10-6. Commissioner. Onnveynncer. Etc Wednesday, May 24. in a ten inning game Willowdnle won from Newmarkct by a. score of 10â€"9. \Vednesday. May alst, Aurora Cubs mo ored to lhchmond Hill. and played a 'I‘riâ€"County League Hull game with the Richmond Hill Ions, the score was 1H4 in favor of Aurora Uubs. Saturday afternoon May 27, Aurora played a 'l‘riâ€"County League Ball game with Newmarket. Aurora winning by a score of 10-9 A FEW POP FLIES Don’t forgct the big 'I'ri-County League game Saturday, june the 3rd between Richmond Hill and Newmarket Bail teams, at Richmond Hill Park. game called us o'clock standard time. This will be a real good game, remember last year ? Saturday, June 10â€"-\Villowdalc at Aurora. Saturday, June loaflichmnnd Hill Newmarket. Tuesday. June Gâ€"Bradford at New- market. Wednesdny. June Tâ€"â€"Willowda1e at Richmond Hill. ‘ Court of Revision Juno J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Games next week Sporting Notes 'I‘RI-CI’M'NTY LEAGUE GAMES TOWN LEAGUE GAMES Cadets at Ku Klux Klan. FOR COUNTY OF YORK ASD ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every descrlption. Farms and farm stock sales a, Specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Eatronage solicited. LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabl'mg Accommodation at Reasonable Rates E. Bridges, Prop; Phone 44 r 23 ' Stop 51 YongeSt. Euve Trongliing, Lightning Rods. Metal Siding and Rooï¬ng, erden’s Bzu‘n Equipment. Furnaces and Furn- ace Repaiis. all kinds of Met-Al Build- ing Supplies. Pumps and Repairs, Pipes Mud Fittings, and many other lines. \Ve will have n. man in the shop every day now, and will give you SERVICE. TEETZEL BROS ELGIN HOTEL Run over this list and let us have your orders for your Spring work: We have on hnnd a complexe stock of Repair: for Massey-Harris and Cuck- shutt Irxlplenlernts_ and um General Agents for n; numbeJ of Specialty Mn- chines. Engines. Ptc.. of Interest and Beneï¬t to Farmers. We also have one Stnndurd Cream Separator. in A 1 con- dition, which we will sell cheap fur Quick Snle. Nuw that Spring walk is drawing near, drop in and let. us quote you prices. If We llavmn'L what you want we can get it. \Ve have taken over the Implement Business of the late Mr. Curter. ‘Ve shall run this in Conjunction with our Tinsmith Buginess in the same prem- ises uccupiek by the late Mr. Carter. 'atl‘onage s NEWMARKE T BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIME IndividualInstruction. Night School Mondays nnd Thursdays. Newmmket, Bank at" 'l‘omnln Block SATURDAY. JUNE 10â€"â€" Auctinn Sale of horses, cow». vehicles and house- hold furniture. lot H, rear 6th cum. Markham. the pmpertv of A. H. Greenfield. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 3 months. Fred PosLiH, Auct. {Richmond Hill 5 PLUMBHNG c0. SATURDAY. JUNE 10â€"Aur‘tinn sale nf farm stuck, implmnenla, Ptc., Int. 18, rear run. 2. East. ank. the property of Robert \Vngg. Snlt- at 2 0'(‘lm:k. Tums. Prentice & Pentice. Aucts. The members of the ()ntnlin Iwgisiafllrv \‘nté‘d thmnselvvs n hmqu of $604! for the present svesicn. There are 111 members. Give us an Eally Cull J. H. 1311311 (ice 415 Bulliol Sh, Tornntn. Phone Belmont, 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Public Notice Buy, Build, Work, and Support the Home District PLUMBING, IHEATING, AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES W'ORK AT FAIR PRICES Successors to J. Carter TINSMITHS GENERAL AGENTS ELGIN MILLS Auction Sale Register “FOR BETTER kE\VS MYI'ES THONE 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building JONES LUMBER C0. Save Your Coal Jones Lumber Co. DAY PHONE 13-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 75. LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL \Ve will quote you prompt- ly; we supply everything, from rough lumber to the ï¬nest interior ï¬nish. Materia‘, workmanship and service always up to standard. Prices right. L INNES & SON Send your bills of matcria to us {or prices. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Building 3 Material 0f Church and Mnrkham Avenuv, largelot. All kinds of trees beauti- ful lawn. Inver nuthmk, house nearly new with all modern improvemean and town water imluned. Must be sold quickly, ill health cause of sale. Loin and'ï¬nuses inr any phi; erthe village. Yetnnother hmluty spot has hepn givenimn nnr hands In dispose of, that beautiful rvsidnnco on (he Corner he hL.._.L \: II . The most. desirable residence and luqntiun in the umth end for sale. Up‘ tn~dnte bungalow with all modern imâ€" provemenls und must artistically wired. Beautiful mounds Larges lot, shade, m-nmneutnl and fruit heur- lng trees. Pussusion can be arranged. Also anus. - Money burrowed and loaned Insurance effected H. A. Nicholls PLANING MILL By buying our BONE- DRY BEECH AND MAPLE WOOD, cug into oneâ€"foot }engzbs. The Real Estate Man AND