The Maple Sund. Grave? and Brick Gunpany, Lt'd. have on hand for mle. ()ement, drain “19.3.4, 5. 0 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. I5. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the loud or in car lots. 1Open All Year---E_nter NOW mELLIOTT/y M L, Cedar posts and telephone poles for sule. T. COUSINS. ' Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Acar of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten’Meal on hand. ‘Also a good“ supply of No. 1 Feed Corn. ' K‘Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. 4 Purnia SC'atch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. DECORATION C. Browne Tho} â€"THE HIGH GRADE BUSINESS SCHUOLOF ONTARIO. Our graduâ€" ates are in strung demand. Pre- p:u'v now and be ready to accept a guud pmltion in the Full. Wline for nur (‘atalugua which gives com- plete infurmation. THE l’bPILS ()FTHIS sCHOOL GET SOLID VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. Yunge and Charles Sta. Toronto VOL. XLIV. Printing-4% Know How Public Notice HOUSE PAINTING W. J. ELLIOTT Principal Branches-Thornhill and Winowdale I. D. Ramer The Royal Bank of Banada Every farmer’s wife will ï¬nd a. bank account for house- hold and personal expenses :1 help and a safeguard. .50 per annum, in advance.] Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail. making a. trip to town unnecassary. ~En- close your cheque with your order. A Bank Account for thefatmer’s Wife & INTERIOR Put-s. ,1an M umger Mapl’e. Thornhill Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expressmn, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont. 30-tf Ofï¬ce hours 10 to )2 a.m. 6 (08 p.m. Ofï¬uennd residenceâ€"Yong» Street Richmond Hill Phone No. 24 DENTIST Ofï¬ge Trench Block. two doors north of Stnndmd Bank. Hour-59:14:]. to 5.30 p.m. 0an evenings by nppnintmc-nt. Telvphone 32 Maple Licensed Aucliuneor‘for lh-i Unnntyof Ym-k. Snlesntlonde-d to on shortest nutice :1an "L rmmnnable ratos. Pntrunnge Sulicited A large stock nf Funeral Furnishing Kept M the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE W. HEWISON HOUSE PA 1N TER. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- " Hanger. MISS BEATRICE; HOWELL TORONDO Beecher of Fletcher Method . MusiCal Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Consexvatory Ex- aminnlinns. Tezu: )er of PluIm-Playiu at, the ’l‘uruntn Conservatory 5f Music and SI. Margarpt's Cullégk. Richmond Hillâ€"Wednesdays and Saturdays. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg. 26-28 Adel- Omces aide St" \Vesl, Toronto. Naughth Block, Aurora Solicitor fnr : The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhilnhun‘h The Imperiu] Bunk of Unnuda, Aurora J. M. \Van. & Cu. Aurora \Valt'm- S. Jenkins Res. Phnne Hm. FERTILIZERS ELOCUTION STUDIOâ€"HQ’I‘EL RICHMOND. Feed Oats, Salt, Flour and Feed, Scratch Feed and Baby Chick Feed at the Chopping Mill: . EARLE NEWTON NAUGHTON & JENKINS 5048 J. F. BURR RICHMOND HILL. ONT. THURSDAY JUNE 8 1922 J. T. SAIGEOIV . L. R. BELL - J. 9- WILSON PIANIS’I‘ Richmond Hill. 1. Harry Naughtle Res. Elgin Mills RPS. P'hune 4-1.4 In Essentiabs, Unity,- in Non-Essenti_als. Liberty; in all things, Charity I liens Egg: White â€"â€" F. E. Sims. ‘Fl'ank Graham Hens Eggs Browu â€" F. E. Sims, l W. Simpson I Duck Eggs â€" F. E. Sims Bread from Purity Flour â€"- Mrs. D. McGill Buns Ul‘ Hulls â€" Mrs. D. McGill Ten Biscuit'sâ€"Jane. Dixon. H. D. 1 Lindsay Sponge Calm â€" Mrs. D. McGill. H. | D. Lindsay Fruits. Roots. Etc. Table Apple! â€" John Hrillinger (Jouking Apples â€" John Brillinger Lute Potatoes â€"â€"- Frank E. Sin†Mangnlds â€" C. Uhuke Swude ’l‘m-nips â€" b‘. Ulurk Stu-nu berries â€"â€"‘â€" G. Yorcx. H. D. LindSHV Cherriea’ â€" E. McN.ti|‘, U. Yorex Pears â€" E. McNMr. G. Yurex Peaches â€" L. B. Fisher Plunisvâ€" G. Yurex, H. 1). Lindsay. Native Fruit Jam â€"â€" G. Yorex, L. B. Fisher. Marmalade â€" R. W. Dove Tomatoes â€" G. YUIEX Asparagus â€" G. Yorex Tomato Uulsup~ R; W. Dove. L. B. Fisher Musturd Pickles â€" E. McNuir Sour Pickles â€" E. Manir Sweet Picklesâ€"L. B. Fisher, E. McNuir Dairy Baking, Em. A Society â€" R. W. Dnve. James Dixon. Arch Suvuge B. Eby Blnin ()0. â€" R. W. Dov. U. W. J. Hill â€" C. Clarke 1). \V. H. Puqsley â€"James Dixon E. F. E. Sims â€" H. \V. Dove F. T. Eaton Cu.â€" Frunk Graham liens Egg: White â€"â€" F. E. Sims. lmyex- Cake â€" R. \V. Dove. Mrs McGill . Crust Pie â€" H. W. Dove, H. Lindsay 20rd“. Pieâ€"ll. W. Do’ve. H. 0 Lindsay . Fillet. Crochet, â€" Mrs. Graham. L. 13. Fisher Thl'eu’j Luce Fine â€" C. L. McUuL- cheun. Thread Lace Course â€"Miss McVeun, L. 8- Fisher Drawn Thread \mGâ€"Miss Mcé Venn. U. L. Mcbutuheun 'l‘uttingâ€" L. B. Fisher, ‘Miss Me- Vran . Ludies’ \Vm-k Irish Crochet -â€" Miss Mchn. L. B. Fisher Modern Bead Necklaceâ€"E. Mc- Nuir. L. B. Fisher w Mudern Beut‘kb‘irdle â€"Mlss McVean. Modern Bonded Purse â€" O. L. Mc- Gulchvnn Eyelet Emb. â€"- Miss McVonn, Mrs. Graham French Em'n. -â€"- Miss McVeaa, L. B. Fisher Hurdunger Emb. â€"â€" L. B. Fisher Roman Cut Emb. â€" Miss McVenn, O. L. McOutcheuu - Roman Emb, calm-3d â€"C. L. Mc- Cutcheon Conventional Emb. â€" L. B. Fisher, 0. L. McUutcheon Oriental Eml). â€" L. B. Fisher. Mlss McVeun Floral Emb. â€"â€" Mrs. J. Yurex, Miss McVenn Ten (Hath Emb.â€" L. B. Fisher Tau Cluth Urutchet Trimmed â€" Miss MuVeun, L. B. Fisher Serviclte Emb â€" C. L. McCutcheou, Miss McVeun Tra'y Ulolb Em!) â€" L. B. Fisher, C. L. McCutuheou Tray Cloth Thread Trimming â€"â€"Miss MoVenn, L, B. Fisher- Luuchvon Set Elnb â€" L. B. Fisher. M rs. Graham Luncbmm Set Thread Trim â€" L. B. Fisher. Miss McVeuh Butfen or Sideboard Runner Eruâ€" hroidvred â€"â€"Mrs. Graham. L.B. Fisher Buffet or Sideboard Runner â€"â€" Mrs. Grahnm, L. 3’. Fisher Table Duyleys, handwonk â€" C. L. MuOutcheon Tuble Matsâ€"Mrs. Graham. C. L. McCutcbeun Hand Towels Embroidered wholeâ€" Ml'l. Graham, C. VMcUutcheonh Towels thread trimming â€" Mrs. Graham. L. B. Fisher Bath towel. lmnd trimming â€" L. B. Fisher, Mrs. Graham Pillowcusvs, initialed and hem- stitched â€" Mrs. Graham. L. B. Fisher Piilow cases crotchet trimmed â€"L. B. Fisher, Mrs. Graham Pillow slips embroidered -â€" Mrs. Gl'nhiuu, Miss MnVean ‘ Pin cushion â€" Mrs. Graham, 0. L. McCuzchoon Lamp shade â€" L. B. Fisher Night “dieâ€"L. B. Fisher, C. L. McCutcheuh Guest Tuwél, Embmidered, colored â€"- L. B. Fisher ' C. L. McCuLcheon _ Boudoir slippers â€" eon, L. B. Fisher Ladies white wear â€"- L. B. Fisher. Mrs. Graham Ladies’ cassock or blowsâ€"(L. B. Fisher 7 E5111ch iwrist bagâ€" L. B. Flaher Victoria Day Prize List (Continued from last week) L. McCutch ( M; Huntlkerchiefs â€" Miss McVean. (LL MchLchenn Lihmu-iun table runner, O.H.Wâ€"L. B. Fisher. Miss McVenn Lihraf'y tabla I'unlier eulbmldered â€" L. B. iEisher Sofa. pillow culored embroideryâ€" C. L. McCutcheon. L. B.- Fisher Sofa). plinw washableâ€"U. L. Mc- Cutchoon. L. B. Fisher Piece 0010ch embroidered nut. listed â€"M|~s. Graham, L. B. Fisher Pieca white Plnln~uidmy not listed â€" Mrs. Graham. L. B. Fisher * Funny crotcbet ner than Work not. listed â€"â€" (7. L. McCutcheon, Mrs. Graham Novelty needlmvork nut listed â€" C. L. McGulceeon. B. Fisher Fine and Decorative Arts Oil painting cupies â€" E. EAL-Nair. Oil painting, nuturnl â€" Miss Mcr Ve-an. ’ . \Vater color scene, copy â€" Miss Mchun, L. B. Fisher \Vnter colnr flowersâ€"Miss Mc- Ve-un, L. B. Fisher Sepiaâ€"L. 8. Fisher. Mrs. Graham. Crayon colurs â€" Miss McVeun. Picture frame â€"â€"Miss McVean, L. B. Fisher BusketryTrny â€"â€"E. McNuir, L. B. Fisher \Vork basket â€" E. Manir, L. B. Fisher ' Vnseâ€" E. McNeï¬r. U eon Geaso work [my â€" E. Manir ’ Hand Decorated China Vase â€" E. Manir. Mrs. J. Yurex Jnrdlniervâ€"E. Man“ Lemonudu jugâ€"E. McNair, Miss McVenn ‘ Uomport â€" E. McNair Cup and saucer â€" E. McNair Mrs. D McGill 3 Piece; not listed â€" E. McNuir. Mrs. J. Yong}; Foot race. 15 years and m Jackson, H. Armstrong. I strong Foot race 11 Wm. Chapman Girls race, 75 bell, F. Campb Gï¬rls race, 50 der â€" Mary A? Catharine Math 1 D02 tulips â€" E. BIL-Nair Games and Sports Foot race 100 yds n-pen â€". bell. E. Campbell Reglistic China Figure wonk' â€" Miss McVeau Vaseuâ€"Mrs. D. McGill, Miss McVean Jurdiniex-e â€"â€" Mrs. D. McGill. Mrs. Yurex Ban-bun dishâ€"Mrs. D. McGiU, :e 12‘ years and under â€"â€" man, E. Panton. 0. Graham 3, 75 yds open â€"â€" P. Camp- mpbell, Harriet, Morris 3, 50 yards 12 years and un- y Almns, Connie Morlson. Muhouey L. McCutcb- Crux Foot race. 50 yards 10 and under â€" 0.7170995, K. Frisljy. Slaufnyd Girls face. 50 yd; 10 and underâ€"W Rgnlber, Phipps._E. Quint. 3-Legged race. under 15 years â€" W. Cha mnn. R. Armstrong. A. Walker. F. rmstrox‘g Relay race â€" King. \Vhilchurch Running broad jumpâ€" McMillan. Playtar Sianding broad jumpâ€" Campbell. McMillan Hop stop and jumpâ€"~McMill Pkyler CUTHBERT RASPBERRY (‘ANES $11.00 per 1,000. GLEN MARRY STRAWBERRY PLANTS, $8.00 per 1,000. Quarter amount cash in advance; balance C. O. D. at your nearest ex- presg ofï¬ce, $LOO per 1,000 less if gotten at plantatlon. Cnnudinn Tennrand Choir Leader Soloist. Nultb Purkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmund Hill on Mundays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Pan-liculars can he nhtuiucd by calling. Phnnp 22. Ring 11. ‘ 29-tf BOX 22 The W’orkingmad’sFriend. First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Sa1isfaction guaranteed. New ShOp on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf Rheumatism and similar troubles invariably yield to this T.R.C.’s (Tem- pleton’s Rheumatic Capsules) treat- ment. Many doctors and many hun- dreds of drugglsts from coast to coast will conï¬rm this truth. The hundreds of testimonial letters in our files show that T.R.C.’s have successfully treated Rheumatism. Lumbngo. Neuritls, Sci- atica and acute Neuralgia of all kinds. But the best evidence is your own ex. periencc. If you oulier we want you to try this guaranteed non-injurious rem- edy at our expense. Druggists sell 7.R.C.'s $l.00 per box. Free trial wrlto T.R.C. C0.. 56 Colbornc St., Toronto. LUMEAGO NEURITIS SCIATICA RHEUMATISM ,L. WADE C. B. Crawford Fruit Growers [Single copies, 3 cts. 1d at Sloan’s Dru Wm.C. Ruttan COOKSVILLE. ONT vs. T.R.C.’S No‘ 50 I!"