Pure Paris Green While our present ,stock lasts, 400. ~lb, Do you throw away an overcoatjust because the wcath- er is warm for a few days or do you keep it for a cold spell ? Then why throw away a good opportimity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. Accident and sickness insurance ,‘is a grand prptection for you and family. ‘"‘ A,GgSAVAGE Agent Richmond Hill DAVID HILL 8: CO., - Dealers - Richmond Hill Here’s the Point Many old friends learned with rpgmt of the dPath of Mr. Arthur Qmmtz Inst Frhiny.fulhnving ntvn days'nttuck of pleun -pneumnnin. The funPrul Mon duy afternoon wua conductvd by Rev. Mr. Hay and Rev. DI'. Putnam]. The- funund wuslnrge. Thunntundint-in eluded "puny fornner onHvugucs and County (rfflclnln, nnd l'rlntivei nnd flienda fruIn n hyng dishxnco. Beshlus a sister and two hrnthvrs. dPue-ased is survived by three Inns and a dunghn r. and his widuw \vhn Is. also suï¬erirg from the same disense us her lule hus- bund. ' Riding Bicycles on the Sllle'Hlkï¬ in this Vill Lge is fnrhidnlrn and 0f- fvnders in this regald will htvliulnle m the penalties set out in Bylaw No. 153, which will be strictly un- force]. New McLaughlin-Buick Four Lives Up to Reputation Made by its Predecessors 50-51 WARNING , l“ Death of Arthur Quantz BAILEY’S By order of the Council The fnl'u’nving c2895 cnma lu-fmp Judge Widdified on Tuesday: Bony vs. Stephens. adinurnod , Wood vs. Duncan, dismissed Drury \‘ï¬. Thwnites. dismisqu Deuh vs. (Pnsglm‘e. dismissed Hassard vs. Dubai-u, judguwnt for plaintiff Dominion Life vs. Dalmrn. judg- ment for pluintif‘f. Last Sunday morning about. 11 h'clnck a huuse helunging In Mr. Wray Cullnpled just. hrluw lnt 40, stop 45. Yonge St. Mr. and Mrs. \Vlay \ere the only occupants of the house at, the lime of the unuuual nccun-encv. Mr. Wray who was shaving himself cut his farm with the razor. and in falling with the huuue. had his nose lnuken. Mrs. Wlay was alsn cut about, the braid. and a ductm- was summoned tn dream the wounds of husband and wife. To make matters \vnrse the lighted orml oil ztove blazed up in the: fall. and Mrs. \Vray narrowly escaped heng hurnF-d. Furtunately nvighlmrs cnme to the IBSCIII‘, and did guud Work The housu stood on cedar push. the uwner expecting Iatrr to pllL't' it on slum- foumlaliun. ‘ MAPLE Division Court Fulï¬lling the promise for servï¬ze- ability made by McLaughlin-Buick Fours of other years, the new Mcâ€" Laughlinâ€"Buick four-cylinder car is held with high regard by motorists everywhere. In every respect it is reflecting the ex- perience and knowledge gained by its designers and manufacturers in build- ing McLaughlin-Buick Valveâ€"in-Head Fours and Sixes for many years. House Fell June 17â€"Newmarket a1 Aurora. v Q; Spturday. June lTâ€"Richmond Hill m Bradford. J- 'l‘Uesday. June 20â€"Aurora at Brad fordl Saturday, June 2lâ€"Bradf0rd It Rln‘h mond Hill. YORK-SIMCOE GROUP OF TRI- UOUNTY LEAGUE SCHEDULE \Vednesday, June H â€" Aurora 5 \Villowdale. Miss Dutfy of Tnl'ontc spent; the \vePk-end at Mr. J. 'l‘. Snigeuu's. Severn] places includlng the G..'I‘. Station and Cousiu's Cottage were hl'nken into one night last, Week. Al- though quite- “ sum uf Innnfy was lï¬fL In the Istutinn the burglars were scared away without seculingit. At. ‘he (-nttugv they got u. suit case, some clothing and snmll articles. Rev. Dr. Cum"; (-f Tut'me ngwin (.crupiml t‘ P pulpit hf St. Andrew's (:huu‘h l-n hundny in plan.- of Rev. S. R. Rollinsvn who has had another attack hf Illness. Tlmdireclnrsnf the new commun- ity Hallde a grumd opening on Fli- dny cv hing. when the hull was crume to the dunrs ut the cuncext ulven by the fumuus Ben Hukeu nnd his urchasll'u. Emu-y numlmr nu the programme as wall as: the chum-rs highly delighted the lurge, nudi- ence. Dr. I“. Rnutley :lcledns chain-- umn nnd shm-t nddlesses wm-e given by’Rev. Mr. Rubens. Rev. R. K. Lum- lwrt and Mr. J. A. Oumemn, Aftâ€- Lhu concert .1 Umnnmnity Dunes was held. to which nmny remained. The proceeds Hi the concert, und dance wele nearly fnnr huudn-d dollars. Mrs. 0. Norman entertained her Snlfnalh Schm-l class of girls at her hunnâ€" (m Sutmdny. ..-. Am :I‘nlylur nf \Vest Toronto \‘i‘aited m-or Sunday at Mr. \V. 0. McDonald's. ‘VVXIIWIndies interested in Institute work Are invilwl' Ln this meeting. Refreshments will he served. Prngramme Soloâ€"Mrs. VVuLsun Rveitutinnâ€"«Miss Myntle McCugue Soloâ€"Mrs, Batty Mrs. Jenn Blewett ofthe Depnrt- men: of Agricultuw Institutes Branch will nddrvss th met-ting. The \anvn's Institute will meet 5!, the home- nf Miss Mnylc. Thursday, June 15. at, 2.30. Standmd lime. 'I‘hornhill lustimtc will join ms in thin meeting. TO\VN LEAGUE SCHEDULE June 12â€"Wau-bu-knockies at Cadets. June 19â€"~Ku Klux Klan at Wau-bu- knockies. June 9.6â€"Ku Klux Klan at Cadets. July ilâ€"Cadets at Wau-bu-knockies. July lOâ€"Wau-bu-knockies at Ku Klux Klan. July l7â€"(‘adets at Ku Klux Klan. July 24â€"- au-bu-knockies at Cadets. July 31â€"Ku Klu'x Klan at Wan-bu- knockiea. Sporting Notes The Women‘s Institute ', of Tut'me ng‘uin pit of St. Andrew's r in place of Rev. S. 0 has had another 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario WHO‘ SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. 05., SINKS Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT , Ask for our Septic Tank Circular and get in _ touch with our local representative R E M E M B E R , The James Robertson (30., Ltd. Richmond Hill Phone 131'2 who will gladly furnish necessary information and advice} regarding your requirements. Out side the Village our, Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation \ 'Ulme “ill be u Pnullry Yulling Demonstration hold PIUEI'SOI) BlnLhc-ra flrm rm lhe Yo: k Scalbnrn Tuwnline just a shout distnnce south of Agin- cnurt Tuesday, June 13. A member of thn Puultry Department, of the 0.A.C. will he in charge. A genernl invitutiun is extended‘to all who are interested in Pnullry. Come and leum how to pick out. the laying hen und also the hen that will be prufitable to keep over for mmlher your. Meeting will be held nt 2.30 p. m. closed cab - - -. Ton Truck, stake body, closed cab - - - - - Tractor - - - = = - Touring, Without starter, $615.00 Touring, with self starter, $707.00 Runabout, without starter, $572.00 Runabout, With seifâ€"starter, $664.00 Coupe, with starter - -‘- $948.00 Sedan, with starter - â€" - $1045.00 Ton Truck, express body ' closed cab - - -. $784.00 Ton Truck, stake body, , closed cab - - - - - $794.00 Tractor - - - = = - $445.00 (s We can cell you this fence as cheap as ‘you can buy fence énywheIC. Latest Prices Ford Cars RICHMOND HILL '“ HARDWARE Because we know that THE CANADIA STEEL 81 WIRE COMPAN , LIMITED, spend thousands of dollars every year in improving their fence and that they give honest value always. Every roll is exactly as represented. Why are we the Agents?†Anyway. come in and examine it. We‘ll show you the "AMERICAN" Galvanized Steel Fence Post, too. 208 Poultry Culling Demonstration The above prieeslnclude ï¬lled “lLll gasoline anal oil. freight, license and Government sales tax. All cars are fully guaranteed, and should any part be defective we will gladly replace the same free of charge. PLUMBING WHEN READY TO CONSIDER Ambrose L. Phipps Richmond Hirl, Ont. YOU’LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE With a 1m Silo ’ HANDLE the Toronto Hip Roof Silo because I want to give my customers thgibiggest value. tongued and groov< of selected spruce nated with creoso (rive ndpmmto nrnf You can't have good en- silage unless you have a good silo. And Toronto Silos are 'good silos. Made of woodâ€"the best non-conductor of heat and Cold. Stur- ‘ dily built from double . GLASS, Salesman, Richmond Hill . Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill "CANADIAN" fence is FULL GAUGE No. 9WIRE throu out and the galvanizing wil not peel off or crack. It has the famous "CANADIAN" knot and costs no more than lighter and less durable fences. the said ()in of anuutu. on the grounds nf mlullm) and dPSEIliI)". DATED at Tvrlmtv. [his lilll day hf anch A. l). 1022. THOMAS HENR Y BOTTOM LEY. by his Solicitor. A. Sneuth. “:nnillnn llusl Build- ing. 57 Queen Stun t, West. 47-8 'l‘m‘onlv. Unhu‘n, Cumulm NOTICE ix hmvhy given if THOMAS HENRY BUT'I‘UMLEY. lhe. City of Tmrnlo. in lhe Unuan «1' ank, in Ilia vainrv nf ()ulnrin. Printer. will apply to the I’mliuuwnl hf Uunudu uL 1hr nle smsim: {hm-90f for a hill nf “home from his wifp, VIOLET AGNES BOTI‘OMLEY (If Notice of Application for Divorce tongued and grooved staves of selected spruce impreg- nated with creosote. they give adequate protection against air and frost. Their special Hip Roof provides more space fox; ï¬llin‘g. I can show you where a Tor- onto Silo will mean more pro- ductive cattle, bigger proï¬ts. a more Valuable farmâ€"dollars in your pocket. Lét's talk it over. hmvhy gifvn that. of