Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jun 1922, p. 8

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Yea rs nlo‘i Gonuley. OR SALEâ€"A list. of 50 and IOU ucx-e- L farms, with good houses. and bank barns, all in Murkhnm township, the very best of land: also In good all 'g-Qund country store: this is a good buy fur sumo one, Apply WESLEY BOYN» TON. Gun-Inlay R. R. 2. or Phone _8 your Whéle ' OTICEâ€"Lmvn mnwms sharpened ’ and repairedu All kinds ul‘saws filed. Scissors and knives. mower and binder linives mound. Fumiluro re- {rail-ed. ‘A. ANDERSON, tear of \anter anderburg's shnp, Ynnge St. 49-8 UTO LI VERY~â€"I have opened an I A auto livery two doors nurth of‘ the Post. Office. Charges model-Ma: Patronage solicited. R. HORNER.I Phone III-J. 49-52 OR SALEâ€"l Trench plalform. spring wasz nearly nnw,1 Musscy- Harris, 7 ft. binder. MCKENsz 81109.. Willowdnle. ' 44-”. _ OTICEâ€"E. Sliney IS px'vpuxed to ‘1 do all kinds of [rm-king and carting in Richmond Hill nnd vicinity. ‘ atromge snlicited. Phune Richmond HI S8. 42 If \ LMIRA' WOOLLEN MILLSâ€" ‘ \Vhy sell your woul. if you are in meed of blankets; let. us manufacture your own wuul into the old fashioned blankets. the kind grandmother used to make; the kind ynu have the pleasure of wearing out. not \vnrn out at. the mill. Iuvcwtignte. There! a real difference, and at a very snmll cost you cun put in :1 stock which will last. for years. Phnnv, write. 01' motor over to the mill and get pnrticulars from S. B. LEHMAN & SON Unionville R. R.. 'Esmblished 43 years. 44-52 0R SALEâ€"Baby carriage. round _ reed. large size, funny trimmed, good conditinn. twenty dullsus. MRS. ARMSTRONG, Standard Bank Apls. 50 P AS PUREâ€"Good pasture for stmzk, plenty of running wblter, 10:29, rear 2nd mm. Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY. Plume 98 Richmond Hill. 45-”. '- OR SALEâ€"Bay) 30 x 50,1nay be seen on lot 29. rear con. 2, Vnughnn. JOHN SLINEY Richmond Hill. 40-Lf. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"House .and 1% ncre of land un May Avcnlle‘ Owner W'. FlFE, 658 Brnndview A\'e.. anontn, or see F. URBEN, Stop 48 Yunge Street, 48-51 . OUSE T0 RENTâ€"Apply MRS. REMBER the Terrace. 50 OR SALEâ€"A colt. 3 years old, broke to saddle or harm-es. Apply J. ARNOLD, 427 Sp‘adina Road. Tmuntn, N0th of St. Ulnir Awe. 50 strain. Mus. l Currville sidexoud. TOR SALE )R 0R SALEâ€"A fresh milk cow; ulsn a general purpose [my ‘nmre 8 [‘5 old. ISAAC NIGH, lot 31, con. 3, mley. 49-50 arrive Works will follow, come Agricultural Grounds, on Friday Evening, Juqe 9th, 1922 THE YORK RANGER CADET CORPS . idu WAN The Shaw Schooll in Toronto never clone in Summer. They are open all July an'l August. Don't waste the holiday seasonâ€"slur! now to learn lync- writin . ehonhund and bookkeeping. lndivigual innruction in every couree. “ZR START» BUSINESS SCHOOL THIS SUMMEH SA LEâ€"PQN Y O UTFIT R SALEâ€"Ton Leghorn Pulletl. l yeur old: Also 1 rooster. Farris LA Mins. _BALB0NE, Lnt 40, Egy andhurness. (guttc old, well broke-n. Gnu. outfit for $125. A. M ‘Vaut Ads. “t P. McIntosh. Chief Principal The York up from Toronto specially at 7. 30 (l'c‘OC‘r THE YORK RANGER BRASS BAND, Under Lieut. 2C fork Ranger Cadet Corps cordially invite the public to attend the Ceremonial of their Annual Inspection to be held in the Busmtssscnoms TORONTO At 8 o’clock, Standard Time ieut.-‘Col. Huggins, Director General a .Training for Military District No: '2. A: the close of the Review a display of Fire i drivelz. CNEILL 49-50 ‘Ony, )uny 50-51 ‘for this Review, and are due to \Vatsnn. Randulph Hoiles, Mildred Crook, Marion Kyle. Unreen Cunning ham. Fnrest Jone=, Gladys Burns Billie Kirby. Primer Aâ€"Cutherlnp McQuarrie Jimmie McClusky, Francis Burmdala. Aggregate attendance 949 Average attendance 43 Number on roll 51 Uruuk. Lhnrpe. Pl inn Eliznbeth Kirby, 60 George Gray, 66 Roy Bowen. 35 Billie Cooper, 33 Limes MMln-slvr 13 Po! cent Per cent Per cent: Pot cvnt Per cent Millicent Barthux-pe. (absr nt). JR. Iâ€"Eifie Jones. lame: French. Bernard DeFerrnri. Neil Gray. Edw'ln Cluck, Albert Burnsdale, Daisy Bar- The following in report of S. S. No. 6, Vaughan (Hope) for month of May. The low! number of Marks for II, III and 1V classes was 426. The following officers for the ensuing year were elected. President. \V. E. Hutchisun lat Vice Pros.. Norman Black 2nd Vice Pres.. Frank Brigg. and Departmental Supei-inzendonts and Executive Were re-elected with these extra. Ed Francis. Morley Kinimp, Geo. B.tiley, Norman Ber- ueaih and Gen. Gee. The Union Picnic will be held. ullbeing well. It Vellore on \Vednesdriy, July 5. Harriet Walker, 71 Per Jean Courts, 67 Per Bernice (Henry. 63 Per Jenn Watson. 54 Per Eddy Cooper, 50 Per Billia Cooper, (Abaem). Eull (absent). 'Mrs. Lumbejt. Mr. Norman Black of the Church Choir filled up the proâ€" gxltrmmertfu [he satist'uctiun of all. The main features of the nilet‘noon session were the teaching of the lolnen for June 4th lry Ruv. B. w. Mar-ill of Toronto and was very closely followod by those interested in teaching: an uddress by Capt. Bylvs of Newman-ken on Boy's Work; and n stirring address by Rev. Mr. L-unbert, Pnlwr of the Uhurwb fullowcd. In the evéning Mr. A. R. Hunrd K. 0. gave the Convention a treat in his mnsgerly bundling oftho luhjocl. "The Mun and the Boy”and was voted n cordial vote of thanks for hlu assistance. The Ludleu of the Church provided a splendid dinner and supper at very mgflomlf charm}. r . All three sessions were very interest- ing and the morning one was more largely attended than usual. Rev. Dr. Smith 0! \Voudbrldge gamma film address on “The Ideal Teacher" followvd by Mu. J. W. Amou of Kleinburn cm “The Ideal Superin- tendent" which was We“ thought out. Tb Devatlunal service: vu'e'ro Very I . . . . . upllfzmg and mapluug and were luggh enjpygd iny thong pg-eienp. One of the best. SnbbAth School Con- venslons in Vaughan 'l‘uwnthip was held in Edgeley Mathodiu Uhurch lust Thursday. June lit. QUANTlâ€"On the 2nd 0! Markham. Friday, June 2, 1922. Arthur Qunnlz. in his 73th. Rem McClusky. Annie Walker, , Evelyn DeFen-ari, Maud Barnsdale, Enoch O'Connor. Roy Cuoper, Jackson Cook,‘ L. Cunningham. Laura. McUIuiky. Gordon Watson; Harold Bowen, Roy Barnsdal“ Sadie Jones, (absent) . 1 l 1 I l E l 1 4 Junior IV Mabel Ounninuhnm, 43 Senior III Iris Clarke. Ray Cunningham. Douglas Crook, Hazel Bowbn, Interment, in Richmond Cemetery Monday nfLuruuuu. MARGARET BURGESS, Teacher. Hope Schoal Report E. W. MOYLE,Sec'y-Trenn. S. S. Convention Junior Junior 11 Senibr II Senior IV DEATHS 'M‘HIIG lph H 30 strong, will of Cadet; III Clarke, Ruth ioiles, Mildred ores-n Cunning- Glndys Burns. 39 64 Per Per Per Per Par Par PP: Per Per Per Per Per Per cent Per Per For For cent can. can! cent cont Jouol. cent cons oonb cent cent cent can: ceno cent cent cent cvnt Cent cent can! cont cent cent cent cent cent Hill ROOM II BR. IIâ€"Audrey Tuck, (12.) Ida Blunchnrd, (b.) Kathlern Inhonoy. (b.) Mildnd Siuu. (h.) Peter Savage. Pbyflil Gluu, Glare Newpurt, ELhel Lushor, Donuld flick. Oswald Carter, Allan Duncan, Alfred Grainger, Eleanor Hay, Donald Bmybhe. Annie Coveyduck. Wiunlh'ed Saunders. Lewis Muboney, David Stirling. Clarence Price, Fumk Bruyhon, Kenneth Brnybou. Clarence jam-s, John McLean, Verna McLean. GENERAL KEYNOTE â€" Pure-h r r- d impurted Clydesdale [23399] (2C044). 1h!- prnperty of 'I‘. A. Bowes and A. Bnucouk. Home atnhle. Concord, will travel tbrnugh Vellore. Maple, Elgin Mills, Victoria. Square, Dollar, JR. IIIâ€"Kathleen Monies, (h.) Sylvia Batternby, (h ) Donald Friubv, (h.) Marjorie Tyndall, (h.) Margaret. Plow- mnn, Cbristenlu Audersnn. Lucy Savage, Vera Morris. Dorothy Hick, \Vilhelmiue Rembcr. Unrmcu Lowery. \VinnieStuug. Agnes Robinson, Juuxes Langstuti‘. Mamie Bellukuy and Grace Pm-il. (equul). Fred Saunders. George Horde, Mun-ion Kidd. Tum queyduck. Jenn Heuly‘, Ethel Kendall. Edith Patton, Grunt Innes, Mary McNeely. K. Bums, Teacher SOLIDITY STA M Pâ€"Pure-Vbred Clydes- dnle stallion, [22232] the property of David J. Howard, Downsview. will stund at his own stable. Terms 312. JR. IVâ€"Johnsun AI-msuong. (h.) Connle Mon-Luau. (h.) Muriun Ellis, (11.) Fun! Greene. (h.) Dean Inues. (h.) \Villiaul Mylks. Hnwurd Atkinson. Rusarl Lynau. Ja‘ub Konlng. Bertha anper, Bert Hnuunond. Lillian Rumble, Tom Cm-Ler. Ella Yuung, Mildred Muckic, lvy Fodden, Evelyn b'myth, Donald Brmvlov. Peau-l Oollinn, MullOn Rmuer, Hurry hopper, Dorothy Atklgsgut Report of Room I Names in order 0! merit. 8R. lVâ€"Ellis Smytl), Edward Robin- son, owls Sims; Elmore Handing, Mario Grulnger. Guidun Stephenson. Ivy Smith. John Hurt, Gladys Gram, Lina Sheppu'd, Marga-en Banal-shy, Roswell Howld, Frances Diury. Lorrnlue Duulop. Lillian Unveyduck. ancra Bully. Winnifred Scobbu. Eva Mnyund, Velum Hem-inks, Aileen Atkinson. Uburch Parade, on Sunday Mm-ning of the llth, Undels d the Roman Catholic Faith wnll pumde with [as U. U. and (Jada-L Lieut. Bert. Grant. to Hm Mowing Celebration of cbe Muss in honour Lu the Rev. Fnlher Alanuilluu. They will pnrnde nL their Burl-Mk Quulers form-pectin" nharp «I. ll o'clock and lufll'oh in file fdrnmllon Lu Lhc Church. After the Grand Mun-ch past. the Seniors the Juflvniles und the Unbs ‘ will change iutu [hell spmung outfits vu also white Iegimrntulu, the CHI». demunsllntln to the Inspeotlng UHlCur, phyulfnl dnll under the 0. U. \Vill the mothers n! the (Jul) Undue kindly I“ that tln ir Imyg' while duuk truuaen ure specinlly lumdried~fur this parade. O. U. fur instructions and cirry un, an the Cub Platoon deumndfl his persunul supgrvisiog and CHI‘P. V His \Vul'sbip Khe Rea-v9, the Councillom, the Clergy and Schonl Buurd will be presented to the visiting Officers during the changing ot the Buleball Teams and the Cubs for Lhril special parade. Field orderly Otficrrs detailed will at (him. lime report. to the At the close of the Inuprcliun re- freshments will bu az-rved In lhu visit- ing Uflicers, the band and tn the Cadets, in the form of sandwiches and ice think. in guodrold nrlrny at) 1r. For the Mlllllnl uf Anus ()ulrl ‘Lieuts Bert (hunt, m.d Eric Blunvy will drill [Lolr rnpecllve l’lutomu, Cadet. Lient. Wh'lonnd hl-c Slfllmllyr- demonstrating algnulling. Cadet Capt. George Lalher will oulry on with Uompnny Drlll “lile Unde't Liz-nun. Hill and Phippc will us! us Find Orderlies. The (Jude: Svrgls. “Ill be llned up all. the nur for special lu- spectlon and resrnmtiun forthrirrm Ipoctlve uth ello revald. 'l‘lne Cndrt ‘Debullnq’ Club will also be lined up and during the Review Cadet Srrgc. Maltin will render the “angle Calls”. Richmond Hill Public School AVONA 1m“ em On the arx-iv-l :.f the inspncling Ofiicer M, 8 o‘clmk the plum: \Hll kindly slum! tn the National Anlin-m for the Guharul Sulu r. ant'l' which the Inqucli n will folluw. The York winger Brms Band, 30 strung from 'l‘ur.mln, wull arrive by spurinl (‘nr Al. 7.30 u'ulurk almlp. 0.1de berg!“ ‘\Voudhvnl is dt'tuilml to he the official Guide un their uniml. tlw linr- of march being up Yonge‘mCent-w. Centre to ‘Uhmrh, Church to the Review Groundi. Fride Evening June the 9th. th Corps will he inspected by Lienq. Unl. Huggins D. S 0., 31.0., nt80'clock Slundnrd Time. in the Aglicullurnl Gruundl, and to which the Cmps cm'diully invite the public to nttmid. The (Hand Stnndwvill he opened an. 7.30 u'ulm:k sharp; The York danger Brms Band, 30 )NOGRAM â€" Champion Percherun hvnllinn [3304] 109862, the prnparty f\Vm. Ruhinson & Sou. Newton lrnnk. will make the seASOQ uf 1922 1 his owner's farm. Term‘s $15. eusnn west 0 ll’.‘ Stallion Register ms RH York Ranger Cadet: E. T. VARDON, Prlnolpul liau'nger Buns Band, 30 'l‘ur.mln, wull arrive Ahy vernment nville n\'i Premium *8] (19554) a property will make l‘ [I Special attention Rim every description. Fm stock sales a specialty. Mid sold on commission. tended to on shortest no ducted by the must uppr Rummage solicited. FOR COUNTY OF YORK Eave 'l‘ronghing, Lightning Rods, Metal Siding and Roofing. Lnnden’s Bfll‘l] Equipment, Furnaces and Furn- ace Repniis. All kinds of Metal Build- ing Supplies. Pumps nnd Repairs, Pipes and Fittings, nnd nmny other lines. We will have a man in the a up every day now, and will glve you S .RVICE. LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates TEETZEL BROS Run over this list and let us have your orders {or your Spring work : E. Bridges, Propo ELGIN HOTEL We have on hand 21 complvto stock of Repairs fur Mnssey-Harris and Cock- shuLt Implements, and me General Agents for u. numbeJ of Specialty Mn- chines, Engines. «40.. of Interest. and Benefit to Farmers. We also have ope Standard (Jreum Separator. in'Al con- dition, which we will sell cheap for Quick Sale, Now tlmt Spring work is drawing near, drop in and let us quote you prices. If We haven’t what you want we can get it. \Ve have tnktn over the Implement Business of the late Mr. Carter. We shall run this in cnnjunction with um- Tinsmith Business in the same prem- ises occupiek by the late Mr. Carter. Family physician (25 years exper- ienw.) Yonge St. 'J‘hornhil}. Office hours 9 [0 11 a. m. 6 to S p. m. Dr. W. J. Wesley IndiviqunlInstruction. Night Schuol Mnndéys and Thursdays. fiewm‘a‘rket. Bunk of Toronto Block SATURDAY. JUNE 10â€" Auction Sale of horses, cawsv. vehicles and house- hold‘ furniture, lot 14, war 6th cum. Markham. [be pmpertv of A. H. Greenfield. Sale as lo'clnck. 'l'n‘ms 8 months. Fred Postill. Aunt. Give us an Eaxly Call. Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yongefit. J. H. I’l'en (ice ATL’XH),\\’.J('.\'E10â€"Alll‘ti0n sale of fmm stock. implvnu-uts. etc.) lot -18. rear con. 2. Eule ank. the property 4 {Ruin-rt \Vugg. Sale at, 2 o'clock. Terms. Prentice & Pumice. Aucts. Public Notice Buy, Build, Work, and Support the Home District 415 Bulliol St... Tornntn Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONE PLUMBING, IHEATING, AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Richmond Hill PLUMBING CO. NEWMAR KET BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIME (30033 WGRK AT FAIR PRICES Successors to J. Carter TINSM [THS GENERAL AGENTS ELGIN MILLS “FOR BETTER SERVICE" Audion Sale Register UCTIONEER 3K AND ONTARIO ziven to sales 01 Farms and farm 7. Farms bought on. All sales at» PHONE 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building to us for prices. NIGHTS AND H DAYJ’HONI \Ve will quote you prompt- ly; we supply everything, from rough lumber to the finest interior finish. Material, workmanShip and service always up to standard. Prices right. L INNES & SON Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Yetanolher lwnuty spot‘ has been givenintn our lmndu [n dispose of. that. heuutiful I'esideze on the Corner of Church and Markham Avenué, lnI'gelot. All kinds of trees beauti- ful lawn, Invely outlook, house nearly new with all modern improvements and town Water installed. Must he sold quickly, ill_health cause nf sale. Building Material Lot’s: nnd'hvu'ses in any part of the village. The must. desirable residence and lucatiun in the nmth end for sale. Up- toâ€"daté hungaluw with nll mudcrn im- provements and most artistically wired. Beautiful grounds - Large lot. shadp, m-namel’ntal and fruit heur- ing trPos. Possession can be arranged. Also terms. JONES LUMBER C0. Money burrowed and loaned. Insurance effected Send your bills of materia H. A. Nicholls . Within the lust week we have unloaded over 120,000 feet of dresned and rough lumber uml are now in a pnsitiou to give you: very reasonable quota- tion on your requirements in huildlng material of all kinds. LUMBER PLANING MILL The Real Estate Man LUMBER YARD AND OLIDAYS

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