Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jun 1922, p. 1

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The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Osman: dmin “19.3. 4, 5. 6 and S in. GulverL tile 12, 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement. Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the load or In on.» lots. Open All Year---Enter NOW mELUOTTfl M ‘4. pea « .,-_~. A car of Salt In barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Com. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour alg' ways on hand. Pumia Scratch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. CQUSINS,_ Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick C. Browne VOL. XLIV. â€"Tl{E HIGH GRADE BUSINESS scaum. 0F ONTARIO. Our gradu- ates are In strung demand. Pre~ pm-e now and be ready to accept a good pmition in the Full. Wllte for mu- (‘vutalugue which gives cum~ plate information. THE PUPILS OFTHIS SCHOOL GET SOLID VALVE FOR THEIR MONEY. Yonge and Charles Sta. Toronto PrintingnWe Know How $1.50 per annum, in advance.] Public Notice HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION \V. J. ELLIOTT Principal Branchesâ€"Thornhill I. D. Ramer by cheque through the mail, making a. trip to (own unnecessary. En- close your cheque with your order. The Royal Bank at Canada Every farmer‘s wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses a help and A Bank Accouni for the Farmer’s Wife a. éafeguard. Purchases can be made and Wmowdale Pmm nn'd Manage 1' Maple. Thornhill} Artist, Teacfier in Litefature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont. 30=tf Office hours 10 to 1 p. m. Office and residenceâ€" Richmond Hi” Phnn ’ DENTIST Office Trench Block, two doors north of Standmd Bank. Hours 9 :1.m. to 5.30 p. m. (3an evenings by appointmc‘nt. Telephone 32 Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the Unnntyof York. Sales attended to (m shortest; notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at, the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertaken; and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg. 26-28 Adel- Omcea glide St" West. ammo. Naugbton Block. Aurora Snlicxtor for: The Town of Aurora. The Township of King The Township of \Vhitcbmch The Imperial Bank of qumda, Aurora J. M. \Vultou. & Cu. Aurora Tellc aer 0f Piano-Pinyin at the anuntn Gunservamry u' Music and St. Margaret-’2: CollegP. Richmond Hillâ€"\Vednesdnys and Saflurduys. Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- ’ aminatinns. \anter S. Jenkins Res. Phone Call and get our quotations on the following : Feed' Oats, Salt, Flour and Feed, Scratch Feed and Baby Chick Feed at the Chopping Mill; Hill. 5048 MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Beecher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergamten FER TILIZERS ELOCUTION By the bag at ton rates. Miss_ Marguerite Boyle STUDIO~HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. DR. J. 3 WILSON . EARLE NE WTON NAUGHTON & JENKINS J. F. BURR RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY JUNE 15192-2 J. T. SAIGEOIV . L. R. BELL PIANIS’I‘ neeâ€"Yong»: Street Phone No. 24 J. Hurry Nm hton Res. Elgin M Na Res. P'hune 44.4 In Essentiafis, Um'by; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in dill/tings, Charity a.m. 6 to 8 It is with the deepen feedings of personal mgret that. the 0‘ 0., of the Cadet Corps announces the sudden death ofthe late Lt.-Cnl. S. I. Hug- gins, D. S. 0.. M. 0., Director General of Cadet Training, who conducted the Annuallnspection of the Corps last Friday-evening, June 9. und whose death occurred in the City of Hamil- ton. on Monday last. to where he had gotie on a. similar nfiiciul duty. The lute distinguished nnd gallant officers last words. as he stepped tn his car. "\Vvll done MOI-den, carry on." echo back 21 stirring cull to duty. nnd imbued by that, vision of noble ser- vice. may the work of the Richmond Hill Cadet. Corps be further estab- lished. Cadet Capt. Geo. Lasher, Cadet Lieut. Bert Grant. nnd Cadet, Lieut. Eric Blaney represented the Ricbmund Hill Corps at. his funeral. and all Cadet Parades for week ending June 17. are cancelled. A vory happy event took place at the home nf Mrs. Catharine Dunn, of Mount Albert un Wednesday evening. May 31. when her daughter, Miss Effie Frances, was married to Mr. John F. Buir, «If Richmond Hill, in the presence of about forty guests Rev. (.7. E. Dyer, the pastor of the Presbyterian Church. officiated. The wedding march was played by Miss Eldred Russ, n cousin of the bride. The bride, who was given away by Mr. H. Ross. was charmingly dressed in mauve. trimmed with seed pearls. and carried a lovely bouquet of roses and fern. Miss Elsie Steeper, niece of the bride, noted us flower girl, and looked very sweet in a dress of pale blue (\rgnndie, trimmed With pink rose- lmds, she cnrrying u buuqlwb of pink rust-s and fem. The gromu’s gift in the bride \vns u piece of furniture, and to the iinwei girl a wrist watch. The bride's going-away costume was It suit of navy blue tricotino, with but to match. After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Burr. left amid n shower of confetti for theii; wedding trip in the Niagara Peninsula. and n-turnrd to reside in Richmond Hill. York Ranger Cadet Corps The nnnual re-union and Picnic of the Old Buys and Girls of Newton Brook, was held on the beautiful grounds of Mr. G. R. Gunlding. The well kept. l-m‘n. the fruitful orchards and the ornanwntnl tree. were the ud- mlrnlion of about 0118 hundred and forty people present. While denlh during xhe past. year has taken several of our number. notably Mrs. R. P. Hopper. yet ‘helr memory is u joy. Thclr annual gatherings cement, friend- ship that hegnn some thirty. forty, fifty and even more than sixty yeurs :30. A few who where unabld tu be present on account of distance did not forget. to wrlte. conveying their lntereit in the [maple who were their playmate: at. the old red lchuul house. Mr. G. R. Goulding was appointed chninmm of Committee for the ensuing you find Miss Street as Secretary. The thus of next years gathering will he the second Saturday in June. The plucu will be decided later. Mention should be made of the read- ing of two poems by Mus. Middleton one upon uttninumant of scventy yous of age (June 1011)) by her sister Mrs. Love“, the other in memorinm of the death uf another sister Mrs. R. P. Hopper. the company singing a verse of “Forever wiih the Lord." ' The Streets, \Vatsons, Agurs, James. Auden-suns. Francis. Cnleleys. Lses, Munehnws. Ulurks, Baden. SV'hmldts Were all well represented. Mr. Goulding was an ideal host. the company of hLdy assistants commanded admiration. the punsI jokes and old “me stories prevoked laughter. The smile: proved far mare effectual u [u youth and attractive looks Lhnu nuy cosmetics. Among the visitors present were the Revs. Messrs St. John and Baker who gave addressee full of humour. This has been one of the largest and must, successful re-unions of the series. The company would have bun nome- What larger, but the weather was threatenlng and for an ouL-door gathcring mule did not. wish to tnke risks. The sluglng of "Auld Lang Syne" and “God Save the King" termiunted the re-union fox: the time} Quins. A noticeable feature of those present. was in discovex-lng the age: of the group. in conversation even a few months excess in any one of‘the compa- ny brought faith congratulation. The Old Girls were just. as keen to stnte and excel in age as the Old Boys. Have times or have individuls ehunged? WA race for all those over 75Vyrnrl of age. was proposed: when the oom- pnitora were lined up in was found the prize money was no; of aufiicien‘ I!- traction for at competition. NEWTON BROOK Burr~Dunn Inspection The Cmmril met in the Cls-rk's Office June 7. AH mmnbers prvwnl. Mr. Phipps piesanted a billforre- paixs In his drum, but the Council did not so? its way to pay the expense. A resUluLinn wus passed endorsing thf‘ Adnlvsupnb schnnl Act. A depulnfion of Indies were present: to lntvi-view tha ('nuntii with reference to ineInm-iul fund matters. Th9 7nuucil was nddressed by Mis. Lung- slafi' and nlher ladies, and gave iLs assurance [hut the matters discussed would receive its most serious CHIP bidmatinn. Mr. ()uwio, l'PpH‘St‘lltinK th Fire Brigudp, mnde sewn-u] Im-Onnnend- alit-ns which were ndnpted. A reso- lminn tn pulrhuse 200 fret, (-f fim hose. mm] 100 ft. ufg inch hose, \vna passed. The Clan R was instructed in draft, an ngm-ement with Mr. B. H. Lasherwilh u viuw to un appointment,“ \Vnter- works Enginper. Seven-alvacuounts WH‘O passed and the meeting adjmxrned. Everything rpndy for the annual picnic and field day to be held on the ground: of Mr. Ross Klinck, Sntundny. June 17. There will be baseball matches. racns and nther sports. Unionville band . will furnish music. Splendid tnlsnl ha been secured for the concert in the evening. On Sunday. June 18. Rev. R. J. Irwin, B. Al, of Bedlord Park, will have change of the servicel 2.30 and 7.30 p. u). ' Cnnadinn Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist Nulth Parkdnle Methndixt Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richnmnd HUI on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particular- can be ubtainod by calling. Phone 22. Ring 11. 29â€"tf REAL ESTATE AND INSURAME THORNHILL Rheumatism and similar troubles Invariany yield to this ’l‘.R.C.'s (Tem- pleton’s Rheumatic Capsules) treat- ment. Many doctors and mlny hun- dreds of druggists from coast to coast wlll confirm this truth. The hundreds of testimonial letters In our files show that T.R.C.‘s have successfully treated Rheumatism, Lumbngo. Neuritls. Scl- ntlca and acute Neuraigin of all kinds. But the best evidence Is your oWn ex- perienco. It you culler we want you to try this guaranteed non-lulurions rem- edy at our expense. Druggists sell I.R.C.‘c $1.00 per box. Free trial wrlto T343. 00., 56 Colborne St., Toronto.’ 1 LUMBAGO NEURITIS SClATlCA RHEUMATISM Commissioner. Oommnoer. m. : SAVE‘Be-causeé 7 J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Sold at Slonn's Drug Stme VICTORIA SQUARE THE STERLING BANK Wm.C. Ruttan Village Council All applications for credit from the Sterling Bank are treated as strictly confidential. It is simply a matter between you and the executives of the Bank. We will be glad to have a personal talk with you if you require funds for sound farming extensions. Confidential Credif T.R.C;<’s CUTHBERT RASPBERRY CAKES $11.00per 1,000. GLEN MARRY STRAWBERRY PLANTS, $8.00 per 1,000. Quarter amount cash in advance; balance C. O. D. at your nearest ex- press office, $1.00 per 1,000 less if goiten at plantation. C. B. Crawford BOX 22 Frank Dental) Denton, Macdonald 6: Danton Barristers. Solictora. &c. MANNY)“; ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WES-r. Torcom’o. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: “Dedo” Residence address Victoria Square The W'orkingman’s Friend. New ShOp on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC ijmissbnet, Oonveyaneer, Etc man-an and Real Estate First-class Bobt and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Satisfaction guaranteed Fruit Growers Richmond Hill LICENSED AUCTION BER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronaa» and influence resnoctfully aolicnted L. WADE RICHMOND BILL [Single c0pies, 3 cts MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYA NCI NG Arthur A. MelodonaJd BSSUER ofi COOKSVI LL E. ONT P. 0. addnell Gomley.R.R. No. 51

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