of mm of Y0! at Our 7 zncrcs The Work of conahuckion on the sub- way at the Gn\nd Trunk Praising. a mile anuth of Aurnm has hr‘r-n dismn- t.inued. Quick sand nnd f’nwinq springs make lb ulnmst imp’ssihle to accomplish the cnlh‘txnrtion. und experienced road makers prpdiq! that the only solution is an overhead bridge. But wait, And see. It is thought the session of the million Parliament at Ottawa will in nboubjuwm weeks. The Fielding Budget. \' by Parliament TllPFdllY llmjoriw M {8. The Dru ment \vns rejected by 120. The w!“ of H18 lute Sir john Eaton. whn died 0n the 30th day of March, is beng filed for pmhnte, It diepnses of un_ astute (vl‘ $13,098,622. Lady Eaton receives $100,000 a yenr: nlan “Al‘dwold†and the Musknka maidencv. A terrific hailstorm Aurora. Thursday uftorm 300 panes of glnsn in the :1 near the G. T. R. nation lmusvs owned by C. dumnged. and fruit I vxlensiv -\y. Here’s er is warm for a few-days or do you keep it for a cold spell ? Then why throw away a good opportunity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. Accident and sickness insurange 'is a grand protection for you and family. A. G. S A V A G E Agent Richmond Hill Wan is under way in thu cnnatruoï¬on ’ new greenhouseu for Ream Miller ' York township. The gn-enhnuqoa , Concord when comph‘ted wiil (:m‘er DAVID HILL 8: (30., - Dealers - Richmond Hill“ Do you throw away an OVCTCOAtJUSt because the weath- a NE\\'S NOTES ,md fruit trees ng Budget. was suitnined ant 'I‘uosdn’ night by a 18. The Dynyton amend- hailstorm McLaughlin Cai's are BUILTâ€"not rm swept over Drnnou, hreuking )9 match factory, ,inn. The green- C. Nest-it, ware The Reliable McLaughlin-Buick Transmission Is a Feature of the McLaughlin-Buick “Master Four†‘ sufl’m ed end Dn- the Pointi‘ Posters are unt unnmmcing [he amnml Field Day and Picnic rf Centre Ymk clubs, in the Richmond Hill Pauli, next Wednesday. June 21. Thr-rv will be sex‘ora! prnmim‘nt spenkns, und 1:. big progrumme of spurts, con- sisting of footlmll, hasaebull, tug (-1' war etc. for Villll'lblf“ prizes‘ Refreshment booth; on the i110 grounds. .RiLhmond Hill G. \V. V. A. band in mtmsdnnor. Admission to grounds 25 cents. Every- invited. Toronto Methodist Conference, following the example of other reli- gious bodies in session, passed a reâ€" solution giving Attorney General Raney and the Drury Government much credit for their efforts in en- forcing the Ontario Temperance Act. When it is known that the liquor in- terests and their supporters are doing, their utmost to discredit the un- pleasant task of punishing the law breakersI it is right and proper that Mr. Raney should know that his \V O l‘ U. F. 0. Field Day The same quietly operating, depend- able transmission that has been so pronounced a feature of the Mcâ€" Laughlin-Buick Six, is employed in the McLaughlin-Buick Four. The design is the sameâ€"the quality is the same-Only in size is there any difference. Every. part of the remarkable line of McLaughlin-Buick four-cylinder cars is as distinctly McLaughlinâ€" Buick as if the name were stamped upon it. And back of every McLaughlin- Bilick car is the skill and experience of 20 years, combined with unparalâ€" elled manufacturing equipment fa- cilities. merely assembled in Canada [he yum. A mixed tournament will he urrunged and played on Saturday after- noon next M. ‘2 u'clnck. for which [prim wi|l be given, the President Mr. H. [.egge helng desirous that, all members and intending memme use [In efl’orb to be present. The Summer Time Tnblv‘ on all Dlv- isinns of the Toronto & York Rndiul Rullwav. will Laku effect on Thursday, June 8th. 1922. Thrre are u number of impoxlunLchauges involved nnd put- mns nre advised to note the-sevhangos. The Time Tall)» foldms are available at all 'l‘ickec Ofï¬ces nf the Company, Operallnn is on ' Dayllglxt Saving Tinw. gener room o'clnc Herbert E. Urmvburst has issued a writ for $10,000 against. rl_l\e.city' of Toronto. He slipped nn the icy side- walk on Bay Stl'neb, smth of \Veilingâ€" ton, late in February lust. und bloke a legâ€"Star. HUNTâ€" WILLIAMS~ On VVednosdny. june 14th. 1922. at. Tmonm by the Rev, A. H. Dennnn, Ethel M. \Vminnw. daughtvr of Mr. and Mrs. D. \‘\'Hliams. lmndalt), 0nt.. to Charles '1‘. Hunt. son of M r. and Mrs. jus. Hunt of Richmond Hm. june 15*. 19:22 Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. NOTKCE T0 PATRONS JUI'ER-A‘ tho I'PSllanCe of his: daugh- tvr. Mrs. A. E. Plewmun. Richmond Hill. Thnnms (,‘nupr’r, beloved hus- Imnd of Marin Roy Cooper. formerly of Otter nve., Toronto, in his 9lst. year. Funeral service Ill: above address Sutmduy nt 2 30 p. m. Interment at Laurel Hill (Jewelery, Bnlton. Will Richmond Hill Bowling Club Trafï¬c Depan ment. Toronto & Yark Radial Ruilwnv [at 1922. 51 ; ull memhnrs please attend n :11 meeting to be lwld in the club on Friday evening next at; 8 Sues City For $10,0(0 .MARRIAGES DEATHS A" WARNING i 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario ;WHO SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. C’s., SINKS ‘Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Ask for our Septic Tank Circular I and get in touch with our local representative REMEMBER The James Robertson C0,, Ltd, closed cab - - - Ton Truck, stake body, closed cab - - - ~ - Tractor - - - = = - Riding Bicycles on the sidewulks in this Village is forbidden and of- fendm s in this wgaxd will be lialile to [lie penalties set, out in Bylaw No. 153, which will be strictly en- ’ forced. Touring, Without starter, $615.00 Touring, with self starter, $707.00 Runabout, without starter, $572.00 Runabout, with seifâ€"starter, $664.00 Coupe, with starter - - - $948.00 Sedan, with starter - - - $1045.00 Ton Truck, express body Latest Prices-=Fmé Ears Ambrose L. Phipps Richmond Hill Phone 13r2 rho will gladly furnish necessary information and advice? regarding your requirements. .1 Out side the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation That‘s why we " handle this lineâ€" <ێzi駧 because it is strongâ€" a1 er and lasts longer than light weight fences that cost just as much. FULL GAUGE No. 9 WIRE through â€"- 2 3 ._ 1 out. “CANADIAN†fence made " 4r" 4,â€" by THE CANADIAN STEEL 8! Vï¬q' WIRE COMPANY, LTD. ' Hamilton, gives honest value for every dollar. 60-51 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE ' Richmond Hill, Ont. where. The above prices include ï¬lled with gasoline and oil, freight, license and Government sales tax. A|l cars are fully guaranteed, and should any part be defective we will gladly replace the same free of charge. A. E. GLASS, Salesman, Richmond Hiil Come in and examine it when you are in town. By order of the Council can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence unr- WHEN READY TO CONSIDER You can’t have good en- silage unless you have a good silo. And Toronto Silos are good silos. Made of woodâ€"~the best non-conductor of heat and cold. Stur- din built from double YOU’LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE I HANDLE the Toronto Hip Roof Silo because I want to give my customch thg biggest Value. UMBINGâ€" ’ J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill With a 1m Silo NOTICE ls hernby given that :THOMAS HENRY BUFWXJRILEY. of 'the City of Toronto. in the (Jammy of ,ank. in the Province uf ()ulnriu. ll’riuter. will apply In the l’mliumen: :nl' Uunndu at the next swsim: 111011.01“ for 1\ bill uf Divorce {mm his wife, .VIOLJiT AGNES BOTI‘OMLEY of Notice of A; plicaticn for Dlmrce the snid Uin of annntu, on gr llnds uf udultrry um] desenlinn D \'|‘t“.l) ML '1.‘rrnntu.this in“ d; March A. I). 1922. in T HO M AS [I ENRY BOTTOM LEY; by his Solicitor. Snmlh. Hamilton ‘J‘zusl Build- 7 Queen Street, \Vust. . 8 'l‘vlonto. Unml'io. Canada. tongued and grooved staves of selected spruce impreg~ mated with creosote, they give adequate protection against air and frost. Their special Hip Roof provides more space for ï¬lling. I can show you where a Torâ€" onto Silo wit! mean more pro~ ductive cattie. bigger proï¬ts, 3 more valuable farmâ€"dollars in your pocket. Let's talk it over. ~ - $794.00 - $445.00 of Tau-unto. on the $784.00