Miss Edna Grainger has returned h-me from Preston, huving spent the Week with friends. llnwhullâ€"Hichmuud “ill will play Bradford Saturday afternoon, June 1711), nt Bradford. Anrum played Willowdulu lmsehnll ten-nu at \Villowdnlo last evening. The acnre was 3-2 in fuvor of Aurora. Be well and strong/Be full of life nnd energy. Tauluc will do this {or you. It is sold at Sloan’s Drug Sloxe. A car of belvy \Vestern oats and var of drain tile; nlm n cxu-of Nu. yellow feed corn ut the Elevator. The Mass nf pooplp who indm Tanlnc in n nnnvinring guarantee trhv madinine’s mnrir. Gh'eitntli: It. is wld at Slmm's Drug Store. Custnmern come to us avnry day and say Tanlnc hna been a Marking tn thvm. We advise you to try it.’ It is lold at Slonn'o Drug Stow. The Ynnng Women's Min-ion Ciyr‘lu' will hnld their picnic ML [he lmma «1" Mist. Gertlndv Hauling, Tuesday. June. 20. Dnn’t forgot lunch baskets. Tlm Executive lant Hrtlnrdny nl'runzod for A ï¬rm“ Lilwrul Picnic for ank Cnunlv. to he held at Richmond Hill a little lutor in thv s: awn. Mr. H. 3. Findlav. proprietor nnd manager of thv ThnrnhiH hutrâ€"I, has Dwen uppuint-ml distrihmor fur the Earl" Mnlnr Cur. See announcement. on page 3. The June susiuu of York County (‘mmcil uanPd on Monday and the W'm-drn's nxcursion tn Niagara Hulls took place Tuesday. Mr. nnv! Mrs. W. H. Gluhamnnd Mr. and MM. Gm. Phillips mature-d tn Bridgflmrz Flidav. \‘iuitvd with Mt. nrd Mn, “'In. Hung. and rvturm-d Sunday Owing to the Wonwn's Institute- meeting 0" Thursday of this wet-k, tho \Vumvn's Missinnu'y Sncivly's picnic will be hold at Bond Lake Park tn- nmrruw, Fl iduy. Take 8.15 MetropHan cur. ‘ Rtrawhvrry Festival and Radio (‘nnrort on the Pummmgo Grounds, LutherauUhuxrh, Sherwood. Friday, June 23. Snpw'r from 5 to 8 o‘clock. Evervbndy invhvd to hear and see (he wonders of the 20th century. ‘ In the final dran of the Statinning Committee of the Tm‘nntn Mtthodist Conference Rev, B. 8. \Vnrlen has been placed fur thhmvmd Hill, Percy Peacock goes to \Villowdule. Immund Phelps tn Autumn), and A. Mchiil to BlBt't’bl‘ing. Prlly inhhm-ies continue 10 be peipPh-ntod thrmiglmut the dishict. At, Keswick, Mun-sun's garage was broken into and $200 worth of mutor accessories were stolen. Stevenson's garage at Bellehm-en was nlsn enter-9d by thieves, \vhu gut away with a con- siderable quantity of tires and tuhes. This makes five garage rolnhurivs in A week. and it is thought thP same- gram: of thieves were leeponsihie in each can. Constables Kirk and ’l‘hmnpenn are foilnwink up summ- evidmwn that paints strongly to snme well-knuwn characters in the district. 399999995599939993553395 WEE a QUALITY SHOPPE g HEM-fl 9m nmn mm Snokiuâ€" millâ€"Io M Jan ‘ a capsule MZ-MA s Guarantee: to restore normal breathing. stop muc- gatheriugs in the bronchial tubes, g1“ Ion nights of quiet sleep; contains 114 hb t~fonnin drug. $1.00 It ygur (In. ’ t's. Trial meat outagenci& orwrit‘ capletonl, 142 King W5, Totontr §Q939999999999995395995993 Sold at Sloan’s Dxug Stow Mrs. Norman Trench Block Ladies Wear Millinery Dry Goods We are showing this week a nice line of Summer Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, House Dresses and Aprons, Silk Waists, Children‘s Dresses and Suits, Summer Hats, etc. 2 We have also secured the agency for Crompton‘s and Warner‘s'Ceiebrated Corsets, Brassiei'es and Banâ€" deaux. We invite inspection. Our prices are low. and our motto is Quaiity and Serv1ce. Batty, Richmond Hill SP Dun'z fruget the Ice Cream Social to be hrld on Monday evening, June 19, at 7 o‘clock (Stundnrd Time) under the an=pices 0? the Girl's Auxiliary of St. John’s Church. Oak Ridges. at. the home of Mr. W. R. Cape“, Stop 57$ Yonge St. Programme : Miss Mable Yonge St. Programme: Miss Mable Patton, Suloist: Misses Montague, violiniï¬ts : Miss Myrtle McOugue. elo- cutinnist; Mr. H. Richards, tenor. A pageant. “A Canadian Fairy Tale," byn number of children. Admission adults 250. Children 15c. It, is announced thut tho nnnunl Union Sabbath Schnul picnic at Vaugh- nnTuwnship will he held at. Vellore on \Vedno-sdny. July 5Ib. Servi'tes in the Methodist church on Sunday wele in the- intereats of the Dominion Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon. of Richmond Hill and Mrs. D. LPpu‘d, uf Newmurket, spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. J. T. Suigeon und Mr. and M rs. '1‘. H. Keys. Mrs. Chas.- Normun stm'twd this Wrek on n visit to relntives in the west. scnre Brnnches of ank Juniur Farmers' mqanimtlun held their annual ï¬eld day on the Fair grounds hvre Sutur- d-IynfteI-nnon. There was a huge tIIrnOHtofmemhel's. Thr- champion gin-I uthletu of the day was Edna. Snider, of l’nttvrnon, and the cham- pionship for the men's eventa was wnn by E. Unmphell. of King, while Victtxr Ow. of Vaughan, captured second placennd C. Shun. of \Vhituhmch, thixr‘l. The \‘Veï¬t Yolk Junior me- ers' (Huh wrvn [hp mehy awarded (or lhelunzmzt numhvr of pninln Whilâ€" cburch “'rn the inter-Qownship wlay rnr‘v, with \Véï¬t Ymk secund and Vaughan third. Report of Room III Names in order of merit Sn, IIâ€"Blulgmet Dunc-n, (IL) Vailes Nirlmllm (hJ Hfl'hert Shurplesa. (h) [;'\V(‘I'IIP “Night, (h.) anel Unid- well. (h.) Eilevn Roberts. (h) Rnlph Mackir‘. (h.) Lillian Patch. Irvne Dund- nmn. Muurire Patton, \VIIlNewpnrt, julnes Knule John \Vilann, Alice Innes, Rem Cnldpr. Beatrice Cald- we-II, Isohel Sundprsnn, Marj-‘lie Grainger, Rulie \Vuodhmd, \anter Kendall. Teddy Bennett, “'iIIKeith. Harry Lluyd, Muly Lexvy, Leslie Durant. .ln. Ildllpnry Stanford, Anna Phlppc. Mary Drury. Jack Finch. Nov-mun Cook, Hevyl Sanderson, .lnhn Helmkay. Emmh Bnltr, Hean Blillengvr. Cecil Tuck. Lillian Burns, Graham Ellis, Hildn Boyd. Donnld 'l‘ennysvn; Fred McNeoly. Mnrjm-ie “"allin. Hmvard Morris, Arthur Rand. Donald Rand. The H. 8. Flower show held rm Tuesday evening in the School Room of the Metlmdiut Chmch mm a very succecsful event. 'l‘hpre was a splendid display of beautiful [lower hlumns and some strawberries and vngetables. The Eudean Nurseries, with interested kindness, sentu showing of magniï¬- cent blooms nf Delphlnium, Sweet “'illinm. Baptlslu, and other flowers. Mr. Roht. Endenn acted as judge. Below is plize lint : ‘ mud“ 7:11-.. mm... P.-- _.-_ , Hosea â€"- Mrs. Pugaley : Tiger Lilies { â€"-Mre. H. Inm-s: Asparagusâ€"Mrs. ‘ Blnnvy. Mr. Blnney; Leuuceâ€"Miss Switzer, Mn. W. T. Graham; Straw- heniesâ€"Mu. \V. '1‘. Graham. Mu. Hume ; Cress â€" Mrs. W. T. Graba m ; Rhuhalh â€"â€" Mrs. W. T. Grnbum. Mrs. Blanev; IriIâ€"- Mu. McNuir. Mrs. W. T. Graham: Pannivlâ€" Mrs. Phipps, Mn. Mchï¬r; Bachelor'l Buttonsâ€" Mils Gee ; Pnuaiel â€"Mru. Manshrldge. Mrs. Riley: Sweet Williamâ€"Mrs. McNair. Mrs. Farther; Oriental Pop- piesâ€"Mrs. A. G. Savage. Miss Swit- zor: Pyrethrum â€"â€" Mrs. \V. A._Tronch. Mn. McNMm Culumbinu â€" Mrs. Hume. Mu. McNalr; Linksâ€"Mu. Hume, Miss Mnyle; Honeysuckleâ€"â€" Miss Gee ; Dalphinium -â€"Mrs. McNuir. On the suggestion of M13. Innes, large bunches of flowers wera sent to the tavern] rooms of the public school. Richmond Hill Public School The girls' baseball loam Went to icun-iu Square last, Friday and play- ‘ u. match with the leum of that, nee. The result was n tie with a Dre uf 13â€"13. Junior Farmers’ Day OAK RlDGES Flower Show EMILY CLARKE, Tencher. Phone 53 RQW 1 1 l p All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good 'Warkmanship. iMiliineryï¬ Ours is a small organization but thorougth sound, behind which there is merit and ability, essentials in conducting a successful business. Various classes of merchandise, which sell in one district, we have learned by experience are unsaleable in another, and by studying the re- quirements of the locality, we have to-dny a stock 100;; saleable. There are many materials, both in piece and made up garments, manu« factured with a perfect. ï¬nish, but an inferior foundatinn. goods We are very familiar with and which we have no place in our fixtures By good judgment in buy offering only the best; at n conï¬-Jenco and prices, we have gained a deserving rcpulation Mrs. Wm. Davies ()ldvrs left with Mr. Gun. Harding \‘vill I'm-Five pr-mupl, unonlnm. Alan agent fur the Hinunn Siahdnrd Milkm‘. Phone Aurora 8013 E. R. SANDERSEEPN Nothing too grent#NnLhing [0.1 51132411 Having opened a Bakery and Con feccionery on I can supply you with All Kinds of Phone Orders will Receive Prompt Attentionâ€"â€" All kinds of repairs to boots. Quality, Economy, Civility, Promptness DRY GOODS Boot and Shoe Repairer 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. MRS. WM. DAVIES FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK “The Rolfe Shoe Repair†FOR R610 Bakery YONGE ST., 3 Doors South of F. J. Mansbridge’s, Purveyor VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER. South of Shoe Factory C. Winterton RICHMOND HILL GEO. KIDD Fancy Bread, Buns Cakes and Pastry also Ice Cream & Candies TERMS REASONABLE. Prompt Service. PHONE 110 W Phone 97 â€"-ANDâ€" as: at; minimum commendable buying and Pure Paris GE‘EEH While our. present stack Easts, 4369. lb. RICHMOND TIRE & BATTERY SERVlCE Electrice Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH QMWWMWMWOOMWOWW. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager PR INTING---We Know How COME AND SEE ' ‘ Done by the HAYWOOD SCIENâ€" VUIcaanlnguTIFIC PROCESS. All Repairs GUARANTEED to Last Longer than the Rest of the Tire. E. R. FORTNER COOPER’S HARDWARE BAILEY’S - MAPLE Why go to the city to get your clothing. My prices are below city price. Navy blue suits, $23.00, are selling well. Gray suit from $25.00, see them. Hand-made tailor suits, $38.00 up. Ladies suits. hand-made, $35.00 up. Be wise and buy where you can save money; Will be pleased to have you call and see my suite. VESTA N . COOPER All Makes WnnN you want to remit any amount up remember that Bank Money Orders are well as safe. The charges, exclusive of Reven $5.00 and under, three cents; over $5.00 a ing $10, six cents; over $10 and not exceeding over $30 and not exceeding $50, ï¬fteen cents. You can get Money Orders at any branch of TH E W you I'Pmprnl-‘a STANDARka BANK Headquarters for S.M.P. and McCIary Graniteware Plumbing in connection acrosse Sticks, and BasebaHs BA'lT'i‘E RY S E 1%‘7 I C E TRENCH’S BLOCK Granite, { Watered and Inspected Free I Repaired and Recharged. 0F CARE». PHONE 93 money uruers are inexpensive as exclusive of Revenue stamps, are: cents; over $5.00 and not exceed. any branch of this Bank. mware amo_unt up to ï¬fty dollars, Ladies and Gents Tallor, Richmond Hill. exceeding $30, ten cents; Richmond Hill VESTA