dental atter and this We recog hygie Toror of ch tion. to 1m COT we cond Ur. Evans change had c view of the int onto, 1's dentists dentists in ordel the peo that. set health" 52 Chicago T dress befa arc You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a. box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wiliiams‘ Medicine 00., Brock- ville, Ont. up strength as they ought. and remain tired, listless and discouraged. The only reason for this is that the blood has been impoveristh by the ravage of the disease through which the vic- tim has passed. Strength and full activity will not return until the blood has been restored to its normal condi- tion. The blood can be enriched and puriï¬ed quickly and surely by Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills. To enrich the blood and strengthen the nerves is the whole iniSsion of these pills, and thousands have found them beneï¬cial after dis- ease has left them weak and run down. Among those who have proved the value of these pills in cases of this kind is Mr. Charles A. Turner. light- Keeper, Thrum Cap light station. N.S., who says:-â€In Jam, 1917, I took a severe cold which I neglected until it developed into pneumonia, which con- ï¬ned me to bed for some weeks. When I was able to get up and sit around the house, I found that I was not regaining my usual strength; in fact I seemed to be growing weaker and was reduced almost to a skeleton. I took an emulsion, but it did not help me. Then one day a friend who came to see me said, “Here’s some Dr. Wil- iiams' Pink Pills; just the thing to put you on your feet again.†I took them and then got six boxes more and soon could feel they were helping me. By the time the last box was empty I was doing my work again and feeling ï¬ne, and I had gained in weight. My health has since continued good, and i give the credit to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.†' The Limit. “'Dhere isn’t much I don’t konw about the English language," boasted the long-haired man in the club. “I’ll test you,†a friend picked him up quickly. “I’ll dictate a paragraph to you.†“As Hugh Hughes was hewing a yule log from a yew tree, a man dress- ed in dothes of a dark 'blue hue came up to Hugh and said: ‘Have you seen my ewes?’ “ ‘If you will wait until I h-ew this yew tree I will go with you anywhere in Europe to look for your ewes,’ said Hugh.†The modern radiophone broadcast~ ing station sends out waves which have energy equal to about twoâ€"thirds of one horsepower. With an assured air the boaster seized his pencil, but his jaw dropped as he heard: Mlnard's Linlment Relieves Neuralgla tagic and Due to the Fact That the Bk ,eted W h It was not an alarmil It a straightâ€"fromâ€"the- rance that by reason of tivities, dentists would Has Become Thin and Watery. v ed of science to ,he hal Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat. tars through this column. Address him at Spadlna House. Spadina Crescent. Toronto s before the Canadian Dental . Ltion in Convocation Hall, 'I , recently. There are not enm ists, and there will not be enm ists for- the next hundred ye: rder to put rightï¬lw mouths people who are able to pay service. if we have a high sta of mouth cleanliness and mo tions rippe almost every case the v lppe, influenza, fevers ls troubles, are left we: lespondent atter the (12‘ as disappeared. They do hool teeth )its 31 Th hE une the 'ht-from-the-sl by reason of p ntists \vould’ -ir practices. said that a ome about in 1 public and in wards matters is was seen i Dr. W. A. Ev 3"81‘ is in an interest" teeth BY DR. J. J.’ MIDDLETON HEALTH EDUSATIGN mmplete Provincial Board of Health, Ontario 3.000 mplet H 1g Staten shoulder public he: very gre the point I the pub not enough not of phys be pas 0 not phys ictims or and con- 1k. ailing hea S SVBS 81128 ical BI ent Jgn 30d 1th Nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets as a medicine for little ones. They iare a laxative, mild but thorough in ‘ action, and never fail to relieve consti- pation, colic,‘colds and simple fevers. Once a mother has used them she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Saluste Pelletier. St. Dumas des |Aulaines, Que. writeszâ€"“l always ,keep a box of Baby’s Own Tablets in [the house. They are the best medi- .cine I know of for little ones and‘ I [would not be Without them." The ITablets are sold by medicine dealers " or by mail at 25c 23, box from The Dr. lWilliams’ Medicine 00.. Brockville, l Ont. I No pox-ta (3011 chro their poisor and bring : health for 1 vitality. pre] ammatxon will include of the teeth, one of tl ant features of the wh Just how much il-lâ€"l mature death among not examination made of all children at- tending school even in the rural dis: tricts. The complete physical ex- amination will include an examinatior of the teeth, one of the most import- ant features of the whole examination Just how much illâ€"health and pre- A 6609 MEDEQHNE FGR THE BABY The “turkey in the straw†is not such a grain robber after all. A coun‘c made last fall of the contents of a typical range turkey's crop showed 20 grasshoppers, 50 black crickets and 9 kernels of grain. \ A thtle Wxsdom. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Begin in good time, and you’ll end in good time. Bad writing -may be a Sign of genius, but not of wisdom. “Du-’by done†is the foundation of pleasure as well as the right to take it. Always put off til‘l toâ€"morrow the unkind act you would like to do to-day. Those who act with discretion are sure of a good part in the drama of life. “Least said, soonest mended†must not be taken as an excuse for a half- heairted apology. ira Those who know how to save, ï¬rst. learned how to spend. But when a hundred human years "have gone, ' Here on this south and sunward- looking slope, God grant this homer fortress fronts the dawn With still unconquered kindliness and hope. . flam Not this hou Lines fcn- the Deflication of a Home. nt of the unorganized state of soci- but medical science realizes that 1 diseaSes as rheumatism, sciatica, ritis. heart disease have often their rin in decayed teeth which send ‘ poisons into the blood stream bring about a lowered state of th for the individual. Devoid of ity, prematurer aged and chronic lids, many men and women to-day i have been enjoying good health iey had had their teeth kept in ‘ condition. Attention should be m to defects ~s'iach as decayed i. at a stage sufficiently early to A Little Wisd which if eï¬r ame )1: 23-11 31’ )ee) ay bar sorrow out nor 3 of spec home until ect of the tee demonstrated ganized state y, sacriï¬ce and pain ken tha he brain, )m the ver may their tenants rmar hear n and pre- the people teeth can- or du 1‘! lange»: s Irum Jch as teeth tating 'ly for ould dlS n LI! :3 for forty 3 substance a celleht char friends, son peated efl‘m was “wulm’.†The brothers met and broke the long silence of forty years. They did not mention the quarrel, but talked pleasantly of happy days spent together before it took place. Finally William said he hoped that John would go straight to heaven, and John replied that he would meet William there when his turn icame. They shook hands warmly and bade each they remained impla, hard as a moorland bE One day John fell i] bed; he seemed like friends of the brother tior celleiit characters, a friends, some of w} peated efforts to re( they remained imp] hard as a moorland} A Yorkshire Quarrel. The Yorkshireman is a canny fel- low. To show just how shrewd and cautious a.Yorkshireman can be a country doctor who lives in that coun- ty tells the following story in the Cornhill Magazine:â€" Two brothers, William and John Bickerdike, had quarreled. Although they lived almost opposite each other in the same village, they had cum- plete1y Recent surveys made by the govern- ment have shown that, leaving minor streams out of account, seven great rivers east from the Indus are capa- ble ovf yielding 3,000,000 horse-power for every 1,000 feet of fall from their sources in the Himalayas. But the flow of rivers in Southern India is far from reg-uhar, and in the hot season the smallest ones dry up. Hence, to turn them to account for hydroâ€"elec- tric purposes, they must. be dammed, thereby holding the heavy monsoon rains in storage. The most important project of the kind in contemplation is the damming of the Sharavarti River a one the Gersoppa Falls, one of the greatest cataracts in the world. There the river makes a sheer drop of 900 feet, pre- senting an impressive and wonderful spectacle. Its glory, however, is not to be destroyed or even diminished, the location chosen for the dam site beâ€" ing some distance higher up. Once this dam of the ‘Sharavarti River is completed, the ï¬rst step in this gigantic project which will ulti- mately give India a Wealth of water power will have been taken. Other developments will follow. The industrial development of Southern India is seriously retarded by lack of coal; for the “wealth of India" does not include any great deâ€" posits of that fossil fuel. 0n the other hand, the country has enormâ€" ous available resources of energy in the shape of water-power. The tower is one of several,_con- struction of which was started by the British Admiralty. It' is_a huge conâ€" crete mass which required eighteen months to build and cost more than £500,000. One supposition is that it was an antiâ€"submarine device to be towed to the Straits of Dover and sunk in order to trap'undersea boats, probably by highly magnetized cables. But the war ended before this, tower was completed. As yet nobody has been found who will buy the structure for the material in it. ‘ 173 feet can get little idea of what it is all about and can only speculate on the mystery as to what part it was ex- pected to play in ï¬ghting the Get- mans. Two of its interesting features are the engine and control rooms. One of the departments is ï¬tted with a large switchboard from which electric cables' extend. The plant generates sufï¬cient current to supply the Whole tower with light. On the top are mounted two huge seamhl‘ights and two ï¬ve inch guns. privilege of lowed to enter it n the tower is to be am arity tact Mystery Tower Trap for U-Boats. am said he i go straight ' §d that, he w when his : hands warn farewell. I aft the house 1 Making India‘s Rivers Work. MONEY ORDERS ISSUE Nd 3101' year 1t ere the to be scrapped. F. Sexton obtai :aking the tower the raising of m to reconcile them to xey went ï¬rst to Wil- r considerable hesita- e was “willllin’.†John >efore he said that he The brothers met and =1-ch remains ‘b even the sen it despite the each osition; both ha 5, and both had ‘ whom had mac‘ » reconcile them. ‘ altnow hrown ill and too} ely to die rs were much d r their heads 1 ) they should ma ‘econcile them other’s exxste ‘th were men .s by m before rs who climb a idea of wha nly speculate ely gu 'h the t :hem. hosti Order ned' the a public oney for :limb its Jch my send tt} his lere and a1- The ï¬rst thin to do when you have an injury 15 to app y Minard’s famous Lini- ment. It is antiseptic. soothing. heal- ing, and gives quick relief. Far Awayâ€" Foundry. The island of South Georgia, Where‘ Sir Ernest Shackelton has been buried,l is 2,000 miles from civilization, but it is shortly to possess a complete though small, iron foundry. A British ï¬rm has despatched to this distant isle one of its special comprehensive plants for making castings required in repair-i ships can also be carried out by this equipment. - and pressed against my heart until it ptlpitated terribly. I felt weak and worn out all the time and became so dizzy bï¬at many times I could hardly stay on my feet. It seemed like I was going down to nothing in spite of everything I could do. “My ï¬rst bottle of Tanlac convinced me it was the very thing I needed and six bottles have me feeling like a new man. I have a big appetite, eat what- ever I want‘, and am entirely free from indigestion. I‘believe Tanlac will help everybody who tries it.†Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. \ Ade Now Well and Strong, HeN’mte Says Tanlac Will Help Anybody. ’ NE “Tanlac rid me of about as bad a. John case of stomach trouble as a man everl had," said J. A. Deslauriers, 119 “_ Beaudrry St., Montreal. “My appetite was so poor I had to force down the ADD] little I did manage to eat but I had terrible cramping pains, gas formed BECAME SO WEAK AND DEZZY HE COULD EEECTRECHAN SAYS Clear the pores of impurities by daily use of Cuticura Soap and occa- sional touches of Cuticura Ointment as needed to soften, soothe and heal. They are ideal for thc toilet as is also Cuticura T alcum for powdcring and perfuming the skin. Sample Enchfreebyfltfl. Address: "I. 1",“!!!- lted. 3&4 St. Pm! It, W..Man¢rul." old every- where. Soup 25c. Ointment 26 and 5°C. Taqum 25c. Cuticurn Soap shaves without mug. “I was affected with pimples on my face and shoulders {or several months. They festered and itched and my forehead was disï¬gured. I tried different remedies which did no good. I sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment which seemed to help me. I bought more and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint- ment I was completely healed." (Signed) C. V. Randall, Granada, Colorado, Feb. 11, 1921. WARNING! Say “Bayer†when you buy ASpirin. Unless you see the name “Bayer†On tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an “unbroken package†of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,†which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by For Sprains and Bruises. PIMPlES UN FACE ANDSEQUEEJMERS For Several Months. Festered and ltched. Cuticura Healed. NOTHING TO EQUAL HARDLY WORK. Colds Toothach EE mm“ FE 11‘ I Headache ab Neuralgia Lumbago belting, pulleys, saws. cable.hose,pa.cklng. etc., shipped subject to approval at low- est prices In Canada. YORK BELTING CO.. 115 YORK STREET. TORONTO. so bottles of Labor worketh a harshness on sor- rowâ€"Montaigne. Now Works Nine Hours a Day.â€" Lyéia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength URSES WANTEle School in charge Johns AHo‘p'kins Hosiplrlal .A._ The combats of life are always struggles against yourself. mm m WK 7% mu: Many women get into a weak, nervous run down conditxon because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. Pinkh am ’5 Vegetable Com- ound at the ï¬rst sign of trouble. Good Eealth is necessary and this splendid medicine will help you to keep it. 156.5,. Orif UnionVillage, Vt. â€" “I was weak and nervous and all run-down. I could not This is only one of such letters we are continually ublishing showing what; Lydia E. Pin ham has done for women, and whether you work or not Mrs. Guimann’s letter should interest you. walk across the floor without resting and Ibad been thatway for weeks. Isaw your advertisement in the paper and after tak- ing one bottle of L dia E. Pinkbam’s e g e t ab le Com- pound I felt the good it was doing me and _ I took seven more in . all. Before I ï¬nished - ' - . .-. was able to work nine hours a day in a. steam laundry. I cannot say too much in favor of your medicine. I trust all sick and suffering women willtake it. It has been two years since I took it and I am strong and well." â€"Mrs. L. A. GUIMANN, Union Village, Vermont. Mlnard'a Liniment for sale everywher. W A. VANTEDâ€"YOUNG' LADIES OF good education to train as nurses. IApp]yï¬fxl’ellandre‘ Hospital_ St. Cathar- Mm KI_I_~IDS OF NEW AND USED Bulk Cal-lots TORONTO SALT worms 0. J. CLIFF ¢ TORONTO Classiï¬ed Advertisements mom's 216nm Dog nomadic: .A Book on dent, 301535665 COARSE SALT L A N Dr'r’s A LT MAZI lit with Int BELTINO FOR SALE AGENTS WANTED. \VE Niagara NURSES WANTED. Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Aï¬. Omar-:13 INVENTION: M lamps ive 3 time: lsationa carburetor gas light; quick DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to an? Ad~ dress by the Au her. 8. Ola. Glove): 00.. Inc. 129 '68: 24th Street New York. U.S.A. “'ANT REPRESENTA- evcry clty and town ln automobile stop signals: ants accidents: every car ct; easy to sell; blg pro- - particulars and agents nadlan Auto Shops, P. 0. ra Falls. Ontario. l-‘OR TRAINING ; of graduate ot a]. Apply Superin- 1nltar1um. Guelph. Druggista. e of Mono- quick siles. M AKES more