Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jun 1922, p. 8

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OR SALEâ€"A list of 60 and 100 acre farms. with good nausea. and bank [nu-us, all in Markham townshlp, the very best; of land: also a. good all Iound country store; this la a good buy for some one, Apply WESLEY BOYSâ€" TON, Gormley R. R. 2. or Phone Stoufiville 6104. 49-52 ‘ OTIOEâ€"ann mnwms sharpened Ind repaired. All kinds of saw: filed. Scissors and knives. mower and binder knives ground. Furniture re- Aired. A. ANDERSON, rear of Walter underburg's shop, Yonge St. 49-8 UTO [AVERYâ€"J have opened un auto livery two doors north of the Post Office. Charges moderate. Patrona o solicited. R. HORNER. Phone I 1-]. 49-52 OH. SALEâ€"1 Trench platform, spring wagon, ncurly new,1 Massey- Harris, 7 ft. binder. MCKENZIE BROB., Willowdale. " 44-tf. OTICEâ€"E. Sliney Is prepumd to 1 do all kinds of trucking and cutting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. fiatronage sullcited. Phone Righrqond OR SALEâ€"Barn 30 x 50, may ho seen un lot. 29. rear con. 2, Vaughan. Jon): SLINEY Richmond Hill. 40-“. ASI‘UREâ€"Good pasture for stock, plenty of running water, lot 29. rear 2nd con. Vaughan. Jnux SLINEY. Phone 98 Richmond Hill. 45â€"lf. \Vhy sell your won], if you are in need of blankets; let us manufacture your own \VOul intn tha old fashioned blankets, the kind grandmother used tn muke; the kind you have the pleasure of wenring out. not, worn out at the mill. Investigate. There“: a real difference, and at a very snmll cost you cun put. in n stock which will last. for years. Phone, write. or motur over to the mill and get particulars from S. B. LEHMAN & SON Unionville R. R.. Established 43 years. 4-1-52 Hm us. 1% neleof land un May Avenue. Owner \V. FIFE, (5.38 andview Ave.. Toronto. or see F. UszN, Stop 48 Yonge Street. 49-51 strain. Mus. l Ceu'rviile siderund. Toronto. ‘OR SALEâ€"Big Bargain â€"- 1921 Baby Gr:\nd.'ll munth old. nnlv guns 5000 miles, for quick sula 8800. \‘V. G. BALDOCK. Ltd. 51 will him perâ€"and 3 their work Ah! the pitiful lack of money to provide for his needs! The dumb agony in his wife's eyes! The National Sanitarium came to the rescue. He was sent to the Mus- koka Hospital for Consumptlves, and the family provided tor in healthy suigoundlnga. The Humble Home “In the Rear” OR SALEâ€"7 young JAMES CARNEGIE. Richmond Hill. possibly recerx""Lâ€"x_tiaer such condi nous? A man. gaunt, hollow-eyed, lay on the bed in a, little shack “In the rear." The closed window was a silent reproach to an unwholesome garbage heap within twenty feet of the front door. There, the man, his wglfe and two children existed. mlser» a y. RISH COBBLERSâ€"Irinh Cobbler Potatoes for sale. $1.003, bug. E. T. STEPHENS Richmond Hill. 51 OLD \VATUHâ€"A nvw Elgin Guld Plated Watch fur sale. value $25. Bnlo price $15. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE. , él-tf. 110R SALE OR RENTâ€"House and 11nnnnl\f|ant‘l ..n Nluu Al'nnnn It ls expected that a. few months lll complete his recovery, and fit m for llght work. Contributions may be sent to Hon. ' A. Charlton 223 College Street. \l-nn‘g H9_w_ could a. victim of tuberculosis LMIRA WOOLLEN MILLSâ€" 0R SALEâ€"Tm Leghorn Pnllets. l yenr old: Also 1 rnoéter. Ferris tin. Mus. BALBONE, Lnt 40, Wine siderumd. 50-51 GOOD WORK HORSE For Saloâ€" 1‘. O. STREET Newten Brook. 51-52 5km The Shaw Schools in Toronto never clone in Summer. They are open all July an'l August. Don't waste the holiday ten-on‘uan now to learn type- writin . thou-(hand and bookkeeping. lndivigual instruction in every course. START BUSINESS SGHUL THIS SUMMER Want Ads. P. McIntouh. Chief Principal BUSINESS SCHOOLS TORONTO you-kahire pigl. Mill St. West, 51 42 tf The next meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellore, on MONDAY, JULY, 3, 1922 Vaughan Council JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 BEBEBFORD AVE.. WEST Tommo Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-4’1“? YEARS' EXPERIENOE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Mr. Unm bell will be at The Liberal Office. Rio mond Hill, every Tuesday anal-neon. Officesâ€"Suite 5|! McKinnon Bldg. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. Tnmnto Offices â€" Continental Life Bldg. ‘mr. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Call by phone or otherwise promptly ’reeponded to Branch Officeâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Office. BAnmm. Souc‘rron. NOI‘ARY ET: Tgronto Office, Richmond Building 38 Richmond Street, \Vest. Ridhmond liill Office (‘ Lihera) JOHN R. CAMPBELL Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ‘Voodbm’dae. Saturday forennnu. Money to Loan at, Gun-ant Rate At Richmond Hill. followng the celebration of his first Muss. Rev. Alfred E. McQuillan, (me of the priests ordained at. St. Michael's Cathedral on Saturday, was presented with an illuminated address and a gold chalice. For many years. Rev. Father McQuillun was a resident of Pnrkdale, but some six years nyzu moved to Richmond Hill, where his mnlher now resides. Rev. Father Covle of the Holy Family Church, Pnrkdule, preached the qermon. and assisting in the service were Rev. E. Cunning. Rev. \V. Lyons of Chatlmm, N. 8., fund Rev. E. Kelly. pustm-nf R’l‘chmund present Hill By proclnmntion. the Village Council rpqnested the residents of Richmond Hill In an: thnir timepieces forward one hnnr at midnight Sunduy, June 11, to remuiu till Monday, Sept. 4. Tbs change does nut, suit every- body, but the Council respected the wishes of those who signed tliu 1n rgest petition. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING Arm GENERAL REPAIRS FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Macnaughton & Campbell A. CAMERON MACNAUG HTUN RUMBLEâ€"0n Monday. June 51h at Cedar Hiil Farm, Vaughan. to Mr. and Mrs. David Rumble, I dunghtcr. \VRIGIITâ€"On Saturday, June lOlh, to Mrv and Mrs. Osmond L. \Vlight. Richmond Hill, a sun, Bruce Stunners. (still born). A. C. HENDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON, Barrlsters, Solicitors. Etc. THORNHILL, ONT WILLIAM COOK Hev. Brd.’ Bugation was also Thoruhill . Given Gold Chalice Money to Loan. at 10 o'clock J. B. MCLEAN. Olerk New Time BIRTHS SAVONA â€"â€" Government Premium Imported Clydesdale [23398] (19554) enrolled and lnspeeted. the property of Oscar 00x, Unlonville. will make the semen at. his own stable. u mile: want of Uniouville. Terms $20. SOLIDITY STA M Pâ€"Pure-bred Clydes~ dale italllon, [22232] the property of David J. Howard, Downsview, will stand at his own stable. Terms $12. GENERAL KEYNOTE â€" Pure-h r e d imported Clydesdale [23399] (2mm. thu propert of T. A. Bowes and A. Boucock. fiome stable. Concord. will travel thrnugh Vellore. Maple, Blgin Mills, Victoria Square, Dollar, etc. Terms $20. THURSDAY. JUNE 22â€"Auctlon sale of standing grain, implemenls etc.. 10!. 26. con. 5, Vaughan._tho prppelrpy 9f MONOGRAM â€" Champion Percheron Stallion [8304] 109862. the property of \Vm. Robinson & Sou. Newton Brook. will make the season of 1922 at his owner's farm. Terms $15. That two of our York county mem- bers should have so large a pan. in these unwnrthy nclivities is not to our credit. Even our third member has not. been free from the lnctias of part- isanship that includes him in severely censuruble opposmon to the enforce- ment of the act. which he assisted in placing upon our statute book. If the aid Liberal and Conservative pan-Lies fail to dissociate themselves from the course of some of their erst- while lenders they must share the dis- credit it will bring tgthem. Luu. v, vuunux.... v..- r. B): C. Mun-my. Sula at. Terms 6 months. Snigeon &Walk~ lugton, Aueto. SATURDAY. JUNE 24â€" Auction Sale of firm stock, furniture etc., lot 14. "at 6th con. Markham, the property of A. H. Greenfield. Sale at lo’cluck. Terms 3 months. Fred Postill, Auct. 'Ihut one who for a time filled the high position of n christian minister. should descend so low as Lu share eye“ a minor path In the course of these cu£yvorul poli_tics. Then at the behest, of the Liberty League sylnpnlhizera, they vulture like seize. upon any small (ncidentul errors that huve been inevitable in such It. task, dislmliug them into statements the falsehood of which con. dems them us nuke-rs, as not, marer discxedituble members of party poli- tics, but as men who have disgraced themselves by sharing in such dis- hunoruble courses. _ our-ed to enforce its provisions. During the two and a half years that. Mr. Rauev bus with great difiiculry carried the burden of that service, those men lmt. only refused to aid in any way, but delibernlely made it more difficult. for him to accomplish. Sir :â€"â€"A protest is surely called for from all decent man, most certninly {roux ull christian men and women, over the diu‘play of bitter partisanship of a former and of some present. lend- ers of [he twu old pulilicul parties and of the virulent hatred for our Ontario Temperance Act, and of our Attorney- (ieneral, who has su‘enunuf‘ly endeav- Fl'll‘nd! were shocked to hem of the sudden death of Mr. Alex. Gibson, which took place \Vednvsdny oflnst week, at his hmne at Brighton. He went. to bed the previous evonlng apparently in his usi‘inl health. When his son Fullerton. arose \Vednesday mmning and found that his father was nut down stains. he went to his bed- rnum and found his father dead. Deceased was a brolhn- of Mia. R. Vnnderlmrgh and Miss Gibson of this Village. YORK-SIMUGE GROUP 01? rm. 5 UOUVTY LEAGUE SCIIEDI'LI‘} \Vednesday, June 14 -â€" Aurora at Willowdale. fiaturday, June lTâ€"Newmarket at Aurora. Spturday, June l7-Richmond Hill at Bradford. Tuesday. June 20â€"Aurora at Brad- ford. Saturday, June Zlâ€"BradfOrd at Rich- mond Hill. Don‘t Miss the Town League Game Monday. June 19. when the Ku Klux Klan and \Vau-bu-Knockies will play. Don't forget the game Saturday. at Bradford between Richmond Hill and Bradford July 31 June 26 july 3 June 12 June 19 July 17 July 24 Sporting Notes TOWN LEAGUE SCHEDULE Mr. Moyle Protests Auction Sale Register 10 Stallion Register Klan. Cadets at Ku Klux Klan. Wau-bu-knockies at Cadets. Ku Klux KIan at Wan-bu knockien. knockies. Ku Klux Klan at Cadets. Cadets at, Wau-bu-knockies. Wau-bu-knockies at Ku Klux Wau-bu-knockies at Cadets. Ku Klux Klan at Wau-bu Sudden Death HINRY MOYLE Special attention iven to sales at every description. arms and farm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commissxou. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates Run over this list and let us have your orders for your Spring work: Eave Trunghing, Lightning Roda. Metal Siding and Routing, Lunden’s Bau'n Equipment. Furnaces and Furn- ace Repails. all kinds of Metal Build- ing Supplies. Pumps nnd~ Repairs, Pipes and Fittings, and many other lines. We will have a man in the shop every day now, and will give you SERVICE. TEETZEL BROS Now that Spring work is drawing near. drop in and let us quote you prices. If we hawu't what you want we can get it. ELGIN HOTEL \Ve have taken over the Implement Business nf the late Mr. Gnu-cor. We shall run this in conjunction with our Tinsmith Business in the same prem- ises occupiek by [be late Mr. Carter. We have on hand a complete stock of Repair: for Massey-Harris and Cook- ehutt Implements, and are General Agents for n numbed of Specialty Ma- chines, Engines, etc. of Interest. and Benefit to Fur-men‘s. We also have one Standard ()rezun Separator. in A1 Cou- diLion, which we will sell cheap for Quick Sale. Famin physician (25 ywu's exper- ience.) Yonge St. Thornhill. N EWM A R KET BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL ANY TIME IndividnulInstruction. Night S( Mondays and Thtirsfilays. ? PLUMBING, IHEATING, AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Dr. W. J. Wesley Get Yam Painting Done Now A. 53%. W H EELE R Newmdrket, Give us cm Emly Cull Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge'St. J. H. Prentice Oflicz hours 9 to 11:1. m. 6 to 8 p. m . Bridges, Prop. 415 Balliol St” Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Richmond Hill PLUMBING C0. Stop 47 Richmond Hill Euy, Build, Work, and Support the Home District 06313?) ‘W’GRK AT FAIR PRICES ublic Notice Successors to J. Carter TINSMITHS GENERAL AGENTS ELGIN MILLS first class Painter Low Charges B1nk of Toronto Block PHONE 87, 87-J 3, 93 ghee Factory Building Scheol DAY PHONE 133 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL \Ve will quote you prompt- ly; we supply everything, from rough lumber to the finest interior finish. Material, workmanship and service always up to standard. Prices right. L INNES & SON Send your bills of materia to us for prices. Yonge ‘St., RICHMOND HILL Yetnnuther beauty spot has been given into «my hands to dispose of. that: beautiful residence on the Corner of Church and Markham Avenue, large lot. All kinds uf trees beauti- ful lawn. luvely outlook, house nearly new with all modern improvements and town water innmlled. Must be solid quickly, ill health cause of sale. Lot‘s and'honses in any part of the village. Building Material The most. desirable residence and location in the north end for sale. Up- to-date bungalow with all modern im- provements and most artistically wired. Beautiful grounds- Largo lot, shade, ornamental and fruit hear- ing trees. Possession can be arranged. Also terms. JONES LUMBER C0, Money borrowed and loaned. Insurance effected. H. A. Nicholls Within the last week we hava unloaded over 120,000 feet of dressed and tough lumber and are now In a. position to give you u. very reasonable quuta- tion on your requirement: in building material of all kinds. LUMBER PLANING MILL LUMBER YARD The Real Estate Man AND I!

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