Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jun 1922, p. 1

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With hot air, or steam heating systems in modern houses, also in schools and churches, SOLVAY COKE is the Ideal Fuel. This coke is thoroughly screened ,and is prepared in three sizes and ‘sells $2.00 a ton less than coal. A carload at the Elevator. «â€"-e-n LH-‘fiT One hundred per cent. burnable, will give you the highest degrees of satisfaction and more heat units to the ton than any other fuel. Solvay The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick (hmpany. Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement, drain tile, 3, 4, 5, 6 and S in. Culvert tile“ 13. 15. IS and 20 inch sale. (30 inches i‘u Also Cement Brick Sand or vael sold in 081‘ lots. Cedar posfs and tel‘ Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th.} QELLaorT/h-_ 1 VOL. XLIV. Yonge nnd Charles Bts. Toronto. â€"â€"13 Strictly First-Class. Our gradu- ates readily obtain employment owing to their superior training and our anistsnce in planing them. It undoubtedly pays to attend the belt. Write today for our ca Lulogue and arrange to enter at our Full Opening. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal Branchesâ€"Thornhill av p03 I. D. Ramer Purchases can be made >_by cheque through the mail. making a. trip to town unnecessary. En- close your cheque with your order. The Royal Bank of Canada .50 per annum, in advance.] Every farmer’s wife will find a. bank account for house- hold and personal expenses 9. help and a safeguard. A Bank Account for the Farmer’s Wife and Willowdale s and belg-phone poles T. COUSINS. Coke Pres. Mid Manager length) by the loud or Mapie. TH Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont. 30-tf Office hours 10 to 12 8."). 6 to8 p. m. Ofl‘lce and residenceâ€"Yongp Street Richmond Hill Phone No. 24 DENTIST Office Trench Block, two doors north of Standuld Bank. UoursQnmn. tn 5.31) p.01. Open evenings by appointumnt. Maple Licensed Auctioneer for theUnuntyof York. Sales attended to (m shontesL notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL »,- AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept: m, the above placen W. H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Tent: )er of Piano-Playing at the Turuntn Conservatory of Music and SI. hIax'gm~PL‘s GullegP. Richmond Hillâ€"\Veduesdnys and Saturdays. Pupils passed for Conservatory Exâ€" ‘ aminatinnsu Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephoae Main 2777 Monarch Bldg” 26-28 Adel- aide Sh" \Vest, Toronto. Naughton Block. Aurora Sulicrtor for : The Town of Aurora The Townsliip of King The Township of \Vhitchunrh The Imperial Bunk of Canada, Aurora J. M. \Vultou, & Cu. Aurora 063cc: { \Valter S. Jenkins Rest. Phone Hm. 504s MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONI‘O feacher of Fletcher M'ethod Musical Kmdergarten Call and get our quotations on the following : Feed Oats, Salt, Flour and‘ Feed, Scratch Feed and Baby Chick Feed at the Chopping Mill: FER TILIZE‘RS ELOCUTION STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICH MOND. By the bag at ton rates. DR. J. P. WILSON NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS J. F. BURR EARLE NE WTON RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY JUNE 22 1922 J. T. SAIGEOlN . L. R. BELL Telephone 1% PIANIST Richmond Hill “In Essmfiafis, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. J. Hurry Naughton Res. Ekin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 Sunday school anniversary servicei will he held in Hope Church next Sunday. June 25, at 2.30 and 7 p.111. Rev. M. Hay of Rlcbmond Hill Pl'vsbylerian Church, will conduct, both services. The Dufferln Street Presbyterian chnlr will supply music at both services. '1‘nining [I now omclnlly closed until tho Full Term. The Corp: will hold a pavilion dnuoo It the clam: of the Matriculation Exams when the Senior Cadets have finished their Term wnrk. Details thereof will be nunuunced Inter. Procreds for regimental uporllng fund which an urgently requiied. Upon' the taceipt. of the Govern- mentnlnllowance. the O. C. will publllh officlnlly all recelpta And oxpondltureu (052th. current year, ending August. 19 . Ool. Clank: D. S. 0., M. 0.00m- mnnding York Range" Rent" tn- nouloel the following regimental appointment. 'Meu Regimental Committee. Llcut. A. J. McLsgchy, Richmond Hm. A fl A'nd to whicfx'appnintment the Corps extend to Mr. and Mrs. McLutcby their congratulatinm. Count Maple Olly. I. O. F. is making prppnrntions for 11 great Fir-Id Day. to he held on the Football Grounds Saturday, July 1, Dominion Day. Football. commencing at 1.30. will be contested by Concord. Teston and Maple. purse $33. Good programme of foot races, to be followed by a grand concert in the new Community Hall. commencing at 7.30. Some of Toronto’s best entertainers will take part. Supper served by the Women's Insti- tute in the Masonic Hall. Afterthe concert :1 dance will take place, Thorn- Orchestla in attendance. The annual meeting of the \Vomen's Institute: was held in [he vestl'y of the Methodist Church lust \Vedneaduy afternoon. ‘ The marriage of Mr. Earle V. Bynm son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hymn. to Miss Annie A. Sutton. of Toronto took place in Bulhurab St. Methodist chm-ch lust Saturday afternoon. Dr. F. and Mrs. Roubley left, on Saturdny fm' Winnipeg Where the modicnl council is being held. Rev. Mr. Arnott of KIeinbux-g in lhe Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. R. K. Lambert plenched anniversary sermons at Kleinburg. The funeral of Mr. Chas. E. Cousins brother of Mr. Thos. Cousins took place on \Vednesday from his homeiin Wood- bridge to Prospect cemetery. A football match between the pupils pf Hope and Mapla Public schools was played here on Friday. The home team won by a score of 4â€"0. A game betwan Concord and Maple teams reâ€" sulted in a draw, 2-2. The fullnwlng account relative to the deuth 05 Dr. Ley Hurrla is taken from The Sam Angelo Daily Standard of May 10. 1922. "Dr. N. Lay Hurrls, the Optician. died at. 8:15 o'clock \Vednesday morning at the famlly rPsidenc-a, cor- ner. South Bishop and Live Oak streets. Funeral services held at the Mnssie Company undertaking parlors at 4 o’clock Thursdly afternoon the Rev. F. B.’ Buchanan Hi the First Methodist Church ofliclatlng. Inter- ment in Fnirmount. Doctor Harris was 41 years old. having been born in Richmond Hill. Ontario, Canada, November 27. 1880. For many years he resided at Haâ€" worth. New Jersey. In 1914 he came to San Angelo purchasing the nptioal busineu conducted by Dr. Fred R. Baker MO Each Twohig avenue. Be- sides the widow he leaves four chil- dren: Angelica, Id», Normalee and N. Lay. Jr. One child, Alma Ruth. died a year ago last December. HIS mother resides at \Voodatngk. Ontario, Canada, A sister. Mrs. C. \V. Cooper, lives at \Vinnipeg. Canada. Dr. Harris was a momhev of the Modern Woodmen of America and a. member of the locnl Elk Lodge. He was a member of the Inlerxmtional Optometrist Aasociatinn, of the new Jersey Optical Association and of the Texas Optical Assoniation. Dnctnr Harrie held an enviable lepututiou as an nptician." One friend writes: “His W13 a rare and gentle spirit. a. brilliant. mind and a magnetic personality that made him beloved of many friends. " His moat intimate frienda and neighbors speuk of Dr. Harris is tender and Pifectiunnbe terms. nnd beautiful memories of him will long remain. 7 VVVaV are sure; that many friends in Richmond Hill will feel the deepest sympuhy for the mother. the widow and tho four children. Dr. N. Ley Harri: Leaves Widow and Four Children York Ranger Cadets Hope mm. The Sunday lcbonl will hold their annual picnic At Bond Luke Park, Saturday of this week, June 24. Anniversary services the fvllowing day. Sunday. June 25. Rev. A. E. Crews of Torontu will preach ut. both services. The Ice Cream Social held on Mon- day evening by the Girls' Auxiliary of St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges. at the home of Mr. W. R. Capell. Stop 57.5 Yonge 8% W213»); good success. The evening was cool, but there was a large attendance. After the ice cream and refreshments. a good programme was given consisting of cornet solos. violin selections. solos, recitations. and apageant “A Canadian Fairy Tale." given by the children of Oak Ridges public school, which was very much en- joyed. Jasper Park, Alberta. june 15thâ€" Wizh the unfurling of the Union Jack by Mia. H. C. Fleming of San Fran- since. the first, guest. to register. and hoisting it into position in front of the main building by Mr. John M. Ixnrie of the Edmonton Jourunl. Jasper Park Ludge was npened to the public today. The importance of this event is chiefly in the fact that it is the first step to lie tnken by the Cunadain National Railways in providing permanent buildings for the accommo- diitionsof tourists in this splendid mountain playgiound. set aside by the Dominion Government. consisting of 4,400 square miles in the heart of the Northern Canadian Ruckies. The assembly for the opening represented guests from Australia, United States, Pacific (Joust points, the Prairie Provinces und Eastern Canada.. The lodge is of nrtistic log construction, in- cluding a large l-mngs building, dining hull and sepzirnta sleeping quarters. Resident of Ypsilanti for Twenty-Three Years to be buried at Birthplace Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader SOlUlSL North Purkdnle Methodist Church, is prepared to receive puplls in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling. Phone 22. Mrs. Margaret, Hood Drury, wife of Dr. James Drury, pulsed away at her home (.11 Ferris 8:. last night at 11:45 o'clock utter an illness of about. three months. Mu. Diury was bornin Markham. Out“. 58 yeurs ago and came to Ypsilanti 23 years ago as a. bride. Her father and mother both were of Scotch birth, and she was of a fine family. Besides her husband, Mrs. Drury is survived by fiva [fliers and twn brothers. all living in Canada. Two cg her sisters, Miss Agnes nnd Mist Elizabeth Hood, were with her dur- ing her [an illness. There will he 3 short sex-vice at the Home tonight. at saven o'clock. con- ducted by Rev. Elliott, (-f the Presbyterian church where Mrs. Drnry belonged. Snturdny morning Dr. Dx-ury and the Misses Hood will leave with the body fur Markham, Ont... \vhvre she will be buried in the Hood family 1( cemetery Ring 11 405m» Ypsilantianâ€"Press June 16 Jasper Park Lodge opened lot in SL. Juhns Presbyterian THE STERLING BANK Wm.C. Ruttan OAK RIDGES HEADFORD The wise farmer will make his plans now for placing his operations on an increased scale. If these plans call for additional financing the local Manager of the Sterling Bank will be glad to have a personal discussion with you. OF CANADA SAVE W Because Wise Farmers CUTHBER'I‘ RASPBERRY (‘ANES' $11.00 per 1,000. GLEN MARRY STRAWBERRY PLANTS, $8.00 per 1,000. Quarter amount cash in advance; balance C. O. D. at your nearest ex- press office, $1.00 per 1,000 less if gotten at: plantation. C. B. Crawford BOX 22 Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE an Gable Address: “Dedu” Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Fuank Den ton Residence address Victoria Square The W'orkingman's Friend . New Sh0p on Lorne Ave; H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oommisionex, Onnveynnqer, Etc msuranoe and Real Estate Fruit Growers First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and ShOes. Satisfaction guaranteed Richmond Hill LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patx'onaze and influence respectfully solicited RICHMOND HILL L. WADE [Single copies, 3 cts. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANOING Jasmin 0F} MARRIAGE LIC ENSES Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf A. J. HUME Arthur A. MuodonaJd COOK SVI LLEI ONT P. 0. address Gormlvy,B.R. No. 52

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