Sir Rider Haggard has presented to the British Museum a gold ring which has an interesting history. He ï¬rst saw it 67 years ago. attached to the watch-chain of the headmaster of his preparatory sbhool. who had received it from a friend, who had traveled much in America. The friend's story was that, while traveling in Peru. he had opened a gravemound. in which he found a stone table with 13 mummi~ fled ï¬gures seated rcund it. On the regulate the bowels sweeten the stom- ach. banish constipation, colic and in- digestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may be given to the. new-born babe with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers. or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine C0.. Brock- ville, Ont. The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hairs is never cross but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly child that is cross and peeviS‘h. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which HEAETHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The drones of the race instead of being idle and luxurious creatures, are sober, industrious and well behaved members of the community. They clean the streets of their town withl exempiary diligence; they act as pubâ€" lic scavengers or sanitary omcers. And they have their reward; for unlike the doomed bee drones they live their al- lotted life in peace and quietness, till winter involves both them and their-i spinster sisters in one common cata- clysm of death and destruction. I Wasps are at al‘l times particularly fond of honey. Indeed they have a very sweet tooth for sugar in any form. Toward the end of summer, therefore, as bee keepers we]! know, they wili force their way into bee hives as open robbers and carry off by main force as much as they can gorge of their wihged neighbor’s honey. Division of labor, it is believed, goes a long way in the nest. Some of the workers seem as be specially employ- ed as forage'rs and soldiers; others ap- pear to be told otf as nurses and guard- ians; while yet others are engaged as papermakers and masons. The human view of wasps seems to be lacking in breadth. Because they are given to stinging us we fail to do justice to their virtues. One scientist who has given much study to the mew ter says that the main doctrines of the wasp are. "If any wasp will not work neither shall he eatâ€; and "Every wasp to labor according to his capacity, and receive according to his needs in a free community.†You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brock- vllle, Ont. N.S., bears testimony to the value of these pflis in cases‘of this kind. He says: “I was attacked with indiges- tion accompanied by severe cramps in the stomach. I “as prescribed for by the ram-fly doctor, but got very little beneï¬t. Then I tried some of the ad vertised remedies. but with no better result. Indeed my condition was grow- ing wome. Then I read of the case of a. man who praised Dr. Will‘iams' Pink Pills winese condition was similar to my Own. and I decided to try this medicine. The result, I think. was amazing, as the use of six boxes re- stored me to my former good health. I can therefore warmly recommend the use of this medicine for stomach trou- bies." New strength is given weak stemâ€"f aohs by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills be- cause these pills enrich and purity the blood supply. This is the natural pro: cess of giving strength and tone to the stomach, and it accounts. (or the speedy relief in stomach disorders that follows the use of Dr. Williams“ Pink Pills. The appetite revives, food can be taken without discomfort and the burden and pains of indigestion are dispelled. Mr. William Johnson, a. prominent business man of Lequille, The urgent need of all who suffer! from indigestion, and who ï¬nd the stomach unable to perform its usual function, is a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress after eating is the way the stomach shows that it is too weak to perform the work of digesting the food taken, In this condition some , peo-ple foolishly resort to purgativesï¬ but these only further aggravate the trouble. 1 NEW STRENGTH HER WEAK STGMAEHS Indigestion Disappears W h e n the Blood Supply is Enriched. Ring With a Romance The lndustrious WaSp. sold by medicine dealers. (31' .t 25 cents a box from The Lms’ Medicine Co.. Brock- The octopus 15 the greatest of crabs and lobsters.‘ Commercial Trees. The constant demand for informa- tion in brief form concerning the lead- lug characteristics, range. and uses of Canada’s chief commercial woods has led the Forestry Branch of the De- partment of the Interior to issue Circu~ laz- No. 14, “Commercial Forest Trees of Canada," by R. G. Lewis. B.ScF. In eight pages this bulletin gives much useful information about Canadian timber. The circular may he had free 0ft Dr. H. W. Hill of London, Ont, gavei an address on “Some modern fallâ€"i acie’s,†emphasizing the point that public health work is more concerned! with the prevention of disease than its cure. l Dr. W. W. Lailey of Toronto readl 1a paper on “Pre-natal care.†‘ Dr. C. J. 0. Hastings, M.O.H., To- ronto, gave an address on “More efï¬-i cient care of mothers and expectanti mothers before, during and after con- (ï¬nementf’ useful timber 1113011 ï¬nger of the principal ï¬gure was the ring, which the discoverer withdrew; and the bodies according to his story, crumbled into dust. It was the legend attached to this ring which. according to Sir Rider Haggard, ï¬rst turned his imagination toward the invention of stories of adventure: and readers at “King Solomon’s Mines†will recognize in it the origin of a striking episode in that book. Fiftyï¬ve years after he ï¬rst saw the ring it still remained vividly in Sir Rider Haggard’s men- ory. and he .described its appearance in a story. Shortly after he had done so, he chanced to renew acquaintance and made inquiries about the ring, of which he eventually became the pos- SQSSOI‘ The morning session of the second day was entirely taken up with a disâ€" cussion on milk and its prominence as a food indispensable both to the adult A most interesting address on! “Food Poisoning" was given by Dr.’ M. J. Rosenau, #rofessor of Medicine: and Hygiene of Harvard University, author of the standard text-book “Preventive Medicine and Hygiene,†and one of the most outstanding authorities on public health subjects} on the continent. I and the child. According to Mr. E Dr. J. A. Morgan of Smith Town- ship, Petenborough, gave an interest- ing paper on "How to control Diph- theria. in a small country village,†stressing the fact that diphtheria is one of the chief causes of children’s deaths in a community, and that the free use of swabs and antiboxin, coupled with the services of the com- munï¬ty nurse are the best methods for its ""ufl'c'. - ‘. held in this city it was the recent annual meeting of the Ontario Health [Ofï¬cers Association. There is no ylonger any valley of dry bones In 'connection with that organization. It lfairly bubbles out with enthusiasm, and the health vista of the future is one of assurance, of conï¬dence and of hope.‘ It was a pleasure to attend the meeting and hear the discussions so ably presided over by Dr. W. J. Shaw of Clinton. Dr. Shaw has got the twentieth century viewpoint. He wants something done. He is not con- tent with a mere rehash of foibles, failings and shortcomings in public health work. He insists on ï¬nding a solution. “I have heard this same list of adversities, of barriers to be; crossed, for years and years. No-‘ thing, or next to nothing, has beeni done to remedy them, but now they must be remedied.†That Is the way to talk. When Medical Ofï¬cers of Health’ say “must†they mean busi-[ ness. And they have the Public- Health Act at their backs. l Dr. Robert, M.0.H. of Hamilton, advocated the same scheme for health districts from 20 to 25 thousand people. Dr. F. J. Farley of Trenton. Presi- dent of the Ontario Medical Associa- tion, delivered one of the most forceâ€" ful addresses one could wish to hear. He maintained that the necessity for Public Health Work was so obvious that public opinion should not toler- ate any government in power that would not endorse and carry out a public health program that would tend to insure the happiness, health and welfare of the people. Other important recbmmend-ations Dr. Farley made were the establish- ment of county laboratories for the country physicians, the appointment of properly trained, whole-time county medical health ofï¬cers, and commun! ity nurses. l The If ever there was a live conference IF Dr. MiddXeton will be glad to answer questions on Public Heath mat- ters through this column. Address him at Spadlua House. Spndjna Crescent, Toronto. BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON HEALTH EDUCATHPN Provincial Board of Health, Ontario .St nehouse, emy ; all of it is preventi-ble. No time should be lost in stopping the practice of }having children under ï¬ve years of (rage eramined for glasses, by anyone lather than a careful medical practi- ltioner.†Dr. Campbell suggested that the Health Ofï¬cers’ Association, as a body, endorse a resolution to that lefl'ect. It is expected that the oom- ~mittee will consider the matter and report to the association at its next meeting. I “The pity is,†he declared, “that i caused ï¬ts of melancholy. as the chemica1 worked on the system through the skin. As the dyers were nearly always stained blue in parts of their bodies, the phrase came iu-to cur- rent use to express low spirits or moodiness. This phrase, descriptive of moods of dépfession or melancholy, has an in- teresting origin. It was tormerly be- lieved that working with indigo dyes caused ï¬ts of melancholy. as the chemical worked on the svstem The im'risrlble eardrum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, ï¬tting inside the ear en- tiredy out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of peopie in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tel-1 he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafneSS is caused by catan-h or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Ave., New York city, will be given prompt reply. advt. Mlnard's Llnimem Relieves Neuralgla A paper by Mr. F. A. Dallyn, C.E., on “Soil Pollution,†in which the need of extreme care in the placing of a well was emphasize¢ and a descrip- tion by Dr. P. 0. Coulombe, M.O.H., of the work carried on by the Health Department in Sturgeon Fall‘s, with which he is associated, concluded the conference. seems-d perforrfly normal, when as a matter of fact, the child would be almost entirely blind in the one eye. “The pity is,†he declared, “that Topics of a more general nature formed the program of the afternoon. Dr. Colin Campbell of Toronto, gave some alarming statistics in regard to the frequency of “squint†or cross- eye among children. If taken in time. before the age of ï¬ve or six years, there should be no difï¬culty in total cure The trouble arose when a cure was attempted by a person other than one possessing general medical knowlâ€" edge. In many cases; 'the‘ doctor stated, children were apparently freed from the ï¬rouble, and the eye “Municipal Control of Milk Supply" was the topic of an address by Dr. Grant Fleming, Deputy Medical Ofï¬- cer of Health, Toronto. The inspec- tion of farms and the education of the farmers, having as inspectors veter- inary graduates, and the inspection of all equipment used in producing and delivering the milk, and in the process of pasteurization were abso- lutely necessary according to Dr. Fleming. Several doctors and inspectors from various parts of the province, lnclud~ ing Galt, Brantford and Ottawa, main- tained that the most important ques- tion of all was the condition of the herds. One suggestion offered was that each municipality should have complete control of the milk supply. Mr. Alex White, Chief Sanitary In- specter of the province, advocated the appointment by the Government of three trained milk specialists who could approach the question from the dairymen’s standpoint. Dr. Roberts, Medical Ofï¬cer of Health of Hamilton, pleaded for the laboratory diagnosis of milk. Twenty- ï¬ve per cent. of all the cases of surgi- cal tuberculosis are caused from the bovine tubercular organisms that the human being obtains from milk," he said. m the morning, on the subject of “How to Produce a Clean and Safe Milk Supply,†some of the conditions throughout the province are very bad. “If I were dictator,†Mr. Stonehouse declared, “I would pass a Dominion law to-morrow, if that were possible, for the compulsory pasteurization of milk in every city, town and village. When we reach the point after years of education, when we can get good practically certiï¬ed milk, then and then only can we dispense with pasâ€" teurization.†president of cil, who de His _Hearing Restored. ISSUE No. 25â€"’22 “The Blues.†the National D Iivered the ï¬rs ‘ning‘, on the : ‘airy Coun- st address subject of P.S.â€"I am a furmer and intend uslng ulna-d" Iamlment on a. mare for a strained tendon, and am hoping for some results. FRED C. R, Slrsfâ€"I feel that I should be doing a wrong lf 1 neglected to wrlte you. I have had four tumors growing on my head for years. I had them cut at! by a sur- geon about ï¬fteen years ago but they grew again till about three months ago I ad one as large and shaped like a lady’s thlmble, on the very place where my hair should be parted, and it was getting so embarrassing in public that it was a constant worry to me. About three months ago I got a bottle of your llnl- ment for another purpose and saw on the label good for tumors. \Vell I tried it and kept it for exactly two months. wlth the result that it has entirely removed all trace of the tumor. and were it not that they had been cut ï¬fteen years ago, no mark would be seen. I have not been asked for this testimonial and you can use it gs you see ï¬t. ._(Siqned) FRED C. ROBINSON. Rural Route No. 1, Mascouche, Que. Th} Liingxg’s» Iiinlmgnt» qupge, When we are old, we pretend to be- lieve that we are still useful as our excuse for living too long. MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in ï¬ve thousand ofï¬ces throughout Canada. "It was a lucky day when I bought Tanlac for It has made a. new man of me,†said Arthur Monetbe, 165A St. Elizabeth, Montreal. “My appetite was so bad I never knew what it was to be the least bll‘r hungry. Even what little I did force down soured and bloated me so badly I had terrible; smothering sensations and awful pains. For months I was unable to eat any solid food and I got in a ter- ribly rundown condition. I became so nervous I would wake up all dur- ling the night, and got little sound ysleep. l was constantly looking tor ‘something to bring me relief, but nothing seemed to reach my case un- til I ran across Tan'lac. “Here it is," shouted Mr. Grump- son. at the top of his voice. "Thanks, but why so loud?†"I was hoping I’d be able to impress the transaction on your memory." ' Registering a Loan. “Could you let me have a. ï¬ve’spot for a. few days 1’†asked Blithersby, in a conï¬dential whisper. {MONETTE’S STO MACH TROUBLE NOW OVER- COME, HE MAKES STATEMENT. "Slx bottles of Tanlac completely overcome my trouble. I now eat just anything and never havo an ache or pain or a sign of stomach trouble. I can’t, recommend Tanlac too highly." Tanlac is sold by all good dmggists. Advt. Declares Tanlac Completely Overcame His Trouble After Everything Else Failed. LIVED 0N LIQUIDS NR MANY MGNTHS Bulk Cairlots TORONTO aALT worms 0. J“ CLIFF - TORONTO Amnioc- Plam no; lam-dun ,,A Book on COARS‘E SALT L A N 038 A L T Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tabletsâ€". Asptyin gt} me trgd} piggy}: ([ggismeg h} Unless you see the name “Bayer†on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an “unbroken package†of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,†which contains directions and dosq worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for WARNING! Say “Bayer†when you buy Aspirin. Colds Toothache Earache DOG DISEASES and How to Food Mul‘ed Free ‘0 an 1 drgss by the A); o dre‘es b the Au $93.33: "A a. on; than: 06.13“ 129 “an: 24th Street New York. U.S.A. their general trad Headache Neuralgia Lumbazo Whfle 1‘: ii Giélf'kï¬Ã©â€˜ aggluatilmltauons. t Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggists. Canada) of Bayer Manufacture at Mono- If you are troubled with any afl‘ ment peculiar to women why don’t you try Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vege- table Compound? It has heiped others, let it help you. For nearly ï¬fty years Women have been telling how Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored; their health when suffering with female 1115. This accounts for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast. Hamilton, Ontarioâ€""I have 5111': fered for three years from a female trouble and consequent weakness, pain and irregularity which kept me in bed four or ï¬ve days each month. I nearly went crazy with pains in my back. and for about a. week at a. time I could not do my work. I aaw Lydia. ‘E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound; advertised in the ‘Hamllton Specta- tor’ and I took it. Now I have no pain and am quite regular unless I overwork or stay on my feet from early morning until late at night. I keep house and do all my own work without any trouble. I have recom- mended the Vegetable Compound to several friends."-â€"Mns. EMILY BEE- cnor'r, 16 Douglas St, Hamilton, Ontario. Read How Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound Helped Mrs. Beecroft NEARLY GRAZY WITH PAINS IN BACK mark, the "E The man who real'ly “delivers the goods" doesn’t have to knock at back doors. Waiterâ€"“Grilled steak, and choose a tough one." Chef (in surprse)â€"“Why, tough-7†Waiterâ€""The chap who ordered it used to be my sergeant-major." ALL KINDS OF NE“! AND USED belting. pulleys, saws. cable.hose.packln8. etc, shipped subject to approval at low- est prices In Canada. YORK BELTING (30.. 115 YORK ’STREET. TORONTO. ANTEDâ€"YOUNG LADIES 08' good education to train as nun‘ea. Apply \‘iellandra HospimL St. Cathar- ines, 0n . Mlnard’s Llnlment for sale cverywhero‘ \V Baby’s tender skin requires mild. sooth- ing properties such as are found in the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum. The Soap is so sweet. pure and cleansing and the Ointment so soothing and healing, especially when baby’s skin is irritated. Cuticura Talcum is also ideal for baby. Sun 25:. Ointment 25 uni 50c. Tnlcum 251:. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lmnl._l.inj¢ed, 34“ St. Pgul St, W.. Montreal. Baby Wants Cuticura It Keeps His Skin Soft Smooth and Clear Classiï¬ed Advertisements ANTEDTYQ‘UNG ’LADIEs . mun. m .n. In! ul.‘ ".. maniac-I. 'Cuh‘cum Soap shaves without mug. aeurme won “Li Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Getting Back.