O†l The De ICE DELIVERY ézzi‘rrixggs [ increasing iLAKE SIMCOE ICE, LIMITED Do’you throw away an overcoatjust because the weath- er is warm for a few days or do you keep it for a cold spell ? Then why throw away a good opportunity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. Accident and sickness for you and family. .-----_._7 csidents and business men in IMlTED intend to inaugurate g to the demands of At the request of a. number of r Richmond Hill, LAKE SIMCUE ICE, L a delivery of ice at regular intervals accordin weather. The driver will take orders, or if mailed to the Head Ofï¬ce. Toronto, they will receive early attention. Regular suburban rates will apply, namely: 11 Twenty-ï¬ve pound Tickets $2.00 9 Hundredweight Tickets _ 5.00 0 Sold by the Driver ‘V ' 7-»_- A.-.L If the quantity sold is service it will be carried 01 McLaughlin-Buick “Master Four†Also Drives Through the Third Member 500 lbs. and o_ver‘ D9 AMES FAIRHEAD, President ,' sold is sufï¬cient to justify the continuance arried on throughout the summer. " AVJ -_ over per delivery 45c. per cwt. Cash on Delivery. insurance IS Whether it is a Four or a Six, every McLaughlinâ€"Buick measures up to the same rigid McLaughlin-Buick stand- ards of design and construction. What- ever is McLaughlinâ€"Buick, is Mc~ Laughlin-Buick throughout. The McLaughlin-Buick Four, lilie thé McLaughlin-Buick Six, drives throuin the torque tube third member on the axle. McLaughlin-Buick springs only support the body and ensure easy rid- ing. A McLaughin-Buick rear spring, accidently broken, cannot mis-align the axle and tie you up on the road. This design is generally found only on grand protection of this DAVID HILL 8: CO., - - Dealers - - Richmond Hill The Department of Insurance. Ottawa, has undertaken the public- ation of a bulletin with a view of calling public attention to the rapidly increasing tire waste in Canada. It is generally felt by the Dominion and provincial fire ofï¬cials that to deal efl‘ectively with the situation the general public must be aroused to a greater sense of individual responsi- bility for existing conditions. It is 'a lamentable fact that besides the millions of dollars worth of property destroyed every year, statistics show ‘ that 2,600 persons have perished by fire in Canada during the last ten years. The bulletin gives many valuable suggestions along the line of ï¬re prevention. I The Globe is greatly exercised be- cause the Drury Government placed la tax of five per cent on racetrack betting, and collecting the tax from the winners. The Globe points out that the Government gets alarger I rake-off than do the jockey clubs. No person denies that the jockey clubs encourage the race-track gambling in order to make money. If it can be shown that the Drury ‘Government is in favor of betting J the Globe's point is well taken. But ‘ this is not the case. The Government is opposed, not to horse-racing but to betting. A tax of 5 or 10 per cent should surely discourage the foolish t habit of tuking a man’s money that probably his ,family needs. and {giving it to another man who has I not given value for it. We cannot see that the Government, in exacting a tax becomes a partner to abusiness that it condemns. 1f betting on horse races ceases, the tax taken by the Get Your Painting Done Now A. S. WHEELER .x'rm‘ermuent will also cease Fixst class Painter Low Charges Stop 47 Richmond Hill. THE GLOBE'S LOGIC k?) 110 Ireland Votes for Treaty The reports from the elections in Ireland show that the party accept- ing the treaty with Britain has been returned by an overwhelming major- ity. The result indicates t'lnt lre- land is to remain in the Empire as an Irish Free State. Friends of peace and order throughout the world will be pleased to know that those who wished to -set up a re- public are in a minority. Surely De Valera and his extreme follow- ers will new fall into line and work as partners in the British Empire. Touring, Without starter, $615.00 Touring, with self starter, $707.00 Runabout, without starter, $572.00 Runabout,Withself-starter, $664.00 Coupe, With starter - - - $948.00 Sedan, with starter - - -'$1045.00 Ton Truck, express body . closed cab - - - $784.00 Ton Truck, stake body, closed cab - - - - - $794.00 Tractor - - - = = - $445.00 ‘ closed cab - - - Ton Truck, stake body, closed cab - - - - - Tractor - - - = = - Latest Prices= Fmd Cars REMEMBER / The James Robertson Cot, Ltd. WHO 8 Laundry Richmond Hill Phone 13r2 who will gladly furnish necessary information and advice. regarding your requirements. , Out side the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation lCan Save‘You 361/2 Days a Year‘ The above prices include ï¬lled with gasoline and oil, freight, license and Government sales tax. All cars are fully guaranteed, and should any part be defective we ,Jwyill gladly replace the same free of charge. ’- A. E. GLASS; Salesman. Richmond Hill ICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Richmond Hill, Ont. Your fence troubles are over once ou get "CANADIAN" fence made by THE CANADI STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY, LIMITED. FULL GAUGE No. 9 WIRE, per- fectly galvanized and with the famous “CANADIAN†knot. Let us show ou this fence and the "AMERICAN" Gal- vanized Steel lÂ¥ence Post. We can sell you this fence as cheap a as you can buy fence anywhere. 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. C’s., SINKS y TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Ask for our Septic Tank Circular and get in touch with our local representative youyse‘W‘ Canaalan Fence WHEN READY TO CONSIDER Ambrose L. Phipps {UMBING- You know from laborious experience that you spend at least an average of one hour a. day in pumping water for use about your farm. Sto losing this valuable time. Save your stren t . Instal a Toronto Windmill and see how quic y it will pay for itself. And when linked up with a Toronto Pum and Toronto Water: System, a Toronto Windmi will give you a. city water service right on your farm. Toronto Windmills are quiet, efï¬cient workers. Cost nothing to run. Require practically no atten- tion outside an occasional oiling. unau. over once, yog_g__e_§- NCANADIAN“ v“ u‘nnn The questinn nf forest fin-s has just. been npprnm'hed {rum a new angle. The trapper is the lute-st, imlhidlml to add his testiomnny to the damage furvst fins «’0 In the grunt l'ur il- dustry. Tho fact. is fnrestiile,‘ injule every Cunudlun inn-lest uml lu-neï¬t no! one. Such bling the cnsv, and as 9'.) per (‘PHL uf ull fun-st files are slanted by human agut-y, is it not foolish nnd criminal t, mL \\ (‘ ulluw tiles t, ) mvuge our fnlesl Forest Fires and Furs Rich 11 )nd Hill