Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jun 1922, p. 7

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, lllElAlill’SCOliiilitllllti Wliii Clltii’ill ******** \ ESTAELlSliEll Gil fill Draft of New Irish Constitution Completed at Nego in London Between the lili‘illlil BASE tiations Imperial Cabinet and Delegates from Dublin. A despatch from London says:â€" The draft of the new Irish Constitu- tion, made public on the eve of the Irish elections, gives, as the document itself states,’ force of law to the’ Anglo-Irish Treaty, and expressly de-I clares that any provision of the Conâ€"i stitution or any amendment thereto or any law enacted under the Constituâ€". tion which is in any respect repug- nant to the treaty shall be void and imperative. The Constitution thus embodies conâ€" nection with the British Crown, as al- ready established in the treaty, and generally places the relations betWeen Ireland and the Empire on the same basis as Canada and the other Do- minions. The Constitution requires every member of the Free State Parliament to subscribe faith and allegiance to the Constitution and swear to be faith- ful to the King in virtue of the com- mon citizenship of Ireland and Great Britain and Ireland’s membership in the British Commonwealth of Nations. The document contains '75) articles“ and is considered an upâ€"toâ€"dute instru- ment, not only granting female sufâ€" frage, proportional representation and a referendum to the people, but also empowering the people themselves to initiate legislation. It gives to the Chamber great powers with respect to money bills, without control from the Senate, thus duplicating the posi- tion as between the British House of Commons and the House of Lords. It exempts the Free State from ac- tive participation in war without the consent of Parliament, except in the case of actual invasion, and gives the Irish Supreme Court the fullest. pow- ers, only stipulating for the right of citizens to appeal to the King~in- Council against the Supreme Court’s decision. ' It provides for freedom of religion and conscience, gives Free State citi- zens full protection against the arbi- trary powers of courts-martial, and extends to Parliament exclusive con- trol over the armed forces, as stipu- lated in the treaty. Wales Pays Lloyd George Unusual Honor . A despatch from London says:â€" The ‘admirers of Premier Lloyd George in his home town of Criccieth now regard him to be such an import- ant personality in the country’s afl'airs that they extend him a distinction ac- corded only to the King. When the Prime Minister stepped off the train for the week and a flag was hoisted on Castle Hill bearing the Red Dragon of Wales on a green and white back-, ground. When he departed the flag was taken down. It is stated that in the future the flag will always fly when the Prime, Minister is in his residence at Bryn- Grizzly Shot in B.C. Measured 15 Feet A despatch from Prince Ru- pert, B.C., says:.â€"â€"Two pros- pectors, Edward Forsam and J. Kennedy, after an exciting battle, shot a grizzly bear in the White Creek district, near Ferrace, B.C., which measured l5 feet standing erect. The animal weighed l ,800 pounds, the skin alone weighing lOO pounds, and measuring l2 feet long and nine feet wide. lts awelon so the people when seeing the footprint was 18 inches long flag will say: “The Prime Minister is and 9 inches wide_ I here.” Prime Ministers constitutionally have every right to have a flag flown 'where. they are stopping, but for mary years the ceremony has been observed only for the King.- Friends of Mr. Lloyd George say he accepts the flag ceremony (as a touching tribute of friendship from the home town fo‘k. .â€"__9____. Veterans’ Bodies Unite . ' as British Legion A despatch from London says:â€" The Canadian High Commissioner has been approached by the British Em- fiire Service League with the object of aving the veterans’ organizations of Canada become members of the league and appoint a permanent delegate. Canada is the only Dominion which has not joined the league, which in- cludes all the ex-service men’s organ- izations of Great Britain and the Empire. Lord Haig is chief organizer. All the different veterans’ bodies in Britain are now uniting as the British Legion. o The United States Government, it is stated on high authority, has and will have no unofficial observer at The Hague meeting on Russian affairs. l IRISHCELECTION RESULTS IN DEFEAT FOR DEVALERA RARu Pro-Treaty Candidates Dublin, June 18,â€"Resulrts of the lins agreed to form a coalition gov- !leotl-on in Cork are believed to sound: eminent. the death knell to the hopes of the‘ ’Republicans scoring heavily at, the polls. The. complete defeat. of Lord Mayor O’Oall‘ag‘han amazed the dc Veleraites. Returns from Cork, which is re- garded as the hot-bed of extreme Re-‘ publicans, are: R. Day, Labor candidate . . . . . 63836 Alderman William Roach. pro- treaty candidate . . . . . . . . . . :6.1-17 , J. J. Walsh. pro-treaty candi- ' ‘date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.097 ‘ Mary MacSwiney, anti-treaty candidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,066 Professor Beamish, Independent candidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,769 Frank Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.043 D’Callavghan .................:1,807 The first four candidates have been declared elected to the Dsil Eireann. As Mr. Day favors the treaty. the sister of the martyred Lord Mayor I: the only antiâ€"treaty member re- turned in Cork. It was said here today that the Republicans would have made Leading in Returns So Far An- nouncedâ€"Lord Mayor of Cork Sustains Complete Over- throw in Favor of Labor Man. seats to the Free Staters. ‘party is overjoyed, declaring that it will win at least four seats in Dublin; Organizer Foran, of the Labor .party, said that he regretted that Labor was i not represented by more candidates. statement to-morrow launching a‘ heavy broadside against the ccnstifi Lution. * no ‘2 ~ lhowing at all had not Michael (‘01â€", LLCJE . The bear fought the prospectors and it took five bullets to kill him, and when he fell he was but two feet away from Kennedy, who had become entangled in the brush. â€"--â€"¢ Lenin Goes to German Sanatorium for Rest Cure A despatch from Berlin says:â€" Preparations are being made for Lenin to come to Germany for a six months' nest cure at a sanatorium. It is learn- ed from the most reliable source that a group of German physicians, headed by Prof. Forester and Prof. Klemper- er of Berlin, and Plechtig of Leipzig, bold Lenin that a full cure was possible only with a half-year’s rest. They told Lenin there was not a single decent sanatorium in Russia, and recommended several in Germany, one of which is in a suburb of Berlin. Lenin accepted the physicians’ ulti- matum of~a six months’ rest, and ne- gotiations for his visit to Germany are under way. The chief question is his safety, and the sanatorium will be required to keep a battalion of guards during his visit. The Republicans have now lost two The Labor De Valera is expected to make a .‘ ,designed primarily for the benefit of Everybody is convinced that de Valera‘s pact with Collins is now dead and that unlikely. i a coalition government is Belfast, June litâ€"In Monaghan County the full Sinn Fein panel was ‘eturned in the elections. Those win- ning seats are Commandam-Ccueml O‘Dufl‘y. for the treaty, 7,298; Earn- est for the treaty. (5.069; Dr. )IcCarvill. ngains’. :e treaty. 3.246.. The :1’ ‘1‘ Ell cowl ate, Thomas M:- ' for treaty, Dr. McLurvill reâ€" .lm Muslntce, :a former mem- .‘:‘t» szi:. who also opposed the :special short course which was held _the offer of that 'of Heusehon‘ Science. DISTRIBUTOR FOR THIS DISTRICT "Has been appointed Distributor for The Motor Car WEN a wide choice of dealers by the notable value and road performance of our 1922 cars, it is a pleasure for Earl Motors, Inc. to make this announcement of its local representative and’ with an estab- lished organization and intelligent service at command, Earl owners are assured of every consideration and facility any owner could Iwish behind the car he buys. steering gear, sion, 56-inch Aft>§lo95ui the Earl Touring Car now on exhibition sets a new standard of motor car _ values. All the latest engineering and style developments have gone into its design. All the savings made possible through cash pur- chases in low material markets and large- scale production by experienced factory workers have helped to hold down the price and create its unapproachable values. Low sweeping in, then, and Ease of control, unfailing comfort, flexible power and a broad margin of safety are assured by Earl design and A dynzimic long-stroke motor, exclusive new rigid 7-inch channel frame, mggediront-and rear axlesquiettransmisp rear springs, Alemite lubri-I cation and a special Borg 8 Beck disc clutch" are features of the Earl chassis, tested and proved equal to any driving or hill'climbr ing emergency. ‘ Blfiltmfivegracehll hodytypes,no other cars of the Earl’s size swingsoneartheroad. _o lines, refinementoidetailand complete appointments make each Earl a car of distinction and individuality. The beauty, comfort and spirited performance of the Earl will convince you that it is the motor caryou want to own and drive. Come see the car today. Make an appointment for a demonstration. Or, better still, do your own driving. MOTORS, Inc., Jackson, Michigan A New Course in nsLseRuaii‘Shéckleton’s Ship Has' " ' Science Arrived at Capetown Cape Town, Following out its policy of provid- 18-â€"’s}m9k1‘9t0“'5 AmarCth‘ 5rth The. Sll‘liCkle'lon died ,the Antarctic region September 17 ,last. The vessel reached Gryvickm, a whaling station of South Georgia‘ South Africa, June on January 4, and the next day He was buried at mg- evew course of Studv for which; Quest. has arrived here, with all? that place- A few days later the 0X- there is a reasonable demand and (Jif',ab03.1“l “'0”- providing such instruction that Can-j adian students will not require to go‘ out of Canada for any part of their education, the University of Toronto, announces a new course leading to the‘ degree of Bachelor of Household: Science. This new course has been llllllitillll lilillii‘llS AP SEl‘iiilllll PREV . i . . . V . ' .. . . . women teachers who wish to proceed A (‘espat‘ll £10m N0“ hub 5455-“ . . . .. . ,v' ., r l n 4 - . , to a degree m Household Selenm “.lthy One party lddlo teephon. l.nes are out discontinuing their teaching for 3 9193?“; fog llelnllll‘C‘illflEe19%”? too long a period. Fm. t1,,s’,:wsunl "Listening .111, on private Wireless those who proceed for the degree of (“‘llVel'Sa‘UO“ 15 (“Peel-Oil t0 he made Bachelor of Household Science are to imp Sible- ' take the first two years of the course SO Cm? Will be able :0 1W”) 3‘51 under the direction of the Department to \'~'h"3m on») “Tints to talk fO-mani of University Extension, while the the conversation will be made more third and fourth years 21 2'0 to be taken FE‘L‘I‘M Um” “311‘ “f The [BEEPhone- in regular attendance under the De. William Marxiiii. Pel'ft‘v‘tol' 0f the parlmcnt of Household ScienCe. The \"lI'CiGSS Niel}?! I '111 ta‘lezraph. ar- new course is a direct ouic me of the Hull ht‘rfi‘ ‘ on his yacht lClottrzi, wizh ulTel. will mark the greatest ad- ‘ yet tin-IT'S in radio telephony. put radio on such a sound comâ€" ‘oasis that. it is forecasted, it; i the telephone in common vb ‘V’. I} ill for teachers of Household Science last winter. So great was the reverse 1 course 1%. The Quest sailed from London to' sage that, when , jpediticn sailed from South Georgia in s-cui'Ch of Enderby Land. Ruins ion RRR Rim MESSAGES “WW "" ' I Mr. Marconi announced that he had ,perfccu'd a system by which radio j, messages can be projected in any ‘Sll’eal direction. "' r. , At present. radio messages are bed ling brcadcasted only, scattered in all directions. “I An idea of the accurracy of Mr. , Mmmni's new devicxe is given in tho 3 inventors statement that he has sent messages 100 miles straight ahead which were not heard, except at the receiver aimed at. in time, Mr. Marconi said, appar- atus will be perfected which will pro- Iject radio mmges with the accur- ‘acy that marks the transmissim of ‘the telephone or telegraph message: lover wires

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