sale. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd. have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and S in. Culvert tile 13. 15. 18 and 21) innh a’"! Also Ce‘ment Brick. Sand 01' Gravel sold by the 10:1 in car lots. Cedar posts and t-‘elephone pole Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick One hundred per cent. burnable, will give you the highest degrees of satisfaction and more heat units to the ton than any other fuel. With hot air, or steam heating systems in modern houses, also in schools and churches, SOLVAX COKE is the Ideal Fuel. This coke is thoroughly screened and is prepared in three sizes and sells $2.00 a ton less than coal. A carload at the- Elevator. Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th.! Yunge and Charles Sts. Toronto. â€"Is Strictly First-Class. Our gradu‘ zites rendin obtain employment owing to their superior training and our assistance in placing them. It undoubtedly pays to attend the best. Write today for our catalogue and arrange to enter all our Full Opening. Solvay f @ ELLIO‘EZ' & VOL. .XLV. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal $I.5o per annum, in advance.] Branchesâ€"Thornhil] and Willowdale The Royal Bank of Canada drain tile. 3, tile 13. 15. (30 inches in ement Brick 1‘ Gravel sold . D. Ramer Every farmer’s wife will ï¬nd a bank account for houseâ€" hold and personal expenses a help and a safeguard. Purchases can be made; by cheque through the mail, making a. trip to town unnecessary. En- close your cheque with your order. A Bank Accountfor ELLIOTT ma Farmer's Wife T. COUSINS. Pres. and Manager Maple. 3, 4. 5. 6 and S in. i. 18 and 20 inch in length) Coke load or Call and get our quotations on the following : FERTILIZERS? W. H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. The matter was again brought up in June last when it was unanimously deâ€" cided that this church should again be placed on the Maple Circuit. In future Divine \Vorship will be held in 'the church every Sunday Morning at 11 a. m. instead of 2.30 p. M. as heretofore. Sunday School will be held at 10 a. m. instead of 1.30 p. In. as heretofore. Rev. Lambert of Maple will- take the service. There appeared an erroneous state- ment under Maple news in the last issue of this paper, to the effect that Hope Methodist church would prob- ably close after this year. According toa statement made by Rev. A. J. Paul, chairman of the Central District of the Methodist church. it was through wrong impressions formed that the pulpit of the s_tated rchurch was left _..___.7L wrong lmpressxons formed that the pulpit of the stated church was left vacant by the Methodist Conference at their meeting in June 192]. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONI‘O feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Conservatory EX- 7 aminntinns. ..;_vv..u .a-uu'v. The grnmn's gift. to the bride- a gold necklot with pParIs. lo the brides maid A string of pearls. and niece a bracelet. also a. beauty pin to pianisb and onyx ring to snluist and gold cutflinks to best. man. There were cngptly gifts. Before the wedding the bride was feted by her friend: and recvived many beautiful gifts at a. shnwer given in her honor. The newly married chuple muid hearty congratulations and showers of confetti left, fur the Son and other points. The bride travelling in blue canton crepe, white hat, and fmvn coat. The gréhrmuwgg: Charles E. OBLH‘, To Charles E. Otter, Toronto. After the ceremony about 80 guests repair-rd tn the dining-mom and en- joyed a sumptuous wr-ddingz breakfast. Rev. Robinson of Maple propmed the toasts. and appropriate npoeclws testified to the esteem and populallty of t_he hridwnd family. On their return they will reside at. Edgeley. AL tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stung of Eliâ€, on June 28th. a very pleasant, went, tank place, when their daughter Janet Ethvl Muu was married to Mr. Elmo L. Keï¬â€™er, am; of Mr. and Mrs. George Keffer, Maple. To the strains of Mundelssnhn’a weddln‘g march. played by Miss Vera Jackson, (musin of the hridc-tlle hrido', escorted hy her father. came into the drawing room. The bridal party stand under u beautiful arch vf films and white roses. The knot \vns tied by Ravi '1‘. Picks": uf Lnnsing. and during the signing of rugistvr, Miss Leellu Kefl‘er. sinterof the groqm sang. Feed Oats, Salt, Flour and Feed, Scratch Feed and Baby Chick Feed at the Chopping Mill: By the bag at ton rates: STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmond Hill. J. F. BURR RICHMOND HILL. ONT†THURSDAY. JULY (3, 1922 ‘SI Kefferâ€"Slong muny beautiful and Hope “In Essentiaés, Unity; in Out school visitation and inspection, ‘ at which there am twenty-live in con- nection with this station, with all the other things that naturally associate themselves with these trecks, both amusing and .nnpressive. must be omitted at this time because of luck of time and space. At this station we met with the entire African ï¬eld force of our society in their Annual Conference, twenty-one in number. The conference continued over more thnm one whole week, and had before it many vexed questions for discussion and disposition, as well as many pro- blems which constantly confront. the missionary, and are continually in- creasing on his hands. Some of those I were solved. and others unsolved awaiting further developments. The “Rsce Question." the morn]. social. and religious relationship of the twu races, as Well us that of the missionary and the native christian, these are at once perplexing. and exceedingly dif- ï¬cult of adjustment. without injustice to any, and fairness to all. Puligumy, . us practiced by the native, and unwrâ€" tunutely condoned by some Mission- ary Societies, is indeed a great pro- biennsnd so is [he inherited selfishness of the native. who witches out for everything. and is not disposed to give anything back in return. and who is apparently capable of thinking "illicit." only. and not "white." ; (To be continued) p. 111 ‘ Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Ynnge Street Richmond Hill Phone No. 34’ Our second established station is situated on the banks of the "Mtclm- heziRiver." nearly thirty miles still farther south east. This Station is reached by a road that was surveyed, cut out, dug out, rind blasted out, by the united elfort of the two stations named, and was an accomplishment through valleys. rivers and spruits, over hills and rocks, which I native cmnmissioner said, who was well acquainted with the entire country. was an engineering impossibility. But it \vus done, and it is now a. very picturesque and enchanting route of travel, that can be traversed by u. Fordmutoi-(only), with am average speed of ï¬fteen miles per hour. This Station is seven years younger than the former. and been rebuilt twice. and its location moved once, and con- sequently in some respects is in a. measure behind Metapo, hut possesses muny conveniences, as well as angi- forts. und also has n largo native co'n- gregation, who manifest :1 deep inter- est and appreciation) of their new found light uud knowledge. at this place we spent some time as hand- qulu'lers, and from here we had the unique experience of “tracking†over miles of “Veldt†behind H. six Mule team, over unbridxed i'iVers. through native gin-dens, over unmade roads, other than u foot path. through bush and trees, over stumps and logs. into aunt bear holes, large enough for a. man to crawl into. all this for days and weeks. But our greatest joy was to learn of the substantial number. who a few years ago were nothing but; raw lien- then. but who had been brought un~ der the Gospel. and lowing accepted its teachings of salvation from sin throughthe blood of the everlasting Covenant, and to ohseive the devotion in Worship to Almighty God, whom they so recently learned to know. through the effort of the Seivnnts of the Cross. But notwithstanding the intiuonce which has radiated from this soul saving station, and Ihe le- ligious eifort that has been put forth to teach the people for more than twenty years, one need not go more than five miles from this station to ï¬nd heathen by the plenty in their kruals, groping in darkness, super- stition. witchcraft, and their prlmdvai methods of doing things. or not, doing things. Such as being not overdres- sed. some not at all. digging their gardens wth aims. having a. handle about two feet long. Sowing their grain all together broad oust. corn. kai’fer, pumpkins. and beans, etc. Building their huts in round shape. with no windows or doors, (only holes) and quite often no window holes at all. and the door hole so low that one has to stoop quite low to enter. With the ï¬res built in the mud floor in the cen- tenand no place for the smoke to escape. It is needless to any that everything within is well smoked. in- cluding the visitor and missionary when they call on this wretched people. Can they be reached? Are they capubie of being taught? Will they respond to light and knowledge? Yes. all these questions can be nonver- ed in the affirmative, us it is evidenced by the product of effort nlong these lines, at this as well as many other stations under the auspices of the various societies established, throughâ€" out South Africa. But the progress nntunlly is slow. Ofï¬ce hours 10 to 12 a.1n. 6 to 8 Letter from D. W. Heise (Continued) Bulawayo. S. Rhodesia. S. Africa Non-Essentials, Liborty; in au’things, Charity.†WILSON Three teams competed for the priz: Teston, Maple and Concord. At: Maple on july lst. our football team were successful in winning the prize of $33. The score was 4-1 in favor of Teaton. Mr. and Mrs. William VValkor of this pluce celebxated the 25th Anni- versary of their Wedding day last, Thursday. Friend; and I‘Plutives‘ from far and near were present. and had an enjoyable lime. M r. A. Ireland flourishing business bus. When the horse was located the saddle was still tightly glrthed, but. turned underneath. He was about 45 yam-s of age and unmarried. He was buried in Chinook Cemetery. Alberm." a crmcussiun at the base of the brain and from hemorrhages of the eyes, nose and mouth concluded that the deceased, who weighed about; 24‘) pounds had been dragged for neon- sidemble distance. “Mr. Jul-ten; hzid put the saddle on one of the horses to hunt; other horses which were somewheve in the pasture. As he did not return a search was made and he was found dead about. two miles from his home. Dr. Chandler was immediutely called and on examining the body. he discovered On Wednesday morning of last week Mrs. Clark. widow of the late William Olill'k. Immerly of Sax-Din, passed away at, her home here. The interment took place at Sal-Ilia. Mrs. T. \V. Leatherdzlle of Maple, received the fulluwing copy of the accidental death uf her brother Mr. Jarret of Rolliusou. Alberta, on June 3rd: As Hope church is again united with Maple circuit, the murning ser- vice in the Methudist church has been withdrawn and sen vice is held at Hope M 11 u. m. The Sabbath School of St. And- rew’s chm-ch held its annual picnic on thg church gr-{umh here. There was notu very large attend- ance at the celebration on Saturday. The football match resulted in Testuu winning from Maple by 30. The con- Oel'b \vus a great success. the Com- munity hall being mowded. A large numbermtended the dance after the concert. The members of the \V()- men’s Institute served supper in the Masonic Hull. ~ ,, . "Hr.-. The manirge of Miss Annie Luella Rumble nnd Mr. Ge H'ge W. Matheson was sulemnized un \lencsduy of last week at, tha home of Mr. Russel Rumble, Eglinton, Rev. W. N. Chnntler. officiating. Miss Jessie Rumble and Mr. \Vm. Mutlxesuu Were in attendance. The bride wore her going away costume of navy blue lricoiino, with u oui'sagu huuquet (1f oxchidsundlilyul the valley. The happy coupleluft for a Short trip to OLLuWu. and Mom- 1: air return will re- side on Mr. Mutieson's farm at Maple. On Friday, June 30, a. very pretty wedding took place at, the Mans». Hawkeuhury, when Mr. Gem \\'. Bailey. sou nf Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bailey, was united in marriage to Miss Helen Forbes Cur-lie. of the Finance Department, Civil Service. Ounw", and furmerly of Richmond Hill. The umemony was perfmmed hy Rev. E. C. Unl'lif‘, father of Lhe bride. Aftvr the ceremony the young couple ML fov Montreal. and after visit: ng Phila- delphia. and Harrisburg, will spvud same Lima in McKeespovr, Pei, Upon their return they will resxde in Maple. 'I’\L_ y .- ..- Sufficient working funds are as essen- tial in making the most out of your farming operations as the proper seed and equipment. The Sterling Bank welcomes applications for credit from those whose plans are based on sound principles. THE STERLING BANK TESTON - Working Funds reports I], “fly with his motor SAVE “ Because 7, OF CANADA Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist. North Pax'kdnle Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling. Phone 22, Ring 11. ZU-tf Residence address Victoria. Square Barristers. Solictors. &c. MAme ARCADE. 4 KING ST. Wm, TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MMNE 311 (Stable Address: "Dedo" Frank Danton Denton, Macdonald 5: Benton $1.00 per 1,000 1655 if gotten at plantation. C. B. Crawford Quarter amount eash in advance balance C. O. D. at your nearest ex press ofï¬ce, BOX 22 CUTIIBERT RASPBERRY CANES $11.00 per 1,000. GLEN MARRY STRAWBERRY PLANTS, $8000 per 1,000. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC New Shop on Lorne Ave. The W'orkingman’s Friend. MISS ALIDA BEYNON Fruit Growers Richmond Hill First-class Boot and Shoé Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Satisfaction guaranteed LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Pan-(maize and influence respectfully solicited 1mm RICHBJOND HILL MARRIAGE LICENSES L. WADE A. J. HUME Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf TEACHER 0F PIANO JEFFERSON NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANGING ISSUER 0F. [Single copies, 3 cts Wm.C. Ruttan H] Arthur A. Mzwdonald COOKSVILLE. ONT an P. 0. address Gonnley. R.R. slate No. 1‘13