Dr. L Saturday Musknka‘ Miss Mury Unnper h by [0 Luke the Tum Agriculture. Every 'dJllHl' [mi money well spent. 1L Drug Stme. My nmL Muriel. nre Rev. S. \Vurreu. the incoming puslnr, will make charge of the services in the Methodist Church next, Sunday. Iâ€,â€" The Misses Sceun of Bullmdns and Miss Surupu of Lettin spent the Week- end with Miss Moyle. Mr. and Mrs. \Voodhend have gone to the Slnlvs m spend it week of vu- l‘nliun in Nuw Yolk :md (nihvl' pnims. cutinn in Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Gret spent Mnnday with U brother. Mr. ]. A. Greene Tallinn is u f‘ for childrvn as is sold uL Slnnn Messrs. P;:cy Cuuldwcll, Horace \Vude und Frank Gruingerspentlhc Week end "I. Jucksmh‘ point. Maswr E-u h- [’1 Vel'delln. Dunvr,‘ Piano. with high Mr. C. P. \Vilv Macdc-nnld Cm. Imsinoae lrip lo \incvs. Busuhullâ€"Richnmud n 'I‘l-i-Unnnty League g afternoon, July Sih, 1 Park . Miss Lury Yvrex, pupu m MRS \. Lulnlmck. has heen successful in puns- the Elementary Exmninatlnn at lhe Toronto Conservatory nf Music. D-m't suffer any longer. G--t your stomach in shin hy tnkinsz 'I‘unluc and eat, what you want. It is snld at Sluun‘s Drug Store. Miss May Grevue, pupil of Miss V. Lubbock, has lu-eu successful in pastsâ€" ing the Intrmiuctnry Exmuinulinn wim hounrs at the 'l‘nruntu Conserva- [cry of Music. Miss Verdelln Done-r who wrnte in the University of 'I‘nrnntn at HIP jmw exmninatinus in Music was nwurdod In class honnrs in Primary Rudiments, Toronto L‘onsmvutm'y of Music. Under the auspices nf the \\'. M. 8., Mrs. Macintosh of the Neshit Memorial Sclmol. Susk., will address lhp meeting in the Presbyterian church. Thurnhill, on Tuesday. july 11. Mrs. H. Svolt will- sing, A cordial invitulion is extended to all. Two rinks (If the Buwling Club tnnk nut in n Lnurnuuwnt a; Barrie Wedâ€" nesday of lust week. One of the rinks were winners of flllll‘ fine cluhhags. The winin were Rev. Batteralyy, J. McLean. L. A. Hill, und]. R. Herring’ tun (skip). At n. genprnl meeting Monday evening it was finally decided that thv funds now on hand and funds fl'uln future field day spurns he applied Lo nssist in erecting in Memorial Hull. The sports on Field DAV August. 7. will in- clude lmselmll. football. font races etc. All [he commiuees are asked to again "port at A. meeting in the Council Chamber next Monday night at 9 15. Ofï¬ce Trench 3999359395339§SSS§S§S 3 QUALITY SHOPPE The Standard Remedy for HAY-FEVER and Asthma. Sold by all good Druggists. For Free Trial wrlteTempletons,Toronto 'l tench mock â€" SQGSSSSSSSSSSWSSSSWSSSSé} I W: Sold at Sloan's Drug Store Hourgg :mu. [0 5.30 p. m. Open evenings by appointme- Telephone 32 ‘mg‘itvnff and family leave for their annual outing in P. \Vil!‘,\’. is A family medicine, us gund 'vn as it is fur growl} folks. It Slunn's Drug Store. Earle Pnlelson :\ pupil uf Miss Duner. paisodnhis Elementu- y Mrs. Norman Trench Block Hus. I). \Vntsun um! Mi spvnding n wwk in Barrio . L. R. BELL Ladies Wear Millinery Dry]Goods Field Day News DENTYST ch Block, two doors north of Stauduld B mk. Yvrex, pupil of Mics V. heen successful in puns- ry Exmninatinn at lhe Irv-awry nf Music. We are showing this week a nice line of Summer Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, House Dresses and Aprons, Silk Waists, Children‘s Dresses and Suits, Summer Hats‘ etc. i: We have also secured the agency for Crompton's and Warner's Celebrated Corsets, Brassieres and Ban- deaux. We invite inspection. Our prices are low. and our motto is Quaiity and Servxce. “Influd Hill will play Jeague game. Sum-day v 8H1, ut Newnmrket er has gone tn Whit- Tt‘H'Jht‘l'a' Course in I'm-1d. flu stunt“!!! F. lrnvellm- for 19ft Tuesday < the Maritime Greene of Ottawa I the farmer’s â€"t:ur Tunlnc is is suld at Sloan's ()Il jnhn 7'0 Batty, Richmond Hill THE NEW NORTH' Millinery To men who spend their vacatinn ï¬shing, hunting or cumming. Canada is ï¬rst, among the countries of the world forlhe vppnrlunitivs it afl’nrds for indulgence in either of those invit- ing, invigorating and exciting pas- times. ‘the riu'rs and Disciples of Izaak \Valtnn will find in the numerous rivers and lakes all t that the most ardent of them can do- sire, both in Iegnrd to extent anrl moiety of ï¬sh “‘lllt'll almond in their waters. Lake, or grey trout. ranging in weight. horn six t‘w twenty pounds, are column!) to several of the lakes. \Vaters in whit-h speckled l|"Iut almond are easily accessihle, although. naturally. the more remote the disâ€" tricts the lleli"l‘ the spm't. In some of streams are to he I caught speckled lrrook trout (known also as the square tail trout) weiuhing l from ï¬re to seven pounds. Good hass l ï¬shing istn he had in rrettiuin parts, and partimlarly in DltlllHVe'stt‘I'li Quehec. One specie of ï¬sh “'lllt'l] is common to some of the older p Hts of Canada not found in this far-northern conutrv is the maskinonge. But in some of the waters flowing into James Bay are to he caught the lordly sturâ€" geon, sportsmen liming landed ï¬~h of this species ranging in weight, all the way from twentv to two hundred pounds. In the waters eontiguoun to Hudson Bay exeellent Salmon ï¬shing is occasionally experienced. Pike and pickerelare common to the waters of this northern wild. To the canoeist who seeks ndrentm e in territory heyond thr- fringe of civili- zutiou the waters of the Northern p-Irts of Qut-hec and Ontario afford ideal f=u-i!ities. Rivers. many of them mighty streams which for gen- erations have served as highways to adventurers. for traders and trappers bound to and from Hudson Bay. are almost heynnd compute in number; the country heing grid-ironed by them. Wonderfully interesting canoe trips. either extended or limited. are available. Take for example, the six routes to Moose Factory all of which ï¬nd theirway into Moose River about 30 miles south of Moose Factory on James Bay. Until within recent years this great new north was inaccmsihle to those who had but a few weeks' vacation at their disposal. It Could not even he reat'hed during an ordinary vaeatiou term. Now over the lines of the Canadian National Railways, the gun-ting fisher- man. the hunter, the. cannest and holi- day seekers in general can, ovuupying en route modernly appointed steel-con- structed trains, reach points in this “Happy Hunting Ground" in the course of a twenty-fourâ€"honr journey from such centres as Toronto and Montreal and from New York. Chit-ago and Bustnn in approximately thirty- six-hours. And there is an interesting little booklet entitled “\Vhere to Hunt. Fish and Paddle in the New North." obtainable from anv office of the Canadian National Railvays, which enahles the. holiday seeker to select his camping ground in this primeval paradise. A number of sectional maps covering the sporting terI-itury from west of Luke Nipigon to Western Quebec, in which are shown canoe loutes and trails. will prove invaluable to the sportsman visiting the tel-rith y. The Booklet also furnishes infur- nmtion xegarding guides, outfit, and other necessary details. A Sportsmen’s Paradise 95959956'2’2 Phone 53 :5: You are encouraging communin growth by making your purchases ‘ in your home Town. What the eye never sees, the purse never buys. The eye is the line of communica- tion between buyer and seller, and being changed, there being alwzqs something new. Quality considered, we guarantee, .and at the suns time realize the purchasing in the cheapest market, we invite yzur inspection of the merchandise we are handling, which we have every confidence ofassuring you, of having the merit 91" being the best in their class obtainable Mrs. Wm. Davies T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES â€"â€"â€"IJI.\II'FEI)â€"â€"â€" Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. PRESERVING KETTLES HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES NO 1. 506; N0. 3100;1'0. 4. 31.25 N0. (3. $1.95. Covered Egg and Butter Crocks Phone Orders will Attentionâ€" DRY GOODS Having opened 9. Bakery and L‘cn- fectionery on YONGE S’l‘., 3 Doors South of F. J. )Iausbridge‘s, Purveyor I can supply you with All Kinds of MRS. WM. DAVIES Boot and Shoe Repairer 2Doors South of Bakery] on X91139 St.- FRUIT JAR FILLERS ALUMINUM 5 qt. $2.35 ALUMINUM 6 qr. $3 50 CANADA WARE 6 qt. 75c New Bakery ll &( I’EARLIWARE 8 qt. 70c. †14 (lb. $1.95 RICHMOND HILL PE\RLWARE 25b. 'l‘INWARE 150. Flower Pots -â€"5c. 7c. 10c.1‘2c Rock Bowls -- 2.70. 40c. 50c. 65c C. Winterton GEO. KIDD All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Fancy Bread, Buns Cakes and Pastry also Ice Cream & Candies â€"ANDâ€" Phon097 PHONE 110 W Receive Prompt ('00; t'ï¬v’: -:- Quality Goods -:- FOR MEN -- Peabody’s overalls and smock also the celebrated “Greb†shoes. Just passed into stock shipment of both these justly popular lines. Prices are down. Ask about them. 004 >960“.00O60699066660069000099000906690“6000“... §LAKE SIMCOE ICE, LIMITED OOMOWWQWWW OW TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager MOONOOONOOWWWWWW E'Cannot be Beat The Investor’s Safeguard ICE DELIVERY At the request of a number of residents and business men in Richmond Hill, LAKE SIM('UE ICE, LIMITED intend to inaugurate adclivery of ice at regular intervals according to the demands of weather. The driver will take orders, or if mailed to the Head Ofï¬ce. Toronto, they will receive early attention. Regular suburban rates will apply, namely: ‘ 11 Twenty-ï¬ve pound Tickets $2.00 9 Hundredweight Tickets 5.00 Sold by the Driver 500 lbs. and over per delivery 45c. per cwt. Cash on Delivery. If the quantity sold is sufï¬cient to justify the continuance of this service it will be carried on throughout the summer. wear suits from $10.50 up will have the third shipment ing see them. Ordered suits for men from 338.00 [p Ladies from $35.00. ï¬t and workmanship of the best. -:- Cleaning and Pressing and Dying Done. Richmond Hill COOPER’S HARDWARE . R. FORTNER L BAILEY’S - MAPLE The prices I am selling suits I have sold out two shipments of these ready-to~wear suits, and N . COOPER -__-V_._ ..- -.___, .v. U of this Bank’s business â€" and we are in position to render a complete investment service' Our nearest Manager can give you information regarding any securities you may contemplate purchasing Let STANDARD SERVICE be your Investment Safeguard TH E 353 R a SAFETY is the first consideration in every pbaS‘ AK 01.}. D__l.’_ L__,:AA,, l STAN DARD BAN K Headquarters for S.M.P. and McClary Graniteware JAMES FAIRHEAD, President Plumbing in connection acrosse Sticks, and Baseballs TRENCH’S BLOCK Granite, OF CANADA PHONE 93 in by Friday, July 7th. Before buy- at cannot be mware and lock well Ladies and Gents Taxlor, Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill Ladies ordered suits, at Ready-to