Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jul 1922, p. 7

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THERE ES BANEEE In no trouble is delay or neglect more dangerous than anaemia, a pov- erty of the blood. It is very common in young girls and in persons who are overworked or confined within doors. It makes its approach in so stealthy a manner that it is often well developed before its presence is recognized. "Ah, Passern," says Farmer, “and so I do. My pleasure be this, for to work and \ make. Tid'n' all for me wive and d-atter's sake. If they gets so much pleasure to take and spend it As ’tls to me for to make and tend it, They'm pleased. and I’m pleased, and we’m all content. If you want others to take your seri- ously, don’t take yourself too serious- 1y. If Not Corrected Serlous Results May Follow. But taken in time there is a tonic medicine which increases the number of red blood corpuscles. thus enabling the blood to carry the life-giving oxy- gen to 8.11 the tissues of the body. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have had much §uccess in the treatment of this stub- born trouble because of this wonder- ful property. If you don’t want to he laughed at by others, laugh at yourself. Discovering an error is the same as finding out a truth. The correction of anaemic condi- tions by Dr. VViIliams' Pink Pills is as certain as anything can be. Take as an example the case of Miss Mary D. Kelly, Charlottetown, P.E.I., who sayszâ€"“My blood was thin and watery and my system very much run down. I could not do any work or walk up- stairs without resting. I suffered greatly from headaches, my appetite was poor and I was also troubled with indigestion. I began taking Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills and in a. short time the results showed they were just the medicine I needed. I only used six boxes but am now feeling stronger and better than I have done for several years. From my perronai experience I can strongly recommend Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pins." These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sen-t by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brock- ville, Ont. A Conversation. Says Paron to Farmer Jack in the lame: "Hullo. then, Farmer, to work again? You're sixty-seven now if you’re a day, With: a tidy bit put by, I'll lay. You’ve done your share, and you've If you d-o‘n*t wan't to be criticized by others, criticize yourself. worked full measure; Why don‘t you leave off and take your pleasure? Other folk do it. Why shouldn't you ?" “Goddday to ee, Passen." And off he wenrt. IN WATERY 31091} The world’s good judgment approves this cup KICK, refreshing and satisfying, Postum brings the endorsement of discriminating people everywhere. Postum meets all the demands of a table drinkâ€"it impOSes no penalties upon nerves or digestion. Made instantly in the cup at the tableâ€" An economical drink for health and efficiency. Instant Postum Advice. is delay or neglect â€"L. A. G. Strong In a rural community in Kansas a nurse recently spread the gospel of truth from a health point of View, and the people actually regarded her as a distuu‘ber of the peace. Famers’ Wives told the nurse she was making a nuis- ance of herself, and worst of all, says a writer in the “Outlook,” two or three doctors objected to the examination, on the ground that they frequented I was in a rural district in Ontarioi some months ago where a publ-i-c meet-i ing was held for the purpose of_exâ€"[ plaining to the people of that nleigh-g borhood the need for community or§ public health nurses. A kindly-facedi old clergyman sat next to me during the meeting and he intimated 'that there was very little sickness in that neighborhood and that the children were all strong, healthy youngsters and did not need medical or nursing supervision. At that very moment I had in my pocket some statistics as toi the physical condition of the chil-dnen attending school in his district, and the figures were astonishing. Out of 375 supposedly healthy children of ages ranging from 6 to 12 years, all attending school, only about 80 were without physical defects of one kind‘ or another. And not one of these chilâ€" dren had had a previous examination“ nor apparently did their parents know that anything was wrong. They were just growing like weeds, their physi- cal condition left to haphazard with- out any thought of what the result might be. The distressing part of it is that a large percentage of these defects could be put right in early life if attention was drawn to them and they were given medical and nursing attention. But the parents did not know, and some of these parents would resent the insinuation that their children had physical defcts that were being neglected It is only by educa- tion that this prejudice can be entire- ly removed, and no parent, once the condition is realized, would leave a stone unturned to give the young child the best possible chance in life. Itoaisi because they do not know, that par- ents seem neglectful, and in rural disw tricts and on farms there is very little ‘ opportunity, except through the coni- munity nurse, to have a physicail ex-, amination of children carried out, sci that medical advice and attention canl I be secured where needed. Could one imagine a. better environ- ment for the upbringing of healthy children than the farm? Doeq it not seem apparent that the healthy life close to nature, with plenty of food, plenty of fresh air and out-d091- ex- ercise would constitute ideal c’ondiâ€" tion-s for the normal growth and de- velopment of the young? One would think sic, and yet with all the advan- tages of a natural, healthy environ- ment it has been found that there is o ‘l'j‘r‘fl‘n nnv-nnmha on of defective VlS‘iOl’l, a large u .v..°u ry--v..-.< defective teeth, adenoids and diseased tonsils among children in rural dis- tricts. It is hard to believe this, until an actual examination is made and the true conditions revealed. “T here ’5 a Reason Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health may, ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House Spadlna Crescent, Toronto. BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON EEALTH EDUCATIQN Provincial Board of Health, Ontario I Once a mother has used Baby’s Own lTablets for her little ones she would Inot be without them. They are the ideal home remedy for the babY; being 1guaranteed to be absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They ‘ are a gentle but thorough laxative and Ihave been proved of the greatest aid lin cases of constipation, indigestion. 'colic, colds and simple fevers. ‘Covn- cerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne, ‘Beausejour, Que, writes: “I have used Baby's Own Tablets for consti- lpation and colic and have found them so successful that I would not be withâ€" out them. I would strongly recom- mend every mother to keep a box in the house.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ontt. I The farm, as this writer says, is regarded as a health resort, and the doctor is called in only when there is serious illness. 'Soacaliled mrinrorr deâ€" Ifects g‘o unattended until they develop iinto serious ailments, and often are Ineg‘leloted altogether. V The white fur with black tipped tail known as "ermine" comes from the mountain Weasel, 8.11 animal which lives by sucking the blood of the ani- mals i-t Idlls. ' An Awkwa rd Question. Gertrude had been inquisitive an the evening. Her father had answered her questions patiently, but he was becom- ing exasperated. Finally she said:â€" “Yes. s-ir” said Private mm was sevenrty years might have been fresh .t daddy?” Daddy‘s patience gave way. “Oh, nothing,” he said. Gertrude pondered-over this answer for a moment. The7n she returned valiantly to the charge. “But how do you know when you have finished?” she asked. “What is it?” “The beef is bad, sir!” “Ba/d ?” said the officer. “Nonsense! It’s nothing of the sort. Why, man, do you know in the Qrimean war, officers and generals woumd havo been thank- ful to have that meat." The onderly officer was going the rounds, and passed through the mess where “B” Company were at dinner. “Any complaints 7” he asked. “Yes, sir!" Private Thomas said Swiftly. Fresh! The food at a certain mil-ivtary camp “somewhere in England” was of rathâ€" er mixed quality. WOULD NOT BE WHTHOUT BAfiY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. M. of Walkerton complains of‘ severe headaches, with occasional sickness of the stomach. She sthould'l consuflt her doctor and dentist, have her tonsiLs and teeth carefuth ex- amined. There may be some fowl of infection causd‘ng the headaches and other symptoms. reports sent to the parents of what was found in their wholesale diag- noses. Where the normal conditions seemed on the surface to be ideal for child health, says the writer:â€" “The examiners made records of 3,632 children, and they found that 2,317 were defectiveâ€"«over 63 per cent. Of the defectives 836 were under- weight, with other defects, and 1,237 were suffering from malnutrition. That is, oneâ€"third of the children of this community "were undernourished. Only 878 children (24 per cent.) were normal and with-out physical defects. There were reported 216 cases (7 per cent.) of defective vision; 23 cases (1 per cent.) of defective hearing; 125 cases (4 per cent.) _of adenoids; 819 cases (28 per cent.) of defective ton- sils; 1,071 cases (37 per cent.) orf de- fective teeth. What could be better than that the home physician and dentist should get busy?” Apparent neglfigence there was, but where was the fault? The fault lies in the point of View, and this applies to Ontario as well as any other place on this continent, or in the world for that matter. the homes of their parents, kn-ew every child in them by its first name, and woqu know if anything were wrong. However, after a time the inspection was made by a physician andua dentist of 123 countrygnd town schools, and reports sent to the parents of what What do you due The Source of Ermine ISSUE No. 27â€"‘22 ate greater area than th but a population 195 State at the oifice all (1 sh .then! Thomas. “But ago. and Z: "I had the 'flu’ a year ago and it left me so weak I could hardly get about. My appetite was so poor I barely ate enough to keep from starving. When I tried to work I would g'lve out and couldn’t even do the smallest job. Some days I was so weak I couldn’t crank a. car. As time passed and I saw no improvement I felt like giving up. “Tanla-c brought back my health and I am new full of life and energy. The man who told me about this meddclne did me a good turn and I want to pass the good word along.” Tmlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. Making clay pipes, which was once almost entirely a German industry, is now being done to a large extent in Britain. After Effects of ‘Flu’ Over- come and He \is Brimful of New Life and Energy Since Taking T a n l a c , Declares Halifax Citizen. "Tanlac built me up right from the start and I don’t believe there is a man In Halifax who feels better than I do,” said William Milne, expert motor me-- chanic, 65% Birmingham St., Halifax, WHILE! Mlnard'a Lrnlment Relieves Neuralgla On retiring rub spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticum Soap and hot water. This cleanses the scalp of dandruff and promotes hair health. Sup 25c. Ointment 25 and 50:. Tulcum' 25:. Sold throughout theDominion. Can adlan Depot: Lymanl.A'anited. 34} St. Pgul SL, Mutual. w alrigvieraqwithout mug. Cuiicura Es Wonderflsl For Your Hair Handy “B M SAYS HE ' FEELS G99!) AS ANY MAN IN C! UNLESS irac iurimz you a see the name “Bayer” 01 are not getting Aspirin at all CITY Lumb 1nd 1ch Yarmouth, N.s., March 24, 1921. ’l The Secretary of the Yarmouth Athy letic Association, who were the chem pious for 1920 of the South Shorq‘ League and Western Nova. Scotia Base‘ Ball, states that during the summer" the boys used MINARD’S LINIMEN'I‘i with very beneficial results, 101‘ sore, muscles, bruises and sprains. It is. consddered by the players the best, White liniment on the market. Every team should be supplied with this celoj brated remedy. *1 (Signed) JOSEPH L. LeBLANC, :1 Sec’y Y. A. A. A.. Champions N. S, South Shore League, To Recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, for It Helped Her So Much For neérly fifty yeérs it has been helping women: Le}: it help you. full mt? Mrs. Wandless, like‘many, many other women who have found reliefl‘ by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege~ table Compound, is anxious to let other women know of this splendm medicine. 80 by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, its virtues are made known. Women suffering from female a11- ments, indicated by such symptoms as backache, nervous troubles, hot flashes, pain in the side and a. gen- eral runâ€"down condition of the Whole system, should take Lydia. E. Pink‘ ham’s Vegetable Compound. 7 Lydia E. Pinkham’s Text-Book upon “Ailments Peculiar to Women” will be sent you free upon request. Write to Lydia. E. Pinkham Medicine 00., Lynn, Mass. Fredericton, N. B.â€"â€"“I was weak and had some troubles women often. have, and usually I was unfit for my; work. I saw your advertisemeiltsJ and decided to try Lydia. E. Pinko; ham's Vegetable Compound. I am, very much 'pleased with the resultf and recommend your Yegetable Com-_ pound Whenever I have a chances' You may use this letter for the bene- fit of others."â€"Mns. VVANDLEss, 360 Church St, Fredericton, N. B. ‘- Ef oil WUMAN TAKES EVERY BHANGE 1920 wnnxm’v nwsrunn WANTED ‘HREASHIRE . TION hose, b.1th togxpprt BELTINQ Bulk Carlota TORONTO eAL'r worms 0. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Classified Advertisement! Ammw- Pious:- Do. new A Book on COARSE SALT LAN D:SALT Drov EASHIRE BELTS AND SUCJ )N hose, new and used. shippeq‘ to approval at lowest priceu 1n . York Belting Co., 116 York ronto. Ont. PriE HAVE A CASH PI E A CASH PURCHAJSER weekly newspaper In On- must be attractive. Send lon to ‘Vllson Publishlnt Adelaide St. W.. Toronto.‘ DOG DISEASES and How to Feat! Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. B. may Glover 00.. no. 129_W'es__t “(Laban on tablets, you ll FQR SALE 7.; mati ll lions fOr sm

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