Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jul 1922, p. 8

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Armature winding, dynamo and magnito repairing. Also car wiring done. l-tf. We specialize in the battery ser- vice. rebuilding, repairing and charging. We have installed in our station one of the most; up-to-date plants for the sole purpose ofcbarging batteries We are now open for business â€" house wiring, fixtures, etc. WADE & LINDSAY MAPLE ELECTRIC Also, visit our dreSS making de- partment, which will he at your service all summer, at the At cut. rate prices, will begin July 3rd for two weeks. Buy early be- fore the stock is picked ovur, for kiddies, misses, maids and macrons. Phone NOTICE You don't need a month's treat- ment to prove the worth 0! A SPECIAL MIDSUMMER Sale of Millinery RELIEF IS IMMEDIATE. It restores normal breathing,â€" stops mucus gatherings in nasal and bronchial passages, assurel long nights of quiet sleep. $1.00 at 'our druggist's, or write for free tri' to Templetons, Toronto. Hay - Fever RAZ-MAH! .l' RENTâ€"with option of buying house. 7 mums m- "1011’. Send pm-ticulm-s Lo LIBERAL OFFICE. 53-1 OTICEâ€"Lmvn mowels sharpened and repaired. All kinds nfsaws filed. Scissors nnd knives. mower and binder knives ground. Fulniture re- paired. A. ANDERSON, rear of \Valtel Vunderburg's shnp, Yonge St. 49-8 Sold it Sloan‘s Drug Store r 7 seen nn lot 29. rear con: 2, Vaughan. joHN SLINEY Richmond Hill. 40-tf. ROFESSIONAL MAN \VANTS TO RENTâ€"with option of buying OR SALEâ€"1 Trench platform. spring Wagon, nearly nemyl Massey- HMI-is, 7 ft. binder. MCKENZIE 131103.. Willowdule. 4l-tf. ASTHMA, SUMMER COLDSV. AS FUREâ€"Guod pasture for stock, plenty of running Walter. Int. 29, rear 2nd cnn. Vaughan. Jonx SLINEY. Phnne 98 Richmond Hill. 45-lf. O RENTâ€"6 room house, north of Pmt Office Apply Richman SL‘, Mus. W. HARRISON. 52-lf. Thornhill Millinery Store Btl'vet; Hill (U A rFond house. HTEAI), RESâ€"My wbulb uutfit uf about, twenty hive-r. u-leven with swmms and all mtceasurieu for snlu. E.‘ '1‘. QUANTZ. Lot, 13. Bud concesflun, Murk- ham. R. H. 4603. l business corner 0 forsule. :1 model rent to DUNCAN, “ABBAG E PLANTS â€"- Cuhlmge _, plants for sale. H. DAVIS. Mill ,rvet. 52-tf. 410R SALEâ€"Covered Buggy, nearly .1 new. \V. A. \VRIHHT, Richmond ,i 1. 53-1 OR SALEâ€"Barn USINESS FOR SALEâ€"This wall ‘ vutnhliuhrd Grocery and China business w‘ntrnlly luculed uu [he :nrner n! Yunze und Ucntm strvets is for snle. Store is being reumdolled and ' I modem! stare h-mntiuslalled. \Vill 'ent to n desirable tvlmm. \V. A. )UNCAN. Richmond Hill. I-lf. UNGALOWâ€"Five rnmu hunqnluw fur sule on Bunsen Ave. Rich- )d Hill. Stonv r‘ellur. \VHLPI‘ in se. [nt 123 x 150. Apply E. NEW- AD. 565 Logan Ave , 'l‘uluntu. 1-3 M Want Ads. 30 x 50. may he Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL ‘ The must desirable residence and location in the north end for sale. Up- to-date bungulnw with all modern im- provements and most artistically Wired. Beautiful grounds- Large lot, shade, ornamental and fruit bear- ing Lreos. Possession can be arranged. Also terms. . Yetnnother beauty spot has bevn givenintn mn‘ hands tn dispose of, that heuutiful l'PSldPnrtP nu the Corner of Church {Ind Murkham Avenue, lurgolot. All kinds of trees beami- ful lawn, lovely outluok, house nearly new with all modern improvements and town water imlnlled. Must he sold quickly, ill health cause of sale. Lots and houses in any kpm t of the Lots villnge Tn SR. Primerâ€"Edna Jones, Edward McLean. Stella Tweedin, Pvtm- Browne, Jpn. Hullinsnn, Arthur Frewin. Eleanor Crawford. 7 I Bunkâ€"Elie Wurnmn. Dnrothy Frewin, Nellie McCax-t. Hun-y \Var- man. ' ' I SHAW T0 Jn. IIIâ€"Jessie McLPan, (hi) Gordon jackson, (1).) Evelyn \Vnrman, \Vm. Moon”, \Varren Reamnn. To SR. IIâ€"Mzn'jm‘ie \Vehber, (h.) Elsie Howell, Irene McDonnld, George White. Florehce Wells, (Rea) . To JR. llâ€"Pascal Dmke, George Tlmrpp, Jas ()hamhem, Nelle: Bull, Berkehy Bull, Ethel Frewln, Edward Foe. To 1R. IVâ€"Rud Fee. (11.) Harry Banks. Alex. Fee. Rn:th Junes, Duris 'l‘mnlinson, Em-l Richards. Tn SR. IIIâ€"Hannah \Vrny, Doris \Val'umn, (Reta) jeun Gregg. (Rec) T0 In. IIIâ€"Jessie McLPun. (hl) Money borrowed and loaned. Names in order of mprit. B To SR. IVâ€" Gordon Tomliuson, Cyril all. Insurance effected “B"â€"â€"B. MéNnir. J. Kerswell. D. Kerswell. O. Burnett. "A"â€"E. Bull. A. Bull, J. KFrSWe-ll, N. Baharnff, B. Hodgius, F. Browning. T. Babarutf. E. Sage. ‘ 7rd J§f11-â€"V.C..rson, (H.)N. Irish, (8.) E. Clubiup. J. Gamble. J. Roberts. Standing of JR. classes based on year's work. JR. [â€"8. Burnett, HI.) G. \Vatts. D. Uhapple._J._Kersw3ll.li1 gag}: To SR Hurris. (spglling) "Châ€"E: Kerswell, A. Manir. To JR. IVâ€"V. Parks, (H.) M. Burn ally. (H.*) (3. Murphy, C. Jnnvs'. (Rue. To SR. IIIâ€"B. Gamhl», L. Hodgina B. Watts. 0. ' [)ilm. H. 'l‘oppe (Cnmpusition‘. Tu JR. IIIâ€"G. Rickwnnd, (“J G ClmLhux-n, (H) F. Rickwnnd, N Osborne, R. Iriuh. D. Smith. (Rem) To SR. llâ€"â€"K. Hodgins, (PL) J Hurris. M. \Vuus. A. Burnth JR. I to SR. Iâ€"Edrm Fuller, Mary Fuller, Mable Uurtil. Stanley Oulemun. H. HIHLOP, Lenclwr. SR. II to JR. IIIâ€"Harold Clark. Hurry Pitnmn. \Vesley Clark. JR. II tn Sn. IIâ€"Jack Spencley, Elmer Leek. Albert. CulenIan. Doris Curtis. _ JR. III to SR. III-Glace Evans, Dnnaldjipunclyy. ViutlIfâ€"WBII‘Iuip. _ The Shaw School. in Toromo never close in Summer. They are open In July and August. Don't wule the holiday seasonâ€"nun now to learn type- writin . shorthand and bookkeeping. ludivigual inltrucdon in every counc. H. A. Nicholls 'Pused on yeng‘é wink START BUSINESS SUHUUL THIS SUMMER The public school held their picnic Wednesday of last. Week; large attend- :HICP. Mrs. Burnett, and family,'0f Rich- nmud Hill, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleuch. Miss E. M. Wallace. public snlmnl teacher, left fur home on Friday. Muster Henry Barber mm the prize in his cluss‘fux- highest umrks. Langstnfi Public School Promotions Mr. \V. U. Barber, sister und moth- er.uf Turunku, spent \Ve-dnesduy of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. Bnrhen. RUMBLEâ€"Tbild Concvssion 6f Vaughan. on Monday, July 3. 1922, in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott. Rumble. u son, (Juhn McKenzie.) JOHNSTONâ€"At Headford. June 30. 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Johnston. a daughter: The Inter-County Junior Farmers Field Day which was held at Bi'nlnp- ton on June :9 h was is decided succesn. Seven Counties wexe xe- prelenmd with teams. all of which eagerly competed in an exceptionally interesting programme of sports. Juit. hefure tha hnur nuhednlpd tn SR. III to JR. lVâ€"MoIIcnlm Spencly, P. Molnmuh. Chief Principal Headfo d Public School Promoliors The Real Estate Man Jefferson Public Schodl IVâ€"V. Pan-ks, (H.) M. Burn- ) (3. Murphy, C. Jnnes‘. Hive.) IIIâ€"B. Gamhl», L. Hodghw, .s. U. ' Dihb. H. Topper Buttonville BUSINESS SCHOOLS TORONTO M. COOPER, Teacher. BIRTHS IIIâ€"Harold Clark. . R. Sage. (H.) F. Uhnthurn, For those more venturesome. Who Would explore the difficult and ex- tended trails, guides, ponies. puckâ€" l)()l'SPSlln(1 complete outfits can be oh- Lained at the Lodge, from which point also pmtir's set out, on hunting Pxpedilions beyond the confines of the Park. This delightful legit-n is fully de- scribed in a new booklet entitled “jasper Park Lodge," copies of which may he obtained from the nearest Canadian National or Grand Trunk Agent. 53-1 Animal, bird and plant life is found in wonderful variety. Seventy ditferent. species of birds. seven hundred diffe. rent, species of plants and flowers have been accuupted for, and within the confines of the Park which is n. bird and game preselve are big horn mountain sheep and goat; bemâ€" cinnanmn, brown and l)|;u:k:c:uihou and mouse. elk, beaver. otter, max-ten and deer. l From the. Lodge :0. iiizlgiiificei'it panorama gleels the eye. Mount Edith Gavel, so-cnlled in memory of the nmrtyred British Red Cross Nurse, stands out in bold relief, its glinting slopes making it to appvar us "a sheet suspended from the heavens." The picturesque vulley of the Atlmhilska. is flanked by Pyramid Mountain. the richness of its varied color effects pro- senting u very striking contrast. \Vhistlers Mountain, Colon Range, Roche Bohomme, me but A few of the mighty peaks that meet the gaze. Riding is, of course the popular past- time and ponies are available for this exhilarating sport. Within easy much of the Lodge. afoot or by motor car, ‘ are numerous points of interest. Maligne Canon and Gorge. one of the most interesting attractions in the Pillk. is but six miles distant. Easily accessible streams will tempt the fisherman. The amateur photographer will level in Nature's bounteousness. . of artistic lug construction, the Lodge comprises a. large. cmnfmtable i Lounge building, surrounded by Dining Hall and separate Sleeping buildings, each containing sitting-room and fuur hedronnis, electiic lighted, with all modern conveniences, running water in each room. baths etc. In Conjunction with the Lodge is a. Dancing Pavilion where gnod music assures to the guests delightful evening diversion. “'ith the advent of reduced fares in Alberta. und Biitish Columbia points, many who have long unLicipaLed see- ing the Unnndiun Hmkies and Pacific Coast. will [nuke the jnnl ney this year. Tn then), and to the individual tl'alVPiT: ing“Acru.~'s Unnudu'Turpurely lmsinf‘ss leasnns. the "Natiunnl Way" and the Canadian National Rnilwnys' preiniér mains, the “Cuntini-ntnl Limited" and the “National” nppea] most strongly. the mute connecting us it dves the arc-ML urlmn centres of Uzumdn. and traversing legivns of outstanding interest. The various Canadian Nul- JASPER PARK LODGE AN IDEAL STOP-OFF POINT 7 The medals, shield and ribbons were presented by Mr. Belt. Roadhouse at, conclusion of the events. i And the fiqu score. Well we shall di\ nlgu this ininimuziou if yc-u promise not to jolly the young funnels from other Counties. Yul k scored one hun- dred and thirty points. more than the total of the other six counties. It would be unjust to single out for individual mention any of the young men 01 women responsible for lhis \‘ery crtditahle showing. However it. was decided by points that the mltstunding lady athlete was Miss Edna Snider. with 16 points and Miss P. Campbell fullnwing clo«ely with 14 points. Mr. V. Orr was high man with 20 prints. fullnwed by Mr. E. Uumphell with 17 pnillts. ‘ Tue >pirit, of hue ulhleiel prevuih-d throughout. Allhnugh York (‘ouuly had he greater number of contestants, every evens \vus well represenLed by Very ablzs «th-l. I from other Counties. Superiur [mining and condition sbuud the Yunk buys in goud stand in (he finals, and ii. was not unusuallu see the flat five to finish score fun-the humv cmuny. Just. befo're the hour scheduled to commemo, a cloud of dust swept dowu on Inc Fair Grounds. It. did not name. It, encircled the race track sevuml inns, led by the during “Duokie” in his latest racing model. After gentle but fillll protests from Jack Steckley. the motor demon- stration ceased, not "before York Junior Fax-mere Hinge itquite emphatic that they were (hue lu ruisuuduut and the ulhm' Uuunlies would be obliged tn t-njwy is the renninder of tug day. York Scores Again RICHMOND TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE Electrice Motors,sGenerators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH [PAINTING At “The Rolfe Shoe Repair” FOR Repairs to boots. Best work and material South of Shoe Factory G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. LOOK They are an index of filth: the more flies the more filth. ‘Exit’â€"Fillh. ‘ExiL’â€"Flies. Enterâ€"More people Ln our village. a “Radio” to communicate with the baby’s solar plexus. the lmhy to be the chief vocalist; in the concert. In the “Pluy” the lmby not infrequently takes an important part in the tragedy. coming to an unlimer end. Flies are useful for one purpose only:â€"‘ _ _ m The fly is u very diligent animal. He spends much of his time- around the horse stable and pig pen raising his brood, always bringing up a large family. Mrs. Fly. Lady of the (fly) screen. lays ubout six hundred eggs. When these are hutuhed out. the young flies crawl about in the filth. and becoming developed they prefer to spend their week ends in the neighbm-‘s butter on hot summer da 5. Before the fly'a teething age he is 0 en seen perched on the tip of the baby’s bhttle when no doubt he is setting up Thwe is an epidemic of measles in this locality su~picious cases require to he diagnosed and reported in order that the hnuses he placm'ded and [ha disvaqegwnlped out. FLY-FGOT' PRINTSâ€"A few facts. figures and flirtations of the house fly:â€" Those wishing to keep hogs obtain a pH'mlt from the villageb‘lm'k. Itia the inleniion of the Bond of Heulth to restrict the keeping of hogs Ln nutlying. thinly settled plfl'tl of the village. 'I‘lmt- persons wishing to sell milk or who are now in the business obtain a license {mm the Clrrk of the village not later than August 20. Unples of the by-law will be furnished to those registering. A Fee $1.00 'I‘hp [Mn-d of Health requests tho following:â€" ’l‘haL pnl'scni intending to put in septic tanks apply to Mr. Hume. clerk of Ihu village, fur a permit The Idea Is to hnve the regulation tank put in, with proper lucaliuu and disnibution 'ijnil pines Hardwood Finishing Estimates Furnished Free Phone ' ' Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN~ VchanIZIHg"r1nc PROCESS. All Repairs GUARANTI‘JED‘ to: LuatflLonger than the Res: of the Tire. Buy, Build, Work, and Support the Home. District Richmond Hill PLUMBING C0. PLUMBING, HEATING, AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Meeting of the Board of Health GOOD WORK AT FAIR PRICES VESTA “FOR BETTER All Mak DECORATING ikes j Watered and Inspected Free “3 g ( Repaired and Recharged. BA’F'FE RY S E 1%‘7 I C E PHONE 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building DAY PHONE 13-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 75. A Car of B. C. Shingles has just been received ' We also have in stock a full line of all kinds of lumber lath and cedar posts Dealers in Gypsum wall board and fibre board Shavings for beding given to customers free of charge L INNES & SON LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL E. ngdges, Prop, B uilders Attention LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HOTEL JONES LUMBER C0. Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge Phone 44 r ‘23 Stop 51 l’ongeSt. CALL AND SEE US AT PLANING MILL Of Builders’ Supplies was never so complete ELGIN MILLS E VESTA AND

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