PAINTING G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Special ' Notice Shorts, Crushed and Chopped _ aw Oats at reduced prlces. Also a good supply of Purnia Scratch Feed, Cracked Corn and Buckwheat for Seed and Oats always on hand at the VOL. XLV. Feed. No 2. American Corn for Feed, and Heavy Western m Elevator . Chgâ€"IV I 5 Yonge and Charles Sts. Tc â€"Is Strictly First- Class. Our Hardwood Finishing Estimates Furnished Free Phone all Term Opens Aug.'28th. A car load of Bran and Branches~Thornhill The Royal Bank of Banada .50 per annum, in advance. ‘nd, Gram Tile and will ï¬nd a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses :1 help and a safeguard. Every farmer’s wife H Dï¬ï¬‚fl Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail. making a trip to town unnecessary. En- and Willowdale . 1.). Karma]: Bank Account for he Farmer’s Wifa ELLIOTT :ll) 11y pa DECORATING I Sts. Toronto. ass. Our gradu n employment im' training and placing them. 5 to attend the 1' our catalogue mt at. our Full Artist, Teacher in Litei‘ature, Expression, Reading, Dram~ atic and H umourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss 'Margue Boyle. Studio ‘Homew Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont. E LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks . Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates / Barristers Soiicitor Notaries Telephone Main:2777 Monarch Bldg. 26-39 Adel- Oflices aide Sr†\Vest, Toronto. Naughtun Block, Aurora Solimtnr for z The ann of Aurora The Township of King The Township uf \Vhilchuroh The Imperial Bank uf Canada, Aurora. J. M. \anmn. & Cu. Aumm ELGIN HOTEL \Valtel' S. J Res. Phï¬llt Hill. 5048 E. Bridges, Prop; Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 YongeSt. The Town of A The Township ( The Township ( The Imperial B.- J. M. \anmn. & ience Dr. W. J, Weslegrï¬w p. m ELOCUTION I HOUSE PA INTER, (flazier. Grainer and Paper- ‘ Hanger. feac Ofï¬cs hours 9 to 11 '0 Hi Miss Marguerite Boyle MISS Hours Open eve may hm NAUGHTON By t1 unil)‘ phy DR. J. P. VVILSDN TI RICHMOND ELGIN MILLS 110 u rs Jenkins ch mge St BIO 1H} I) I nr‘l Rich“) "l I‘} NTTST J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mil!s Res. Phone 44.4 Thornhill 82 JENKINS two doors north of In Essentiabs, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity.“ )DE Bank. ) 5.30 p.111. appointment Marguerite m. 6 to 8 p. m H m9: iMO lotations 111 1t ELl lour zood 30=tf HILL. Gtc nod Having spent more than two mouth at these two stations, we prepared for a further journey into the interior ï¬ve hundred miles. First visiting a. number of places of interest in South Rhodesia. Such as [he Bushmans caves, wilhlheir aboriginal engrav- ings and paintings, lhe history of which is not known. The world; i view. the high rock on the summit of i which the remains of John Cecil [Rim-(195, and Dr. jumison, wro enâ€" tombed in the solid rock. Here also is the monument elected to the memory ‘ of Major Allan \Vilson and his brave V thirty four men who fell victim to the l “Asaggi†in the hands of the Matahili, in one night without 11 survivor dur- ing the war of 1893. We visited the "Rhodes Estute,†with its farm of many thausnud acres, including the beautiful drives, parks and large irriâ€" gating dam from which the portion of {be firm under cultivation i; supplied with water during the dry season. Qn the 1.111) of Oct. we. (wok {min for SR. 11 U Reta Hilts Baker. Llu the nul'lll country, arriving at, Victoria Falls on the, morning of the 121b, The memory of our two days mtuy at this place, and viewing (me t f the seven Wonders of the WUL‘lLl. will always be 1 one of wonderful amazement. To see \Vilson, Beryl Beutty, \Vilhert SR. III to JR. Earl Unher, Drrll Sim}: Bu Dixon. I) le1 Delt mscri: liuuin arrive the su ox “Hots Spun†us some one put it. nver plain. wooded country to Muchâ€. Mission, mxt'lliird‘station, where some fourteen years ago two brave women, Miss [-1. Francis Davidson, and Miss Ad". Engle, set. up a. beupon light in a wild country, :ImOng a wild people, mw in lieutlicndom and semi savage, and a country infested win wild uni- mals. The natives here are of a dif- ferent race, the the “Metonga.†mixed with 1116 warlike ‘-BaLili.†More tliesu [WU wox-keis with subsequent reel nits. have built up a well t’lllllpplfd station. PROM one DUHUK'Ol part. Here School lreck of six Dunk speed limit at and LI) pee Letter from D. W. Heise ï¬iciat Bulawnw :w cons" ssionarie (inp; :uno ‘. Doug] Wide ONT†THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1922 luau \vhi HARLOT JILIH (Continued) lli ‘o. 4, Markham ‘T EXAMINATIONS IV this Vâ€"l’rwmhr Uunnmg er: Hilts, Isabel Iiy'on [Vâ€"George Bnynton ml Brnwning, Lnrieex his tune bemud ;. with an invoi "two miles per y of nearly th'ec we were privile «Me of. the wo {this place are Rhodesin, S. Aft ica lli â€"â€"Rnlph Bakm', (11.) . Benny. (Wesley r, equal), {Dorothy m. pquul), George . Luurino’McUague willy, Allan Wilson TE ALLEN, teacher had : me b; Jeopl 1183f MIC Il Ellis. H ' Carynng [h by Taylor 21115 DU]: 1H Th t' n d am- a dif- mixed these CI) LU} Out out the l‘h l'g Ill {l â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€" _ _.... V ,» Do ndt fail to nttend Trinity Church Galden Party to beheld am Mr. Fees grounds Saturday, July 22. A varir‘d prngramme of sports Ins been arrnnged. Supper smved from 5 to 7.30. and concert in the evening. Several committees reported pro- gress Monday evening. The nexL meeting will he held Tilesdï¬y evening. July 18, at 8.15 in the Council Chamber. Let us have u full meeting. with the chairman of every committee pro- pui'ed to report. The bills and full particulms of the programme for Field Day must be printed at once. sociable spent. There; was union picnic : of lasb week Schools of tlr sented. The THOMPSONâ€"MATHESOVâ€"Un Tuesday, July 4L1]. 1923, at St Paul’s Presbytexinn church, Glammis. Oub., ~ by the Rev. P. Reith cnusin of the bride, Sumh Louise. daughter of the late Thns. A. and Mrs. Muthesun of Maple. Out, to 'l‘hos. W. Thumpsun. sun of Mr. and Mrsf'Jus. Thompson, Gluunuis Ont. in J1 {Hi USâ€! The 111]!) ll) llli md f Lh Mr 0 U1 hl MARRIAGES )l III Y our discussions will be he strict confidenbe â€" treats tirely as a personal matter. Langstaff bri Field Day 111 af )wne MAPLE L huge crowd a}: the Yellow on \Vedliesday many qf the Sabbath township being repre- ftermmn was spent in 11 th n} W ill Ling 1- the :an 11 SAVE "’ Becauye Mk crowd a}: the on \Vednesday f the Sabbath .1 n tiu‘ wortb on (lays with nccunman- llE OF CANADA lll and the Lit 3111' 10 ;ions x little \VL t1) 0n m 3 )ud E mm Rm: Denton, Macdonald & Denton Barristers. Snlictors. &c. MANerG ARCADE. 21 KING ST. Wm, Toaoxro, CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dedo†The W'orkingman’s Friend. MISS ALIDA BEYNON New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind- Drug Store 30-tf 3021! will First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Satisfaction guaranteed r “The Rolfe Shoe Repair†FOR Repairs to boots. Best work and material South of Shoe Factory L. WADE [Single copies, 3 cts. TEACHER 0F PIANO JEFFERSON {I Ci}- EI-IOLLS PUBLIC ufluem ‘licited BIL I( YORK nce zzldress 1»13