anolmllâ€"Biadfoi-d will play a Tri- C-nunly Lelgue game with Richmond Hill. Sutuidny liftornnnn. July 15,:it Richmmid Hill. Tuesduy evening. Riclimnud Hill will an 10 Bradford. The Senior Unduts will pl’iy North Turuntu Juniors to-niglnt, (Thursday). Morn properly (:1m high figures. E. 'I‘. St plu-chn‘ed the Mch-L eastern out 150 ur-L'os. hnnrl nf$40.001);nlsn th at valnn Brnuk, Yut for $23,000. Flour HL 221 ll) suck hold in livuwd in Women's Institutes will hold theil' :mnua! Piun’c at, Bum] Lake on Thursâ€" day. July 20H]. \\'ill the llll‘llllwl‘s plvnse bring their baskets and take the The Liberal was plensvd to receive :1. newspaper \vil h intermting news. fmm Mr. R. F. Hivk nuw in England, buy- ing for :L Tux-unto firm, Alsvvannrd showing the Midland Adolphi Hate]. Liverpool. said to be the most modern hu‘wl in Europe. " , The Richmond Hill Bowling Club are preparing for :1 “one day†tourna- ment to ho held on the green Wednes- day. July 19. The tournament will con- sist, nf throe games, Commencing at 9.30, daylight snvimz time. Three sets (If four prize: will he given to the memhprï¬ of the three rinks having the highest score. The Thm-nhill .' Women's Inatitu! :umua! Piun’c at l- belu she {washed Khruugï¬ a ‘l'vncozmdute puhtn tops that had been sprinkled with Paris Gnu-n. An iron lever \\ iLh double lnmks was pickml up yrslmduy nn Centre Street, and left at The Lllwxill UH‘il'O. “fill the owner call and prove pnqu ty. \Vurning‘ is issued by provincial police to the effect [hut any person or persons allowing their cattle 07' horses to gr Ize unattended on the sides of the public highways are liable tn prow- cntion. It is poinlod out, that ihis practice is one of utmmt dnngur 10 motorists, especialv uL night, and in- struction: are to prosecute any such oll‘enders. Mr. and Mrs. I“. 1LT“ of Uulmlt mo spcndi weeks at. Elmalcu, the Wm. M-Arsh. THUI'lC has ln-vn publicly indursvd by more well-kth“ Ipcn zLud wnuwn llmn zmy nit-divine nu earth. IL-is 501d by Sluuu's Drug Stun-l. Mr. u have bet Rev. H. ducLory .~ church In grvgltiOhs and elastic : uud (Anurgcu Dill): b'Lul's. The On'min Government; the Depaltnwnt, nf Fun-$18! is [his your again carrying [High in educate the! public tn the value uf forest preservation. Those nd- vortisemonts nre appearing in this paper and the iut'm-nmlion they onu- tain make thvm well worth reading. Our leaders are urged to follow the series and thus lmcnme acquuinted with the great need for increased 9% Mrs. Mauser and son of! visiting whither aunt, Mrs. holu alterations curried I'll one dour n Mr. and MI ()Ltmvn :ue Mr. are hc The Hm'ti hold its nrxt 'l'wn ’uter, H"! n MI Miss M \V awwv cautions (u v . ) (.lHV ll mluL very meal lwth I'. It, lill.‘ the 1’0“. 0111 Mona the bus 9.339333935955395 \v ish ï¬nd c and r Mrs. Trench Block 434143 already ant m lll nhu Slu ,i. S. Wax-1m) pruu sm-luuus in Lho lusL b‘unduy lo special price on Nu. 1 Pastry $7.5U pu- lhs. 01'95 cents fol :ulsu purity or Rnyal House- nltun. at $8.50 per bhl. dc village. At The Elevator. . l'lzll'l‘lsu [he hulidu Now Millinery )I‘th )erty (rh'mging hands at . E. T. Sxephens Ltd. has \9 McCarthy farm at, Don- 150 nvtos. in tho neighhnr- n g “in Government. through nent. of Fm-(‘sla and Lands again carrying on :\ cnm- lucate the1 public to the Mrs. Osmond 1;: uL Om. ultux hat [in QUALITY SHOPPE in; fritznds here \Vzu'u Iank 01 have g rs [he W iLil 111 n the GnuIdinï¬ Yonge St, 15‘) ly or Hay»! House- '$S.50 per bhl. dc At The Elevator. Norman Batty, Richmond Hill we are here to serve of Ladies’ and (‘hildrex to QUALITY and PRU Id llSlllE D 1| the 11mm wn lust till of Sandwich is dd and hudy vigorous the mind clear 11d nL Sloan's Millinery Sezlso manv friends for is undergomg ‘55 is being 'L'ison's house ’. Atkinson of LLives in [he ietv humnd H111 hold bhoil- :e on Thursâ€" Wu'rd hod ium Methodxs 'Olll' RDY valuable IL is said children uuple of will m Dry Goods Ladies Wear Thorold W1 M r Ut‘ ht and the i that, uuLf this (Iw-n Bdseimll Baseball Th? Fin organized lhe Ton Ranger l on W McLutt mond therva is {xx-nu the Cadets Lu tlw rpgimental summer uniform m‘dex‘ to be worn on that day. Seniors will wear white running sllnes. white (lLu-k tlHllSt‘l'S and white spurt shirts. regimental crvslx fur each Cadet. lwing pmcuu-(l by the O. U. tllerefule. Juvenihx Cadets and Cull Umlvls will wear white running shues, white duck trousers and the while reginwntul jerseys, cadets not supplied with these uulfiLs will sec- the U. U. innnedialely Repui L of the recent Inspection pronounces the Richmond Hill bidet Cm pa as beingr n finely disciplined body, and complimentary reference is made to the fine manly uppeatnnt‘e of the Senim' Platmm, and their thus far well established utheletic record. Signalling is also well spoken of, while the work (If the Cults in the matter uf physical drill. and Lheip fine up- peat-:Ince in the white regimentnls. is given very special mention. The Cadet Olficets and Cadet N. C. 0's. are giieu all due Ciedit for the thus far sueceas- ful work, and may the future have in store progxess in the, WOl‘k. It is with pride tlmtthe continued success of the Juvenile Cadet B.tselmll success of the Juvcnil Team under Undet Alkinsnn is recorded hx-noksqunre League played thvy have wul wise the Senims uuC Grainge-I and Jack GI: ‘1‘u encourage thrift in the corps and matm-ly dcvuLion, Cadets nf (he Uuh and "130 the Juvenilv Platoon Whu em n five dollars fur their motlu-rs during .lheir hqlidny will he gin-n an award by the 0‘ U. label» The Regimental Oï¬icm's urn now in the fvllmving annulmcenmm. A bugle Band cunsiHLln Drummers and (S ’l‘xumlwtcrs Base Drummer is nullmrizml Riclmmml Hill Under, Corps. Orr, M. U. Adjutant York 1 Regiment, being detailed tnc: arrangements Lherunf. Cudvt Man-tin will have chm-mu of t AlKinsun is recorded. In the Hillsâ€" hx-noksqnnre League Games thus far plzlyed Hwy have won all games. like- wise the Senims under Cadet, Sergts. Grainge-x and Jack Glass me achieving sucwss. And the O. 0. is arranging for both Teams playing an Exhibition Game on the York Rnngpr Field Day before his Honour, the Lieut. Govern- night \v‘ with Lu IIIOLUI'C_\‘ from the road will] am 2mth Ian down inlul Sullivan lundii He was lllSllPd tn the hospital. Riclnnund Hill Under, Corps. Major Orr, M. U. Adjutant, York Rangers Regiment, being detailed tncumplele arrangements therauf. Cudvt Seigt. Martin will have clmrgu of {mining nnd will muke renmumendntinns fur membership thereof to the 0. C. before the commencement, of the Full train- ingz. iThc Regime weekly sessi Armum-iea re! Col. Clm k6 York Rang the fvllmviny The name of the Ilillshi'noksquare League \vus cleverly given by :1 Juvenile Cadet which thiaces Thom- hill. Richmnnd Hill. Newtonbmok and" Victm-iu Square, and well expresses to Richmond Hill the keenaess of the Cadets in all lhoir departures, and give: much hope. for the future pm- gross of the Cadet woxk. -innt1e IL i~: gl'utv Spepi )l'l (’l'nUl th Lht the ‘SSï¬SSSSéEQ will soc- Lha l). U. innnmlilely lie/nucessmy may ln- ordm'ed, le Cadet molhvrs will kindly see uLl'ils me freshly luundriirl fur Will. The SvnimnamlJuwmile lll humus will appear in their Ill lI-gimenlnl uniforms. Fivld Day is hoing roginientally zed. the Cadth Bugle Band of ‘ornnlu Cums. also lhu Ymk 1- Brass Band. full slienglh will H hiuh is r'dllesd 'h}' is Hill Cadet Uul'ps Admission which rpgimental compliment fully appxeciutud. «l attention musL he given Ly LlelS Lu tlw rpgimenlul summer I m‘dex‘ to be worn on that day. Sulliv practicaily over, we very liberal patron- season, and we are ‘all. Brass 15‘ mdanco expect and M attend. for all a mining: a York Ranger Cadets Man‘s roadway to vllltnlunhilx‘. 111R D. S. 0‘, M. Commanding rs Regiment authorizes ESflGéPï¬SQYé tn )H Ill \mons, \x Jewmm-m Back Broken at: the Turnntn ue Ymk Rungvr Field he held at Bond Luke AngusL 23rd. Mr. xviding for Hm Rich- ronto, rspitul bloke Ofï¬t at PhonelS l'xumlwtcrs. also 1 nuthurizt-d fur the When the cycle ituh it ovvrlurned. eavin on his buck. private umbuluuce that the Lieut. uukshnt will also Sergt », wua remnv lon Sntm'd: ‘Pn. Sullivan was driving M] )Undels will I. white duck regimental d with these innzwdi'uely '. and 'Mrs. ;3 during L119 2t, Dunc-«- was PM ilion. A as spent. and in the season cnnductrd. )i \V unhm-t By :1 Thorn- ok and ‘sses to livin IFPUI" Mrs. lg L119 0 “'83 YONGE ST., 3 Doors South of l“. J. Mansbridg‘e’s, Purveyor I can supply you with All Kinds of T.H. HARDWARE 8: SUPPLIES â€"â€"H;1§EI’I‘ [*Il)â€"â€"â€" Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES $1.00; No Dear Sirs,â€"Fur fifteen yenrs fmm Rlu-uln.ltisxn and Kidnoy but a short time ago bought; a 7 (:f 0.1{. Kid it have been A medicine. Covered Egg and Butter Crooks N0 mg caunpaign policies and pro gard-to, and in expansion. Sold in Drug Stu: Crown Gems â€" Small, $1.25 doz Medium, $1 35 (102. Having opened a Bakery and ’Q‘on fectionery on ~ YONGE ST†3 Doors South Mrs. Wm. Davies 3'61†also Ice Cream & Candies Phone Orders will Receive Prompt Attentionâ€" ' PRESERVING KETTLES ALUMINUM qr. $2.35 ALUMINUM c, qr. 92 (‘ANADA WAKE 0 qt. m. Boot and Shoe Répairer 2 Doors South! of Bakery on Yonge St. MiHinery DRY GOODS MRS. WM. DAViE FRUIT JAR FILLER new Bakery All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. PE \RLWAHE TINWARE 15 GEO. KIDD l’l‘ DIX R L\VA R I Flower Pots â€"-5c. Tc. 10c.12c C. Winterton Fancy Bread, Buns Cakes and Pastry RICHMOND nu Kiany season," we shall not but in preparing for D, we have secured when we shall early :1', commence an ndvc WII PHONE 110 W Port U 50c Phone 97 y 'J own, and since nnplelely n-lievm â€"- AND lnnond Hill I, Introduci )gressive id( anticipatiox ï¬gures far in record, we an nllrS us huly, \Villium Rows clpauon yenrs I suffered an m ‘ducinc )C 16th, 19 demand 1d venis- Trouble, If. bottle 9 (“king -d. It is vert GXCCSS In reâ€" r Ipid ) Olll' Hlll new m ’1 PRINTING---We Know How WOMWOMWWMWWWW WOWWWWM TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager will have the ins: see them Cannot be Beat wear suits from from COOPER’S HARDWARE Go to Cooper’s Hardware-for all Goods in Seascn A N D R E M E M B E R Richmond Hill Field Day :Aug. 7, 1922: C. N. COOPER . R. FORTN ER Egg; I have sold out The prices I am selling suits How’s Your Battery PUESQ TGdaV? )1'de1ed ANY and varied are their banking with Busy men who live our plan of banking by trips to town, and is sat. simple. We pay interest a third STANDgRQ BANK 1iLs an for men fr TRENCH’S BLOCK two ship nents of these pay interest Writ nent 1' k m 1... nterest at current rates oh such accountsr e or call for full particulars. PHONE 93 11 {With lhe Standard through the post. no live far away from any bank ï¬ngi that g by mail saves them making special is saï¬sfactory in every way and quite ’nrnré -n _..__.~ They ï¬t at nsh est ad ing; culi the types of men The Standard throu fa1_'_away from any h THE at CANADA It cannot 1e right tonic. No matter 6 in your ca, come around 'dnc rest RV at} adies and Gentsâ€" allor, Richmond Hill. July re Richmond Hill Batte k we! it} men who conduct nission. You a real recom- .1( per cent. £112.11 reatâ€" eto lcred suits ere Ready-to s, and