7â€"â€"‘-and the worst is yet to come, i ‘I l / . \R{\_\‘¥.ex CA 5" "villi/i ‘ . - 7/} ,(-" About the House Looking Your Best. make them appear a little larger. And : Ems]; v to suit “our don’t forget that powder can conceal ï¬Ã©w orng grogngizn frock. VyVithl the lines in a neck and make it look a scorching sun and a. hot wind you 1953 dingy. will need more than mere soap 8nd Even if your lips are the right water to give your face that clean’ shape, they won’t look like rosebuds if ‘oool, comfortable look. Here are a you let them get sunburned till they ‘fcw hot-weather suggestions that crack and blister. To avoid this, put ‘ have helped other women to look their a little camphor ice on them just be- hest, . fore you go out in the sunshine. And To get rid of the shine and give a if a blister does come, pat on a little soft texture, there is a colorless lo- tion faintly scented with rose. Apply , it right after the morning wash. It while. If you ï¬nd that you are perspiring will need to use a tonic made of nour-l ‘ down in front of bed or dresser, why } now they are very good. :very pretty rugs are made in three 1 - band of pearl gray and an outer bor- ' or the order may be reversed, making .and round. land pat down smooth occasionally to l l istart with nineteen l l i ‘ until a little of the liquid dropped into butter and see it disappear in short. 1 insert of rose. .are tan, dark green and black; pearl .gray and orange; maroon and navy ishing oil and do much brushing to get back your former attractive locks. Colors for Crocheted Rugs. If you are in need of a rug to throw not crochet one? Crocheted rag rugs are easy to make and as easy to wash. Furthermore they can be made in the colors in use in your room, and just Twoecolor rugs are favorites, though colors. A centre of old rose. then a dot of rose makes a good combination; the. centre and border of gray, and the Other color combinations suggested blue; baby blue, black and white; baby blue, pink and white; dark brown and orange. The colors may be combined in any order to suit the worker's taste. An attractive rug is made with a centre of baby blue, then a band of white. then black. and an outer border of white. This would be appropriate for a guest room or a child's room. The rags may be bought in skeins,l readyâ€"dyed, as you buy yarn, and the rug made oblong, oval or round, to ï¬t the space for which it is intended. For an oblong rug 20x40 inches start with a chain of thirteen stitches, crochet back on the chain and continue round Leave the stitches loose keep the rug flat. For a 27x54 rug stitches; for a 30x60 start with twenty-seven stir-hes; for 36x72 start with thirty-six. beneï¬t. Heavenly Bliss. Boil two cripfuls of white sugar with one half cupful of boiling water and one half cupful of white corn syrup new I‘ll cold water forms a hard ball. Have ready the white of two eggs beaten stiff, with a teaspoonful of vanilla and one cupful of English walnut meats While beating the mix- ture add slowly to it the boiling syrup. When you have beaten it very stiff, turn it into a buttered pan. and when it is cold out it in pieces. If you wish, substitute candied cherries or pine- apple for the nut meats, or use both the nut meats and the candied fruits. . No Quitter. Packed “I might as well tell you,†Martie , " Hempel said in It sullen voice, “I‘m Tight" going to quit. I can't stand it any longer, and I won’t!†Kept Freda looked at her in dismay. “0 Right Martie! And when you’ve been doing Satisï¬es the sweet tooth, and â€"aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and Don’t miss the joy of the P S â€"the candyacoated peppermint tid bit! Chew it after every meal. ,-‘ dries quickly on the skin. There isn’t 3 a trace of it led, either. But you’ll :know ‘lt’s there by the fresh, cool ' teeldng and the way the powder sticks. Change your powder, too, when your dldn tans. Dead-white powder always " seems so artiï¬cial, and especially when 1 over freckles and sunburn. You'll i glad to hear that this year all Paris .19 using tan powders. A blonde se- lects a. delicate creamy tone, the wo- man of medium coloring chooses a tan with plenty of pink in it, while the brunette brings out all her good point: with a deep rich bronze shade. Isn’t that good news after your face has been weather-beaten for a month ? Is! the older woman will put a touch of these powders at her temple right near her eyes, she will ï¬nd that they give the eyes a youthful sparkle and excessively, and it makes you feel un- comfortable, put a few tablespoons of so nicely and have such a chance beâ€" baking soda in the bath. It will helplfOI‘e you here! You know you can’t to keep you fresh, It also softens hard do so well anywhere else. I know, for water and leaves your skln with a vel- I’Ve 100k9d- Why, You're due for a vety softness. You can use it under promotion in two months.†your arms as you would talcum pow- “Promotion nothing! There are den things that come too high, and this of- And your hair? Does it make a soft ï¬ce is one. No place to go at noon, fluffy frame for your face? Not 31. nothing to look at, nothing but dirt ways, especially in summer, I’m afraid.{ and grind and grind and dirt. It’s g“0t Then it’s Likely to hang in stringy on my nerves. It‘s no use trying to wisps and refuse to go up properly.‘ argue me out of it. I‘m going to quit.†’I‘ry patting it, and dropping a little’ And, dashing past Freda, Martie ran toilet water on the scalp You may! down the stairs. ï¬nd that this keeps it pretty. Freda did not try to follow. Instead And don‘t forget; that the sun can' she went back to the ofï¬ce and looked burn and wither hair just as it does round it. It was dingy; there could be the face. On-ly there’s no white no two opinions about that! The room creamy skin lotion that can bring it was not half cleaned, and the windows back to health and glossiness. You Opened 0n a narrow street that faced a dirty wharf. Yet the ï¬rm was well'I came pretty near it yesterday. But known for its fairness, and there were| it’s cheap to blame the ï¬rm when you ï¬ne opportunities for any girl who’haven’t lifted a ï¬nger to change would remain with it. But for somethings.†reason or other no girl ever had re- “Humph!†Martie retorted. ' Freda suddenly began to hope. maimed for long. Freda also hated the place, but she. , ‘°â€"_,â€â€œ Wisps of Wisdom. Envy s-hooteth at others and wound- couldn’t toss away a position just be-l cause she didn‘t like it. There was tool great a need for money at home. eth itself. A grain of prudence pound of craft. 0n the way home she stopped in a little park to think. And suddenly she Happiness can be increased by giv- ing part of it to others. saw herself as sitting down limp be- Don't sit down and take what comes. fore a problem and not lifting a ï¬nger to solve it. She saw herself as really a “quibter.†Gradually the expression Go after what you want. of her face changed. Freda Marshall; It Days to make all inventory Of the was not going to be a “quitter†if she merits of the people you do not like. knew it! I The happiest people on ea.th are The next morning she reached theyihose who are busiest in taking care ofï¬ce with her arms full of bundles. , 0f the happiness and welfare of others. When unwrapped one proved to be Noming keeps a man from being pot of primroses for the window sill. f rich like thinking he has enoughâ€" A second was a beautifully lettered‘noming from “10‘â€?ng and WiSdom motto, “Your work is as great or as!like thinking he has bom- small as you make it." The third wasl The m3“ “110 conquers is the 0119 a handful of apple blossoms, Whachlwho moves steadily. persistently to she put into a glass on Martie's desk. wards his 5031‘ unmindml 0f Whatever But is worth a. HERE'S nothing more gratifying and delightful than a dish of Grape-Nuts at breakfast or lunch time. The crispness and the full, form. . rich flavor of this splendid food have a wonderful charm for the taste. grocer. And Grape-Nuts builds health. Nourishment for tissue and bone and nerve and brain is contained in Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario. Appetite and Health both welcome Grape-Nuts Grape-Nuts in casily-digesiible If you and your children have not yet begun to enjoy the beneï¬ts oLthis wonderful food, suppose you begin today with an order to your Grape-Nuts is ready to serve from the packageâ€"and always crisp and appetizing. Grape-NutSâ€"THE BODY BUILDER she said. “I‘m not trying to. to look at. cheeks.†Martie did not answer. All the morn- ing she was gium. At noon she staredl at Freda, who was setting a dainty, table on her desk. “What do you think you are doing?" she demanded. Freda smiled. “Not being a quitter. The actual work on the construct tion of a tunnel under the English. ,Channel between France and England I: will begin as soon as the result of the l invention of a mpidborlng device and lo! the French movement to utilize 'German labor and machinery on the project in lieu of crab reparations is“ ,_ known. , These statements were made at a ’recent meeting of the Channel Tunnel‘ } Company, which was founded in 1870., f Baron Emile Beaumont d'Erlanger as- “T1 , ,, serted that tests of the new borer are, “’73 5 a Reason expected to prove satisfactory, and the new device will greatly shorten the , time required to construct the tunnel. why I shouldn‘t have something pretty, They just match your" ITUNNEL UNDER ENGLlSli CHANNEL I l Martie scowled when she saw them. I ObSIa-Cles may be in we Way- “You needn’t think you can bribe meâ€! Carry yourself with an air of self- assurance, and you will not only in- But I don’t seelspire others with a belief in your strength, but come to believe in it yourself. â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€" A Municipal Affair. Visitor (in public gardens) â€" “130 you happen to know to what family \hat plant belongs '3" Gardenerâ€""l happens to know it don’t belong to no family. That plant belongs to the corporation.†T0 CONNEQT. FRANCE Alill Bill'lAlN The borer has rotary action. and automatically ejecting the material ex- cavated, providing itself with a moving steel shield and turbular tunnel plates. “Recently I became des-pondent re. garding the scheme." said Baron d'Erâ€" longer, “but my hopes were buoyed up considerably with the advent of the new machinery and the. revived in- terest in the Channel tubes as evi- denced at the dinner given by Paul Cambon, former French Ambassador to London. and the Channel Commit- tee in the House of Commons. The sub jeâ€"ct of the Channel soon will be de- bated in Parliament, where a great ma- jority of the members are in favor of . Lb e project."