‘filed. Scissors and knives. mower and planed, A. ANDERSON, rear of \VIIIter S Want Ad 4 0R SALEâ€"Bally Grand Tomlng' For quick sale $325. 2 ‘‘‘‘‘ -~â€"- I 'IIIIIIper liwnw, N. (i. “ALIHH‘K Ltd. “or in A ltlUittlitllrn. Spyirc tin-“‘v’ 'OR SALEâ€"le'qu Itangc No. i), ii 4 lids. copper tank. Price fine ,‘ollar. Apply Io JIcImY SMITH, [tic-h- niund Hill. A . ~...,._....,_,______..,.....__._.â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"- 0R SALEâ€" A light market wagon, F manly new. “’1†b‘l‘ll cheap. Apply Llllldltal, OFFICE. A M " IIGGY FUR SALICâ€"ilheanciix Burma, Oxford St... I‘llgni hilizl‘. M TEESâ€"My whole outfit. of almut B twenty hives, eleven \\'llli prirp‘n and IIII equipment for sale. It. I. QUARTZ, lot lit, 2nd concession, Mark- ham, R. H. 4603. It not pt'tEVllIlHIy sold will he uttered by auction Satliiday, July 15 at l p. III. 9 u ' OTICEâ€"Now is the time to get your wire fencing done, and your rail tent-inn, dIU'lIPS and drains dug, and tiles laid. JonN Earur, Oxford Street Elgin Mills, Phone No. 44-22 Richmond llill. 2-12 . USINESS FOR SALEâ€"This well established Grocon and (Jhina business centrally located on the corner of Yonle and Contra strwets H for sale. Store is being remodelled and u modern store fl'fltltlll'dltlllud. \Vill rent to is desirable tenant. \V. A. DUNCAN, itichmond lilll. Ir-ti. ---~- I- ~~uW UNOALOWâ€"Fivc room bungalow for sale on Hem-Ion Ave., Rich. lnond Hill. Stone cellar, water in house, Lot 128 x 150. Apply 1&waâ€" STEAD. 605 Logan Ave, Toronto. 1-3 __......... __.___â€"-â€"â€"Iâ€"â€" 0 REN’ â€"0 room house, north of Post. Ofï¬ce Apply Richmond 8|... Mas. W. HARRISON. BIZ-If. AS PUREâ€"Good pasture for Htook, 'plenty of running water, lot 29. rear 2nd con. Vaughan. JUIINVSLIALEY, Phone till Richmond Hill. «lo-If. (TR SALEâ€"l Trench platform. lpring wagon, nearly new,l Massey. Harris, 7 it. binder. MCKENZIE BR!)H..‘ Willowdule. 4l-tf. OTICEâ€"E. Sliney IS prepared to N .(lo all kinds of trucking and cat ting in Richmond Hill and yiemily. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 if 0R SALEâ€"«Barn 30 x 50. may he seen on lot 29, rear_con. 2, Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY Itichgbontd -t . Hill. OTIUEâ€"Lawn nioWeIs sharpened and repaired. All ltlntii ot‘sawa binder knives ground. FuInilui-o re- anderburg’s shop, Yonge St. 498 TOR SALEâ€"As we are moving to ’l‘orouto,. the following articles are for Sale: 2 dressers. 1 Detroit Vll or oil along 3 small- tables, gai en utensils and other articles. Mas. ALMAH, Trench Block. 2 W A SPECIAL MIDSUMMER 2" when green. clear. vertical grain, smootth sann I The Real Estate Man HAS FOR SALE The Stirling lloIIIr', hwnitil'u‘, modern, on Nnrlh Yonge. Tho Elliott. llomc. Inmlwir, town water, llllt'Xt,‘t'lll‘li location, (II-I. Uhunzh and Markham, The Thomas lioppI'I‘ ltfsllll‘lllft: on Centre East. In» i).!l.l.|'l' tor small family on retirement. The Cook Itesidonco, j lien-s of land, Slruwiwuii-s. etc. Go at living tor ,' Maple School Report II. A. Nicholts H. S. Ni). V». VAUGHAN, Junior Roilm I _II:. iI in 5H. lir»l’ii'~sr-iâ€"~i"iHÂ¥SlI~ U'lb-Il 5'; . (Gladys Lino Til, 'I'oinniy (‘ouper 75, Florence ('ooper 70, Olive .\liI mm awn til. (limIgu Cooper, till, Balingcr, Iii-r, First to In. li-l):l~"l‘d-/:\il’llit’ Ilowney HI, i‘JdIIh )ll'l"ct'ly “J. Jun. Ingram xii. Minnie Lino 8t. .'\i.njoiire Ingram EU, Cora Annis 7:), (Jr-mg.- (lhIpIIIaI) 7i, Lillian .‘llilligiilllt‘lyiu‘i' l’err'y Axli til, (,‘lmtliu \S'lIItri lid, l("ll' nelh Mathewson liil. lit-c. tin-3n 'i'IIonipu-n Lil, )llthfIP'l/ Ituuill‘ in man who likes guilt-hing on (entire St. East. The. lilinck Home on Urnun- “'cal, opposite lintluiin GitHIulIN, IIIIIaL ‘IL' sold to close estate. The (,‘oIvnIan Home, eoay, good huge gIo'IIn'H, cheap. on ltoseiiow I‘VL‘. A new tl..uso, good ceilur, with twin Iota, ltlchmond Hill annex. Will lend you mom-y Ul'wlâ€"tlftrl yrn money. Your insurance cared for. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL JONES LUMBEARlei). NEWS FROM THE LUMBER WORLD Gradingâ€"add Packidg Rules _ 011‘ ._. British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles GEN ERA L RULES OF M .\NUFA(‘TURI£ Color of \Vood shall he N0 Detect. XXX-6/2-16 â€"â€" Six butts to measure not less than Must he I-Itrietly and otherwiso Well lllnnllfucllll'ed. No Imp or shims allowed. Random widths but no shingles narrower than 3". \thn dry 25 courses shall measure not less than 8".â€"’i‘o he continued. Cor. Ainoid& Yonge‘ START BUSINESS SBHUUL THIS SUMMER The Show Schools in Toronto never clone in Summer. They are open all July and August. Don't wute the ohday cannonâ€"nun: now to learn type- ohorthnnd and bookkeeping. writing, uol inltruction in every coune. lndivl P. Molntolh. Chief Principal SHAWl‘S'IlSiSS A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND ’I‘lNSMITHING nor \VA'I‘EP. HEATING Iâ€. i to Sit. l *Pu'iflt'tl’rl‘ht‘ljv‘li AIIIIiil s78. Bimilii‘i' .\II;.‘I:IIII II .37, Iii-ydnn Lloyd .36. I“IIIII I’I)»II'I' DI, .‘IIIIII' Castafor 51). I’ll. (I. In JR. i'l)4t*>4‘ll>' lilllhit Manning 7*. Winnlo Pollock Til, Maiy )IIIIIISI,IIII 71, \Vill'red lii~lnp (i7. ililllh Mathewson til, Clara Chapman til, l‘li’olyn Iliqiop tilt, liiirlyn .\I:IIl-Iy till. ltv'coniinended to .iIL. iArAIl IlIIIIIhlo, Earl (‘(. '1)t‘l', I.02:.o (J'i). II, Lloyd Smith. I’Ii. A to PR. McNaughton till, MurgurI-I ,‘Itfi'h’t'ly 137, I’I'aneeu Mathewson (IT. IlllltltIlY l-Cvir I57. Alcda \thc 58. Lillian l“ll\'ll't 57, \\’innie liadlow 5.). Item. jIIII .\i-'Lmn. i)» I’tlï¬it'li --»,‘. llzll‘l' I’ll. Aâ€"(lharllc lion-on, i)l)tl thy Castatrn', Hazel Casi, iIoo. Agst O'Brien. [I2 on roll. IC. BERTHA (tuner, lonelirr. __0p.L VOTERS’ LIST, 1922 TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM County of York . NOTICE is hereby given that l have transmitted or deliveiod to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Votci'u' List‘a Act. the copies required by said section to be so transmitted (J delivered \VIHLI: tilt, (jenny? i.liv)'nl '3‘, I:’I‘\ liIII:-. L . .._... 7,â€"V-Nâ€"_______ __-._‘,._/ BREAD I I 8 Cents a Loai .Al Bread sold out of the store at Wholesale Price Ehtllid liill Battery A. A. E D E N iuu 3,. ‘ 4‘.» 9 . e iCti†p. “F O R PLUMBING, IHEATING, A119 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Richmond Hill BETTER SERVICE†oi' the lists made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing hy the lust ro- vised Assessment Roll Lt" thc Said municipality to ho entitch to vote in the said municipality at the elections for niemhers of the Legislative I Assemhly and at Municipal Elections, and the said list was first posted up in my office at Unionvillc Vill Ige «.n VVrdneuday, the Filth day of July, 1922, and remains there for inspection. lClectoIs are called upon to examine the fluid Lists, and it' any oIIIisuions or other error-s are found therein. to take immediate pIocecdings to have said errors corrected according to law. G. A. M. DAVISON, Clerk ol’ the. mid It‘lnuiclpality. Dot-id at. Uniunville the 5th day of July. 1922. 2-3 Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER or am Emu. of MARGARET MULLIN, l-itn ot' the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Married Woman, Deconfled. NOTICE is hereby givnn that all the creditoI'I-I and others having claims against the estate of the said Margin ct Mullin who died on or about the Fifteenth day of jnno A. i). 1921 at " Sale 0i Millinery AND GENERAL REPAIRS TIIORNIIILI., ONT. the Township of Vaughan. are required on or I)Pfut't‘ the Filleenth day of August next to send by prepaid letter or deliver to Andiew A. Adams, Reom 5, Manning Arcade, 21 Kiln,r St. \Veï¬l, Toronto, Solicitor for tho Adminis- trator of the said deer-used. their Christian names and suinamas. addresses and descriptions with the partieuhiis in writing of llik‘ll‘t'litllllls and the nature of the seem ity. if any, held by them verified by Statutory Declaration. ‘ AND FURTHER take notice that after the lust mentioned date tho said administrator will proceod todlstrihnlo lhc asset»; of the said docoasod among the parties entitled tharotu having regard only to the claims of whit-II he Shall illl’ll Iilwo lltillt'l‘, :IIIII llmt. the s‘ rid administrator will not, ho ll.llll15 tor the Ilsal‘ii or any pirt IIImI-ol' to any pI-I'sun or persons of \\ III bl‘ (’lltllll notiro shall not have liI-I-II rI-Irolvrd hy him up to Ill“ tilnc oi the S'llll Ilisl I IIIllI Ion. . I).ItI-d at Toronto this Sixth (lil_y of july A. l). 1922.. ANDREW A. ADA list, I Room 5, Manningr Arr-ado, 21 King St. \\’e.~t, Toronto, Ar. cut rate prices, will begin July 3rd for two weeks. Buy early heâ€" t‘oro the stock is picked our, for kiddies, misses, maids and man-nus. Also, visit our dress making dc- will he at your at the Get Your Painting Done Now IA. S. WHEELER First: class Painter Low Charges I Stop 47 Richmond Hill partincut, which service all ,summer, Thornhill IIIiIIinery Store Phone :28. No T I‘é‘E Buildérsl - Attention .â€".â€"_. IA Carol B. C. Shingles has just been received WADE TLIIIDSAII MAPLE ELECTRIC Pâ€"â€"â€"-‘ We are now open for business â€"â€" house. wiring, lixuti'es, etc. . We also in stock a run air- ‘1‘}; vice. rebuilding, repairing and line 01.31] kinds Of Imnber u n . . . _ ‘ charging. 4 , . .. . . We have inetillcll in our station huh and Cedar 130818 EARLL‘. N I1\Vl()N one 01' the mist up-to-dcitc plants“ for the Sole. pui'p HG ol‘rhai'ging hatteI'Ic-s Armature winding, dynamo and | magnltu repairing. Also 'c;n' wiring (lone. l-tt. l Dealers in Gypsum wallbo ard and fibre board 'I'I'dInI‘r of Piano-Playing :It Iho Toronto (loIisorvanI-y «it .‘l.I-l:: w . .‘ , . and St. Margarol.‘< (Hill-lg -. Shavings 101- bedan qwen 10 I IllI-Iimond IIiIleâ€"\Vodomdiy. .ImI ‘ " Saturdays. customers free of charge , I I’IANIH'I‘ ’ I I Hay - Fever ASTHMA, SUMMER COLDS. You don't need a month's treat- ment to prove the worth of I I I â€"- I w ., ,LINNES S sea I PLANIXG MILL I XXII PLUMBING " CO. PHONE 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building GOOD WORK AT FAIR PRICES I 'Buy, Build, Work, and Support" the Home District Here’Stheâ€"i’oint Do you throw away an overcoatjust because the weath- l er is warm for a few days or do you keep it: for a cold spell ? Then why throw away 5. good opportunity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. Accident andisickneSs insurance is a grand protection for you and family. A, (i. S A V.A G E Agent Richmond Hill â€" .3. Quality Goods-:- FOR MEN,-- Peabody’s overalls and smock also the celebrated “Greb†shoesn _ _ Just passed into stock shipment of both these justly popular lines. Prices are down. Ask about them. BAILEY’S MAPLE RICHMOND TIRE S: BATTERY SERVICE ’ ‘ Done, by the II.\Y‘IV.OOD senix- VuiCaanlng“TnvIr PROCESS. All Repairs Ill,'.il?_.\.\"l‘l’.lil) to Last Longer than the lies: of the Tire. BA'I‘ ri‘E IR ‘1' S E 11‘7 I C 13 Watered and Inspected Free Repaired and Recharged. VF. STA VE STA All Makes l?!.¢\.Z~I§AA.I-4!i I-l'.\li’.F.I{ YARD RELIEF [\iMMEDlATE. It restore: normal breathing,â€" , HECHMON 1) ST. stops mucus gatherings in nasal , end bronchial passages, assures I H I C I I M ( r) N D H 1 LL long nights of quiet sleep. . 31.00 at 'Otlt‘ dru gist’s, or write for tree triuito Temp ctons, Toronto. Sold at Sloan’s Drug Store 2.’ .y -. ,5. hr , ‘. _J,‘4_‘_> â€" The Standard Remedy for IIAY-FE’R and Asthma. Sold bynll good Druggists. For FrecTrlal wrltcTempletonsfloronto Sold at Sloan‘s Drug Store liur l'llGNli 13-5 NIGHTS .\.\'ll HOLIDAYS ’75. Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH