Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jul 1922, p. 1

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sale. (30 inches in Rangâ€"£6) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the in car lots. _Ced:u- posts and telephone ‘ The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d, have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4, 5, 6 and S in. Culvert, t’ile 12! .15. 18 and 21) inch Sand, GraiféLW; Tile and Brick owmg [0 their superior training and our assistance in placing .them. It undoubtedly pays to attend the best. Write tuday for: our catalogue and arrange to eutex at, our Full Opening. Iago 1's bettcrsupplied with (‘oal than most places. Yunge and Chu‘les Sts. Toronto. â€"Is Strictly First-Class. Our gradu- ates rendin obtain employment owing to then‘ superior training and our assxstanca in placing .ths-mr be able to take. care of our customers and others, as we are connected with several of the Best Coal Compames. We are pleased to state that this vil- lage 1's bettcrsunplied with (‘02! thnn ELLIOTT . W {Fall Term Opens AugsZStH Our good supply of NUT, STOVE, and EGG COAL is depletedr We have a good supply of Large, Clean, PEA COAL and SOLVAY COKE; also CANNEL COAL. As soon as Coal Mining is resumed we hope to PAINTING r. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal Hardwood Finishing Estimates Furnished Free Phone VOL. XLV. . D. Ramer Branchesâ€"Thornhil and Willowdale ELI-lOTT Coal ! The Royal Bank ‘0! canada Purchasel can be made by cheque through the mail. making a trip to town unnecessary. En- dose your cheque with your order. Every farmer’s wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses 21 help and a.- safeguard. A Bank Account for .50 per annum, in advance. T. COUSINS, Pres. and Manager Maple. the Farmer's Wife and telephone poles for DECORATING load 01' hope to Call and get our quotations on the following : Feed Oats, Salt, Flour and Feed, Scratch Feed and Baby Chick Feed at the Chopping Mill: FER TILIZERS MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TO RONI‘O 'Deacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Consezvatox-y Ex- aminatiuns, Office hours 10 to 12 p.111. Office and rasidenceâ€"Y Richmond Hill Phone DENTIST Office Trench Block. twm The The The The Ofilces 4 aid; \Valtpr S. jenkins Res. Phnne Hill. 5048 ELGIN MILLS ‘ LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates By the bag at ton rates ___..._“»\. VA Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’-Thomhill, Ont. 30-tf MISS Marguerite Boyle ArtiSt, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic andKquourous Sketches. Dialect Poéimvsjn Prgfessional Graduate COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND, Riqhmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"About, quarter of an acre 0! potatoes, Irish Cobbler. next lot south Hf Eden ’5 Bukel'y. En- quire nt. Eden's. u >r on the premise- after 6p. m. M. SHEEHAN, Richmund Hill. = Solicitor for : Ie Town of Aurora Ie Township of King Ie Township of \Vhilnhul‘ch Ie Imperial Bank of Canada, M. \Valmn. & 00. Aurora PhonE 44 ’r 23 Stop 51 YongeSt, Barristers Solicitor Notarl Telephone Main:2777. {Mgnaygh Bldg.. 26-28 Inna " ' ELOCUTION NAUGHTON & JENKINS . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Hours . F. BURR . L. R. BELL . J. P! WILSON _~ -u 4.4 aide St" \Vest‘jfvl‘m-onto. Nuughtcn Block, Aurora §nficxtor for: RICHMOND HILL. ON'l‘.. THURSDAY. JULY 27. 1922 Thornhill. neeâ€"Ynnge Street Phone No. 24 of Canada. Aurora ‘. Aurora 1. Harry Naughton Rvs. Elgin Milh Rvs. Phone 44.4 “In Essenflabs, Um'ty; iu Non El. H). 6(08 Notaries Adel- Uarman. White, A White. E. \Vrny, C. \Vray, J. Young, F Steckley, W. A. Stephenson, W.A. Vanderbent. \V. Vanderburgh.M. ‘ Watson, M. L. ‘ Price, W. N. Reaman. M. G. Savage. G. A. Scott. E. G. Simpson, \V. F Sissous, S. K. Smith. L. Snider, A. E. Abraham, H. \V. Abraham. M. A. Atkinson, L. Battersby, S. ' Billinger, M. L. Brown, E E. Brown, M. L. Brumwell. F. J. Cowie. J. I. ‘ Dean, R. A. Everybam, G. L. b‘luvelle. E. M. Franck. A. G. Grant, B. M. Hall, U. B. Hassurd, K. M. | Hooper, R. C. I Hoover. J. C. l ‘ Hopper. J. N, I Koran, J. H. Hughes. B. J. Jenkins, A. G. 2 Johns, R. P. 3 Klinck. E. P. c LeuLbu-dale, H. 3 Leutherdnle, I. 0 Lyon. G. Mackiv, M. L. 3 McCluskey, U.K. McDonald. W.B. 2 McDonald, J. C. c McLPan, J. D. c Mahoney. H. A. Murtin, 0. “7. Murphy, L. M. 0 Newport. J. B. Nichole. H. E, a Paris. 0. 3 Price, \V. N. The follmving table shows the stand- ing of lhnle who were partially suc- cessful. C opposite a candidate’s name and vertically beneath the name of 11 subject indicates that the candidate has passed in that subject with a mark of 50 to 60. 3 in a similar position) in- dicates a mark of 60 in 65; 2 indicates 66 In 74: 1 indicates 75 to 100. Any subject in which a. candidate has pass- ed need nnt he re-wrltten even if he has failed In nther subjects. The certificatvs of those who have passed and the marks of thuse who have failed have been sent to Principal Stewiu-t. Candidates who wish theirs forwarded should send a stamped and self~addrvssed envelope [0: James Stewult, B.A., Principal High School. Richmond Hill. The Doparhment of Education has furxvurded the rvporl npnn the L. S. Examinations held at Richmond Hill. The following candidates hue pass- ed on all the subjects on which they wrote: Ball C. H. M., Browne H., Clubine A. V., Downvy I. M., Forrester A.M., (he F. D.. Hamper E. L., Leary A. E.. MacDunald F. M.. Nicholson F‘. 11., Read 0. W.. Stephen P.. Wesley W. R., ‘Viley 1., Woods G. The dot-pout eympathy it felt. for Mr. and Mrs. Blake Lather and family in the [089 of their vider daughter, Jenn, who pas-ed away Tuesday morning; in her 16th yéai. Beautiful in charac- ter and person. with her eve-nun M temper and her kindlineu, she was a favorite with all who knew her, and hrr girl cnmpuninnl fowl they lmve" lost A true friend. It in truly herd topurt with one .0 grand, to young. so promis- ing, but. with n resign-lion divinely given we would humbly uy “Thy Will he done. ' and pay a loving tribute to her memory. Besidge the parents a brother And sister are left to share the lots. Interment will un- place this after- noon at 3 o'clock. All citizens in Richmond Hill and vicinity are asked to attend the meet- ing in the Council ()hunber next, Tue-day evening at 8.30, when it is hnpedull nrrnngemvsntl will be com- ploled for field Day on the fnllowing Monday. Chuilnwn 0! every com- mittee are asked to rvpurz at this meeting. When you mer A friend, don’t lay “Go Lu the unetiua” next Tuesday evening, say "come." CANDIDATES Lower Jean Lasher'g Death I- W. School Examination Results Field Day Meeting -Essentials. Liberty ; laggressiveness, enterprise, or umbi- bion. and everything looks old and dilupiduted except lhe show and dance houses and the wine salons. This be- ing the most convenient seaboard for Johannesburg. these people live from I the mining activities of that city. The monotony of a. long lea voyage was bxokeu by calls at a. numbe: of ports jup the east coast of Afrlea. the first one of which was Mozambique, the capital of a Portuguese province hear ing thnt. name, a city of 7.500 people, outside of which‘ on a small island, is an ancient fort of defence established during the fifteenth century, and now used as a. prison for criminals. nmvnug unugoa buy. \Ve may say ‘that this is an old Portuguese city, with the present. inhabitant: a lazy in~ dolent class, without appzuenlly any [in]. we loosed from the dock and nail- ed quietly out through the bay Into the wide ocean once more. Before leaving Delugoa Buy. We may say ‘I. .A A l.!» 3, I ‘ " ‘ ‘ , V, .m- WWW“... to the prPsent-day x-ule‘ but; we finally succeeded in fully satisfying all the re- quirements. On paying outour money (this seems to be chief requisite) our ocean tickets were procured, and we boarded our boat uf 7000 tons at 11 11."). of the 2501 for a sixteen day. sail of over 5,000 miles to Bombay, India. We found an accommodation. second class. (missionaries are not suppoxaed to travel first. class, but same do); very good. ilillthakcouid be dpsired. At 1 secure an exit. Ours 'was no exception ‘_ .LA . \Vell this is just what happened. and nur residence in Africa Was ful ced upon us for live werln during which time. the two of our pm ly in question weie left tu “rt-pent men citizmnhip.” The necessary documents wan- finally forwarded from the office of the Im- perial Secretary. and We at once Wired our booking to the British India Steam Navigation 00., at Durban. and on the 218E of December we left Bulawayo for the East Coast, a distance of thir- teen hundred miles, part of which was one vast plain like pmirie without hill. rock, and very few trees. We passed through jnhannesburg, just when the labor trouble had reached the boiling point, and shortly after, terminated in bloodâ€"shed. This city in point of alti- tudeis the highest in South Africa. over 9000 feet. Continuing our journ- ey from Johannesburg in our drop to the sea. we pass through some very beautiful scenery consisting of rivers, wateilells. valleys, abrupt, and rugged mountains, differing very much in character to those of the N.A. Rockies. We suddenly drop from mountain eleâ€" vation into a broad valley. and find ourselves in Portuguese East Africa. Partuguase tnok charge of our train and demanded our right to enter Por- tuguese territoty. We take a drop of 569 feet: in five miles. and at 3.30 24th, arrive at Deloogo Bay, where the 8.3. Kurlgola lay ready for our em- barking. In these days especially a. traveller may. and often duel. find it difficult in gaining entrance to a for- eign countiy, and qulfllly dltficult to the far east \Vus dated fmm Bulawayo. South Aft-ion. about. Dec. 10, 192]. I also have some iulprension of mention having been made that my sailing from Africa to India on the 16th of Dec. as iii-ranged might be delayed on account. of two of our party being Americana. failing tn! aecuru proper credentiala, pvrmitting them to enter British India I believe my lust communication concerning my tune] experience in .. . A - » A Saharm, Bbagnlpur, Dis'. India, Letter from D. W. Heise (Continued) (To be continued) in all things, Charity W March 22. 1922 44, I "(Z Canadian Tenor and Soloist Nurth Pnl‘kd Church, is prpnared to in Ritehnmnd Hill on Mt M rs can Ring 11. Residence :«idress Victoria Square __1N_ At “The Rolfe Shoe Repair” FOR Repairs to boots. Best work and material South of Shoe Factory Barristers. Solictors, &c. MANNING ARCADE. 21 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANAL TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dado" Al‘t‘hur A. Mncflonald F.-ank Denton Laura Denim), B. A LOOK Denton, Macdonald & Denton ounnissioner, Unnveyancer, EtL Insurance and Real Estate New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf Richmond Hill The W'orkingman's Friend i. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronaqe and influence respectfully solicited RICHMOND HILL MISS ALIDA BE YNON First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes‘.’ Smisfaction guaranteed ‘h, 1% prpnared tn hnmnd Hill on Mt Q. Batiy’s. Arnold NOTARY PUBLIC CON VE YANCING ISSUER 0F. MARRIAGE LICENSES nbtaiâ€"ncd TEACHER 0F PIANO JEFFERSON . J. HUME Wm.C. Rutt [Single copies. 3 as . WADE to receive pupils Mondays. Studio, 31d St. Particularl calling, Phone 22 M Leader ethadiss )ANADA . 29-h 1-13

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