Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jul 1922, p. 4

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“A REMINDER 0F PROGRESS” The fire engine recently sold to the Village of Sutton seems desnncd to have a place in history. Lndei‘tlie above heading. Monday's Daily Star fund it worthy of a place in its tditorial columns, from which the billowing paragraph is taken: "The progress" made by a young 0 iiutri' like ours during the course of a lifetime is brought to mind by the fact that an old manuul fire on- u’re, that was used by Toronto when it had a volunteer fire brigade, has been secured by Sutton for use in ’"he engine, after com- liiai village. - ‘ ‘ pleting is work in 'loronto, was acid to Richmond Hill. 'lliat muni- cipality. being now the proud pos- HSEO.‘ of a Waterworks systcmhas disâ€" post d oi‘tlie engine to the less fortunate northrrn community. and who knows but some day Sutton will pass it on to another municipality. The mnteruil and workmanship in the engine suggest that it was made for eternity. ' â€"â€"'â€"_ The Farmers‘ Sun iinds fau‘t with the Globe’s report of Premier Dtury‘s : Fp (ch at Madoc, and says: “Probeâ€"l their Loader John Bracken, aged 39 ’ \ PHYS, hi)” it was gelling even for the. roasting The Globe received at the power of your motor 11%. Get the most out of your car at the least expense. Consult Chart of Recommendations, the guide to proper lubrication. IMPERIAL OIL Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarinc Motor Oil: and Marketers in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloils l expected from some quarters, but not s from members of the Government. ' 1% Foicfiron 11% Power6 It is estimated that a reduction of 1% friction (and this is easily possible with the right grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils) will increase the available Premier's hands in connection with Agricultural(‘ollege.formervl'rofcssor the radial and raceâ€"track issues. " 0f Field Husbandry in the Lniversity Here are some of the “roasting” of Saskatchewan, and now l’resident statements made by the Premier. The of the Manitoba Agricultural (‘ollege. public may judge for themselves: lie is a type of the Scholar-farmer “The good old Globe is getting l who has risen out of the movement, llis hysterical. It is very otten for Agricultural education. bylterical". . record is satisfactory, but Up to tl e "The moral Globe, whicliin oppos-lprcsent he has taken littlt- part in ing in, is one with Mr. Deivaxt,‘PulitiCs. who fought us in the Legislature in t . the interests of raceâ€"tra¢k5." upon- , A resolution has been passed in the tics makes strange bedfellows.” and l Brill“ “O‘N‘ 0f W’mmmls lflavoring aura). tmase "m are as Strange as ever the introductzon of legislation which c“de under one bmnket and faced may lead to the removul ot the em.- ' (hilt: WAVE. " ‘ , , , Upfio:h we Globe and the Premier are 3 cattle from Canada. [he act now in i force was passed in 1390, Opposed [0 race-track gambling and lits accompanying evils. Both are s und on moral questions. But if the , v-lobe is a little more radical on the ROd And Gun . ' . ‘ v rmientthatis . . . qu’smon “I?!” (1: cm 1b If h 1 Th:- August issue of Rod nnd ()llll in ”’ reason “ ‘3 1t 5 011 ,c duvg 8‘ (town. “lilt‘ll is- now on Slllt’. fon- Rt 0!] tllC ground 0f Ultra “Plelay- ' talus ll “'01th Ill worth-while reading, Sheers about “morality” ,o .11 i: allUlllltlS in bright and interest- I int,y ft'illlll'l s. The Crimp‘W‘OI‘ \ncntir-nzst ‘will find tho big lllllCll'i "Suzie ,Siiggt-stions lit-guiding l)ullit". wailh :t git-at lll'7ll. for it. is written by no ,Olllduuis mun. spt cia‘ly for the old If farmers lirli'e chosen for holiday pleusuie ‘l'ehl‘lfi whose trails l-ml through the wilds or the nylon _ _ , slim-e. The unions (lt‘pu‘illielllfi me 3 "MW" 0t Lem“ (oumy‘ ifill: d to the brim with material which Ontario, 1t graduate of the Ontario . the .-poil~‘iii:tn “'ill not Want to miss. [Ire Mmitobn the Imperial LIMITED You are . N: / i /\\\‘ Never Far from McLaughlinnBuick Service DAVID HILL & You can go traveling in a McLaughlin- Buick with a sense of security that doubles your enjoyment. You know that a McLaughlin-Buick is a powerful, dependable, sturdy car. It will take you “there and back," whatever kind of roads or difficult driving conditions you may encounter. You know further that no matter where you go. McLaughlin-Buick authorized service is always close at hand in case you should happen to need it. McLaughlin-Buick authorized service is nation-wide. You will find it in practically every city. town and village in the country. CO, - Dealers Richmond Hill AZ 'bargo whi;h prevents the import of I WRIGHT BROS. t Undertakers and Einbalmers l RICHMOND HlLL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE 1 large stock «if Funeral Furnishing Kept at tho :llHin‘ places JOHN T. ANDERSON PlANO TUNER 378 limousme AVE. \Vrra'r Tourer Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. l Macuaughton & Campbell Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Officesâ€"Suite Till McKiiitioii Bldg. ('or. Jotdon .iml Mt-liiidii Sis, Toronto. Tell-plume Main 3631. A. CAMERON .‘llAl'NAl‘GllTbN FREDElillA‘K A. A. CAMPBELL hli'. (‘inipln-ll will ‘u- at Tllf' Libsiul ()flit-e, Rit'liiiittinl Hill. PVE‘I)‘ Tuesday aftvinoou. Have you Rheumatism or Neuritls. Saiatlca. Lumbago? Now is the . time to get rid of it. Nature ls doing all she can for you. Just i"; help things along. Get a box of .1 Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules '- from your Drugglst and yon will soon be lit and well again. Sold at Sloan’s Drug Store room, or garden. lost or efiort expended. occasional oiling. Quiet, cheap, powerfulâ€"the Come in and talk it over, It pay you. : 00””WW By rill moans keep MILK iced. it wont hot-p fresh: milk ln-gi ll‘llilltflillllll' rises ithove ~30 tlvgi ii'n; stale milk is laid. SL'RBL'R l l Elei‘cn 23hr. tickets {or 52.00 i l l l i l l L I M I JAMES FAIRH NW at the turn of a tap You pump over a. ton of water every day. Your wife carries over two thousand heavy pails of water every year. My Toronto Windmill will do away with all that drudgery. It prov1des a supply of running water for your kitchen, bath- It gives you water for your stock without time Toronto Windmill initial cost is low. itself in a single season, with continual comfort thrown in. l. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill ~ ONTARIOWIND ENGINE 8. PUMP CO RDNT Whén ll: ls Sweltering Hot EJAud there isn't a breath of air stirring and you are nt-aily dead wit it llt‘ill. think of the comfort of going to your ice-box and lindng the milk. butter. and meat. cold and fresh! i 0 if you do not have that pleasure get a i'efiigciatot' now. l Don't ctruggle along with stale milk. melted butter. and spoiled llll'Hl dining the hot months of g Sold by Uli\'(‘l' g 5110 lbs. nnd (:i‘wr, per delivery. 43;. per Civt. - - O O i O O O 9 O O 0 ? Lake Simcoe Ice { J. T. SAlGEOl‘i l Maple licensed Auctioneer for the Countyof York. Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. { Patronage solicited ‘Tlle Hot Summer Days 4 Ate lore lelli make one long to love :i dip in Ha: lakes if t the old swimming hole, win! of C'tilll's‘, anew liA'l‘lllNl; Sl‘l'i‘ is “C(‘lltd. We have them in good colors, and lit. 'exrcptioiinlly low prices. , _ _ ., , , Also RUNNING FlllllCS :ilul the. lightest of underwear, bolts, sol'! C‘Il- lzirs. slimmer lies, and lli\'l~'llilc braces for the wicatioiiist. We have also a splendid line of slime tor both ladies and gctitleiiicu, linest work- mansliip, and to. lower prior-s than they can be procured iii the t'il)’. and [both dress and spill; shirts very l l‘CltsoiiablI’. A good supply I‘l' khaki trousers, overalls, work boots, caps and hats on hand, and many other articles loo niuuert us to men” icn. b» We have a t'i-w pairs of “bite c.ii:- Wis shoes left for children, black. ltiii slippers and sandals, rocks of all kinds and (allows, both colored and ‘whitojcrscys, sonic Without sleeves Alsr) babies slices and slippers, lall sizes, styles and colors. Come in and sec the-so things, We ate al- wtiys at your service. I’hotu- 812 .I. : J. w. Wiiiiiltii C or. Yonge 8; Richmond Sis. Its upkeepâ€"only an time and labor saved will pay for ext time you’re in town. It will .nmnn i .i SllllllllCl‘. it won't keep in your cellar , that i». no to spoil immediately when the eve. l-‘rish milk is good for child- BAN RATES Nine IOU-tickets for $5.00 Cash on llrliim)‘ T E D EAD. President M00060090099000.0090oooooooomonooooowumwwom O. i "

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