Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Aug 1922, p. 1

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sale. (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel suld by the in car lots. pedan- posts and telephone Sand, Gravelf Tile and Brick most places several of the Best: Coal Companles and EGG COAL is depleted. We bavea good supply of Large, Clean, PEA COAL and SOLVAY COKE; also CANNEL COAL. As soon as and others, as we are connected with be able to take care of our customers We are pleased to state that this vil- Coal Mining is resumed we {Fall Term Opens Augn28th Ynnge and Charles Sts. Torontp. â€"Is Strictly First-Class. Our gradu‘ ates readily obtain employment owing to. their superior training and our assistanc- in placing them. It undoubtedly pays to attend the best. Write today for our catalogue and arrange to enter :IL our Full PAINTING G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. The Maple San mupuuy, Lt'd, h ement. drain til ulveL-L tile 13. age is Our good supply of NUT, STOVE Hardwood Flhishing‘, Estimates Furnished Frea Phone] VOL. XLV. W. J I. D. Ramer $1.50 per annum, in advance.] Branches â€"Th0rnhill better supplied with (‘oal than The Royal Bank of Canada Coal 3 Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail. making a. trip to town unnecessary. En- close your cheque with your order. Every farmer’s wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses 3. help and a. safeguard. and Willowdale A Bank Account for the Farmer’s Wife ELLIOTT Princi pal T. COUSINS Openin and telephone pol Hid. Gran; have on b DECORATING Pros. and Mnnng Maple. L‘l and Brick land fur sale. ,6 and S in. and 20 inch load or hope to Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Second installment of 3. large stock of p.11). Office and x-vsiden Richmond Hill E Office Pupils passed The The The The J. I feacher of Musical \Valter S. Jvnkins Res. Phone Hill. 5048 ELGIN MILL§ _ LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates _.V._-.u UL Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont. 30=tf ELQIN HOTEL Dialect Poemâ€"sf“ Prgfessional Graduate MISS Marguerite Boyle Artisr, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches. DUE AUGUST lst, 1922 COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER Olficc houx MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO STL'DIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmond Hill . J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC PhonE 44 'r 23 Stop 51 YongeSt, ce Trench Block, two doors north of Standuld Bank. Hours 9.1.1". In 5.30 p. In. Open evenings by appointnn‘lnt. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777, ELOCUTION . Bridges, prop Phone 44 r 23 rompt payment secures dlscount. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Town of Aurnm Township of King Township of \Vhill‘hlll‘l'h Imperial Bank of Canada, . \Vulmn. 81 Cu. Aurora NAUGHTON WRIGHT BROS TAXE RICHMOND HILL. ONT” THURSDAY, AUG . J. HUME, Monarch Bldg. 26-28 A Hide Sr,, \Vest, Turnnu). Naughtun Block. Aux-um gnlimtm- for : Thornhill. Telrphone 1 for Consexvatory Ex- aminations. . P. VVILS ON Viilage Treasurer. DI Fletcher M'ethod Klndergarten ENTIS'P 10 to 12 aun ‘uneml Furnishing . . rteâ€"Yong? Street Phone N0. 2% Res Res. . BELL JENKINS In Essentiaizs, Unity; in U‘I'y Nan:th Elgiu Mills Phone 44.4 laces 26-28 Ad 9] V" “Eh t on Auxora 6t08 ET( Two other boys, “‘11 the livening-un prm party, Gordon Willis a son, wen fined alike: ing up a garden party, two of Mount Albert. John Putter Lorne Ellis entered the ce Thomas Mouxeheud, who was the function, and took sixteer (z-f liquor. For this escapade lh fined $50 and costs before fined S Bruan baseball of Mr. I. ceived tmm the chairmen of sports committee. booths, amusements. diu- iug hall and other cmmnitzoes. Citizens were urged to assist in erecting booths, decorations and other necessary wm‘k. The selection of an umpire for [hp The final l'augements the Council ing. Sutis A 16 page pi ngiamme has been issued :umnuncing the sports. races and other nth-actions fur Field Day, August 7. The baseball tournament for $75, ladies baseball $40. and foutlulll $45 \\'l I draw good teams together. There will be {out races for all. tngâ€"of-wur, big midway etc. Don't miss the fire works and band concert in the evening. Be on hand in good time in the foreuoon and join in the grand parade leaving the park at 10.30 a. m. headed by the Richmond Hill Band. , Th? fulluwing are the successful competitors in the Field Urnp cum- pr-tilion in nuts in cunneutinn with the Richmwnd Hill Agricultural Society. lst. Fred A. Clarkâ€"91 ’ 2nd. \Ym. \Voodsâ€"QOE. 3rd. (‘1. Jamesâ€"8% 4th. I). Cameronâ€":59 5th. C. Jonesâ€"87 66h. \Vui. Burnsâ€"86.;- 7th. ‘Vm. J. Oliverâ€"84 The plogramme for the Union Picnic (If St. Mary's uml St. Luke’s Culllvlic Churches exhibits a good list of sports. and contains advertisements from leading merchants and business firms in Richmond Hill. Thnrnhill and 'l‘monm. The picniu will he, held on Ihe Mihm Farm, Lungstafl". buturday. August, 5. Putwns are always sure of :1 guud time at this place. \Ve wish to thank the Mail and Empire Company for a complimentary cupy of “wit: half cvnt-ury anniversary number. The hunk refers to the rise and growth of the paper. and cnlnpribt S a rl-vivw nf the social educational. agricultural, financial, indusLiial and connnercial develnpnwnt and progress of Canada, from 1872 to 1922. The number is printed on good paper-and is a credit. tn the publishers. The itvms appealing in the Toronto Globe of August, 1 and August 2. re- garding the Ir nsferof Rev. S. J. T. Former to Richmond Hill are entirvly erroneous, having no foundation in fact. whatever. . Mr. Former» is stationed at Mine-sing and Rev. H. S. Warren is the pastor of the Richmond Hill Ciluu't. There will be no service in [he Metho- dist Church at, Hope next, Sunday. Th9 snormnnnt of the Lord's Supper will he observed in the Methodist Church, Maple. at, 11 o'clock Sunday morning. The members and udherenh of Hope will join in this service will] the friends in the church at Maple. \Vith the avowed 'mtelti Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lnshor wish to thunk the many friends and neighbors for much kindness and sympathy shown them in their reant sad harenvenwnt. The beautiful floral Lrilmtes and kindiy acts wme npprvciated more than the bereuved can find WUIdS to express. Fined for Liquor Escapade Iectinn of an umpire for 1h matches was left in the hand unau. 4th Annual Field Day in th Anniversary Number gn x d CARD OI" THANKS Union Picnic meeting to complete at- for Field Duy,wns held in Chamber Tuesday even- 'uctol'y 1-Pporte \VPI'R re- the chairmen of sports booths, amusements. diu- ulher cunnuitzoes. Final Meeting Prize Winners A Correction Non-Essentials Hope [0 had helpe ceedings at and Lyman P amount, the cellar of '1“) was away at k sixteen bottles lpade they were 5 lwfm‘e Maivr GEO. GEE. R. S. I ln'en- youths an and , Liberty ; in all things, Charity." e cap? of the dense smoke gen from the burning of dv-Ewi rnw m and rubbish is through the 0pm windows and duets, on 118 coolie m' ox cart, I. only hing used for She-9p. Goats. nn right. vf way 01 streets, and tll primily lights. l4 pavement in fru trance of the mo: mental store or National Bank of theV mosz dignifk India will “'2le :1 allow it to chew Some fine lmildin a How Some the n ing the Island at 5 a. 11)., Dec. 31:1. We next Cr-llcd at Momhass», [begun- way to British E‘lStAfrlCaund heiin connected by Railway with Fost Florence and Victoria, British E-ust produces large quantities of wheat. and cotton. Onr vessel took on 1804) bales of cotton nt this port, and strange to any wheat grown llt'I‘G is shipped in lulge cur-goes to the mills in India. and the flour shipped buck to Africa. one of the freaks of trade and cmnlnerce. Leaving Mombasa“ at 4.40 p. 11)., Fel). Isi. “'9 take acnurse straight east :1 distance ofaboutune thousand miles to Scyhelles Islmd, (1‘ group of nintty Islands. an a Clown (:nlt-ny With a population of 22000 Victoli.L the capital, a beautiful little city nestled at, the foothills of the mountains on whose slopes, Com-21.. Cocoa Nut and spices are produced. We leave the Island and sail in a north eastrily direction for six more days and bind at Bombay Seltvrday. Feb. 11th. at 7.3U :1. m. This sixteen day ‘-:1 Voyuge was a most delightful one which =1. European would cure :0 mlan Nurmw Streets some not mnre than six fee-t \Vidt‘, the city reminds mu of the crazy quilt. The Island uity has a pupulatinn of: naLives. partly Negro, I and the other part quantity excerit diltnné ing the Island at 5 .1. (Continued) Subaru), Bhugalpur, Dist. IndiaI March 22. 1922 Our [font nt-xt culled at lhulsleuf Zzu-zihm- where a. large percentagvvt world's clove supply is pn-ducefl. Here we come for the first time in con- tact \“Ilh oriental Architoc‘mre and custom of pPOpie and life. Neither rf which =L European \Vtmhi mm. m Letter from D. W. Heise lin d u 0 continued) amilies wi m ly men euse smoke and 0.: on U) the Sn lying: “‘idl‘, the layout. Hill) ut the patches on a ‘ Island including the Hun 01‘200.000 mostly Jegrn, partly Indian. part an unknown dilt and filth. Leav- 'mg down ‘ it of the m {up-to date that of th large percentago of rpplv is pn-ducefl. the first time in con- al Architocinre and and life. Neither rf 3, 1922 there :u 6 ing and location W1 11 means lhevc unm COW DO min 9 depzu 1e fil 0\\' H [K ' lasted mure ng of -im In: him full Mir: Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist, North Parkdule Methodist; Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. BatLy's‘ Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling, Phone 22 Ring 11. 20"? __1N_ At “The Ralfe Shoe Repair" FOR Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Barristers, Snlicmrs. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. _ 21 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dede" Arthur A. \(acdonald Frank Danton Lulu-2L Demon, B. A. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf The W‘orkiqgman’s Friend Repairs to boots. Best work and material South of Shoe Factory Richmond Hill MISS ALIDA BEYNON 900K First-clags Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Satisfaction guaranteed LICENSED AUCTIUNEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited dence address P. 0. ad( oriu Square Gormley.R. RICHMOND HILL umissi M ARRIAG H LICENSES A. J. HUME TEACHER OF PIANO JEFFERSON NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANOING n-an [Single copies Wm.C. Ruttan . WADE SUER OE 14 1’ () N P. 0. address Gormley.R.R. lll( fist-ate ’ 3 113

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