“'ILLO‘VDALE The annual field day of the local Recreation Club, held Saturday. was a decided success and well attended by a large number from Toronto and other i places. A fine programme of sports- was arranged and carried out under the direction of El. 8. Cox, chairman, ] and C. F. Perkin. secretary. Several games of skill ware installed. inclmL. inf;r a guessing contest for a litigi- upholstered chair, and a rushing business. The first event on the pr'ogra-nnw was a baseball game hetrve-en the loml ‘ team and Richmond Hill. which \\'v(won by the Ioca'l by a score of III in .3. Two ladius' teams. Kairysand Kodaks, from Toronto then provided a thrilling game. Karrys winning st-u-n to f( ur. In the tooth Ill match Thornhill defeat- ('tI Unmrurd Irv :| sunri- in! 2 to (L In the foot r.“ vs the following \wr'c th» winner s. 'l‘hi t't'-l('g'_:t‘(l I'llt'h' 1 Stan. Cash: and I‘ll]. 'I‘npliiug. Liam-y Perry and I).l\’t’ ('amplu-il: Irl.‘tllll d man's mch “I .\Ir~(‘~nlW.\‘. II. TIMI)»: Ill and T. .lm‘kni‘li: g1] l< IIl.(lt-l‘ l2, .\I u tha 'I'hwaits and Fern Egan: buys under 12, Morley Findlay and Nnr'i“ " L‘tllllrkr: married ladies, Mrs. R. i Rankin and Mrs. J.H. Newton: boys 14 i and lllltlt'l‘,'RllpelL jacksivn and Lorne Perry: girls 14 and under. Martha Thwaits and Flora Currell: whet-l- burrow race, H. l‘nppiu and S. Cassilz: fat men's taco, Sam Holder. and F. Smith; Sillglv ladies, thsc (image and 1 Grace COIHIRCIICI: buys 11; and under. ~Thonms )Inirhead and Rupert jack- s“ll: boot and shot- race, I-Id. Toppin,‘r and (it-o. ('urlt-tt: 100 yards, Thomas l Muirhearl and George (‘assim llillllilill rare, Fern Egan and Ellen Lithgnw. I Each winner imzt-irvt! valuable v prizes. B. I4l\'lllLZ\'ttItl(- and Jack Mr- I Lend acted as jndgw and _I. Snell ‘ as starter. The lyrtl'W't'tI“, which were Luge. will go tunntrils the l{'_'i'lt':|III'll (Illlitii fun I. In lli-- rwrriihg srlppi-l' was sr-ivml in Illt‘ 5K Hint! rink. :IftI-i “hich dancing listvd until midnight. â€"_s ¢.-â€"â€"-â€" (‘-rll at any of tho straws in tho v 1 Hair for .i Sunu'n‘r l’rvgzamnir I't' Field Day primwtllngs. ‘instructx-d KING (IOI‘NCIL l The above (‘ouncil llit'l on the 29th of IJuly, at Aimstinig's Ilult'l, King City. After reading the minutes the Treasurer was authorized to [my a large number of accounts. The {cllowirig resrlnliuns \\'t'I‘r' carried: ('iurnril T. I'Ltton this [lil' Wallsâ€"Donn: -r That give (,‘(lllrlt'lll to allow into I‘lzttvn property farther north as per pl in. Bur‘ser of \Vmulslot'k Hospital, llt‘ paid the sum of $10.50 rvMuintvnam-r-nt \lartin Iirmvn. Egan ~I-Idwards â€" 'I'h-it Mrs. llidtlt-II be paid the sum of Stililll int Slim-p killr d by dogs. 110 paid $|tIlHH| for making tilv. I‘IK:ttiâ€"\\'4illi That J. .\. \\':itsnn l..- IU [‘llIL'lI._\t‘ (lIlL‘ It‘llll‘lll mixer. I‘:(I\\‘.Il‘ll<7T)r.:ll|*V‘I‘ll:l( Ibis ('mrn’il mder unr‘ galvanized t‘lll\(li fit-m _. 'â€"‘â€"â€"â€"'â€"_ _A , 7 .mmm“ When you buy a motor car, you expect the battery to give you good service. No battery will continue to supply power for start- ing, ignition for the engine, and bright lights, if neglected. That is why there are PrestIO-Lite Service Stations everywhere to give service to car owne All Prest-O-Lite Batteries are cov- ered by a regular guaranteeâ€"a de- ï¬nite obligation plus a spirit that says t h e C a r Owner must be pleased. GOING FARE Plus half a cent a mile beyond to 31 McLeod and east. GOING Speclal TORONTOâ€"rUn August 215tâ€" Throu Reasonable Prices. 8 For further particulars apply THE CANADIAN NATIDNA C Travel ‘1th ‘ National \.\‘:t THE OLDEST SRVICE TOM $15toWINiIlPEG toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. Edmonton. Calgary. August14th and 23rdâ€"Toron 3 August Nthâ€"9.00 a. m. 12.30 noon, Colonist Cars of Latest Desi Who RepsirsYour Batters m An Expert or Just Anubodu REST-O-LITE Storage Batteries are built Ly experts in 3 Plant designed and equipped exclusively for the manufac- ture of Storage Batteries. The building of 3 Storage Bat- ter 7 is a matter of scientiï¬c skillâ€"not of guesswork or chance. 1â€. 1 points in BIani< August 11th and 21$t~Toronto Calcdon â€"__â€"__ Collingwootl. l‘ezictaiig.1\lidlaiid, Parry Sound, Fudbury, Capreol and cast thereof in Ontario. thereof in Ontario. » Trains Leav ion Station; gh Solid Trains to Winnipeg Without Change Restaurant Cars on S pecial Trainsâ€"Meals and pecial Cars for Women. L BEACHES DI ENTRES IN WESTERN CATIJSBA y“ to\\'i:111ip ‘5 0T0 RE 8T8 RETURNING FARE $20 from WliiillPEG plus half a cent a mile from starting point to \K'innipeg to, Inglewood and all stations south and west f eâ€"tb‘tandard Time} 6.00 p. m., 10.30 p- m- 12.30 noon, 0.00 p. m., For Times from Other Stations Sac Special Train Service Poster Convertible (berth; gn to tit-arcst agent Canadian .\'ati--::..lâ€"(}r;ind Trunk REC? ALL IFIIPGRTIE; Drive around to the local Prest-O- Lite Service Sta- t i o n regularly. Have your battery inspected free of charge. This at- tention will keep your battery alive and save repair bills. ' Ifast, Becton, Meaford, 10.30 p. m. Lunches Served at 75577.. r in DISTRIBUTEPI: ; g; r '4 . . a is ‘3; \l: Li't‘: .; I I I‘Istatr- to move irssnitch lino llllilllliï¬l‘ Wallsâ€"Errn»Th:tt llr'. l. _I. Williams. N. ‘ I'Iiln'nuIsâ€"Iloanâ€"l‘liat Mark Allvn,1 l l i Duncan Ross. Length 22' Dirt 30’ gauge J. I" SAIGE‘ON N to be shipped 10 \VIII. l’t‘t'r'y. Schnmbcrg. Liable .‘ .. .7 ~~ . . -. _ Licensed Auctioneer for thet‘ountyot hm'mi" D0.“ VH1"! Andi?“ “"i iYork. Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited N 0 T C T lNESA C mm In: puiil Illt’ Sum 1 l‘ 57.11“ for shi-o [1 killed by dogs. On motion Illt' (‘Orinv-il :ulinnrnml tn I meet Saturday, August 26th. in H 0 'I‘urnpv'ianri- ltull. Hewitt-by. ( l i I WADE 81 MAPLE ELF. E START BUSINESS SCHOOL THIS SUMMER The Shaw Schools in Toronto never close in Summer. They are open .I. I “'0. are tiny: upon in;- lio‘isc wiring, ï¬xtures, ti' Irislin-ss â€" all ,luly uni August. Don't waste the \VC Sll‘wlilliz†in 1"“ if“ i .‘i T‘ I“ ol 3]! seasonâ€"Iran nowtolcarntype- .: , . ‘ i' , » 1 n. .. writing, shorthand and bookkeeping. “( 0' ’Cbuw‘ “'3‘ i. ‘ 'l I‘! ‘T 'l "(1 Indivrdual instruction in every courlc. cl};u‘ging_ P. McIntosh. Chief Principal SHAWBUSINESSSCIIOOIS TORONTO i We Ii:t\'C:lll>i.‘l'ir‘«l in (“11‘ (st-"in: rite of the mast nr-trmia'i- i l:‘.li'< {or I ll‘.t3f<â€1‘.0IIII‘INNC‘“(CHINE-ll:lvilllCI'lPs Ai‘rnntnro \tiniliiig, (lituilnn purl inagriito icpaii‘iiig. .\Iw «'ai' “hing (lunc. l~'i. T? L4 TH WORK IN THE FIELD Modâ€"VJ ' "‘1‘ 1‘ Th II is lilt' orssn' 0- (ll II)!» gn- t Feplliilli’ it won lII HIV I"Il~’l1,"t nil sint'r constantly nriintaim-ii by the Famous Flcury Flows 3‘0 fl I' IIHISIW‘, (‘wliii'wtt f'l .\I. n, I'iiniwt (er iii'y \\‘i ii; in tlu- I’ivlil Pric: it ~ in n- than 'h-it of mnx int‘v‘iini I’lon's. exp ‘l'lllll‘llL with imi.a'iwr»s. Tiny lllp [ii-.1, THE FARIOL'S FLEL‘RY The “()r':uiv':ll" NH. BI, Dandy, Nil, 154. No. 3, Spl'l'l.il and No. 1.") A. IUi.v Ilrus- I :Irr- Lv-iuilers in Ontario. (TOME TI) SIiIC Un‘ NEXT TIME YUI' AIIIC IN l‘()\\'f\' T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Thornhill, Ontario I)-'Ili[ Your Chore Time in Half? In the ordinary work of the farm you must pump more than a ton of water a day. Why take the time and trouble to do this work when the wind will do it for you free. A Toronto Windmill will cut your chore time in half. Make money for you. And I can recommend it as an eï¬icient worker. It needs little attention outside an occasional oiling. And it costs noth- ing to run. , And if you want a real water service, with running Water under pressure every- where, you'll be interested in Toronto Pumps and Toronto TVater S;.‘stems. =â€"' i . I â€"'ALâ€" -‘ Let me tell you about them. I. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill July and August it!“ often dangerous times fin habit-s. Tin- hcat k'XlL‘Hbl‘i theirlittlc bodies: the first hut “rather atls‘i “caning is a t't'nl crisis. fl"~ll :.:_.l [)Ill'r’. It (Int-s Iittlr' gmtl to slt‘lIlIZH l‘ottlc itl.'l nipplu it the milk st llt‘. and that turn Vasily lin It is t‘Xllt’llH-ly important that baby's- milk Iiu "i itSI-lt' gvts ' in lllltlllllt‘il milk but it‘llil multiply rapidly. [wit it mill; gt-is “Hillâ€: 'l'hy- i hmipmi Phil! ttion you w m buy for b‘llly this sumn..i is ice â€"~ enough t< ktw Im‘ refrigerator CULD, Im- i> th-liu-iml qunl .in to IIii-limtvnil Hill 1} rut lilii'li‘. Iiir'lll an litl"‘. I";‘li_‘l' 7t: Lake Simcoe ice L I M I T E D JAMES FAIRIIEAD, President