Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Aug 1922, p. 7

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N211! Elite Bemehg flnmpang When cream is too thin to w‘hip add the unbeaten White of an egg to it first. It becomes as stiff as the rich- est of cream. Saturday, September 9th, will be "Boy Scout Day” at the Western Fai:, London. Ont, this year. Scout Troops from all Western Ontario are being in- vited to participate. Announcements of similar events at other fairs will probably be made shortly. The Hitch Hike is taboo! The prac- tice of catching on behind, and asking for a lift because of the Scout uniform, is bringing disgrace upon the Move- ment. It is not Scouting. End it. Put the shame of it into the hearts of your Scouts. Get the fac' into your local papers that hobo hikers who claim they are members of the Boy Scouts should be required to show unmistak- able evidence that thev are, before any courtesies are shown; even then, only in *cases of unmistakable need should requests for assistance be heeded. This attitude on the part of the public will do much to end the nuisance of fake Scouts imposing on good nature, and will do much to encourage well- in‘tentioned Scouts from undertaking "hobo bikes" with the idea of getting lifts and handouts all along the way. Scout officials also please heed this warning. In the rich vernacular of boyhood, “Can you beat it? JOHN DROEPER, W. T. ALLYN, CHARLES H. TAYLOR.” R. A. Adcock, Scout Executive. official judges of the Boy Scout Field events on April let, 1922, at San Jac- into Battle Grounds, Texas, do hereby certify that Scout Elwood Fisher, Trop 13, Houston, Texas, did then and there make a fire with bow and drill by friction in nine and four-fifths seconds. We were acting in the ca- pacity of official judges and were using an official stop watch. ‘ (Signed) What is perhaps the world record for the Boy Scout stunt of lighting fire by friction (bow and drill method) is recorded in the following certificate: "Houston. Texas, April 25, 1922 "This is to certify that we. the un. deI‘Signed, acting in the capacity of official judges of the Boy Scout Field events on April let, 1922. at San Jac- Gordon McKenzie, a thirteen-year- old Boy Scout of Shaunavon, Sas- katchewan. has been recommended for a life-saver’s medal for rescuing a five- weeks-old infant from a burning house. The child's mother and sister were working with a stove when it explod- ed, setting fire to the room in which it stood. In their excitement the frightened woman and her daughter rushed out of the house, forgetting the baby, who was sleeping in its cot in the burning room. On learning the situation. Gordon rushed into the house, snatched the baby from its bed, the blankets of which were then burn- ing, and carried the child to a place of safety. reached the two million mark. The purpose of the congress, which is be- ing held at the Sorbonne, is the adop- tion of measures for intensifying the enrollment of boys in Scout organiza' tions in various countries into 01059? relation with each other. Represent?” tlves are present from a great many countries. 78 Wes‘ Adelaide St, Tcronto Canada At the International Congres of Boy Scouts opened in Paris on July 22nd. Sir Robert Badenâ€"Powell, founder of the Boy Scout Movement, announced that the membership of the Boy Scouts throughout the world has now almost One bottle for One Dollar; Six bottles for Five Dollars. Mailed direct to customers. New Life Remedy is the Standard Remedy for the last quarter century for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lum- bago, Neuralgla, Gout and Neuritis. ISSUE No. 31â€"'22 RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS For Wfih The to see or the bathi To begin with, a spot for swimming should be selected where the bottom can be comfortably reached. In places where the beach is sloping, every swimmer should make his effort to- wards the shore and not parallel to the shore. It often happens that the beach slopes down more sharply a few paces further along so after having made some progress in the water, the swimming novice may be unable to touch the bottom only a short dis- tance from the starting point. Then there is the possibility of a level beach or bathing pond having holes or de- pressions whi« denm. There of weeds bel‘c ‘bhe bathers’ ls Are you going swimming this sum- mer? If you are, be careful, especiall- ly if you are a beginner. Don’t think you can learn to swim without a good deal of effort, and do not take chances. If beginners would only take warning in time fewer drowning accddents would result. It is necessary to give attention to one or two points before starting to learn to swim, and even when you can swim. Scorch marks may be taken out of linen -by applying lemon juice and salt. Moisten lihe salt with the half of a cut lemon and rub over the mark, rinse with water, and repeat the pro- cess until] all hint of the stain has disappeared. Argentina's Oil Wells. Argentina is planning to build an oil pipe line 850 miles in length or twice the present capacity of thle wells it will serve. In the ruins of Sardils, the ancient capital of Lydia in Asia Minor, scientists have recently recovered 30 gold coins minted during the reign of Croesus, sometime between 560 and 546 8.0. The coins were found in a stone jar buried in an ancient tomb, only a few feet below the surface. Some of the coins are as fresh and brighrt as newly minted coins, while others show signs of having been in circulation. Mlnnrd’l You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in mzdicine or they will be sent to you by mail at 50 cemts a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. W'illiams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. This is proved by the statement of Miss Eldora Acker, Lake Pleasant, N.S., who sayszâ€"“I shall be glad it some other ailing girl will profit by my experience with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I was very much run down; my face was pale and there was dark circles around my eyes. My appetite was bad, and I had no ambition to do anything or go about. I had once be- fore been helped by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and decided to try them again. It proved a wise decision. for in less than two months time I felt in every way better; had a splendid appetite, the tired feeling disappeared, and I can Work with enjoyment. Naturally I think there is no better medicine for young girls than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." 1 Now the school girl’s life is more lstrennous; her more numerous studies are a severe tax upon the strength. Also, girls enter business soon after leaving schoolâ€"at an age when they most need rest and outdoor life. Their womanly development is hampered by the stress of working hours, hurried and often scanty meals. Girls are more liable to bloodlessness toâ€"day, but there is this consolation that this condition is now more easily remedied than in the years past. Such medi- cine as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills has helped thousands of weak, anaemic . l girls and women, simply because they contain the elements necessary to en- rich the blood, which means good health and vitality. l Unearth Gold Coins Minted Before Christian Era. Mothers who remark that girls to- day are more prone to anaemia than the girls of a generation ago, should look back at the surroundings in which they and their companions lived. Theyl would easily see the reason in life’s altered circumstances 20â€"day. ‘ The Strenuous Conditions of Life To-day Responsible. THE REASQN WHY I ANAEMEA PREVAHL5133 pr~ {magnum} will be glad to answer questions on Public Ileath mn‘ IF ters through this column. Addres: him at Spadina House, Spgdln‘ Crescent. Toronto. Lanmem Rellovu Neuralulu .ow the kind of be place, and to keep BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON HEALTH EDUCATION Provlnclal Board of Health. Ontario be a growth! c ace in-whic‘hfi ‘ tangled. Inl c Llways better! c of bottom of; I keep strictly t ng acci- “Rocking the boat" is another cause of drowning accidents, and. this ap- plies espeoialfly to canoes, a type of craft “that is very easily upset if the occupants are not used to it, or if they are careleSS and move about in the canoe or try to exchange seats, etc. Another important point is "for the users of dinghies and small sailing craft to take precautions regarding weather conditions and the possibility of squalls. These seem trifling and commonplace warnings but it is the neglect of the commonplace precau- tions that causes most of the accidents. in water than can be bottomed by an ordinary individual. One can learn to swim very well in water that does not reach above the shoulder. Another im- portant point for swimmers to re- member is that bathing after a heavy meal, or a plunge into cold water with the body superheated, is liable to cause muscular cramps which may result fatally. People troubled with heart disease, hardened artenies or weak kid-- neys are warned against taking cold plunges or staying too long in the water. The increased work thrown on the heart trying to force the blood through surface blood vessels that are contracted by the cold, is often too much of an effort. A giant fis'h, measuring 78 feet in length and weighing fifteen tons, near- ly the equal of five full grown ele- phants, was recently washed ashore at Cape May. Certainly Not. You can’t expect to keep your friends if you give them away. S'hle gazed proudly in silence for a few seconds, and then asked: “Whom do you think baby takes at. terâ€"his father or 1?" George Weld-on, Esq., was confused, uErâ€"umâ€"«he’s not very intelligent. looking, is he?" he sitammered. "But 1 think he’s like both of you!” MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollans cos‘ts three cents. In order to prepare these colors, every kind of material is used, a mere list of which“ would fill several pages of this paper. Colors come from min- eral, vegetable, and animal sources. Take Prussian blue; this is an ore, ,ferroâ€"cyanide of iron. Sienna is made from an earth, and so are yellow ochre and Vandyke brown. It happened again. The mother put the wriggling. noisy bundle of humani. ty in his arms. ' George Weldon was a bachelor, and for this reason he was always putting his foot in it when he visited the par- ents of a new baby. So lee Them Both. The disadvantage of being a bache. 101' is that when other people’s child- ren are put into your arms you never know what to say. There never has been a time when the art‘ism was so well off as regards paints. He can work in colors which will make his pictures last for cen- turies. Exquisite reds, violets, and yellows are prepared from coal-tar, but where- as in earlier days coal-tar colors were often “fugitive”â€"â€"that is, faded rapidly â€"¢o-day the artist knows exactly which are permanentt, which are fugi- tive, and which stand between the two classes. One very beautiful blue comes from an extract of indigo, and the various maddvers from the root of the madder plant. The bark of a variety of oak- tree is used to obtain a lovely pink color. Charred oak and charred ivory are used for black pigments; Colors From Coal. As everyone who cares at all about pictures and painting is well aware, many of the most beautiful works of painters of a century ago are fading away. Turner’s exquisite pictures form an instance in point. To-day many are almost gone, and others have to be kept away from the light, in order to prevent further fading. Now, in order to obtain good and lasting paintsâ€"permanent colors, as they are termedâ€"it is necessary to use real scientific knowledge, axzd to make long and careful tests. This has been done by the modern manufacturers of artists’ colors, with the result that to-day the painter, whether in oil or water-color, has an immense range of colors to choose from, and these are constantly being increased In number by new discover- 1es. The reason is that the p; period were so bad. Artie only red and white lead, b1 extraordinary pigmemts liquorice and tobacco-juice the paints of that Artists used not ad, but even such mks as Spanish Fishermen’s Co-operative As‘seeigtie-hv, with a capital of 40,000, to market the output of their fisheries. In line with the fruit growers and other producers, a number of the fish- ermen on Lake Erie have formed the The English sparrow invaded Alaska this spring for the first time. It ar- rived in America about the year 1850 and has been gradually working west- ward ever since. It has already spread over nearly the whole of Europe and in spite of everything seems likely to make a place for itself all the way round the world. Mlnard’a Llnlment for sale everywhord No season of the year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throwni the little stomach out of order so 'quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all hu- man help before the mother realizes he is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentery and colic are most prevalent. Any one of these troubles may prove deadly if! not promptly treated. During the sum- mer the mother’s best friend is Baby’s Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. SUMMER HEAT HARD 0N BABY Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then, keeps the skin fresh, smooth and clear. Cuticura Talcum is also ideal for the skin. Soup 25:. Ointment 25 1nd 50c. Tulcum 25:. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyman. Limited, 344 St. Paul SL. W.. Montreal. Cuficura Soup :havel without mul- Bulk Carlots TORONTO eAL'r worms 0» J. CLIFF - TORONTO Cuticura Is The Best Beauty Doctor UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all COARSE SALT L A N ms A L 1' amped with u: Home: no. we“. Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. a. may Glover (Idaho. 129 West 24th Street New York. U.3.A. Sonera Imitation: do mark. t Women testify again and again. that they have been helped by Lydia. E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound “after other medicines have failed." It has been tried for nearly fifty years and not found wanting. If you are suffering from any of the various ailments which accom- pany female weakness try Lydia E. Binkham’s Vegetable Compound. Toronto, Ontarioâ€"“I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for years and It is the only patent medicine I ever recommend. I am a nurse and if I find a woman is in poor health I always tell her to take it. Although you know that doctors and nurses do not use patent medi- cines I must say that I think there is nothing better than your Vegetabla' Compound. When I first took 10 many years ago, I was so tired when I‘got up in the morning that I could not eat, and when I went to bed L was too tired to sleep. My mother- in-law told me that Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was just what I wanted so I tried it and only took two bottles when I felt better. Since then I have found that there is nothing that makes me feel so well, for it seems to build my system right up. I don’t know any other medicine that has done so much for women.”â€"MBS. W. H. PARKER, 19 Wellesley Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound Advised for all Women in Poor Health Good for 9.11 throat and chest diseases. Distemper, Garget, Sprains. Bruises, Colic. Mange, Spavins. Running Sores. etc., etc. Should always be tn the stableâ€"SOLD EVERY‘VHERE. NURSE THINKS NMHENG BETTER Those Having Sick Animals SHOULD USE We all disulike self-satisfied persons; is it because they don't care for our approbation ? THREASHIRE BELTS AND SUC- TION hose. new and used. shipped subject to approval at lowest prices In Canada. York Belting 00., us York 34 m_,, St. Taranto. On: r; HAVE A CASH PURCHASER for a weekly newspaper In On- tarlo. Price must be attractive. Send full information to Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd, 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. ‘. ENS \VANTED ALIVE; 25 CENTS a pound. Albert Lewis, 666 Dundaa \\'est. 'I‘nrnntn WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WANTED BELTENG ma SALE Classified Advertisements pound. Toronto‘ HAVE A CASH

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