Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Fm-tner have returned after spending il. cnuple of weeks holidays in Western ()nturiu. MESS Muhpl Hugermzm nf Tul‘nlllu a guest of the Misses Dunlup. Mr. Gordon Sloan is taking Ihree weeks' hulidzlys in Parry Sound Disuict. Richmond Hill lmwlers tunK part, in :1 tournament at Stouffville yuaLel- d“ y. l’ustmasler A. G. Suvnge is to be cmngmtulnted on the improvements made in the Past Ofï¬ce building. Mixs visiting Lean. Miss Mabel Sims has returned home after spending u (-nuplc uf wm-ks with her aunt at Pm t, Credit. Miss Gertrude Smith of Lenminglnn is making: a, visit with heruucle Mr. Thomas Hopper. Mrs. W. H. .‘Iylksund hersister Mm. Dollinger Hf Arthur are spending at week in the Town uf Burriu. Mr Mrs. with vivw Mr. J. A. Greene and family. and Mr. and Mia McLutuhy left Tum-day by C. N. R. to spvnd'vthrl‘u “mks in a a cottage un Gum'ghu BM'. o'clock daughter 5 fr. The Dinng ,Hull Uununittvo will mwt at the homu uf Mr. 1). Hill, liri‘duy evening. August 11th. :1L5.3U All urLicles left in Dining Hull on Field Day have 11092! taken In Camper's Hardware; will owners kindly c.|ll and get their beluugiugs. Mr. junms Mclmau u'usin Lindsav friends at Hiuhnmnd mother at Hemlfmd. Mr. junms Mclmau was in Lindsa Tue-sduy making un-‘mgmuents‘ fur t} l’ruvinciul plnwiug match (0 be he in Lhat Town this Fall. In the Ililla-Bl‘nokâ€"Sqliar? Juvenile baseball league: Tuesday evening Rich~ nmnd Hill \VUH from Victunub‘quure by a acute of 21-5. \Vill the purslm who found a pair of lmwlsnn Um race track (:11 Mnndmy evening, july 31. kindly laun- them at Linurul Ofï¬ce. Reward. COMINGâ€"Dr. F. E. Luke, 167 yange street, Tux-unto. optometrist, and Optician) can be consulted about, your eyes for gleses uL Sloan’s drug store, \Vednesday nfu-nmun Auguu. 16. 5-6 The candidate who made the. highest number of marks among those who wrutc the Junior High School Entrance Examin utinn at Richmond Hill Centre this year is Lama Gee. She was prepared M S. 3 Nu. 4, Markham. Arthur Hutchison. drunghtmmn at “Dunuldu,†Dunlap farm, was drowned near the Innes Cottage, MuSkoku, on Tuesday. The body is expected for burial it Richmond Hill tuâ€"duy at 4 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davies. of our Jacal dry gunds emporium, are spend- ing a cuupie of weeks on [he Mmknka Likes, hM'ing' left. Tuesday morning. They are accompanied by Mrs. Davies†sister. Mrs. G. F. Grinyer. 1' Buckland Bros. of Tumuto willslmw “Wonders of the Rockies" and "The Tower of London†by lantern slides, in Community Hull, Maple, Saturday evening. August, 12. A ieclure will uccump my the slides. Son-y to report nun-(her accident to Mrs. J. Ness who fr†again breaking her collar bone. She was taken to Toronto General huspitnl where an X my was 1:1an and the bone set. She was nhle tn xetuln tn her home in the afternoon and is getting ah-ng nimly. At the recent cmnmunicutiun of Masonic Grand Lodge» held 21!. Fort, William, Mr. john McDonald who, lhe past year, was District Secretary iol‘Mr. J. H. «Dunlap, I). I). (i. 31., wusnppoinlel Grand Standard Beat-vr, and Mr. Eli Brauud. nf Rising Sun Lndgv, AuI-nm. Grand Sluwurd. Reeve Tlench has give-n notice by small hills that owners at occupants of lots or other Izmd in the village must cut and dwstmy weeds befule going to seed. Pei-suns neglecting to do so iundvr themselves liulnle to a fine, and such weeds may be cut by the municipality and all costs and changes assessed to the propeity. 99953953393999939335 $31 9‘ .7 Mr. and Villa." , nnd Mrnz Clan-once Dickurund Dennis of Aumm spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. Palmer, “Fair- Arman-1mg of Toronto, Mrs. and the Misses h CROMPTON’S “A LAGRAL‘E†[‘JRSEI‘S, g; Brassieres, Glrdlcs, \Valsts, Etc. A good 9 stock of the Popular Scyles keptlon hand 9 and Special Orders Quickly Filled. $5; :55 Mrs. Norman Batty, uRichmond IHill Trench Block Phone‘ 53 5†59999935959699§$§§§95S6a? Millinery 9993933959393339§5S§9€9§ QUALITY SHOPPE We are sole agents in R LADIES, ATTENTION ! in Lindsay Dry Goods Ladies Wear Successful in every particular was the Uniun Picnic of St. Mary's nnd St. Luke's Outholic churches at the Milne Farm‘ Lungstulf. on Saturday. The weather was perfect, the crowd large, the mops exciting, the meals excellent. and the. midway uttructions inlrrest~ ing. The proceedings closed with an open air dance. "Keep the business in the tnwn and bring muru business l0 town" should he the slogan of every citizen. The wold “Citizen†does nub mean only the residents. but it means the business lnvu and womon as well. \thc can he bought in tuwn should not he purchased elsewhere. It" you are. making your livingr in the district, yuu should he spending yunr mom-y in the district. Muney is [nude ful' circulalinn. but if it is‘ not circulated Incthndicully the proper result cumot be obtained. “ MUST any Ihnsphiacnitsm-e ï¬rm!" exuluimml the young hlu‘lmnd. "Howevar t‘nud yuu snv thm=o were fine Mar-MN?" \vhhpvred his mother as the fair bride went. to ng more f: cm the kitchen. "I didn’t env thev \vm-P (inn. Latest reports from the grain ï¬elds of the West indicate a record yield; ULOUU men are wanted from Eastern Canada to help harvest this crop, To meet this demand. special Harvesters‘ Exc 1r- sions will be operated by the Canadian National-Grand Trunk. Through solid trains will be operated tn Winnipeg without change. consisting of convertible (berth) colonist cars of latest design. Restaurant cars will be attached to trains serving meals and lunches at reasonable prices. For fares, train service. etc. apply to nearest Canadian NationalAGrand Trunk Agent. An uh] dmkv for stenlimz chi \‘ich‘d on cirrrum “\Vell." he said. ".1: fur a; Ikin \‘phin if", f'um (19, wny‘it. hus hon 'splninvtl tn nw. (‘irrruuwtnntial ovid- enoe is the feathers dat you loaves: Ivin’ around nfLm- you has done with de chicken." ‘ ‘-\\'h.~n ’3 he was nak mnt,h.&=v-, merely he qnim! Bt'fm'o “'0 wm-e murrie :aid I 1rd :1 «harming ï¬n lanznngp,†Young Husbandâ€"“And S‘I you dear. It nut mfly flows. but (I leupg. hounds, mars. gum: _ . . . . To Harvest Western Canada‘s Crops leaps. hounds, roars. goes rn'm' calm-new and miil sluices, :md thm‘a is an occasional water-spout as Well." You all have had the sad and tragic experience frnm lhv result of ï¬l'PS caused lny 2731121454 handling Hf matches, and more pwrlicularly the bruntâ€"rend- ing some: uf innummt (.hild life being snuffed out by (-hildrpn plaving with mutrhes‘ carplPsds' lt'ff- within their [much by parents. whn.lik¢-1he match itself do not use their heads for think- ing. WHAT IS‘ CIRCUHSTANTIAL EVIDENCE 1’ The Standard Remedy lor HAY-FEVER and Asthma. Sold byall ood Drugglsts. For Free Trial wrlte‘l‘emp etons,’l‘oronto mung 40,000 Men Wanted Sold at Sloan’s Drug Store ‘hmmd Hill f Matches do‘ not Think A Marital Obligation Unio : Picnic nmd Hill tor †(‘J1{SE[‘S, Etc. A good kept {on hand lu’f euv thev “'91-? ï¬ne, rpnl'wd the young mm: "I lid I must. say so." “Viffl (snhhing)â€"" Bt'fm'o “'0 wm-e m 1rd :1 «harming A Good Slogan After Honeymoon nkv had been in trnnhle chickens, and was cun- 'r.'IInI<€nnLi:al «Wi‘lenm’. I'ircnmsmmiul evidence?" â€"“And S‘I you have. flows. hut dashes, mars. gum: rn'or I will not. H'ried )‘nu flva uf Ono Bil cnndiliuu. license fux Call by phone or otherwise pmmplly JOHN R. CAMPBELL 378 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. All In Brunch Ofï¬cvâ€"Rirhmum] Hill every Tuesday aflornnou at [Mn-ml 0mm". I‘nronlu Ofï¬ces Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. O'm(:I-sâ€"â€"Suite 5H MCKiunm) Bldg†Cor. Jonkm and leinda Sts , Tux-onto Mr. Unmpln-ll will ‘m at 'l‘hv Liberal Ofï¬ce, Richmmxd Hill, every Tuesday afternoon. TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 192 The next Sitting uf Divmmn Cum No. 3, County (rf Yurk will he hr] in the Court Rum". TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE Having opened a Bakery and (‘on- fectionery on YONGE ST., 3 Doors South GREGORY GOOD ERHAM & CAMPBELL ' BARRISTERS. SOLICIT02S. ETC. YONGE ST., 3 Doors South of I“. J. Mansbridge’s, Purveyor I can supply you with All Kinds of Macuanghton & Campbell Phone Orders will Receive Prompt Attentionâ€" Boot and Shoe Repairer A. CAMERON MM'NAUG HTbN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON. ’Phornhill. Bldg W. G. BALDOCK, Ltd. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. l"! ) ï¬ï¬ SAIJ]; JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Division Csuit new Bakery ail fur (1“le 1920 Gm" rdor, gm Baby RICHMOND HILL C. Winterton (Jnmmencmc at 10.15 mm. GEO. KIDD All Kinds of Boots and ' Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Fancy Bread, Buns Cakes and Pastry also Ice Cream & Candies orders will reem’ve prompt attention. Ofï¬ces â€" Continuum] Life Our. Buy and Richmond SI. Tunmtu. ‘vlt-phnne Main 3631 ' Grand Immprg‘. Muney to Loan. T. F. MCMAHON PHONE 1 l0 W ~ON... Touring in spare tire $475. CLERK ill TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTYâ€"THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager Cannot b6 Beat N 90000 OWMNOWWOWW N ow and Then PLUMBING, HEATING, AND nu...» ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Richmond Hill PLUMBING C0. Buy, Build, Work, and Support the Home District Famous FLEURY FLOWS The Stu you cannot you new]. wear suits i'r will have the ing see them 600i? WORK AT FARR PRICES from “F O R T. H . COOPER’S , HARDWARE PRINTING---We Know How Go to Cooper’s Hardware for all Goods in Season Headquarters for S.M.P. and McClary Granitewarc Lacrosse‘Sticks, and BasebaHs Granite, Tinware Plumblng In connection Ladies and Gents ' R' Tallor, RichmOnd Hill. The Best Flows in Canada _ Patterns for 21'“ Soil THE CHIEF FACTOR IN GOOD CULTIVATION I have sold out. cw The prices I am selling suits )rdered N . COOPER Open a savings account with this Bank n 1 to-day if at the same time you are establishing ï¬nancial backing for to-morrow by gradually ac- cumulating savings. Youth can spare what old age will need. THERE will be an added zest to your enjoyment 4n 4.... {C "1» dm; cnmn ‘;n\o "I... mm nunklinkhan CNS of ymn' crops depr-nds Lugc-ly upon Illft‘ltl tn Ii<k a l'uilmt' lhis your. Let us Catalogue upun request. HARDWARE & STANDARD BANK [11 hird shipment. in by €301! and PHONE 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building TRENCH’S BLOCK for men from Thornhill, workmanship nd Pressing and Dying PHONE 93 pments of these ready OF CANADA They ï¬t and loo'k'well THE Ontario SUPPLIES Lighlm'ss of Draft: Smooth Running; ease fur horses; cmn- furl fur mun. Thin-wands of (Janndu's host fanan «av. “There are no plows like Fleury‘s." Patterns for all Soils. L'ldav SURPASS ALL OTHERS Oup cannot the best. SERVICE†July 7th. Before bu Richmond Hill Ida Done gmnl supply 1 0 “C Limited 0C3. -wear suits, and plmving. the plow rdcred su Ready-to