We used to laugh at the Chinese on account of their strange customs, and now we ï¬nd the Chinese are laughing at us. John Chinamau is a funny fel- low when he is at home in his native; land. He builds the roof of his house; ï¬rst and the walls afterwards. He‘I pays the doctor when in good healthi and stops paying him when sickness: comes. We used to hear about thisl and think it strange, and we justv' laughed at the Chinese and said “What; an idea!†and gave the matter no furâ€"! ther thought. } But times have changed. We in this country are beginning he ï¬nd out that the Chinese were a highly civi- lized people in the days when Anglo- Saxons were cave‘men. Many of the Chinese customs, moreover have stood the test of time, and this practice of paying the doctor when one is well, is now regarded in western countries as a very practical and sensible thing Why overhaul y neglect overhaulir Why have your n WORRIED WOMEN NEED REQH BLOGD Tommy to Fatherâ€"“If it makes no difference to you, dad, I’ll have a box of bricks!†If the Blood is Not Kept Pure Health Will Break Down. Fatherâ€"“What would you likeâ€"a brother or sister?†It ls useless to tell a hard working woman to take life easily and not to worry. To do so is to ask the almost impossible. But, at the same time, it is the duty of every woman to save her strength to meet any unusual deâ€" mands. It is a duty s‘he owes herself and family, for her future health may depend upon it. The human heart is like water; it freezes at a certain temperature and melts under the influence of warmth. â€"Dezm Inge. I never committed matrimonyâ€"that ls why I am alive to-day.â€"Sir Harry Poland, I{.C. (on entering his ninetyâ€" fourth year). It is human to err; and the only ï¬nâ€" al and deadly error among all our er- rors is denying that we have ever err- ed.â€"Mr. G. K. Chesterton. To guard against a complete break- down in health the blood must be kept rich. red and pure. No other medicine does this so well as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This medicine strengthens the nerves, restores the appetite and keeps every organ healthily toned up. Women cannot always rest when they should, but they can keep their strength by the occasional use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Among those who have found benefit from this medicine is Mrs. Cora Conrad, Broad Cove, N.S., who says: “My system was very much run down, and my blood poor and watery. I suffered a great deal from headaches and dizzi- RBSS: my appetite was poor, and I tired easily. I decided to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills aqd have every reason to be glad that I did so. Soon I felt better, and under the continued use of the pills the headaches and dizzi- ness were gone, and my blood seemed in a better condition than before. For this reason I recommend Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills." I much prefer animaLs to human be- ings; they never let one down.â€"Sir E. Marsthall Hall, K.C. My husband does not womry. He does his best, and leaves the rest to Providenceâ€"Mrs. Lloyd George. Pay your out-ofâ€"town accounts by Domimion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. ,,, It is a man’s job to hew the path, woman’s to make it pleasantâ€"Lady Kitty Vincent. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Random Remarks. Dodgery amd duplicity never suc- ceed in the 10mg rumâ€"Mr. Asquith. There’s a good time coming, but it’s a good time comdng.~Mr. Thomas Jay. \Vomen are more practical and less fooled by words than menâ€"Lady Ask- with. Mlnard'u Llnlmem Relieves Nouralntu y have your motor car examined iodically, and not your stomach, 1- heart, your liver, your lungs? Dr‘ HEALTH EDUCATEON Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- tels through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. ever MONEY ORDERS. His Only Deslre. heelsofa your motorboat BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario n as it sto; in the station? Do you know why he does that? It is to see if there are any cracks or flaws in the wheels that might cause a breakdown on the journey. The sound of the Wheel when struck indicates Whether or not the wheel is all right and in good re- pair. Is it not far better to do this than to wait till the crash comes, and then say it was an unnoticed crack in the wheel that caused the accident. Why should the same reasoning not apply to our health, our physical con- dition? Would it not be much better if so called well-people could be peri- odically examined instead of sick, who have already broken down like the train wheel! True, the human wheel, like the railway wheel has to be re- pairedâ€"the doctor is needed to effect a cure, but if the necessary repairs had been dime before and not after sickness came, 0:- had-physical defects been corrected in childhood, much suf- fering and ill-health could be avoided. me) BY ANTHONY PYKE (Registered in Accordance with the Copyright Act). Wireless far Beginners Making Waves ARTICLE II Plants Aniniate Things. Plants are really animate things. They lack Uhe power of locomotion such as most animals have, but they are capable of movement. Some of them are a great deal higher in the scale of life than some of the low-0r- der organisms classiï¬ed as animals. “Now I am going to give you an un- solicited testimonial as they say in the patent medicine advertising. Heretofore I have had a profound contempt for atent medicines. particularly so-called inlments. Perhaps this is due to the reason that I have been blessed with a sturdy constitution. and have never been ill a day in my life. One day last fall after a. hard day's tramp in the slush of Montreal,‘1 developed a severe pain in my legs and of course like a man who has never had anything wrong with him physically, I complained rather boisterously. The good little wife says: “I will rub them with some liniment I have.†“Go ahead." I said, just to humor her. “V’ell. in she comes with a bottle of Minard’s Liniment and gets busy. Believe me the pain disappeared a few minutes after. and you can tell Motherâ€"“Tommy, what's your little brother crying so much about ?" At the ï¬rst sign of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby’s Own Tablets or in a few hours he may be beyond aid. These Tablets will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to the well child and will promptly relieve these trou- bles it they come on suddenly. Baby’s Own Tablets should always be kept in every home 'where there are young children. There is no other medicine as good and the mother has the guar- antee of a government analyst that they are absolutely safe. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wi‘lliams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. What One of the Best Known Travel- lers in Canada Says. have... humor bottle busy. Tommyâ€"“ ’Cause I’m eating my cake an’ won’t give him any.†“Is his own cake finished?" “Yés, an' he cried while I was eatin' that, too.†sent out four or ï¬ve hundred miles away can usually only be heard with‘ more elaborate and expensive equip- ment. Just what are the differences between this and the cheaper cu-tï¬t, will be explained later. We must re- turn to the subject of waves, and see how they may be created in the ether by electrical means. in the Ether. SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LLTTLE ONES Without enquiring too deeply into the nature of electrichy, let us assume that a current is suddenly made to flow along a wire from A to B, to stop and instantly return to A, and to re- peat this retum journey several thous- and times per second. Surrounding and, indeed, permeating the conductor A. B. is the ether. We might imagine this ether to be punch- ed, ï¬rst in one direction by the rapii flight of current from A to B, and then in the opposite direction by the re- turn of the current to A. As a body of water is set rippling when punched with a stick, so we may suppose the ether to be set rippling when punched with electric currents. - , few minutes after. and you can tell he world I said so." Signed) FRANK E. JOHNSA Montreal Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS c. J. CLIFF - TORONTO hum-maniacal... COARSE SALT L AN D S ALT ISSUE No. 36â€"’22. Unreasonable. DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free m an Ad- dress by the Au or. n. on, Glover 00.130. 129 West 24th Street New York. USA. Book on ’Two in Family ï¬re Restored By Tanlac There is not a single portion of the body that is not beneï¬ted by the help- ful action of Tanrlac. By enabling the stomach and other vital organs to per- form their functions properly, the whole system' is nourished, puriï¬ed and strengthened. Get a. bottle today at any good druggist. Nature observers have noted that among birds the leak, the thrush, the blackbind and the robin are some of the early risers. Hearing the Other Side. "You have decided to stay on the farm?" "Yes," said Mr. Cobbles. “I get dis- couraged durin’ th’ week, but I cheer up considerably on Sundays." "How is that?†"I listen to people who come out here from town in their automobiles. After I hear them tell their troubles I forget that I have any of my own.†“My health: was so broken down that I was unable to do my housework, but Tanlac built me up wonderfully and I now feel ï¬ne. My son and daughter also took Tanlac with good results. We call it our family medicine.†hem of the same family are restored to health by it. Thousands of such cases are on record and it is now the family medicine in countless homes throughout the U. 8., Canada. Mexico and Cuba. Mrs. Bert Hewer, 193 East Ave., North Hamilton, Ont, says: One of the outstanding features of Tanlac is that very often several mem- bers of the same family are restored to health by it. Thousands of such cases are on record and it is now the family medicine in countless homes throughout the U. 8., Canada. Mexico Mlnard's Llnlment for tale everywherd 0n Child. Broke Out In Pimples Head Scaly. Used To Itch. “ When my .little girl was two years old she had a severe case of scalp trouble which broke out on her head in pim- ples. When the pimples came off her head was scaly and used to itch so that she was always scratching. “I tried all kinds of remedies but in vain. Isent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment which helped her. I bought more and after two weeks she was completely healed.†(Signed) Mrs. Lillian Fortier, 104 Unit St.. Prov- idence, R. 1., Feb. 11, 1921. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and T21- cum are all you need for every-day toilet and nursery purposes. Bmpleï¬nchhoeb Mm. Address: "I. unlim- ltod. 34% Si. Pull L, W., Montreal." old every- where. Sonpmc. OintmentZEnndGOC. TalcumZSc. Cuï¬cm Soap :haves without mug. EUIEGURAHEMS SBAâ€) IRENE UNLESS you see the name “Bayer†on tablets, you. are not getting Aspirin at all Accept Aspirin Handy “Bay will has Colds 3Y3 y an “unbroken rhich contains dir during 22 years Che Neural g Lumba eudache So Writes Mrs. Lemery of 'Brockville, Ontario, Regard~ | ing Lydia E5 Pinkham’s } Vegetable Compound package" or “U ections and dose and proved safe HRESHER BELTS AND SUC- A TION hose, ngw aqd used, s_hippe;d sEbject to appréval atflib'west 'v‘flce‘s' iii Canada. York Belting Co.. 115 York St. Toronto. Ont. ENS \VANTED ALIVE 23 CENTS a pound. Albert Lewis. 666 Dundus \Vest. Toronto, Ont. ( NE HUNDRED ACRE FARM ON Huron Road (Provincial Highway) near Clinton; two spring wells, splendid buildings, good orchard and fences. For terms and further particulars apply to: G. A. P. Brickenden & C0.. Barrinters, &c.. London Loan Bldg. London. Ont. Everything we get in Life comes through the gateway of our thought. If that is pinched, stingy, mean, what flows to us wiltl correspond. trio onto‘ EASON 0F 19 L CEPTIONAL from ten to ï¬fty our line of per: there will be a 1-: whole or spare th the work; sample details. Carlton WAP.,'326 Snadina 1 Colors. samples freeâ€"Georgetown Woollen Mills. Ont. ‘, HOLE OR PART TIME TO SELL our complete line of electric flx- tul'es and appliances from our catalogue. Liberal commisslon. W. P. Earle Elec- tric Supply Co., 1284 St. Clalr Ava. Tor- E HAVE A CASH PURCHASER for a weekly newspaper In On- tario. Price must be attractive. Send full Information to Wilson Publlshin. C04. Ltd.. 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. WUNBERFUL THE WAY IT HELPED HER Brockville, Ontarioâ€"“I took Lydia: E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound: ' ‘ for weakness and: female disorders. II was so weak at times that I could: not stand up. I had been this wayI for nearly three years and the dif- ferent medicines I had taken had not done me any good. I found one of your little books in my . ' , door one day and thought I would give it a, trial. I am now on my ï¬fth bottle and it is wonderful the way it has helped me. I am feeling much better, have no weak spells and can do all my work now. I am recommending your Vegetable Compound to all I know and you can use my testimonial to help other W0men.â€-â€"MRS. CASEY LEMERY, 176 Abbott St., Brockville, Ontario. LADIES~DO YOUR OWN HEM- STITCHING and picotlng: attach- ment ï¬ts any machine, $2.50; buttonhole. $8; duty free; agents wanted. E. STE- PHENSON, 22 Quincy Street, Chicago. Lydia. E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound is a, medicine for women's a11- ments and has a. record of nearly ï¬fty years behinu it. ANTEDâ€"YOUNG LADIES WITR W Good Education to Train as Nurses, \Vellandra. Hospital, St: Oath- arines, Ont. BEIJING m8 SALE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WANTED. Classiï¬ed Adveï¬isemenu Arm WONDERFUL VALUES AND Colors Ork; samples free;â€" Wf'ltre foil-"inf! L Carlton Publishing 00.. Dept. '326 Spadina Ave.. Toronto. SON OF 1922 OFFERS AN EX- EPTIONAL opportunity to earn ten to ï¬fty dollars weekly with he of personal greetlng cards; will be a big demand this vear; ox“ spare glmernmy be devoted to nttles of 24 and IOOâ€"Druggista. AGENTS WANTED. OF 1922 of “Bayer Tablets of 1 dose worked out by 1 safe bv millions for 1‘03 SALE. Rheumatism Neuritis Pain Pain 1m, 21m