Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Sep 1922, p. 1

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The Maple Company, Ll Cement dmi Culvert, tile salt Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick THE SERVICES of this Bank are offered free of charge to those who wish to arrange the conversion of Victory Bonds maturing on December 1, 1922, to the new five-or-ten year bonds Agplication should be made as early as pos- sible, but not later than September 30th. A car of Pocahantas coal at the Elevator This coal is equal to the Welsh coal and much cheaper We have a good supply of wood of all kinds at the Elevator and have contracted also for a good supply of mixed dry hardwood lat er PAINTING COMMISSIONER, (‘1).\‘ YR YANCER (30 inches Also Cement Bx-i Sand 01‘ Gravel St 3. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ROYAL BANK OF CANADA VOL. XLV. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Hardwood Finishing= Estimates Furnished Freo Phone A Superior School memo-fin A 7- UNSURPXSSED and every gradu- ate this year has promptly se< cured employment. \Vrite for catalogue. Students admitted at any time. onge Is well known throughout Canada for its high grade work. ITS counsm 0F TRAINING ARE Conversion of Victory Bonds W. J. ELLIOTT Principal u‘ p $1.50 per annum, in advance.] )ts drain tilt tile 1:2, Coal Y Thornhill. and Charles Sts. Toronto The Manager of any of our Branches will be glad to furnish full particulars upon reque:t T. COUSINS ‘1 ll . Ramer and, Gravel and hzn'u on hand f Branch at Willowdale, V. D. Oliver, Manager DECORATING Pros. and Managex Mu p19. lephone poles fox on hand fur sale. 4, 5. 6 and S in. 18 and 20 inch length) by th and Brick ORE ET( THE and So tended ducted Patron p.171: Also a good supply of working clothes and boots. \Ve try to; keep the prices very reasonable. An additional $40,000 will be granted to the School Board ft)! the cmnpletion of Aumrn's new high school, it was decided at it special meeting of the Town Council Saturday evening. when a deputation from the School Board waited upon the Council with thcir lequ‘est for the extra grant. A sum of $60,000 was grantnd a. few months ago when it was decided to build the school, but this has pmved insufficient to complete the building. A hy-luw granting the money will be put. into effect at the next mew-ting of the Council. We have for szlle hex-e boots for men and women, 1783!: of workmanship in black and brown. gnod styles and reasonable pxices. Also Oxfmds in kid and calfskin for women and misses. blackand brown low and Cuban heel all sizes. good wearing boots for school girls and boys and rubbers to fit all boots. Also a few Woollen sweaters for boys of school age in black, blue and grey. For the men there is everything they need from winter underwear and socks. hats, ties, fine shirts and all articles of apparel. Call and see 'us and we will be glad to show you these things. Office Trench Blu J. T. SAIG‘EOIV Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest not-ice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Ladies and Gentlemen Ofiic ichlu Uffi J. W. WELLMAN’S lor. Yonge & Richmond Sts. LlCENSl COUNTY Standu Hours 9.1.1:] Open evenings DR. J. P. WIL§0N Paper hanger and Painter Oxford’Street Phone 44 r 32. SAM. SHEPHERD 415 Bulliol St Phone Bell RICHMOND HILL. ONT” THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 rm f1. Prentice m commission. Allsales at; ()n shun-Lest notice. and con the umstnpproved methods 2 solicited. .14. R. BELL \‘SED AUCTiONEER TY 0F YORK AND ONTARIO attention given to sales at eruption. Farms and farm 35 specialty. Farms bought in commission. Allsales at;- ()n shun-Lest notice. and con- 9mm. In 5.30 p. m. Mug by appointment ’J‘elefihone DI AURORA M St, 'l‘mwmtt Belluont‘1347 3k, two doors north ud B-mk. NTYST ) to Phone In Essenttaiw, Unity; in Non-Essentials mm mge’ Street, ‘40. ill 6t08 12-tf i The Cub Piafioon will parade on Saturday afternoon and will drill for the Sunday parade. Cadet, Lieut. Bert Grant will assist, the U. C. in this training. Mrs. McLatchy will look after the very important matter of having re- freshmean prepared for the Toronto Cadets before they return to the City after the service. In detailing this very special church p‘u’nde for the (‘01-psthe 0. C. desires Lo‘h-ii‘e the (:o-upemtinn of the Cadet Mothers. And may the Cadets of this l Cadets of the Roman Catholic faith will parade with the U. U. and Cadet Lieut. Bert Grant to the morning celebration of the Mass next Sunday morning. Sunday evening Cadets of the Protestant faith will muster at the Public School at 6.30 sharp, and at (5.45 headed by the Toronto Uadet Uorps Bugle Band will parade to the Methodist Church. This paraderisin honour of the Rev. Mr. \Varren and dining the service the Rev. Mr. Well- wood will deliver a special address to the Corps. It is expected that Lieut. Ool. Clarke D. S. 0. and Mrs. Clarke of Toronto. as also Major Orr M. U. will attend this service. Full strength parade is imperative. ’ Friday evening next. flivenile and Senior Cadets will parade at80’clnck Standand time at the Public School to organize the Senior and Juvenile hockey teams for the coming season, as also if possible the Organizing ofa | Senior and Juvenile foot ball team. The 0. C. t Commanding should the leg service Oversea n‘ssunance that eventuality the even v consideral Cadets before they return to the City after the service. In detailing Lhiu‘ very special church p‘u'ude for the Corps the O. C. desires tngi-ii‘e the co-uperntinn of the Cadet, Mothers. And may the Cadets of this command each during the coming year become actively identified with their respective churches. The 0. C. has volunteered to the Commanding Otficer his services should the legiment be mobilized for Special sermons under the nuspius of the Ladies’ Aid will he preached by the pastor, Rev. H. S. VVfil’Y‘E‘l), Sun- day. Sept. 24. Special music by {hp .cboir. On Monday following a. Supper and Concert will beheld. Suppcrin the schodl room from 5.30 to 7.30. Concert in the church at 8 o’clock. Good musical and litvmry programme. Supper and Concert, 50 cents; Concert alone 25 cents. The 0. G. has ordered the football outfits fox Cadet Stu-gt. Lambert, Atkinson’s Squad now playing in the High school Lenin. The thanks of the Corps to the co operation that Principal Stewart of the High School is extending in this regard is now expressed. The celebration was conducted under the auspich of the Board of Trude, und \Vellingtou street where it; took place, was brilliantly lighted and decorated in lmnor of Hon. Mr. King’s visit‘ Headed by the Citizens' Band, a parade formed up at the Grand '1‘: unk stuLion and nun-(:th along \Vellingtun street to Yuuge street. In the presence of nearly 6,000 persons Premier King Friday night presented the cup he had donated to the Aurora baseball team. winnels of the Ym-k-Simcne Baseball League. Representatives from all the towns in the. league were present, and made brief speeches. The Premier made the presentation. congmtl‘llated the players on their success, and then left for Barrie to visit his sister. \V. D. Watson presided, and the formal proceedings oculpied only :1. few minutes. Short speeches were given by Mayor (June and Reeve Keith, representing Newumrkut: Reeve Cumnhea, Bradford, and J. A. Greene, Richnnmd Hill. On helmlf of the Bomd ut' Trude, President J. M. VValLon plesented [he bauehall players with suitably engraved rings. Uildet Sei'gt. Martin at the same time will organize his Bugle Band and desires applicants for admission to the Band to be picseut, without fail. OammnniLy HarLy Mun-den, was brought munity dance ROBILLARDâ€"â€"S'I‘EVENSAAt tho Parson- age, Richmond Hill, on September 16. Run H. S. anh‘n. Flmune May Stevens to Francis Albvrt Rohillurd. lwth Of Toronto. aznmanding Officer his \Ollld the legiment he nu n‘ice Overseas and has n sunance that in any p05 'entuality the same will my consideration. ‘ th Harvest Home Festival York Ranger Cadets MARRIAGES AURORA singing was led by Mr. and me pleasant affair to a close by :L com- ou VVellingtou street. adets of this the coming ntified with )ubilized for received his assible later 11 be given Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” About one hundred ladies attended the Twusseau ten given by Mrs. J. '1'. Saigenn on Saturday in honor of her two daughters Miss Myrtle and Miss Dell Saigenn. 'l‘lm tea-mum was tastefully decorated with 10599 and asters, :md lea was poured by Mrs. T. :1 tie pin. After the CE] fet. lunch was snrved at rent/s. The happy C Muntrezll and other e The bride travelled in tricotine suit. with hen Harvest Home Services will he held in St. Stephen's Church, Maple, Friday, Sept. 22. Also on Sunday, Sept. 24, morning and evening. St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, was the scene of a very pretty autumn wedding, when Rev. P. R. Snanes solemnized the nmrriagze of Olive Dihb, eldest daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. George Dihh, to Mr. William Uhns. Fraser. eldest; son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraser, South Durham. Quebec. The bride who was given away by her father Wore u gown of white 5aLin with georgvtte overdress trimmed with pearls and embroidered veil caught with orange blossoms and carried Ophelia roses. Her only at- tendant was her sislor Mary who was gowued in while satin trimmed with pearls and carried Columbia Roses. The groom was supported by Mr. \Villimu Bell. During the signing of the Register Miss Doris Curtis sang, “0 Perfect Love." Miss Alida Beynon presided at lheorgan. . (‘I F. McMahon and Mrs. ’1‘. Cousins. Mm. Camp. Miss Jessie Rumble and Miss Marguerite Buile served, and were- assisted by Mrs. Kvys, Miss Lut- lie Martin and Mix: Berlin: Lvece. RELIEF IS IMMEDIATE. It restores normal breathing,â€" stops mucus gatherings in nasal and bronchinl passages, assure: long nights of quiet sleep. 81.00 at 'our dru gist's, or write for free triafto Temp etons, Toronto. You don’t need a month's treat- ment to prove the worth of RAZ-MAH! Sold at Sloan’s Drug Store ASTHMA, SUMMER COLDS. Fraserâ€"Dibb signing of the Register m'tis sang, “0 Perfect Alida Beynon presided 1922 ! MISS ALIDA BEYNON Canadian Tenor and Choir Leadv; Soloisc North Parkdale Methodis Church, is prepared to receive pupil in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio Mrs. N. Batty's, Arncld St. Particular can be obtained by calling, Pboup 2: ,0 T. G. LY 03% “The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store” South side Mr. Baldock’s new garage But don’t profess to be an Economist unless you do Denton, Macdonald & Demon Barristers. Snlicmrs. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 21 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dede" Arthur A. Mucdonnld Frank Dcnton Lulu-u Danton, B. A. {in H. A. NICHOLLS New Shop on Lorne AV Directly Behind Drug Sotre 3 The Workingman’s Friend First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer‘ of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Satisfaction guaranteed YOU DON’T ‘HAVE Richmond Hill N 0T RICHIVIOND HILI L. WADE MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME TEACHER OF PIANO JEFFERSON S. . [ mglecoples, 3 cts ‘ake your repairs to NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANUING Wm.C. Ruttan. ISSUER OF. RY PUBLIC ‘onv nnl Leade-r :Lhodist pupils Studio, liculurs bout) 22 .de res O-tf

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