Prize WiflnPl‘S at the recent Flower Show held over till next week. V Cérï¬gf Nuknl expected at The Elevator this week. Mr. \‘V. Neill Miss Klinck the Ovntre street} Mr. and Mrs. Joel Gnuld of Sea'llu. Washington, visited with Mrs. \V. Hewiaun. a. sister of the lutler. Rev. B. Ostm-hnnt and dnnghtyMiss Mildred nf Vancouver, B. (1.. sp M the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Heming- ton. Mr, Mnnshridge has snld his hrick hume and three acres of land on [mans street to MI. A. E. l’uttnn of Manta, insk. Everyhudy is asked to roservv Tues- day evening. ()utmher am. A big sur- prise and good time promised. Fur- llwr purl iculnrs coming. Bolton Fm“ Fair and 7 promise-s :l horse racing and elsewhcm in this; Neu‘murkvt Fair will be held on the last three days of Septemlwl‘. The Managers have an ulLI-uclive promi- um list. sports. gmst and speed- ing in tho ring. first class band, and Concexls 1119 last Lwn night's. Thankegiving Diy lhi~x y Nm‘vmimr (ith. The dale \v parliament at the 1921995 tlvsigued tn 13:111le the Mn! wovk cunlaininu M‘mislicel SHIT!» He H-ml heel: (:31 At Richmond Max-«mix; Ludgv hm: vvening H. \V. Run .1. H. Dnnlnp, 1’, l). D. G. .\I.. \vaein\'e(~lm1\\’iththere- gulin of his «Mic». The inveslituw \vnsmmle- lny R.\‘\'. Br“. Elm-st .‘\. L"\\'is, present, I).D.G..\l. fur this (115- u-it't. vaornl Grand Lodge “Him-rs wereprosoanqu SK. Andu-ws and \Vilson Lulges, T010111“; and Ri>ing Sun. Ann-1'... Mr. Arlvlmu Molecui, nrganis‘t :mtl clinir leader of Richmond Hill Meth- odist, Church, has upeNed il muuu- studio in Richmo‘nd Hill. null will w:- cepr, pupilï¬ in Piano. Organ and 'l‘hv- ory. For informatiml apply Mrs. Mylks, phone 110 J. . anuâ€" :ll'I' scheduled to play at Hope's Field Day Saturday, Sept. 23. There- will also be u foot lmll match he me-n 'l‘vston :lml Kiughurn. Tvu Served at, 6 o’clock. Foul 1ndivs' Busulmll mumsâ€"45 berg, Riuhmupd‘H_ill: Swastika Pupils in the schools have waitingâ€"in.xinusly waitingâ€"fax new Geography which is being n after the late war. II; is hnpul ; with Turkey can he avoidv-d humour, thus saving at flu-[her rm and mzmy \‘ullmhle lives. Miss Annie Hewitt “'1 hpre from Edmnnton and spm the summer with hersistr-r, H. leks. Guelph n Mr. H. A. Nicliulls has #0311 Mr. Muusbridge's lwnutiful hump :I'tljnining the VVuterwonk's Park and the {pun- chzlser will cperate :\ (‘hicken farm (m an extensive. scale. He viii prcve a. vnlunhli- acquisition to the community. Mr. Niclmlls has also sold [he Suddnhy propurly nnw nerupivd by Mrs. \V. Davies n3 :1. Milliuery l‘J-npmium to Mr. Frml J. Manshridgv. The changes will all lukt‘ place almut Dvc. Vlst. Mrs. Davie: renmving to new qumters opposite and Mr. Mansin-idge will ad- vance nemer the Hub. I()\\'l mwrul in†.\h‘|k< w Q: §l §§99359$ssssss fell frnm a: yr, :1 (listnnuv n 45 \vm-v hunk ed for in a Ilns Sold at Sloan’s Drug Store 'y to ‘d u nnlaininu mher lllh uwéup‘mofla '- qualify and service Mrs. Norman Batty, Richmond ] Trench Block 1 .I \\'.'I y. AI-dnu Sl'Vt‘l e QUALITY SHOPPE FALL ANNSUNCEMEI‘ mg Diy lhi~x ywlr will be ‘h. The dale wu~ fix: d by It the 1921 session, lwing £111 (In the Mummy of 1110 ninu armistice day, which this paper mie Hewitt wlm cnnw Jumnton and spent prll'l nl' ,- with hersistr-r, .\[r-. W. (lied in the Hmpitnl at Munduy, fullmving at! Sunday evening. Mm. with her sislm- whi'n she V. Interment in the 11mm Upeni Mil ml Hill. Swastian uI heduled to play at I-lppr Il‘ll Busvhnll alumsâ€"Schulz: pil lllt to be held October 6' guod programme of exhibits. Sue adv. l [ll ms purchased from brick residence on Hint Ml llt almut Mun lust, week. I mm. the lmrn m: 22 feet. Bull] and he is living Ind 11 in Tm "[0 pm‘pnss- Invite (h ue and in on the The pronu- _spee(1_- Grady an with \'i.~iull hm- n l he v isvd w h I he Tu previde fur the raising of chLain sums ul' Inuney by way nf debentures fur the pnl'ptlsy of the et‘mst_r_q»c_tinn (Vi n Skan'ing‘ Rink in the Village of Richmond Hill. V‘Vhereas it is deemed desirable and in the best interests of the Community that 8. Skating and Hockey Rink should be constructed within the Village of Richmond Hill and that the said Hink should be operated by the Village Council, and ‘ Wheteas it is advisable that the erection of the said Rink should be proceeded with at an early date. and \Vhereas the erection of the said Rink will involve the expenditure of Twelve thousand ddllars. and whereas it will require the said sum of Twelve thousand dollars in order that the said Rink may be erected, and 3rd. That within the period of 1.3 years there. shall be raised and levied annually by a special rate, in addition to all other rates, upon the whole rateable property of the said Village the yearly sum of $1235.55 for the parâ€" ment of the said debt and interest as q aforesaid. \Vhereas Twelve thousand dollars is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this Byâ€"law, and Whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Village of Richmond Hill. according to the last revised aSSessment roll of the said Village. is 55!)1,2()2.()0 and Whereas the General Debenture debt of the said Village amounts to 3515427995 of which no part of the principal or interest is in arrear, and \Vhereas in order to provide for the said debt it is expedient 10 issue Deben- tures of the said Village to the amount of Twelve thousand dollars bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. pet‘ annum. and that such principal sum shall be repayab'e in yearly sums exâ€" tending over a period of Fifteen years from the date of issue of such deben- tures of such amounts, that the aggre- gate amount payable for principal and interest in any year in respect of the principal shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of said period. and \Vhereas it will require the sum of $1235.5310 be r‘aised annually as afore- said hy a special rate on the Whole rateable property in the said Village. in addition to all other rates. for the paying of the said debt and interest. Now. therefore the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation af the Village of Richmond Hill enacts as t’OIIOWSâ€" lst. That the Reeve of the said Cor- poration be, and he is hereby authoriz- ed to borrow the said sum of $12,(|U0 on the credit of the Corporation for the purpose of building a Rink as afore- said, said Hink to be of wood and iron construction. and to be built according t?) plans approved by the Village Council. ' 2nd. That the Reeve of the said Uorporhtion be and he is hereby authon- ized to issue Debentures of the said Corporation for the said sum of $12.00!) payable at the oï¬ice of the Village Treasurer. said debentures to he’signed by the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Corporation and sealed with the (Jorâ€" porate seal. 4th. That the said Debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the date of the passing of this by-law and may bear any date within such period and shall be payable in 15 annual instal- ments during,r the 15 years next after the time when the same are issued and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as follows :â€" Annual Payment Principal Interest 1. $1935.55 515.55 $ 720.00 518.533.25 312.000.00 $6533.25 5th. That this By-law shall come into operation and he of full force and effect on and after the day of the ï¬nal passing thereof. 11) ll‘ Lh‘e BY-LAW NO. 5m hm Principal $ 510.00 546. 48 579,27 1099.63 1165.68 Hill Phone 53 [sageae‘ (314.03 1350.87 689.92 871.01 923. 27 978.67 037.39 731 "0 Interest 3; 720.00 (381LO7 656.28 (521.52 584.68 545.63 504.23 460.3 413.84 361 312 2.36 1984 135 88 9') in Committee the 11th day of Sebrtéxï¬igr 1922. Ter notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law. which if the assent of the Electors is obtained (here- to. will be taken into consideration by the Council after the expiration of one month from the ï¬rst publicatlon there- of. which publication was the 14th day of September 1922. The votes of the electors on the ByJaw “iTl be taken in the Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill on Saturday. the 7th day of October. 1922. commencing at 9 o'clock in the fore- noon and continuing until 5 o’clock in the aftel noon and no longer. Take notice further that Tenants qualiï¬ed to vote and desiring to do so. must, not later than the Tenth day be- fore the day appointed for taking the vote, deliver to the Village Clerk the Declaration provided for by the Statute in that regard. We are prepared with up to the momcht shapes, and trimmings for the Full Millinery season, now comâ€" mencing, which we shall be pleased to submit; for your approval, in our reserved show room, which ladies have hitherto found such a conven- iencein making their selections. 'l‘lic 51121199 selected will be ex-' elusive, and trimmed to suit; yuu by Milliners of experience, at a mini- mum quotation, and while making Lo order is our specialty, we have on hand a fair display of ready-t0- wear hats. and cordially invite your inspection and comparison. ' Milhnery Bits. Musical Kmdel Pupils passed fl-Il' (inhum- Tul‘ulltu and St Richmond SaLuI-davs. Read a ï¬rst and second time and re“ MISS BEATRICE HGWELL TJHON L‘O feacher of Fletcher Menhc t'ectionery YONGE 811., 3 Doors South of I“. J. Mansbridge‘s, Purvcyor I can supply you with All Kinds of Phone Orders will Receive Prompt ilsmmgaéï¬Ã© DRY GOODS PLUMBING AND TINSM ITHING 110T \VA'I‘ER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS TIIORNHILL, ONT. STUDIO â€"UOTJ‘:L RICH Ml Rivlmmml Hill E?le Bakes? A. C. HENDERSON Attentionâ€" avmg RS. WM. DAVIES C. Winterton Now is the ideal time to start RICHMOND HILL BUSINESS SCHOOL ‘also Ice Cream & Candies EARLE NE WT ON Clerk’s Notice Fancy Bread, Buns Cakes and Pastry opened :1 Bakery and Con on P110313 110 w Junse Mung Hill» 1'0 -- AND Phon097 nninuliun PIANIST lillH) H I.‘ M E \VOdlltNd ![(ll' Pinyin Clerk I \‘ u'lol'y H MUN D. aVIes 21.1358 “lg! Method 13 nd ’0 WWOMOOMWWWOWOWOWOOCL TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager PLUMBING, HEATING, AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Richmond Hill I PLUMBING C0. NOTICE Buy, Build, Work, and Support the Home District WWMWOWMMNNNWWW E. R. FORTNER Ladies Tallor, GOOD WORK AT FAIR PRICES PRINTING---We Know HOW Prize Winners on Field Day, and those having accounts are asked to present them to Go to Cooper’s Hardware for all Goods in Season COOPER’S HARDWARE ‘FOR BETTER EI. A. Nicholls, Treasurer, who Wili settle with them. . N . COOPER Ready to wear suits $19.50 up. Hand-made order suits forzeither ladies or gentlemen, from $35.00 up. Any suit you buy from me will be pressed twicein the ï¬rst year free of Headquarters for S.M.P. and McClary Graniteware Lacrosse Sticks, and Baseballs, Granite, Tinware Plumbing in connection 7 u _ ..... , 1A,..-“ .u. u... new Issue are mvntcd to hand them In at any one of our branches. We Will gladly sec to all necessary details. «as Those desirous ofltaking advantage of lhe privilege of exehangmg then: mguuripg Victory Fonds for the The Exchange of _Vict0ry Bonds STANDAKQ BANK. PHO E 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building TRENCH’S BLOCK 1 WW. 1. % 7% PHONE 93 charge aningr and Pressing done or CARAâ€"DA THE adies and Gents allor, Richmond Hill. SERVICE Richmond Hill