Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Sep 1922, p. 8

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ATTLE FOR SALEâ€"1 Pure hrcd Jersey cow. aged. and her brindle heifm' coming 3 years, both milking, and 1 Pure hred Jersey hull, 1 year past. $125 takes the lot for cash. .Apply J. H. HEISE. Gurmley. lot 3, con. 3. \Vhitmhurch. or Phnne (5314 11-13 Stnufivillv. All"; I. v.- , Excellent Farm land, stream through frnnt of fm barn and good buildings go‘ situated rear second concessh ship MarKham, two and one 1 east Richmond Hill.‘ Apply CHAS. M. PALMER. Richuu Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Sash, Frames, Doors. Mouldings, Etc., Gypsum CIDERâ€"“'9 are nnw muke Cider. Bring to 'Czu‘rville Chopping A 2nd (1011.. Township ANTHONY “‘1 (SUN. NOTICEâ€"Now 15 the timsI to grit your wire fencing done, and your mil fencing, diLches and drains dug and tiles laid. jOHN ESPEY, Oxford Strtwt Elgin Mills, Phone Nu. 44-22 Richmond Hill. 2-12 bfisiness centrally mu comer of Yunge and Ge for sale. Stun-v is being l‘( :1 modem store front in rent to :1 desimhie tpr DUNCAN, Richmond Hill | v . _ V _ , 1" do all kinds of Lru c-utlng in Richmond Hill :u Patronage solicited. Phone Hill 98. heater. “'ilson Wall Board and hr and Ready Roofing stock. A‘VS FILEDâ€"â€"CI‘USH on k culur saws gummed an mund. In ting lmx knivex‘ g is dull wx- slum-pen ll. Also Gilson Mfg. (‘10., Guelph. and see theier self sham-p0 A chilled plow shnrv. A. audnrbnrg’s‘ sl Rear of \V. V mond Hill Hill. Shavings g1ven to cu free of charge 60 ACRES FOR SALEâ€"Best of land, Bank Burn, good house, wells, orchard. small fruits. 12 miles fl'nm Turnnuu. l’rict- $6,0“0. $1.000 cush. Act, quick. must he suld.Apply Box 121.Richmond Hill, 0m. 10â€"11 M OTICEâ€"E do .1]! _Â¥ L INNES & SON F OR SALEâ€"A < chafl’ thuL. HEASLIP, [Icudfnrd IANO. V and cum S('ARDIl-‘IEI.D. DAY PHONE I3-3 N‘IGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 7 Very cheap SAM Sum-Hr north of RM OR SALE-Brick-clad house mm kitchen, good cistern. stable. quarter acre land and fruit treps nt. Victurin Square. Apply to L. B. HEISE, Gonnle R R 2, Phone B. & S. 6112. 1143 weeks: uld Richmond Hill. F PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL V HOICE LOTSâ€"Cm at, $3 a foot. up T.- ALLISON, Riuhuumd 5‘ r703. SALEâ€"‘2 Slows, Tâ€" pm-lnr cook and 1 op eater. M. BROAD. mle :TA’RTAG 16â€"] kinds 0f}? Everything in USINE ARM FOR SALEâ€"100 ' ' "- r I “A . RA( ANTED â€"- Young pig 11v :I’ARD. egghflwlished Grocery a 959 coutraHy located :- of Yungernpd Centre SALE-One house, buggy. nnd u ligh cher for quick suh lmPuERD painter. Oxh ’f Richmond Hill. ___._â€"â€"i LEDâ€".Cwsu cut and cir- vs gummed and filed. Cut.- ves‘ grnum. In fact if it nI-pan it. Also agent {wt 70., Guelph. (‘nnw in ~21 self sharpening stew] share. A. ANDERSON. Vanderburg‘s‘shop. Rich- ln-tf ant. Ads. \VEBE! nditi'ln- )_ lot 40. d and Fibre Board, -I am prepare carmge on sh( nnge Street [i SALE-100 acrvs t Farm land, running 1 frnnt of farm. hank buildinge. good house. ‘cond concession. town- two and one half miles Hill. Apply owner, MER. ‘Richumml Hill. 12-13 Sliney 611050 44 R 11 3R SALEâ€"«This WP“ Grocery and China ‘ly located on the sand Centre sweets is being remodelled and from installed. V\Vill nhie tpnam. . A. ’W‘ ‘1‘" I-Lf. A qunn‘ity 0 at. for seed. to customers â€"-Exc9|lent Burguiu. 1 xoice lots f mus easy (.3. 1 Smwenir open grate coal KL dour ‘1)yDl'. IS prepared to trucking and H and vicinity. .one Richmond 42 if pared to do all n short notice. eat Richmond 9â€"12 pigq about 6 \V‘ anxuxt lad house and isLex-n, stable. prepared to g your apples Mill, Lot 16. Vuughnn. 9-1‘2 Oxfold st use, harm’si. light wagon. sale. APP'Y always in “f golden l. DAVID 10-12 1041 APT 11-1 11-1 [one ll-lf tle Tel. 58 Maple Gluuster. The bPld 1: neaueu Scottish DukP. Reg. Ymkshiw Farm Stock and Implemente. 10 n'clock. Lunch provided prnpm-tv of W. S. Hare. Silversides, Auctioner. JONES LUMBER co, shingles Ontario No.1 White Pine lath Ontario No 2 White Pine lath Spruce, Pine & Fir flooring Spruce, Pine & Fir sidings Ontario White Pine hoards British Columbia “sheeting; All sizes of Dimensions Doors, sash, and trim. AL Lot 30. Gun. 8. Mmkham. of Reg. Glydpsdule Mans, includidg 2 Show teams and reg. Shorthorn UatLle, including Marv AliSSies. March- less, Village Girls and Duchess of Gluustex'. The b91di< headed bv i_mp. Rmnish Duke. Reg. Ymkshirp Hogs, SATURDAY. SEPT. 23â€"Anctinn sale of wood, slulw and standing limlmr, Int 15, can. 8. King. the propel-xv of J. H. Brillinger. Sale at l o'clofik. Termq fur wand and slabs cash: standing timber G mnntlw. J. '1‘. Saigeon, Auct. FRIDAY, SEPT. 29â€"Auction 5:116 of registered and high grade Holsteina, hnI-ses etc. lot. 5. can. 4, Markham, the prnperty 0f Geo. Tmfley & Suns. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tcrm<12 months. J. H. 8: K. U. Pu-nLice, Auctioneers. SATURDAY. SEPT. 30â€"Auction sale of household furniture at the re=idence. Centre street. Richmond Hill. the prnperty of Miss E. Klinck. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. J. '1‘. Saligvon, Auctioneer. British Columbia 3 x and 5 x CSTâ€"0n Arnnld street. ol‘Ynnge, between Hotel Richmond and Skeele's elm-e A pulse containing five (IUJIM'S. Inquire at the LIBERAL OFFICE. 12 RiCHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIUNVILLE '1‘0 RENTâ€"Brick house on Church street, 7 Hmms and sun runnl, hardwood finish. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE. 12-14 A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept 2% the above places F OR SALEâ€"A legisiered short, u-' n bull, two years old. Apply L. H. CLEMENT, Richmond Hill. Phone M"l"" 349. 12 14 GRAHA M, Toronto. l.‘ and one young sow. CARNEGIE, Ric'hmoud Hill. Mill .l on Church street. Hllf land, guidle full of all kinds! Electric light. and water. Pu lst of Novemlwr. Apply owm GRAHAM, 1046 St. Claren‘ 0R SALEâ€"Au acne and n ha I and two small frame house: un Mill “19645, Richmond Hill, GEO. MuNAm, Maple R R No. 2. l'Z-Lf. _ Wm. Gray and Sons of Chathun), II) good n-pair I'm-$50; 1 new Perfection ml stove 3 burner $24: 1 mack Jewel nil stove 3 burner $25: 1 1 gallon gilsoline pump. [.unk in first class con- dition. (Bowgm‘ Manufactming 00.) $150. J. A. ROSE, Maple. 12.14 FOR SALEâ€"1 steel tire top buggy. ENROLL ANY TIME Individual Instmction. Night Undertaken and Embalmers 1 1 year old 1oncord. 50.000 bushels and Outs. \pay the best deliveled at. electric power 011 hand for sell you ‘QOR SALE~One go! A...! .._ Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge PHONE 27 ew ll] : 0R SALEâ€"Um- gubdfiHulslein hul' ‘0 RENT-â€"Six ruomhflusg NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE W AN T E D WRIGHT BROS. Extensive Auction Sale ALL TERM OPEN Mor Auction Sale Register bushels fall wheat. Barley Hits. \Ve are prepmed to 19 best, prices for all grain ed M. Maple Elevators. 3 power. We have suft coal ml for threshing. and will all ynu any quantity. Feeds etc. We clmp every day. Bank md 'I‘hm Ari-fly BmvEs BROS“ 12-13 Maple. Ont. 8-14 _wâ€"m W. ANNIS, 50 \V In ntl) Bl Sn 19 at, . The F. \V. In Wilt, acre nf f fl” it. session r jullN JAincs SII'I 9t. 11-12 A .-‘.u... ___ of Tux-unto. in the Guunty of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the npxt sslssion thpreof, for :1 Bill of Divorce from her husband, ERNEST ROLAND ALEXANDER BIGGS of the said City of Toronto. on the grounds of Adultery and desertion. DATED A’L‘ TORONTO this 15th day of August. A. D. 1922. MINNIE EILEEN BIGGS, by her Solicitor, A. J. Sneuth. Hamilton Trust Building, _ a")? Queen Street, West. Tornto, Ontario, Canada. 10-16 NOTICE IS HEREBY given pursu- ant to the revised statutes of Omariu. that all creditms and nthers having claims against the Estate of [he said Terressa Blongh, who died on m‘ :Lhout the 17th day uf_]ul_v,1922, are roquired on or lwt'om Lhc 8th dzlynf Ocmher, 1922, to send by anL prep-aid or deliver to the nndfirsiglwd, solicitor I‘m' Gom‘ge Ford and David \Vither- 1N IN '31? of the Village County of York. wi We: of Appiication for Div‘orce NOTICE is hereby given that MINNIE EILEEN/BIGGS of the City .‘v Notice to Creditors sprmn, executors of the last will and Testunmnt 0f the said de-ceztsed. their christian and sm-mxuws, uddre9ses and descriptions, {he full‘pnrticnizll's of their claims. a stntenwnt of their accounts and the nature of their securities. if any, ht-ld by thmn. ~ AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE ELGIN MILLS LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates distribute the ilSS('iS of the (locozisnu among the partivs entitled therein. having regard only to the claimsof which they sin-ll then have notice and that the said k‘XeCuiUX'S will not be liable for the said asselsuruny part, thereof [.0 any peisrm or persons of whnse claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. DATED at Geurgplown the ninth day of Spntmxber. 1922. H. G. MEIR, Solicitor for George Ford and David Witherspoon. vxecutors of Ten-essa Blnngh. Hunmmpd, 11.13 that aftvt‘ such lust uwntioned date the suid execulm-s will proceed to distribute the EISSOlS of the docvasad among the partivs entilled thereto. having regard nnly to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said exeCutm's will not he liable for the said asselsuruny part lhereof to any pmsrm or persons of wlmgp claims notice shall not have “Named. Nice Bungah W at st »p 4?. Loans negotiated. Insuranceefl'ected. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL $3500 will buy :1 bungalow with at house and {3 acre fenced. Terms easy ELGIN HOTEL Cottage and 2 acres on Bathurst ~treet gond value. Ifice property, good location near village. At the Thornhill RICHMOND TIRE 8 Done by Millinery Shoppei Vulcanizirgg-jm‘ $4500 will buy n six roomed brick clad house on Centre st. east with fruit trees, Raspberries, Strawberries, and a. gut-d hen house, Electric Lightin- stnlled. mortgage under housing plan for 82100. Lot 60 x 160. {h‘ckvn lmum, building A Imnll fu-m adjoining ymds at, Ma p19. adapted fun ‘h‘ckvn farming etc. hump. bank burn and A seven ronmed brick clad house with all modern improvements at Kingqlalu, u mlnutes wulk from Ym‘ge struel. A bluguin fur quick ~ule. in shinings. cordings. ; ing from small to Iurg Miss E. G. Barker )l' Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. The ( LI-im . Bridges, Propa THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF YORK THE MATTER OF The Estate of H A. Nicholls m are invited to x is Thursday, Friday, 2 mmmg. nd needle work 2collection comprises dress und spurt hats for women. m hildrrn, with feathers and TERRESSA The Real Estate Man HAS FOR SALE my :1 six r00de new h stamp, gnl-ngP. hen acre of luml all well [1) i1 nner ge of Mule in widnw. deceased. BLOUGH ISSQ‘I‘UY 11C pictux the the dis 1 Sutur ‘u'dening. m1 lvrick [her out 2' itse 1' tr hat tai the IVS ril ny lV‘ 2 good lines just RICHMOND TIRE 81 BATTERY Men’s Trouger Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH MOVING # WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE Another Special next week G UARAN‘TEED to I General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL ‘Vhflt do you need for your automobile? We are making big reduc- tions in all auto accessor- ies and supplies. Did you take advantage of our last week’s special. This week our special will be 30 X 3 1-2 TUBES $1.69 Each YE STA All Makes . Baldock, Ltd. BA'I‘TERY S E 11‘7 I C E j Natered and Inspected Free 4 Repaired and Recharged. and zst _Done by the HAYWOOD SC TIF‘IC PROCESS. All K1 Longer than the Res: of the VES TA SCIEN- Repairs SERVICE 1T6.

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