Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Oct 1922, p. 1

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len the Toronto Co Music. will accept, 3 pupils in Piano. V A large stock of Funeral Fu kept gt, the nishing ahow places PAINTING Undertakers and Embaimers RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A recent shipmmt of _[cement and draining tile We have a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood in 12 inch and 4 ft length. Also a large quantity of soft coal Also a good variety of feeds for stock and poultry. Our prices for best Pastry and Bread Flours are the lowest. }. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O Adelmo Melecéi and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M JOHN R. CAMPBELL NOTICE COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCE Hardwood Finishing, Estimates Furnished Free Phone 3a.” by phone or otherwise pro I ptly At the Elevator I. D. Ramer J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC )upils in Piano. Vocal and -:- Thom-y. -:- For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKS. .u Mlbbluh'hili, CONVEYANCER. ETC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. VOL. XLV. WRIGHT BROS Branchâ€"Willowdale The Royal Bank of Canada Thornhill. PUBLIC Every farmer's wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses 21 help and a safeguard. Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail. making- a. trip to town unne_,¢ssary. En- close your cheque with your order. 'ox-ontu Conservatory of A Bank Account for .50 per annum, in advance the Farmer’s Wife DECORATING number If Butter - wrappers Printed at The Liberal Office Richmond Hill Otfice (‘ Liberal Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternoon. Woodbridqe. Saturday fox-enonn. Money to Loan at Gun-cm Rate. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ET' Toronto Office. Richmond Buildin g 33 Richmond Street, West. _§_iichmond Hill Oflice (‘Liheral LICENSED “KUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every dvscnption. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at- tended to an shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostnpproved methods. Patronage solicited. upils passed for Conservatory Ex- aminatinns. Office Otfice hours “low 12 p.111. Ofi‘ica and residenceâ€"Y 'Richmond Hill Phnne Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shm Lest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO STUDIO ‘acher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten sale Ill L Sand, Gravel, _ Tile and Brick Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 r 32. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VA'I‘ER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. DENT‘ST ce Trench Block, two doors north of Stzlndmd Bank. Hours 9 mm. to 5.30 p.nx. Open evenings by appointment. SAM. SHEPHERD GET YoUE The Maple Sand, Gr nmpany, Lt'd. have 0 emth drain tile. 3, 4 ulvel-t tile 12. 15. l.‘ \ car lots. Cedar- po. (30 inc'heggi'n‘lz Also Cement Brick. Sand or vael snld h Prepare for Career by a UH Every graduate of the lust [Wulx-o months has promptly obtained employment. “SOLID MERIT" is the fnundulion on which is builcthe reputation of this school. Enter anytime. Handsome Catalogue free. WILLIAM COOK 415 Bulliol St.. Tornnto. ~“1:110:13 Belmont 1347 â€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal J. T. SAIGEOIV . L. R. BELL RICHMOND HILL. ONT L . HENDERSON vael 50713 by the load or us and telephone pOIPS for Telephone- 1nd ELLIOTT 'e for a Business ' by attending the well-known T. CO US I NS, Ulnu'les Sts '. VVILSON re 11 (ice Id, Gravel and Brick :u‘u on hand for sale. neeâ€"Yrmge SLreet Phnne I‘m. 24 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 {M 5.. 18 and 20 inch} is In...._‘L In Essentials, Unity; 2 a.m. 6 to 8 ngth) 12-tf Manage: 'nronto ér. Mr. E. Gbarden. The funeral of the late Daniel Kef- fer tnuk place on \Vednesday of last week to the Lutheran cemetery. ~. "~- ulvhll' -.----..yuyu. n Pm. fur intermentgntf were accom- panied by 1111-5: ‘Brown and her broth- Mr. D. B. Brown pissed away at the home of his daughter. Mrs. H. C. Bailey lust Tue:day afternoon. The remains were taken to McKeespox-t. D.) L... :_L,,,, . ~ A number of the members of tile Masonic lodge visits-d the Beaches Lodge on Fl-idg‘y evening. The ludies of the Women‘s Institute have been busy making garmean and are puckingabox to be sent. to the sutfercrsin the fire in Northern On- tario. The ladks of the Piesbytel-ian church are also engaged in the same Work. The public schools were clused on Thursday and Friday owing to the Teachers' Convention in Tux-unto. The teachers of \Vest Ymk had a tally-ho tl-ipuround the city on Fri- day afternoon. Mrs. R. J. Davidson. of Scarboro, visited at Mr. A. Robinson's over Sun- J“â€" Communion services St. Andrew's church morning: clothing. bedding, etc. for t of the needy in the Hailey!) Temiskalning districts. The Reeve and Councillor I appointed a committeo to 1' Mr. \VuL Innes renew skatin ....--... nun-uni lalUll. Thefdale fuxi‘rtl-x-c; next collection of garbage, was set for Th urseay the 2nd of November. and the date for the first sitting of the Cnurt of Revision. Tlmlsdeyy, Oct. 19. At a recent meeting the council granted the use of the rink tn the Wnnwn's Institute for the 31% of October. It was decided to proceed with the extensions necessary to provide elec- tric light in the» Rumble sub-division. Mr. Arthur Elsnn, of Gormley, has sold his farm of 100 acres, lot )3. con. 3 w, Markham, known as the Century Farm, to Mr. T. Flott, of Peterboro. forSl’TJSUU. This farm has been in the Elson family for live gulierntinns. Mr. Elsnn’s great great grandfather receiving the m-igwal deed from the crown over 20 yems ago. Besides be ing a direct descendant himself of the pioneers whn came fiom Genesee and settled in Markham towards the end of the 17th century. Mr. Elson's wife is a. sister of the late J. J. Lunau. whose forefathers settled in Markham in 1792 or 1793. The Elson’s have purâ€" chased a home for themselves on Rose- view avenue. Richmond Hill, and will move thither about the first of March when Mr. Fletl; gets full pos- session of the farm. l Funeral Sunday. Oct. 15, at 2.30 p.m. Interment at Thnrnhill. SIMSâ€"On Thursday. Oct. 12, 1922, Jessie Simpson. widow of the late George Sims, of Richmond Hill, in her 84th year. Funeral from the residence of her grand-daughter, Mrs. Frank S. Rumbie to Richmond Hill Cemetery, Saturday, Oct. 14. BARKERâ€"Suddenly, at his home Ar- nold Street Richmond Hill. on Fri- day morning. October 13, 1922.]ames Barker. in his 72nd year. l3.»., 7 r ‘ “ ‘ A MI‘S. Jessie- Simpson, widoan the late Georgv Sims nf Richmond Hill pnssrnd away last Thursday. at the humeuf her grand daughter. Mis. Frank 8. Rumble. in her eighty-fourth your, The funeral service Saturday was con- ducted by Rev. M. Hay. Mrs. Sims was a native of Scotland, and had reâ€" sided in this district over forty years. She is snxvivod by one daughter. Mrs. J. Mckenziv, and threw sonsâ€"J. Howit of Thaincsville: Alex. Sims of \Veston and George S. Sims, Richmond Hill. i On Saturday. October 21st. from three to six o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry Endean. The Vanen’s lnslitutc will hold :1 shower of articles worth five, ten er fifteen cents. to he used in cunnection with their Hul- lmve'cn Party. A charge 0f ten cents will be made for Tea. in order to help defray expenses. Ml“. Jessie Si mp50n Women’s Institute Shower Century Farm Sold Village Council Death of Mrs. Sims services we”: held in church on Sunday 'he Women‘s Institute making garments and 3x to be sent to the fire in Northern On- '5 of the Pxesbytex-ian in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in DEATHS .. THURSDAY, 00]". 19, 1922 uhle sub-division. mka collection of Hill wvre Interview ng rink. Effort is being made to have a Cadet Club Room which the Seniors and juveniles have long wished for. The O. C. asks for the loyal support of the mothers in any steps that may b0 noe- euary to make this possib'o. A set of boxing gloves isâ€" being or derod for the Seniors and Juveniles also a let for the cubs. The Ladies of the Institute Board have asked the 0. 0. to have the Senior Cadets asslst in the decorating of the rink for Halloween. Cadet Lieut. Bert Grant will arrange details and have awry possible assistance given. In order to do this he will detail fatigue squads. Cadets are commanded to loyally support this Hallowe’en funcâ€" tion for the cause that it is given. Cadet Sergts. Bryan Sharplens and Frank Grainger are engaged now in their line up for the Senior Cadet Hock- ey tenm. Effort will be made by the 0. C. to have this team entered in the leaguo. The Juvenile Platoon’s ath- letic record will be well cared for in the keeping of Cadet Sergts. Lambert At- kinson. Eric \Vhite and Elmore Hard- ing. They continue to play the game well in the High School Football team, and the reds and whites are spotted. } Sunday evening. the 29th inst, the 0. 0. has been asked to address the Epworth League of the Victoria Square Methodist Church. and he desires the Senior and Juvenile Cadets to attend. Cadets Rand Phipps. Jack Glass, Stanley \Voodhead. Ernest Dickinson and Clarence Mylks will render vocal numbers and Miss Aileen Atkinson a violin solo. Miss jessie Comisky will act as accompanist. Cadets Lieuts. Bert Grunt and Albert Hill will arrange details of transportation. Cadet Capt. Geo. Lasher will also deliver a short address. -. . “nu-‘5 Luc 3rd of Nnvember. Arrahgements will be made to have the Cadet parents with the Corps on this occasion. and the 0.0. hopes to have at the same time another surprise for the Cadets. A Social Evening is being arranged for the Cadets next Friday, The Cub Platoon will be entertained from seven until nine. and the Juveniles and Seniors from nine until twelve. The evening promises to be an occasion which will be delightfully remembered afterward, and the cub cadets will attend in their white regimentals- Cadet mothers will kindly see that the Cubs so prepare themselves. Should the weather be in- clement. white regimental sweaters, khaki breeches and puttees will be worn. The Boy Mayor of Toronto. and the editor of the Boys' "Tely" will officially visit the Corps on Friday evening the make this an attractive party and meet the spooks. They a dreadfully spooky. Theghnsts and spooks are looking forward to their party in (the rink nn October 315i, to renew old acquain- tances nnd also to make many new ones. N0 trouble is being spared to make this an attractive mirrv rim-m the pn Hull. A meeting of the Ratepaypm and citizens gonemlly is called fnl‘ Monday evening ns-xt. at 8.15. in the Masonic Hall to receive the final report, nf lhe Field Day Committees. and to discuss the prnpusvd Cum[nullityâ€"Memorial 11.. n Hallowe‘ Yuk Ranger Cadets Public Meeting “11 thingS, Charity.’ Fridé; evéfiifigfl‘i-fig Spook Party 7; Come 'e not so Residence hadress Victoria Square unless you do South side Mr. Baldock’s new garage But don’t profess to be on Economist “The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store” 2! KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CA TELEPHONE MAIN 81] Cable Address: “Dedo” Arthur A. Macdonald Rank Denton Lam-u Dentnn. 1 Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Boot and 2Doors South of Bakery on_Yonge St. Aâ€" Richmond Hill YOU DON’T HAVE - _..-.4J.V Commissioner, Conveyancer, E Insurance and Real Estate LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronazv and infiler e_ J rean‘ctfully solicitpd New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-! The Workingman’s Fri GEO. K1131) All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. «b MARRIAGE LIC ENSES NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers. Solicturs. &c ‘ MANNING ARCADE. First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and take your repairs to NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING . J. HUME Shoes isfaction guarantee] [Single copies, 3 cts - WADE ISSUER OF '. TORONTO, CANADA LYON JCHOLLS P. 0. add rosJ Gormley,R.R. riend 16

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