Home and School Club ___â€"â€"., An interesting meeting of the above club was held in the Public School Tuesday evening. Short addresses on school Problems were given by Principal \Vatsun of the Public school, Principal Stewart ot the High school and Major Blaney. Ur. Lillian Lang» staff presided: The following are the ofï¬cers: _ President. Dr. Lillian Langstrrtl; lst Viccâ€"Pres.. Major Blaney 2nd Viceâ€"Pres†Mr. Ph-wman Secretary, Miss Anderson Treasurer, M rs. Jackson Executive, Mr. Stewart, Mrs. IL! A promenadc of all those in t‘wttrrriio Will be held at the spook party in llie rink on Oct. 31st, at 8.30 p. Ill. Prim-s will be given for the best and roost original costumes. Four prizesâ€"ladies, gentlemen, girls and boys. Add to the fun by appearing in costume. Richmond Hill Realty â€"â€" 1.000, 3 rooms. summer home, 2; acres. Lone Island Parry Sound. 2.300, 4 rooms, 2 acres, Elgin Mills, cash 800. 2,100, 4 rooms. {3 acre, stop 46; Yonge street. cash 300. 2.900, 5 rooms. 2 acres. Elgin Mills. cash 600. 3,100. 4 rooms. 2; acres, Richmond Hill, cash 300. 3,500. 4 rooms, g acre. 46; Yonge st., cash 1,000. 4,200, 5 rooms. Richmond street. cash 1.000. 4,000. 6 rooms. Mill street. cash 1.000. 7.500, 7 rooms, Church street, cash 2,000. 6.500. 7 rooms, brick. cash 2,000. 2,800. 5 rooms, 5 acre, 40 Yonge st., cash 800. 3,200. 7 rooms. one acre wired, cash 1.000. Yonge street. 0,200, 7 rooms, brick, Richmond st.. I cash 2,000. 4.000. 5 rooms. 4 acres, Mill road,l cash 2.000. 7.800, 7 rooms, 6.5 acres, Richmond street, cash 2.500. 10.000. 10 rooms, Elgin Mills. cash 5.000. 4.000, 6 rooms, huge lot. Roscvit-w i Ava, cash 1,000. 8.700. 10 rooms. Ynnge street, cash 3.000. 10.000. 7 rooms, (iacrcs. Richmond sir-tat, cash 3.000. 13,000. 100 acres. brick house. clay loam. 3rd. Markham. cash 0,000. 17. 500. 130 attics. liousc, bank barn, clay loam. 7th Markham, cash 8,000. 0.500, 50 acres, frame house. bankl barn, 7th of Markham, cash 2,000. 7,000. 20 acres, good house and ham. 2nd of Markham, cash 1,000. 8,500. 42 acres. new brick house and barn. 5th Markham, cash 5.000. , 3,500. acres. llllL'k liousc, bank bat ii. .‘iid Mai kharn, cash 5,500. I have Ilt‘l-lSl'S and flats in lt'llL. )Iortgagt-s arranged: also loans. v (‘urd wood. stove lengths, dr‘livcicd. . RilVVHEELERi Box 178, Phone 114. W. HEWISON' l HOUSE PAINTER, _ G1azrer.Gra.1ner and Paper- l Hanger. Get Your Painting Done Now * A. S. WHEELER ‘ First class Painter Low Charges StOp 47 Richmond Hill lanes. . __.. _.-..__ _ sented With a gold watch. RPV. Dr. S. I). Cliown has been ru- MasQuerade Promenade (‘lt-ctcd General Superintundont of 1|“. NFAVS NOTES A! Oshawa last wwk, Mrs. \\'. Pugslt-y of Toronto was elected Prosi- dent of the Ontario “I. C. T. U.; Mrs. W. Brown of Ottawa, Vice~Prcsidcntz Mrs. M. Mt'lx'vo, of North Bay. (‘orre- sponding Secretary: and Mrs. (i. Edgm-onib of Stratfoid. Rocording Secretary. Mr. 1. (l. Stccklt‘y who for several years has lwld the- position of Agri- cultural Representative for York County has been appointcd Assistant Professor of Annual Husbandry at the 0. A. C. at Guelph. Mr. Stet-kloy was a few evenings ago banquetcd by the Newniarket Boaitl‘ of Trade. and pre- Alt-tliodist Conference for the next four years. Motorman Jami-is Bailey and II. M. Smith, a passenger. were sciioiislv iii- jtired Saturday night in a. headâ€"on smash between a \‘Vcston and a \Vnod- bridge radial car. The for-mar lost his left leg near the thigh; the lattcr suffered a compound fracture of the right leg. Sir \Villiarn Mulock who fills-d the position nf President of the Toronto and York County Patriotic Association since the Aisnoiation was formed in 1914. was on Thursday prcscnted with his portrait. which the Lielll-Gtfl'f’t'ntil‘ linveilr-d. In moving thcadoptinn of the financial report. by E. It. C. Clai kâ€" son, seconded by FIXâ€"\Varden \V. H. Pugsley. it was shown that the receipts totalled nearly $9,000,000. The As- sociation has disbanded. ..â€"â€"â€" Junior Farmers’ Plowing Competition The arrangements for the Third Annual Plowing Competition held under the auspices of the Yoi k County '1. F. I. A. are well underway. This Competition embodies all thc main featui es of our larger Plowing Matt-hes together with the added convenience of doing the required plowing on the home farm and at the leisuroofthe competitor. List, year some classes were not filled and it is hoped this year that no prize money will go unclaimed. A competent judge pays a personal visit to inspect ear-h competitors plowâ€" ing and besides scoring it. offers help- ful suggestions and points out where improvements may be made. Apart from very liberal cash prizes. the handsome silver cup, known as "The Marion McGiegur ’l‘ropliy". do- nated by Mr. J. I’. Alt-GregorofToronto will be preSentcd at the Banquetto the competitor who scores highest in the competition. All young men interested may Ollâ€" lain further information from the itrnior farmers in your district. Mr. Robert \Vatsou. \Voutlbridgc or the Local Branch in Newmarkct. skimmer-s. at least five acrcs in one black. Class 2. In Stubble or any other land other than sod, single plows with Skimmers at least five :tUl't‘S in one block. Class 3. In Stubble or any land other than sod, two furrow plows, iivc acrns in one block to bo plowed. Contestants to use at least [llrt‘l‘ horses in plowing, excr-pt in strikcrutand finish, which may be done with single L | plow, Class 4 In stubble. tractor plow, five acres in cue block to be plowed. Contestants may use single plow for strike and finish. Class 5. ln stubble or any land other than sud single plows with skimmcrs at least five acres in one black. Open only to young men 18 years and under. Class 6. In sod single furrow sulky plows at least five arms in one bloock to be plowed. Vaughan Council The next meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellore. on MONDAY, NOV. 6, 1922 at 1 o'clock i J. B. MCLEAN. Clerkd STOVES -- -:- HEATERS =:- I ,crops, you will readily see that the FURNACES 1 The six classes are:â€" i j: Class 1. In Sod. single pIOWs, \\t( l RUN ABOUT TOURING - COUPE - - SEDAN - - «T3?! "is; - . .4 ass-n JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 BERESF‘ORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone .Iunction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS†EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. ______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- J. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teac oer of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music arid St. Margaret’s (‘ollcgru Richmond Hillâ€"â€"\Vcdnesdays and Saturdays. IT COSTS LESS \Vhen you figure the loss 01' time and uncertain yield through dirty seed grain. the acreage loss by reason to your growing worse than useless weed ipurchase of a Brill Dog \\'ild Oat Perfection Oil Heaters - SSO“ Hot Blast Oil Heaters - - $2.00 ‘ l Pandora. flanges Complete with ‘ High Closet Tile Rick and Reservoir - - - $05.00 ________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Pilot Quebec Heater with Ovcn Pilot Quebec Heaters with grates 32am No, 30 $13.50 No. 40 $10.75 No. 50 $19.75 ________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" 7 Inch Black Stove Pipe 18 inch per length - 2200. Elbows - 25c. 7 Inch Galvanized Fur nacc pipe 30 inch length - - iilr'. Elbows . stir, T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 T hornhill, Ontario Separator will prove a good invcst- ment to you. \Ve are agents forevery line of Farm lniplcments. With tlit- Fall Season ‘ Coming on. you will no doubt linti you are in iiccd of some new machinery. Let us serve you. Your Furnace will want looking after before cold weather sets in. or it [1113' be you are Contemplating the iii- 'stallation of a new Furnace. We have several lines worthy of your considera- l l I I l l tion. \Ve can serve you in Farm Imple- ments and Repairs, Pumps, Lightning 5 Rods, Ladders, Furnaces and Repairs, ‘ Eave Troughing. Metal Building, Sup- I plies and all kinds of Tiiisinithing. TEETZEL BROS. PHONE 87 CHASSIS - - same as other commodities. prices you are paying for other commodities. TRUCK CHASSIS The above models equipped with Electric Starting and Lighting are $85 extra 840 .00 OLD PRICES $445.00 495.00 535.00 575.00 930. 00 The above models are fully equipped with Electric Starting and Lighting All prices are l“. t). B. Ford, Ontario Building Materials approx. Animals and Moat House Furnishings Fuel and Lighting Ford Touring Car 33.3 per cent. Lower M ii i. The Ford territory is now open C. N . COOPER -- ON THE BASIS OF VALUE (‘ars are being bought to-day ~â€" on the basis of value ~ the Compare the New Ford Prices with the This table shows the approximate price reductions since the year 1910 when prices were at their peak. Dollar for dollar the Ford shows the greatest decrease in price, and is better value today than ever before. 12.53; lower ‘24 ‘j: lower 10.7 lower 14.3' higher The New Ford Prices: Reduced Prices Effective Oct. 17, 1922 NEW PRICES $345.00 405.00 445.00 495.00 Ricnt‘CTrON $100.00 90 .00 90. 00 80.00 145.00 005.00 145.00 785 00 . G. A. M. Davison UNIONVILLE DEALER COOPER’S HARDWARE TRENCH’S BLOCK Go to Cooper’s Hardware for all Goods in Season Headquarters for S.M.P. and McClary Graniteware Lacrosse Sticks, and Baseballs Granite, Plumbing in Tinware connection ï¬ddï¬ï¬dsw PHONE 93 School Books AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE Richmond Hill