Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Oct 1922, p. 5

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Mr. and Mus. A. U. McUunaghy of St. Lnuis spent, Sunday wilh Mrs. L. McCulmghy. muLhur of the former. A car each of fresh mined stove and egg coal uf extl'u quality «I rived. Also a car of good [ml coal L0 unhe 'l‘hlus- day at, the Elevator Ten thousand penplc are said to have attended Wuudbxidgc Fair lust Satur- day. Prizes will be given fur 111» best costume at the Hullmve'en Spnok PMLy. Evuz~ybudy is invited to com- pew. A car loud of Mine Glulin meal and a shipmenL (If Oil Uuke meal. AISO a car luad uf good hard wuvd, slabs. This is u 1 wow]. AL the elevator. Mr. \‘Vnudcock, chiet engiuvor for Mr. John H Dunlup & Sun is rnjnying a well earned \‘nculiun ut, the [heme 0! his father. at vaed, ()nt. The recent autumn frosls ‘have nipped the flnweu and pulled plélllt:, but the cedar bouquet, t‘l'PClkd um)..- nice the hurer shop for Field day in August. hats sumd the leal. Possibly it is left, to he neady fur next Field Day. "A wing 01 Danny is :1 jny forever." The Young \Vunwn's Misgiun Circle uf the Mt-lhudist church mew-Ls "L the home uf Miss M. Ellis next Tuesday evening. Out. 24th. at 5 n’clnck. All lucmburs me urgrd w he pu-u-nt. Mr. \V. II. Pugsley attended the funeral u! Lhe luLe W. J. Hill, Registrar for the suuLlwnu portion of Ymk Uuuuly. whose. lt'lllallls \\ vre placed in Fun-st Lawn Muusultum lusL Fridny. An impoubunt meeting of the Ep- wortlx Lcnglle will he held in the schoo! room of the Methodist. church on Monday, Out. 231d. Some of uur local talent are prrpming n delmle and we wish for a good (m n out. The chairman of the diiferentcom- mini-(‘5 l't' Fiuld Day Mm asked [0 meet in the (.‘-uuucil Chamber Fridon even- ing at 7.30 to prequ the film] Iepurt fur the: Public MeeLing Monday evening. The spanks and spirits, huhgolilius‘ and witchvs are (ouipluting armngvâ€" merits fur their big party in th link on Hallowe'en. Everymie is invited and thnss failing to attend will ('muv nnderthe Ebi‘l‘llalSpP“ if the wickvd fairy. Thur? will he :1 suppm- from five n'ulock folanrd by lueny making and Hullowe'en suipii<es. At [he lust I'Pgultu' meeting of R:s?ng Sun Masonic Lodge, Amm-a, VL-ry \Vor. Br--. 0. L. Wilsm) of tho Yuzk Nadia] liniIWuy, was umdean honorary member of the Lodge. I‘he pll‘st‘ll- Latin“ Was made by R. Wur. Bm. \V. H. Logge 0! Richmond Lodgffl ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artisr, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, The Alanna] Schnol Teachms’ Unn- ventiun for Nail, York was held in {he Normal school, Turnan on 'l‘hmsduy and Friday. Oct. lZlhand 13th. The insprctm-ute was well represeutvd l lwre being over one bundled t‘a. hens present. Beside the llSllnl |I|l~lllvs< assuciuted with the cunvenli.m Mr. Pickles dvalt extensl‘cvly with the subject; (If manual training in schools. The tenchm's Cullll‘llnllf'd a dull u- each to the sum-tors in northern Onlax in. Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30tf Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Mr. A Yolfe. boot and shoe repair, lmgs leave to zumnunce to his patrons and other: [Int in uddilinn to his [119»- ent. husinws he hcs undmLakvn repair Hi [I u-ueés. Cusmuwrs‘ may rest as- sured that, atlentinn to the snmllost detail will be given to repairs. and that only best material will he used. Special Misdunary Services will he held uu the Richvale circuit on Sunday, Oct. 22, when Rev. A. Llos‘d Smith, M. A., B. 1).. will he, thv s enkmu Th? lmurs of service are: eudfurd. 10 3”: Riclnale, (slup ~17) 3.13: Cal-rvill-r 7.0!). MI- Smile is llw Assistant Secretary of Home MlSsiUIIS of the M-Ithndist Chm-ch of Linn-add and will describe l\1is.~iunai~§‘ wuxk as it, is cal-lied on in our own land. The annual Missionary Subscription will be taken up. - HARNESS SUPPLIES SHAW TRAINING boy orgirl. Shaw Schools in Toronto hold the premier position. Thirty yeam record. Over 25,000 students (and their parents) testify to the careful individual instruction given. ELEVEN Schools in the best sec- tions of the city. Slarl at any time. Handbook sent to anyone on request. P. Akin/uh, Chirf Prinripal Misdonary Services xviil he the Richvale circuit on Jet. 22, when Rev. A. Llovd BUSINESS SCHOOIS TORONTO is of lifelong value to any Friends and relatives weuwhocked Fiidny morning on learning that Mr. James Banker bud puswd away. The (My before he helped fill :L silo un his farm at, Headfurd, snd altendvrl n met-ting Thursday evening. WIN-n found in his bed Friday morning life was extinct. The funeral Sunday afternoon. conducted by Rev. N. \Vvllwuod. “us vu-y lurgP. Besides a widow. deceased is survived by two sons, seven daughten, n brother and a sister. The selection of grounds is in most impnrmnt matter and 0m- requires careful study. The territory reached by Lhe Canadian National lines nurth nf Parry Sound is already a fnvurite une, but, the new country east and west of Cuprenl Is as yet, cmuparatively lillle known In the Huntex and should th- refnre. be. highly attractive to the follower of the deer and mouse. The Canadian National Railways are: providing special train gel'vices which withrt-gular trains will meet alldemands. Special trains will be operated as follows: Leave Toronto Union Station 11.15 p.m. October Rist The Annual Hunt'er’s Lealhâ€"t issued by the Canadian National Railways is nuw ready fur distribution, and may he uhtaimâ€"d on applicatinn t) any aant uf the Ucmpuny, or write Gen- eral Passenger DepaI-tuu-nt, Room 607 Ruyul Bank Bldg, anunh). fur Cam-en] and inle'rmediate points, and 11.15 p.111. November Zud 3rd and 4th for Key )ct. and intermediate puints. The usual ample accnunuoda- Lion of slvaing cars, baggage cars and coaches “in be provided. Voter’s List, 1922 Shawngs glven to customers free of charge DAY PHONE I3-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 75. Tux-onto Offices â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cor. Bay and Richmond at. Toronto. and Ready Roofing always in stock. L INNES 8: SON Notine is hereby given that l have transmitted or delivered tn the persons mr-nlinnefl in section NinP of the Ontario aner’s List Act, the copies required by said suctinn to he so trans- uiilLi-dm‘deliverednf the List made puisumt to said act therelo, of all pr‘lSUHS appearing hy the la~L revised Ae<o<smem Roll of the said Munici- pality to be entitled to Vote in the said Mnniuipalily at Elections for members ()f the Legidutive Assembly, and at Munii-ipul Elecliuusgmd that the said List Wat. posted up in my office, at the filing: of Maplv, on (he- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Sash, Frames, D0019 Mouldings, Etc., Gypsum Wall Board and Fibre Board, LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL and remains theru for inspecxiuu. And I hewhy call upon all Vnters tn take iunneuiuxc prucpedings to have {my error; nr omissions corrected any errors uccnrding to NINTH mu? OF OCTOBER. 1922 CIH-k of the s Dated this 9th day ( 15-16 GREGORY GOODERHAM 8: CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Everything in Municipaiit, of the Township of PLANING MILL Get Ready for the Chase Special Train for Hunters Vaughan COUNTY OF YORK Sudden Death :uv. B. McLEAN. of_the s:fid}\[upicipflity AND Oulohel vul'tlselncnts that Simulate an atti- tude of philanthropy, by overdrawn designs, and in glowing terms offer all kinds of merchandise at half or, proportionately less than regular prices, is alluring to a certain section always looking for a bargain, but the public generally are reasoning that the owners of large stores are not philanthropists, but are in busi- ness for the purpose of making profits nnd paying dividends, and that the lower figure quoted in the majority of cases, is the lair market value of the article advertised. vertisements that simulate an We have yet; to make the acquain- tance of the person who can value an article from the description or design in a catalogue. We have previously suggested that‘the only satisfactory method of purchasing, is by personal examinaâ€" tion, and have through this column issued invitations to inspect and com- pare our goods, to which many have responded, and whom we have con- vim ('d that in this store the dollar is m v c advantageously spent, result in; in an increased volume of husi- mess, necessitating removal to newer and larger premises now in course of construction. Mfllineryi‘] Rfirs. Notice of Application for Divorce of Turunt'). in the Ununty of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply [u the Parliament nf Unnada HL the nth Session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. ERNESI‘ ROLAND ALEXANDER BIGGS of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of Adultery and (lr-sertiun. DA'I‘ED A’l‘ TORONTO ufi's'isiii day uf August, A. D. 1922. Having opened a Bakery and Con- fectionery on YONGE ST., 3 Doors South of F. J. Mansbridge’s, Purveyor I can supply you with All Kinds of NOTICE is hereby given that MINNIE EILEENIBIGGS 0_f_l_he Cigy urn . Phone Orders will Receive Prompt Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is horehy given that HERBERT MARTIN, of the City of 'l‘urnntu, in the Uouuty of ank, in the Province of ()ntnrin, Manufawl nrm'. will apply to the Parliament nfUnnadu at Lllr‘ lth session theleuf for A Bill of Divoxce from his wife. ANNIE MAE CAROLINE MARTIN, now residing in the City of Los Angeles, in the State of California, one of the United States of America. on the ground of adultery. DATED at 'l‘m-nnto in the Province of Ontmiu, this eighteenth day of August. A. D. H121 The insidiousuess or catchy ad- 711 Dominion Bank Building, King & Yonge Streets. Toronto. Ontm-iu, 13-17 Suliciums for the Applicant. DRY GOODS Buying by Catalogue MRS. WM. DAVIES MULOOK, MILLIKEN, CLARK & REDMAN Attentionâ€" new Bakery by 1191' Solicitor, . Sneath.H;1milmn Trust Building 57 Queen Street, West. Tormo, Ontario, Canada. 10-11 C. Winterton MINNIE EILEEN BIGGS RICHMOND HILL also Ice Cream & Candies Fancy Bread, Buns Cakes and Pastry PHONE 110 W Phone 97 ~ANDâ€" .Davies 10-10 E. R. FORTNER kadfl As well as my order clothil g department I am handling a high- class 10!. of men‘s ready-Lo-wcar at; low prices. Suits and overcoa's from "$19.50 up. All I ask you is to call and see my goods, before buying elsewhere. I am now handling the Nerthway‘s Misses and children, 1 have now some of! and my price will surprise you. If I hzu want I can SOUD get in for vou from the Non and my price will surprise you. If I have not in stock what yOl want I can saun get in for you from the Northway Factory. 1 am also making ladies order suits or coats al. low prices, You own clothes made-up at masonable prices. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager Smali Remittances PLUMBING, HEATING, AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Buy, Build, Work, and Support the Home District Richmond Hill PLUMBING C0. To Whom this may concern: GOOD WORK AT FAIR PRICES [Can Save You 361/2 Days a Year “FOR BETTER SERVIC DRO‘“"'"N1-o J, Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hi} Fordson and rain is late in coming â€" WHEN you can’t plow till it rains W. G. BALDOCK, LTD. l _"-â€"'---I\vu' Hllu III‘ medium ? Bank Money Orders are inexpensiv agamst loss and relieve you of worry‘ These orders are obtainable at all and sub-branches. WHEN you remit small amounts do you use the safest, most economical and most satisfactory mpr‘;llm 7 STANDAfiD BANK OF CANADA And it should Concern You To the Ladies PHO E 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building Hug me NOthway's Gannents. for women, 1 have now some of the said garments on hand. And when linked up with a Toronto.Pum and Toronto Water System, a Toronto Wmdmil will give you a city water service right on your farm. Toronto Windmills are quiet, efficient workers. Cost nothing to run. Require practically no atten< tion outside an Occasional oiling. Stop losing this valuable time. Save your strength. Instal a Toronto Windmill and see how quickly it will pay for itself. You know from‘ laborious experience that you spend at least an average of one hour a day‘in pumping water for use about your farm. ractor To the Men Dealerx THE CANADA Ladies and Gents Tallor, Richmond Hill. Inexpensive, protect you ,_ At Farmer Needs Fordson at all our branches Your

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