Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Oct 1922, p. 7

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MANY mums (mug THROUGH THE noon If Kept Rich and Red Health Will be Yours. Nearly all the common diseases are caused by bad blood, weak, watery blood poisoned by impurities. Bad blood is the cause of headaches and backaches. lumbago. and rheumatism. debility and indigestion, neuralgia, sciatica and other nerve troubles. It is bad blood that causes disfiguring skin diseases like eczema, and salt rhleum, pimples and eruptions. The sevenity of the trouble indicates how impure the blood is. and it goes al- ways from bad to worse unless steps are promptly taken to enrich and pur- ify the blood. There is no use trying a different medicine for each trouble. for they all come through the one causeâ€"bad blood. In conditions of this kind Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have been found very beneficial, as they have a direct action on the blood, en- riching and purifying it. That is why this medicine is so often successful, after other remedies have failedâ€" they reach the root of the trouble in the blood. Mr. Albert S. Giflin. Mount Pleasant, P.E.I.. tells what these pills did for him. He sayszâ€"“Some months ago I was in a badly run-down con- dition. My blood was poor, I had no appetite and my work left me com- pletely tired out. I fell off in weight, was altogether in a miserable condi- tion. I was taking medicine, but it was not doing me any good. At this stage a friend who had used Dr. Wil- liams‘ Pink Pills With beneficial re< suits, advised me to take them, and acting on his advice I did so. The re- sult can be summed up in a few words: I took the pills for a little more than a month, when I can honest- ly say I never felt better in my life. I can now eat a hearty meal, do my work with comparative ease, and have gained in weight. I advise weak, run- down people to give these pills a fair trial." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Peking is in reality three cities in one. There is an inner or Manchu city and an outer or Chinese city. The inner comprises the imperial city, which, in turn, contains the "For- bidden City" or the "Purple Forbidden City," inside the walls of which, again, is the imperial palace. Peking itself is one of the oldest c’ities in the world, being known to exist in the twelfth century before Christ, but although it is of immense size, being twenty-five miles in cir- cumference, much of the space within the walls is unoccupied. Smile a smile; while you smile an- other smlles, and soon there‘s miles and miles of smiles. And life's worth while if you but smileâ€"Jane Thomp- 8011 Only fools let hair fall out and dan- druff stay. Neglect means a bald spot shortly. A little “Dazvlerine” now will save your hair. This delightful tonic cleans the scalp of every particle of dandrufl, tightens the hair~root pores, so the hair stops coming out and so the vitalizing oils, which are the very life and strength of the hair. can not so the hair stops 0‘ the vitaliziug oils, “ lite and strength of ooze away. Danderine is not It has made weak. 5 strong and healthy f and women. Your “an and A PlTY T0 LOSE ANOTHER HAIR 35c “Danderine” Saves Your Hairâ€"Ends Dandruff! Delightful Tonic A 3-in-1 City. bottle now not stinky or greasy. ask. sick. neglected hair lthy for millions of men Your comb or brush is Hurry to any drugsmre e now. Don‘t. wait! Red Good humanity plain by Dr. L. 0. Howard in his presidential address at Toronto re- centlynbefore the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. “The insignificant insect” is man‘s greatest enemy, Dr. Howard main- tain: “Thov threaten his life daily; “The insignificant insect" is man’s greatest enemy, Dr. Howard main- tains. “They threaten his life daily; they shorten his food supplies. both in his crops while they are growing, and in such supplies after they are har- vested and stored, in his clothing, in his hranbitatiions, and in countless other ways. In many respects they are better fitted for existence on this earth than he is.” Warnings like this are becoming universal that man must cease war- fare on his fellow-men in order to preserve his existence in the struggle with nature. WILH :- uuuuuuu Illâ€"health and poor physique help the insect in this struggle, so it is the manifest duty of all classes of citi- zens to improve the physical and men- tal conditions of the present and par- ticularly of the rising generation, so that by observing hygienic principles in their daily life and by maintaining physical fitness and freedom from de- HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and} during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby’s Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom- ach; banish constipation, colic and in- digestion, and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may be given to the new-born babe with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Boilsâ€"Their Cause and Cure. Boils come from germ infection ofl the skin, usual-1y from other boi'lvs or] ulcers or discharging wounds. Thei germs get into a pore of the skin and gmw to form a gathering which soon; turns to matter. The gathering stretches the skin and causes pain: I The sooner a boil is treated thel quicker will it be cured. When a boil' first appears, wash it thoroughly with! soap and water and place a drop ofl oarbolic acid right on the head of . the boil. Then paint the surrounding skin with tincture of iodine. If this does not stop the boil, it should bel opened freely with a sharp pen-knife” of which the blade has [been held for‘ several minutes in boiling water. After opening the boil, pour peroxide into the opening and cover the wound with a piece of clean cotton that has been boiled in water. Keep this cot-l ton moistened withasolution made by‘ adding a teaspoonful of either boracic acid or common salt to acup of boiled water. Change the cotton dressing twice a day. Don’t let matter from a boil get on the surrounding skin, and boil all clothing soiled with matter. If signs‘ of a new boil appear, paint the spot with iodine. It is a mistake to suppose that a boil is a sign of health or that matter from a boil contains impurities which previously" existed in the blood. Boils usually appear in a. person not in good health. For this reason a person sub- ject to boils should build up the gen- eral health by simple living and at- tention to the rules of health. Keep the bowels well open, eat freely of vegetables and fruit but use only a little meat. re’ unknown to Man’s very 93 threatened by Too Much. "Am I to understand that in youx opinion your boy has too great an up petite?" asked the physician of tin anxious mother. “Do you realize madam, how much a growing boy eat?” Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions tors through this column. Address him at S “And my 130 all. pleaseâ€"at Mlnard's Llniment for Distempgr‘ HEALTH EDUCATEGN Crescent, 'I‘oronto‘ xis w another kind of warâ€" ) a large section of was srtrikinxzhl made y “'C BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario ll be glad to answer questions on Public Health In: this column. Address him at Spadiua House. Spadl me eggs strikingly are becoming ther \Ve earth n continue to remain the living'things of Are we doing it this :â€" There were 7,804 babies died last year in this province before they reached one year of age! Isn‘t there something wrong here? This slaugh- ter of the innocents must stopl Of those who survive the first critiâ€" cal year of life large numbers have physical defects of one kind or an- other, which could easily be corrected if taken in time. These defects inâ€" clude decaying teeth, diseased tonsils, a-denoids, defective eyesight, defective hearing, malnutrition, etc. All or any of these defects tend to bring about a lowered state of health and prepare the way for the development of dis- eases which can be traced in many cases to the untreated focal infection which with a little forethought could have been removed before irreparable him with a little fmetbought could have been removed before irreparable damage is done. It is no longer a question of wheth- er a country can afford public health work. What it cannot afford is the waste that must inevitably result from the want of it. this connection the old saying again rings true: “A stitch in time raves nine.” Pat's Precaution. Pat Maloney was nailing a box which he intended sending by rail. It was essential that the box should not be inverted during the passage, and a friend ventured to suggest that Pat should write on the case, “This side up, with care." X féfi' days later, seeing Pat, he asked, “heard any more about your goods? Did they get there safely?" 'Every one of them broke!” said Pat VThe whole lot? Did you label it, ‘This side up,’ as I told you?" “Yes, I did. And for fear they shouldn’t see it on the top I‘put it on the bottom as "Every great soul of man has had Its vision and pondered it, until the passion to make the dream come true has dominated his life.” Ask for Minard's and take no other. To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Casca- rets. Sick headache, biliousness. gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physio on earth for grown-up and children. 10c 21 box. Taste like WOMAN T00 WEAK TB WALK candy Now Works Nine Hours a Day.â€" Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength UnionVilla e. Vt.â€"“I was weak and . nervous and a l run-down. ! could not 1 ’ walk across the floor without resting and 1 Hand been that way for weeks. Isaw your ' advertisement in the ‘ paper and after tak- ing one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- pound ! felt the good It was doing me and . I took seven more in all. Before Ifinished ' I was able to work nine hours a day in a steam laundry. I cannot say too much in favor of your ‘ medicine. I trust all sick and suffering ‘ women willtake it. It has been two years ‘ since I took it and I am strong and well." ‘ â€"Mrs. L. A. GUIMANN, Union Village, ‘ Vermont. This is only one of such letters we are continually [Sybfishing showing what Lydia E. Pi ham has done for women. and whether you work or not Mrs. Guimann’s letter should interest you. Many women get into a weak, nervous run down conditxon because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. Pinkham ’5 Vegetable Com- ound at the first sign of trouble. Good Eealth is necessary and this .splendid medicine will help you to keep 1t. 1 kinds the human race may ISSUE No. 42â€"‘22 well!" supreme earth. Just listen to mon-g Undlges-ted food ferment: in the stomach and soon the entire system is filled with poisons. Tanlac was de- signed to restore the stomach to a healthy condition and build up the Whole body. Millions everywhere have acclaimed its wonderful power. Get a bottle toâ€"day. stomach trou was complete "For thirty long years, I had nervous indigestion and stomach trouble and I can hardly describe all the agony I sut- fered during that time. It may sound unreasonable, but Tanlac completely restored my health and I have gained thirty-five pounds in weight. Tanlac is simply wonderful." You Gan Get Back Your Grip 0n Health Pat was making a wooden pigsty, when he missed the nail he was harm mering and hit his own thumb. After having it wraped up he met one of his friends; who, naturally, ask- ed him what he' had been doing. I “Sure,” said Pat, “I hit me thumb with a hammer. It's bad now, but I’d had no thumb left at 8.11 if I'd been striking with both hands!" k A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars cos-ts three cents. A visitor from the United States was introduced to an old Scotsman. “From what land do ye come?" ask- ed the Scotsman. “The greatest in the world,” replied the American. ‘ Fisherman’s Freud Hope 11' Tanlac is sold by all good druggists‘ Advt “Puir bairn, ye’ve lost your accent." The Original and Only Genulnc Bulk Carlots TOPpNTo SALT WORKS c. J. CLIFF - TORONTO mmmm Jor COARSE SALT L A N D S ALT Mr What Might Have Been )r the millions of unfortunate women who are victims of trouble is sounded by Mrs. ms, 187 Oak St, Hamilton. lrs. Jones was a victim of trouble In its worst form but Dle-tely restored to health by She says Should Speak Scotch. MONEY ORDERS. UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on' tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an “unbroken package” of “Bayer Tablets 0! Aspirin,” which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions to: Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 2A and lmâ€"Dnngists. manure ASE YARMOUTH, N.S 'in is the trade mark (registered in Canada.) of Bayer Manuiacture of Mono- cacidester at Saiicyiicacid. 'While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer iracture. to assist the public against imitationn. the Tablets of Bayer Complni be stamped with their general trade mark, the “Buyer Crosl." DOG DISEASES md How to Food meg Free to any Adâ€" *6“; 536116 minor. 3. 31$ love: 00-. Inn- 129 eat. 2‘11}, ghee: 'New' York. USA. Book on rectlv licula [STRICT‘ Spark I Butter UPIL NURSES \VANTEDâ€"z-YEAR course; accredited school; monthl allowance; first-class tralnmg In surg- cnl. medical and obste‘rlcal work: full course of lectures. Apply Superintend- ent. West End Hospital. 36 S. Hoyne Ave.. Chicago. Ill‘. U‘S.A. IDOUT & )IAYBEE, KENT BLDG. Yongo Street, Toronto. Rezistereé Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet. T RESHER BELTS AND SUC- TION hose. new and used, shipped subject to approval at lowest nrices In Canada. YorAk Belting Co. 116 York § trouble Toronto. Ont Stitch In Time. It a picture nail gets loose in the wall, wrap it round with wadding sat- urated with glue. and press it into the hole. With a damp rag wipe off all glue that exudes and leave to dry. The moment you eat a tablet of “Pape‘s Diapepsin" your indigestion is gone. No more distress from a sour, acid, upset stomach. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or misery-mak- ing gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. Each package guaran- teed by d-ruggist to overcome stomach BELTING FOR SALE Classified Advertisement! vâ€"I’RIVATE CHRISTMAS GREE'IH ) ing cards; sample book free; men 1 women already making 85 up daily spare time. Bradley Limited. Brant- 'd. Ont. nto‘ Itched and Hard Pimples Broke Out. CuticuraHeals. “My face and neck all broke out in a mass of nasty pimples. My face used to itch and theVnAhard pim- plcs would break out and {ester over. They itched and burned dreadfully at times, and my face was badly dis- figured for about nine months. 1L- __:.1_ _..n. “I tried different remedies Without any effect. I saw an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. It helped me so much that I bought more, and aftex using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed.” (Signed) Miss Hattie E. Cruickshank, Lower Caledonia, Nova Scotia. Emplo Huh hub Lyn-mu, Lim- lhd, 34% Eli. Paul L, W., Kant!“ ' Sold every- where. SoapZSc. Ointmeutza nndfiOc. Tnlcum 25c. Cuficun Soup shave: without mug. Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. FACE I] ~ NINE sell )n-boll'lng I straight Tinting C4 AGENTS WANTED. 1‘ AGENT FOR “BODIN” Plugs wanted. Guaranteed. or tractor; replaced lfida- one dollar. Write for par- ope .dm SALESMEN EARN SHGURED VlflNIHS selling “Butterfl ‘me dyes. to retal :ommisslon basis. Minneapolis, Minn. replaced it'da . Write for par 90 Multland St

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