Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Oct 1922, p. 8

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V‘Vant Ads. Richin id ~ . . RBWMH'MTMC “bywlomce. 16 Rllfllltlhlltl Ilill. 30R SALEâ€" 6 Kitchen Chill??- 16-17 1' Wm.C.Ruttan * -* r “ LADIES’ WEAR Mrs. N. Billy's. Arncld Ht. P-llll.‘lll'll$ ‘) MILLINERY â€"~â€"â€"-~~~â€"â€" r , : a , 1â€",,- l I "I'm Chair, 20 yiiids of caipet, 1 C 1. l d (h l 1 ~ ' 7 r ' ‘A - r- ~ ’1‘ .‘teid s ' i t ass iid flock “Hill “in "eiioi‘ an 7 oii' .eat er v () SIIA“ LS A ctllllHtjt. shawl H l . piiiig out It ii ‘ K _ Wand a white Shawl weielost, in “Militias. lsiiiiill dresser and \vasli-lf’fl’lnl‘: NU'H‘ Petitkdah' .Ml‘llmlllfl - E I I - 5 i; v .. i y. :lanfl. A) l [o 11. AUSTIN, Lucas . “11:0 1. 1* preparer to receive piipilt. -,- A i i S H O E -'- Hill. Mon 1) Men lit, Ill Y m “Hammmi “i” on Monday... 3mm,” ‘l . l M. “WM... . ’ AN'l‘liltJliil ini- house \voik. OR SALEâ€"A young cow. cnlfliy ein be obtained by railing. Phone 2.. Ill-ti i Plume Mum“ 23L Mug Mar. side. .Ios. lisl'EY. 15-1” Ring 11. LEAx. (5ol'tii-1- Uarn-ille Road and 0L3!“ TUHEV1LSK mm” hmlw ' . 09.09699669664 Bithurst Street. ltif H w ‘jent on C‘hmth‘shwt :25” ‘ \V liile we are very busy iii the Blillipcry Department, we have flu“ SALE_.2 1)i>1~$(- automatic month. Electric and water. a More A N V 1101. {Olgottcn your rulmmmcnts In other “nos. w “c \Vestito )lllll ). neatly . Kill'tli'ti. All kinds (if fl'ltli- ' Apply 0 i ‘ i“ 7"" _ ' ~ . . - - new. helll:'l;t(l(lt\vll water iiistallled; also a 1 Jon}: GRAHAM 1010 Si. Clan-n x Ayn: ‘ W [a :Il‘EI‘lD A new Slllpmcm .1113t 1” 1 “Cd milkcs‘ “715 line 'l‘oionlo. 10-16 The Real Estate Man i “mem- Apply l basket for coal, fill. the place. 16 . H. A. Nl('lli)Ll.S. (J LETâ€"4 Posseaion Nov. lst. unfurnished rooms. hand It" \‘llll of iiionili. Apply Box ’ All 1.0311 OF (‘UAIrâ€"“Wll be on “United .‘iU pullets. Plymouth Rocks or R. R. ‘Itetls. fail piico paid for good birds. IlOSllfiltl' - Fall weights ot‘ English and t‘anailian manufacture GLOVES HAs FOR SALE 1 $1301) will buy a six ioiiiiii-d llllt'kfl Clad house on (‘i-iitie st, east with t'iiiitl Storeys wasli-ibh cape and silk lined. w“ i‘l'i“ “Clllt‘llll‘lillc ltilVin}: a full line of Christmas Novelties, 207 or PlIOIIt‘iâ€"ll. -._..-....,_.__....__.___â€"â€"â€"â€"..:W_ .,1-l,.0’ In: RPM ‘Hwi .N‘ . V ' u V . I .HIIMA Mona“ \i ctetarv ' . iti., tsp iiriiis, . ti.i\\ Hllll _ .iiiil. ,. L V , _ 0i NG cot FLUâ€"mi cliililnn. Phlmvzfl. 1,“; a mud he” INN“. mwml. Light mm so pan to hit) at litilllC‘ and Cronin a community spirit. would like two furnished or 1111â€" i furnished imims, near stop 49. I“. ll. CoLic, (ieiit-ral (Ii-livery. _. _.__..._â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ~ - . . . . . ' l soiidition. $11. Apply ltii.\.l\. In”. SNOW] “(,mnfislon. \VELLtvooii, t'i-iiiie St. \Vest. 16-17 .. "‘T‘. . . , ... . . ’ltichmond llill. ,Iiicnitx ( Ai.i.\i.i FonsALE..- , M. PALMER MM,an Hm nearly new. may be seen at. DR. \VtLSwN's. 1'5 IV ()NEY \VAN'I‘I‘IDâ€"First khan 1‘) Von RI'INTiApply o. L. \Vltltill’l‘. 14â€"16 ties. 8 ii) 12". FOR SALEâ€"l 'I‘renrli platform. spring mond Hill, Telephone building. wagon, licarly new, __ i’chENZiE Blttm.. \Villomlale. 13 it'. FOR s,.\1,[t;_(lood “mi; hum.‘ ' _ l suitable for farm Work cheap; “DICE LOTSâ€"Chow" 1"“ f‘w “I” l l‘ltlfix mounted lltll‘llt'S‘. and nation or at $.3a'i'oot up Terms easy. “121).. splmnm.‘ J. IleNICLI” '0‘ 43, I...” ALLISON. RIChIIIO"d Si- 11‘” Coil. l. Maikhiiiii. Richmond llill P. 0. mm 16.18 A\VS FILEDâ€"Cross rot and (fir- ' "“ , ‘ k cular saws guinined and filed. (‘iit~ ()(n‘ffilellel'l‘l-V A“ "W‘l‘T (“1“ veuieiiet-s. (mod wages. (1o ting box knives ground. 1n fact. if it is dull we shaipen it. Also agent for Uilson Mfg. Co, Giielph. . Come in and Si e their 21 self sharpening steel 1ARM chilled plow share. A. ANDERSON. [1 “Hm Rear of \V. Vanderburg’s shop. Rii-li- ' " inond Hill lO-tf home at nights preferred. Apt Mus. _l. H. Dt NLoP. FOR SALEâ€"One lot 211, (roll. 5, Uiit. Box 213. OTICEâ€"E. Sliney is prepared to 1 do all kinds of trucking and} cutting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond ELGIN MILLS Hill 98. .42 1f LightLunches Ice Cream T‘ OR SALEâ€"Au note and a half and Dunks Clgars two small frame house< on Mill Clgarettes Refreshmennts GEo. Alt-Nam. 124p Stabllng Accommodation at Reasonable Rates street. Richmond Hill. Maple R R No. 2. ‘ 0R SALEâ€"â€"Frame timbers of large harii. Apply [1. FELLOWS. Mill Road near B-ithiirst. 13-18 OR SALEâ€"Brick and SUICCO, or Brick and Shingle house. both new, fir trim. oak floor. rough plumb- ing and water in. Fixtures and blinds go with brick and stucco house. terms or discount for cash. SAUDER BROS. ' 15 16 ARTAGEâ€"I am prepaied to do all kinds of eartige on short. notice. F‘. LEPARD. Yonge Street, Richmond Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. \Valter S. jenkins J. Harry Naughton Res. Phone, Res. Elgiii Mills - llill. 5048 lies. Phone 44.4 NAUGHTON 6i JENKINS Barristers Solicitor .Notaries Telephone Main 2777 1”" 153° 0m {Mgnarch Bldg.. 26-28 Adel- ces HI e so. \Vest,Toronto. OUSE FOR SALE#A seven Naughtcn Block, Aurora roomed frame house on Centre Street West. Apply MRS. A. ENDEAN, Phone 61 w. 15-16 OR SALEâ€"Perfection coal oil heater, Art Laurel coal stove, with oven, eXCellent baker. Bedstead with springs. Hanging lamp. 1 Large scre‘n. 1 Frame building 14 ft. x12ft. MISS BROWN, Ynnge Street, Richmond Hill. 15-17 W SoliCitor for : The Town of Aurora The Township of King The. Township of \Vhitehnreh The Imperial Bank of Canada, Aurora J. ll1.\Valt.on. & Co. Aurora JONES LUMBER C0. shingles Ontario No.1 White Pine lath Ontario No.2 White Pine lath Spruce, Pine & Fir flooring Spruce, Pine & Fir sidings Ontario White Pine boards British Columbia sheetings Only as Strong as its Weakest Part-- Like the old chain we’ve heard so much about, your car can only be as dependable as its weakest part. This is why we urge Ford users to buy only genuine Ford Parts â€"â€" parts that are made especially to withstand the stresses and strains peculiar to Ford car operation. W. G. BALDOCK, Ltd. ealer All sizes of Dimensions Doors, sash, and trim Cor. AiniiEâ€"8z Yonge PHONE 27 FALL TERM OPEN NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE | ENROLL ANY TIME |lndivldual Instruction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays Newmarket, Bank of Toronto Block. Macnaugliton & Campbell i l Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. i Officesâ€"Suite 511 .‘IcKinnon Bldg. (for. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. l l lGénuine Pal-Isl For Sale Here” I Telephone Main 3031. i A. CAMERON .\1Ac.\'.-\I'GHT(J.\' FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL I Mr. Campbell \f'ill he at The Liberal iOfflce. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday afternoon. “1‘51 l FARM iron same. . lt'tllaries leeiil- 1". leiit Farm land. running stieaiii through bout of l'aiiii. bank barn and Olt SALE-Arnie Range, ill 2”“‘1 lgooil buildings, good litilht'. situated township l Markham. two and one half miles east Apply owner, ('il.\s. lii-if and second mortgage money wanted. on only best city and \lt'llllly [llirpt’l- 7 to 10‘}, offered on lst mortgage. oll'ei-ed on 12nd mortgage. Apply to Isa.“- 11. S.~\.\‘iiiciiso.\'. lticlm 16-17 )l_\' Iii-19 hundred Vaughan. 'l‘eston. Apply 1). U. MURRAY. Auriiia. Iii-19 FRIDAY, ()CT. Ltdâ€"Fresh milk (‘t‘tlvvt’ I SDl'lllgtJl’F and young ('zlllle, at Hotel, V E. Bridges, Prop. 3 X 5 X SATURDAY. Own Lagâ€"Household {urn}- SATUBDAY, Nov. 4â€"10 acres of stand- 'the Royal Winter Fair. stalled. moitgiigi- iinili-r homing plan i for $21oo. Lot on x 113.). i A sevrii iooiiiril liriek (“liltl house‘ with all iiitideiii iiiipiiivt-Iiients :it Kitigedale, :1 minutes \vii'k l'i'oiii Yonge stieet. A liaigiiin t'oi' quirk ‘ sale. i A small firm :ltllflllllllu‘ tl‘e ti. ’l‘. 11. §’.‘ll(l< at Maple. nil Ipll‘ll l'tii gartl iiiiig, i t'llli'kt‘ll tanning et '. Hood liiit'k' 0 house. bank barn other out 1: building, ‘ A perfect little l)t\llll‘ for sin ill Iam- § ily oii (.‘eiitre Stiert I‘I i<t_ I will buy a six lt‘Olllttl new MOOOOOMSO MRS. NORMAN BATTY Trench Block Phone 53 ’3 9900096099990900669666909‘9 MOGOGMOQMW ‘ a nd it: it i? smut) bungalow with stabl'. i-t"'"‘â€"'"~ honi house and .1“. acri- ol' lairl all \velll: fence-d. Terms 0133'. 1 room cottage with iineaere, lieni houses. {will trees, siiiall titiit (nines. i on May Avenue runs to Yiiiigehurst road near Yonge stii-et, Stop 18, fol $23M. $51M rash. buliiiire to suit. Nit-e Bungalow :it slop-17. Loans negotiated. Insiiraiiieell’ected. Yonge St, RICHMOND Illll. w W? wanna-91m LEAD; 7CENTS i 4 Cents saved on every Large Loaf bought at the Store Richmond Hill .Bakery A. A. EDEN WHEN READY TO CONSIDER“ PLUMBING ' » REMEMBER The James Robertson (30., Ltd. 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario WHO SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W C’s., SINKS Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Ask_ for our Septic Tank Circular ' and} get 1n touch with our local representative Ambrose L. Phipps Richmond Hill Phone l3r2 who will gladly furnish necessary information and advice: _ regarding your requirements. Out Side the Village our Pressure Systems will prOVide water for any installation Auction Sale Register the propein (if j. 11. Haleat lo'cloi k. 'l'eims l’ieiitire ck l’ientice, l'iiioin ille. Bi iliiiiger. 8 months. Aucts. FRIDAY, ()L'r le'Alli‘titHl sale of house and lot, furninneehn. Maikhain. the pi'tipprry (if l’l'Pd Staeey. SHIP at 2o'clock. l’reiitiee& Pieiitice, Anets. g SATI'RIHY, ()C’l‘ illâ€"Six acres stands ing‘ timber, Maple and beech, on lot 13. con. 8. Maikhiim. the piopei-ty of Alas. Robinson. Sale at, l o'clock. Prentice and Prentice. Auets. FRIDAY. OCT. 27â€"House hold furniture etc., tit Unioiiville, the property of the late It. Heirington. Sale at 2 o'clock. 1’ieiitice & Prentice, Ant-ts. SATURDAY, Orr. 28~Hnusehold fumi- tiiic etc, at the home of J. E. Fiancis, 'I‘liornliill, the piopeity of Mrs. \V. II. (‘iaile'on and J. E. Francis. Sale at 2 o'clock. 'l‘erins cash. Prentice N l’ri-nticv. Aucts. WEDNESDAY Nov. 1-â€"High giade Holsteins, Farm stock. implements ete. lot, :53, con. 1. Markham, Lang- stiifi‘, the property of It. S. and j. A. Thompson. Sale at 10 o'clmk. Terms 12 months. Pieniice & Prentice. Aucts. THI'RSDAY. Nov. 2<â€"P1119 Bred Holesteiii cattle. horses, new I Implements, grain. roots eta, on lot 30, con. 5, Seat-bore, the. property of R. M. Hamilton. Sale at 10 o’clock. Lunch provided. Terms 1;). months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. tuie. tools etc., at. Victoria. Square, the property of Mrs. M. \Voodard. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms cash. T. G. Lyon, Auct. _ ‘ WEDNESDAY. Nov. lâ€"At lot 2. con. 5. _ COAL Whitchurch. Farm Stock. Imple- ments. etc.. including :1 first-class Dairy Herd and good Horses. The property of Win. Jones. Sale atl p. in. F. \V. Silver-sides, Auct. FRIDAY, Nov. 3â€"â€"Farm implements. harness etc.. lot 8. con. 3. Vaughan, . the property of the late \Viu. H. 0 \Vhite. sni- at 1.30 o’clock. Terms cash. Prentice and Prentice, Aucts. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 8-â€"Higll-bl(’d clyde horses, Holstein cattle. imple- ments. grain, hay. roots etc.. at Wohurn. Scarbora. the property of Uoforth 8: Bennett. Sale at 11 o'clock. Terms 11 months. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A.G.SAVAGE General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill ing timber. with a lotof good cedar, lot 4. con. 10. Markham. the proper- ty of Deveril Bros. Sale at 1 o’clock. 10 months credit. Prentice and Prentice. Aucts. ELM rhinoâ€"cf FARM Offer for immediate Sale 5â€"â€" Their herd compi icing over 60 head of Improved Yoikshiie swine. This is a herd of prize winning stock. and where being fitted to be exhibited at Owing to a death in the family this has been ilianiloned. This is a great chance to an t it start in the bacon type of Ym k- \‘llllt‘S. A choice from all ages, .igrd Bi-oml siml and young Brood sows, bred and ready to breed younger stock from 1 month to ready to breed of both sexes. Piiccd tight for quick Sale. RICHMOND TIRE & BATTERY SERVltE V11lcaniling--Â¥iiitl’ypii83i§§mgii iii; GUARANTEED to Last: Longer than the Rest of the Tire. BA'PTERE’“ SE R‘7I C E VESTA VESTA Watered and Inspected Free Repaired and Recharged. Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDER BUR GH All Makes { R. S. FRISBY & SON Unionville, Ont.

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