Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Nov 1922, p. 4

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3.000. ’ 10.000. 7 rooms, Gacres. Richmond street, cash 3.000. . 13.000. 100 acres. brick house. clay loam. 3rd. Mmkham. cdsh 6,000. 17. 500. 130 acres. house, bunk barn, clny loam. 7th Markham, cash 8,000. 8.500, 50 :u-res, frxme‘ houseybzmk lmrn, 7th of Markham. cash 2.000. 7,500. 20 acres, gnnd house and ham. 2nd of Markham, cash 1.00”. 3.200. 7 rooms. one acre wiwd, cush 1.000, Ynnge street. 6,200, 7 rooms. brick. Richmond 5L. cash 2,000. cash 2.000. 7.800. 7 rooms, 6.5 acres. mcnmonu street. cash 2.500. 10,000. 10 rooms, Elgin Mills. cash 5.000. 4.000, 6 runms, large lot. Roseviow Ave, cash 1,000. 8,700. 10 rooms, Yunge street, cash ' HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grammar and Paper- Hanger. CR9 3,100I 4 rooms. Hill, cash 300. 3.500, 4 moms. cash 1,000. 8.500. 42 acreé. new brick house and burn, 5th Mmkham, cash 5.000. 8,500. 52?; ames. luick house. bank barn. 3rd Mmkham, cash 5,500. I have housps and flats in rent. Mortgages arranged: also loans. 00rd wood. stove lengths, delivered. Get Your Painting Done Now A, S. \VHEELER 4,200, 5 cash 1.000. 4,000. 6 1.000. 1,000, 3 rooms. summer home, 2a} acres. Lone Island Parry Sound. 2.300, 4 rooms, 2 acres, Elgin Mills, cash 800. 2,100, 4 rooms, 5 now, stop 46; Yonge street. cash 300. " 900, 5 mums. 2 acres. Elgin Mills. A. cash 500. R. E. WHEELER Richmond Hill Realty 4.000. 5 a 00. Box 178, Filst class Painter Low Charges Stop 47 Richmond Hill You can't; realize the money- saving value of a good farm engine until ou've seen how much more ‘qujc y and efliciently you can clear u p t h e numerous 0d d jobs about the You Need a Good Engine . HEWiSON STOV ES Ionianâ€"to J. Lunau 7 rooms, brick. cash 2,000. 5 rooms, é acre, 46 Ynnge st T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thomhill, Ontario rooms. rooms, 6.5 acres, Richmond moms, Church street, roums. Mill stu- rooms. Riuhumnd .1,_ acre. 46.5 Yonge 9L. 2; acres, Richmond 4 acres, Mill mad, ES -- FURNACES â€":- HEATERS Phone 114. mi 1k ing. separat- ing.chum- street. Perfet‘tiun Oil Healm' Hot Blast. Oil Heaters Pandora Ranges High Closet Reservoir cash cash ilnt Quebec Heater wi‘ ilot Quebec Heaters \vi Inch Black Stove Pip Inch Galvani 30 inch l I Richmond Hill Debentures V. ,.-. --;.. _r , _ The Canadian National Railways traverse the finest hunting territory in this cuunlry. This fact with their bpecial and lugulur train servuce umkes “The National \Vny" the premier line for the hunter. The hunting gi-unnds are so vast, there is g-nne fur ewryone. 17 t- ._ ..... o B . ‘ _ . The seleclimiuf grounds is u most important math-r and one requires careful study. The territory reached by the Canadian National lines nm-th of Parry Sound is already :\ faivurite unv, but, the new country east and west of Capl'eul Is as yet. comparatively little known to the Hunter and should thr‘reful'e. he highly attractive Lu the follower of the (it-errand Knox-51>. H The Canadian National Railways un- providing special train services which withrogular trains will meet alldenmnds. Special trains will he uperatvdlas follows: Leilfi'e _Turoutu The next meeting of the Onnncil of the Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hull, Vollm-e, on The open season for hunting deer and mouse in Nmthcl-n Ontario is rapidly apprm-vhing. South (if the thch Mud Mattnwn river“ Nov. 6th L0 Nov. 20th inclusive: north and west nf these l‘iVPl‘S, Oct. 25th to Nov. 30th, inclusivv. Nm-Lh of the Transcontin- tul Rnilway‘Line the season is from Sl‘pb. 151]) L0 Nuv. 15th inclusive. I n .:|. The Annual Huntz-r’s Lenflt't issued by the Canadian National Railways i: nuw ready for distlihntiun, and may he uhtainrd on applicatiun to any agent of the Ucmpuny.urw1ite Gen- m-ul Puswngm- Department, Roum 607 Royal Bank Bldg, Tm-nntu. ing, sawing, grinding, sharpening tools, mixing cement, shelling com. filling the siloâ€"there’s nothing I know of that will give better service with so little attention as a Toronto Engine. And they operate on either kerosene 91f gasoline. “ Bonds are offered. Tenders for same will he received at the office of the Village ClPx-k up to Wednesday. November 8th. 1922. Uyuiou Station 11.15 p.m. October 3131 fur Unpl-Pnl and intermediate puints, and 11.15 [LII]. November 2nd 3rd and 4th for Key Jct. and intennediute pniuts. The usual :unple accmnnmda- [inn of sleeping cars, baggage car: and coaches will be provided. , a Vaughan 0 MONDAY, NOV. (3, 1922 Agent, Richmond Hill Canadian Tenor and Chair headm- Solniep Nm'th Parkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Rivhmund Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. But:y's. Arnold St. Particulars can he nlltainud by calling, Phone 22 Let me explain in detail thesa sturdy little workers next time you pass my way. Don’t forget to see their able assistantsâ€"The Toronto Saw and the Toronto Grain Grinder â€"at the same time. mm he Ring 11 $12,000 15393116 per cent instalment, Special Train for Hunter: Get Ready for the Chase 1F Til Wm. C. Ruttan omplete with 16 Buck and per leng Ellnonvs mace pi with Elbows 1t. 1 o’clock J. B. MCLEAX, Clerk A. J. HUME, (Jerk. Oven grates N0. 30 No‘ inc-h ‘ngth Bouncfl $95.00 $13.50 $16.75 $19.75 sew) 30 :ZQ-tf TUESDAY,. NOV. 28 The nexl. Sitting of Divlsmn Umn't N0. 3, County of York will he held in the Court Room. PIANO TUNER 378 BERESFORD AVE, W EST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Richmond Saturdays. \\'hen yuu figure the loss of lime and uncertain yield through dirty seed grain. the acreage loss by x-eusun to your growing worse than useless weed crops, you will readily see that the purchase of a Bull Dog \Vlld Out Sepmatnr will prove a good invest- ment to you. \Ve are agents for every line of Farm Implements. With the Fall Season coming on, you will no doubt find you al‘ein need of some new machinery. IT COSTS LESS Let us serve you Your Furnace will want looking after before cold weather sets in, m- it may he ynu are contemplating tho in- stallation of a new Furnace. We have several lines worthy of your considera- tion We can serve you in Farm lulple ments and Repairs, Pumps, Lightnin Rods, Ladders, Furnaces and Repairs Eave Troughing. Metal Building, Sup Blies and all kinds of Tinsmithing. TEETZEL BROS. Tent: 1191' (-f Piano-Playing at, the Tun-unto Cunservzumy of Mllaiu and St. Malgdret’s Collng. ichmnnd Hillâ€"\Vednesdnys and Division Court JOHN T. ANDERSON Unmmencma at 10.15 :L. RICHMOND HILL EARLE N E WTON PIANIST T. F. MCMAHON _ON_ W. BflldOCk, Ltdfiealers PHONE 87 When the Frost is on the ‘Punkin’ $695.00 $785.00 CLERK THE COZY CAR FOR ONE OR TWO COUPE ll]. 1922 Imple- Stop 51 Yonge St. Come and Dance to Good Music. Good floor Well heated hall GENTS 503. LADIES 25c. Elgin Mills Hotel IndivldualInshnctiun. Night Mondays and Thursdays Newnnrket, Bank of Toronto Printed {If The Liberal Office aide Sr“, \Vest, Toronto. Naughtun Block, Aurora Solicnm- fur: [{Monarch Bldg., 26-28 Adel- Offices, The 'l‘mvn of Aurora The annship of King The Township of \Vhilnhm-rh The Imperial Bank of Uullildu, J. M. \anmn. & Cu. Amara Butter - wrappers \Valtex' S. Jvnkins Ree. Phnne Hill. 5048 NWMOOW E COOPER’S HARDWARE '3 EVERY SATURDAY N10 111‘ NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelephOue Main 2777 FALL TERM OPEN NAUGHTON 81 JENKINS GET YOUR DANCING EJROLL ANY TIME Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes -: Stoves and Ranges -: N . COOPER J. Hurry Nunghton ms. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 DELIGHTFUL as October always ia, its Mornings and Evenings are sure to be sharp and frosty and open car driv- ing will soon cease to be a pleasure. A FORD COUPE will take you on your trips in perfect comfort, not. only through October’s frosty weather but also through the cold blustery days of November and the freezing blizzardy days cf the long winter. Heed Octobel’s warning and order your closed car now. Easy payments if you wish. ’ TRENCH’S BLOCK Aurora School PHONE 93 Block RIFHMOND HILL \VA’I‘ER\V(‘)RKF SYSTEM Persons requiring water services thisf‘all please MAKE APPLICAâ€" TION before December lst, other- wise rates will have to be increased to cover extra expense on account of frost. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that HERBERT MARTIN, of the City uf Turonto, in the County of York, in the Province nt' Untarin. Manufacturer, will apply to 1hr iarliument ()ann-Ada at the next session theieuf for a. Bill of Divouce from his wife. AxNIE MAE CAROLINE MARTIN. now lesiding in the City of Lns Angrles, in the State of Califm'nia, one of the United Stale: of America, on the gmund Us. adultery. DATED at 'l‘urrmlo in {hr Province of ()ntuiiu, this t'ighteellllL day uf August, A. D. 19:22. » ELGIN MILLS LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HOTEL MULOCK, MILLIKEN, CLARK & REDMAN 711 Dominion Bank Building, King & Ynnge Sweets. Tulunuv. Ontario. |3-17 Solicitors for the Applicant. L. Bridges, Propc Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. NOTICE Coupe $695.00 Richmond Hill (‘hairmam of Com mission. J. LUNAU.

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