Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Nov 1922, p. 8

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DATED' at TORON [‘O, in ' the Province of Onhu'io, this Twenly fourth day of October, A. D.. 1922 DOUGLAS. DOUGLAS& ROBINSON. 157 Bw Stre-t. Toroutu. Solicitors fur the Applicant, Emilv 17-21 Adleue McCauslaud. NOTICE is hereby given that Emily Adlone Mchnshmd formerly of the City of Toronto, in the Cuunty of York, and Province of Onlarin, Married Woman, but now of the Town of Oakville, in the County of Hilton. will apply to the Purlimneut of Canada, at the next SeSSinn thereof. fru‘ a Bill of Divorce from her husband. Kenneth Leighton Mchlsiund of the said Citv a! Toronto. Gentleman, on the ground. of Adultery and desex-lion. Notice oi Application for Divorce ARM FOR SALEâ€"One hundred acres, 1% 26, con. 5. Vaughan. Teston. Apply D. O. MURRAY. Aurma. Ont. Box 213. 16-19 OOKâ€"â€"(hrne1-ul.. All mx veniences. Good wa home at nights’prefen‘ed. Mus. J. H. DUNLOV. 0R SALEâ€"(iond suitable for fan brass mounted harne: separate. J. PANNEL con. 1, Mmklunu. Rich I) Batty's Shuppe nnd Mr. Toelml’s residence, Centre-- St. Wednesday morning. Small sum of mmwy. R‘mx-ard. MR5. CALDWELL, Bichumud Stxeet. , l8 Hill. Hull E TRA|N|NG is of lifelong , value to any boy ornirl'. Shaw Schools in Toronto holJ the pn‘mier position. Thirty yeum reconli Over 25,000 students mm! \hcir parents) testify to the careful individual instruction given. ELEVEN Schools in the best secâ€" tions of the City. Star! a! (my Iimr. Hnnalbook sent to anyone on request. P. McIntosh. (ht-z". Principal 5 ma AWB“$‘“F5§W! P7} hold the pn years record (and their 1 careful indiv ELEVEN St tions of the Hnnllbook 52 P.) OR SALEâ€"An none and :1 half and two small frame houses on Mill street, Richmond Hill. GEU. MoNAIR. Maple R R No. ‘2. ' lQ-tf. q‘OR SALEâ€"Homo and Int in Maple L ALFRED RUMBLE. isâ€"rf OR SALEâ€"-I"x‘;mw timhu's of large barn. Apply H. FELLOWS. Mill Rmul near Bulhurst. 13-18 fiwfi N OTICEâ€"E. SlinPy .s pI-epnrwl t0 ‘L do all kinds of [rm-king and outing in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Pun-ounge suliciLetl. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 if ling box knives grnuud. 1n mm. H n is dull we sharpen it. Alsu :ugx-nr fur Gilsnn Mfg. (‘41., Guelph. (‘mnv in and sue tlwir 21 self sharpening stop] chilled plow shun». A. Ammnsox. Rear of \V. Vandurhurg’s slu-p. Rit-h- mond Hill lfl-tf A\VS FILEDâ€"Opus; cur .-: L .culux- saws gunnan and 1511 ling box knives gl-nund. In f:u is dull we shnrlwn it. A150 :12 c). all klmls kindé of skim pairing. Elgi St. and 13(‘h‘ L, at $ ALLISON 1' spring IICKENZIE 1 and m $9" Apply to W RICHARD H. ham pnslm hank ‘ opposite .‘OR SALEâ€"1 A R'l' IRSE LOST [IOICE LRTAGEâ€"I am prepared to do all kinds of carnage (m slmrt notice. EPARI). Yonge Street, Richlnnnd: 15-20 ENDERS \VAN'IIEIP‘ijm' pl SALEâ€"Good \vnl-k hnrsp, imble for farm work. cheap; nounted harness, and wagon or e. J. PANNELL, lot 48, war Mmklmm. Richumnd Hill P. 0. 16-18 1H 1‘ in iug_h V‘Vant Ads. ACRE :hllih and p Lrn, driving this farm is DONALDâ€"â€" Mun H Richmohd St LOTSâ€"Chomp lot [nut un‘ Tvrms on SR Mich 1 slate of culliv u. SMITH. GnrmL SMITH. Richmond wagon Mil up Anp‘y Ilf sch LO I It SI ‘Wi'llowdnk H) Bet, Sh nch p] nearly “wen Mr. '1 of'fi ‘m'nnl ages “I'll C(H' {EAR OI Mal'khu m Apply 16-19 alfonr l” m HIV Mrs hm 11 Hill np'e 7-20 \le xll 19 A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. (Munplwll will he at The Liberal Office. Richnmnd Hill. every Tuesday zlfLm'nOnn. Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg“ Cor. Joxdon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto A Spring Day - Up in Muskoka "I never picked wildaflowers be- fore." she said wistfully.‘\“\Ve lived in the city. Father died, and thenâ€" mother, of tuberculosis. I was all alone. I wasn't strongâ€"worked too hard,â€"and I got it. They brought; me here to the Sanitarium on a. stretcher." “But. look at me now!" exultantly. The glow of health was in her cheeks. “It’s the rest and care and good food and fresh air that saved me." and her eygs sl_lonq joyously. Surely she was Worth saving. this bonny. ylue-eyed girl! Surely the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptlves deserves‘ her gratitude! A Spring day in Muskoka, with sky‘ and water vlvldly blue; the smell of pine. the song of birds in the air. On a sunny slope a girl gathered trilliums with eager hands. She smil- ed at. the quegtionlng stranger. Contributlofis mayfibé sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton 223 College Street. Toronto. British Columbia 3 x and 5 x shingles Ontario No.1 White Pine lath Ontario No 2 White Pine lath Spruce, Pine & Fir flooring Spruce, Pine & Fir sidings Ontario White Pine boards British Columbia sheetings JONES LUMBER C0, Store, for All kinds of re- pairs to Boots and Let’s Go Harness Harness Supplies in stock. South side of Mr. Baldock’s New Garage Cor. Amoid 81 Yonge PHONE 27 Macnaughton & Campbell The Rolfe Boot, drén of Mrs. Bux the nthc brooks. nephews "1:1" Harness repair All sizes of Dimensions Doors, sash, and trim Burnett mnke u who'die « . H19 wn 6]) m 000 hall: $3,500 Telephone Main 3631. hnusp in Richmond es of $100 and Hill E for his nop : $200 for Toronto: 3‘3 f his nr‘pl) '3. Hunter. 4nd furniture an ad Mrs nett Shoe, and Stew! Mary and th he noficim-i Will Probated Bur [11C lm to $1 (HH- Ml El $13,661 ah )f s two-f Danie th Hill the five chi] )f the rus'dn vo-fifths am. He xenmindex Hill Ml July at] vnhm nmltv Steele MI .ht Dill Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL A small farm adjoining HH- G. ’1‘. R. yards at Muplv. adumvd f0! gardening, chicka fanning (me. Good brick lmnw. bunk burn and other out building. $500 will buy :1 six roamed brick clad house on Gentle st. east with fruit trees, Raspberries, Strawberries, and a good hen house, Electric Lightin- stalled. mortgage under housing plan for 52100. Lot 60 x 160. A seven rnmned brick clad house with all mudein improvements at Kingsdale, a minutes walk from Ynnge street. A bzugm‘n for quick sale. FRIDAY, NOV. 3â€"â€"Fnrln implements, harness Pl(:.. lot S, cnn. Vaughan, the property of the late \Vm. H. \VhiLe. Sale nt [.30 n'clnck. 'l‘exms cash. PrentiCe and Prentice, Aucts. \VEDNESDAY, Nov. 8â€"High-bred clyde horses. Holstein cattle. imple- ments. grain, buy. roots etc., at VVulmrn. Scnrbnm. the property of Gt-fnrth & Bennett. Sale at 11 n'clnck. Terms 11 months. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. SATURDAY, Nov. 4â€"10 acres of stand- ing timber. with a lotof good cedar, lot 4, run. 10. Mmkhnm. the proper- ly of Deveril Bros. Sale at 1 o’clock. 10 months credit. Prentice and Prentice. Aucts. writes it's wonderfulrup thereâ€"it‘s saved his-life." And the brown eyes were a prayer. “I’ve just got to help," exclaimed an enthusiastic young person as she and the nurse walked down the road. Contributions may be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton 223 College Street, Toronto. They visited a. humble little home. The mother was struggling to sup- port ‘the three children, while her husband was fighting tuberculosis at the Muskoka. Hospital for Consumpâ€" tives. Life was not rosy: It became tragic when the rent was doubled. Hopeless despair looked from her brown eyes. Three pairs of childish eyes watching. sensed something to make even baby lips quiver. “But there?" with a. smile, and the babies smiled too. “I musn't complain. He's getting better anyway‘ He writes it‘s wonderfulrup thereâ€"it's saved his'lifei" And the brown eyes The Publishers of TlH' Ynnlh's Cnnl- pnninn are sending to every sullscn ibpr who has paid $2.51) fur the 52 issuvs of 1923 a Calendar for Ilw new ynur. The lnblets are printed in red and dark Hue. and each tablet, lwsldus giving the days of Lhe current nth in hnld, legible typo. gives the cnlvndnl' uf the preceding and smrovvrling momh in smalh-r type in the margin. 'Dlw Companion Calendar has howl published in standard form fol munv years and is eager ly sought for because of its novelty and coth‘nimICe. When the Landlord Raised the Rent “I never: do have any fun." com- plained a. young girl petulantly. "Come with me, and I‘ll cure your disoontent," suggested a. visiting nurse of the National Sanitarium Association. (mm, the lnid tricotinu suit. Il‘illllningi an whim they v home. Roswh 01d frshi complelh happy cc munv um lett :m wishes as whi neplmw th'd ll] daughter of .Richmoan Hi to Herbert W Mr. Robmt :1 H, A. Nichoils ‘XV pret_ ftily on x ontere fame:- 1’s \Ve( The Youth's Companion Home Calendar for 1923 The Real Estate Man ‘dhesd 2 hide Auction Sale Register ngi aml fox fm'. ‘Uplnl they will reside: in theil Roswiew Ave. Richmond HAS FOR SALE nplc- wore. 3fnl and he Showers of ) spend the bl ide tmvo f the Eu- uf Rich“ Cookâ€"Valliere hut ’1‘. Mrs. N. Stl‘ hon Beatrice lmn “'(‘ddil ride. Muster ' nond Hill, whr ul'ter which u olden St egisler. d under chrysm 11in “11‘ an! Mu )t ul gif‘te, :1 tli :mcl gt mvymoon ll) 1, thv diI Lh pink 1mm luu pinln 1‘1 flux-i1 Hill [III hes 1nd RICHMOND TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH J NOW. “9’: WWOMMMW " Richmond Hill Phone 13r2 who will gladly furnish necessary information and anvice. regarding your requirements. Out side the Village our Pressure Systems will. a provide water for any installation 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario WHO SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W C’s., SI KS Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPME ’1‘ Ask for our Septic Tank Circular and: get in touch with our local representative The James Robertson Co, Ltd. Vifiaig Wfifik mfly I Aumm Bdfie Flour 750. for 24- lb bag A. A. Eden OOWOOOQOWWOMOWOOW 096906009090006 ; RICHMOND HILL BAKERY m WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE I A. (i. SAVAGE ' ' Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN- VUIcaanlng--TIF‘IL‘ PROCESS. All Repairs GUARANTEED to Last Longer than the Res: of the Tire. m; General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill PLUMBING COAL GLOVI We \V NHLLINERY VESTA All Makes 1, hile W8 1C Ambrose L. Phipps WHEN READY TO CONSIDER UALETY SHOPPE -:- MRS m BA'FTE RY SE R‘TI C E j Watered and Inspected Free ( Repaired and Recharged. S and W NORMAN BATTY IE 9006009006. 0 OOOMOOGOQO‘ 1V 1K the Hincrv VESTA LADIES’ WEAR Phone 53 we have ure ne

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