Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1922, p. 1

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Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. QT Start with One Dollar and add to it ‘dollar by dollar. to enter a branch of this JOHN R. CAMPBELL We have a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood in 12 inch and 4 ft length. Also a large quantity of soft coal Also a good variety of feeds for stock and poultry. Our prices for best Pastry and Bread Flours are the lowest. A recent shipment ofjcement and drammg t11e NOTICE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept fit. the above places VOL. XLV. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. DMMISSIONER, CON VEYANCER. ETC, WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE PAINTING Frum the Torontu Conservatory of Music. will accept. a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -:- Theory. -:- For infonnation Phone 110. MRS. MYij :LH by phone or otherwise promptly . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush 1.. T. C. M. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. At the Elevator I. D. Ramer ’ THE ROYAL BANK ' OF CANADA VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I‘hornhill. Hardwood Flnlshing. Estimates Furnished Freo Phone] 1.50 per annum, in advance. WILLOWDALIQ, ONT DO NOT 7 HESITATE PUBLIC V. D. OLLIVER, Manager DECORATING 237s RICHMOND HILL, TELEPHONE 102 ELLIOTT V 4%.? 9:1]; Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Ufiicz hours ‘10 to 12 a.m. 6 to 8 p.11). Office and residenceâ€"Yong? Street Richmond Hill Phone No. 24 ‘ Maple Licensed Auctiqneer for the County of York. Sales attended to (m shortesb notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage Sulicited DEN TYST Office Trench Block, two doors north of my” Stande Bank. Hours 9 mm. [0 5.30 p. In. Open evenings by appointment. Prepare for a Business Career by attending the well-known BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ET’ Toronto Office, Richmond Bklildin g 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal omce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday ufternnun. Wnodhridqe. Saturday fox-enonn. Money to Loan at. Current Rate. x“; uulllul \u.‘ AlIlVllll . Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 0t every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought, and sold on commission. Allsales :lt~ tended to On shun-test notice. and con- ducted by the innstnpproved methods. Patronage solicited. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Consexvatory Ex- aminatinns. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT ‘VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THOHNHILL, ONT. Every gmdu twelve nanl‘ obtained emp MERIT" is tl". which is built, this school. J. H. Prentice A. C. HENDERSON DR. L. R. BELL STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. MRS. G. E. REAMAN SOPRANO TEACHER 0 1“ SINGING W. J. ELLIOTT Principal H0 Tnnnths ling-d rcmplc RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, NOV. 9. 1923 nmlsome ( Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 r 32. SAM. SHEPHERD 415 Balliol St WILLIAM COOK J. T. SAIGEOIN J. P. VVILSON ‘Uharlm Sts. Toéon admits of the last )nth_s has promptly Telephone T. COUSINS. the Richmond Hill. )yment. “SOLID » inundation on he reputation of Enter any time. uulogue free. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.“ Toronto. Manager 12 tf | Richmond Hill Public School Report JR. 11â€"May levmnn. Katie Kozack, Bartlett. Smith, Eleanor Drul-y. Austin Tuck, Elizabeth Rumbls‘, Jack Bowlden. Mae Shepherd. Morley Sanders, Phyllis ROUH‘IS, Phyllis \Vhilc, Emil Sr 11101} mond. Olive Wilson, Jenn Deudnnm. Gladys Roe, Aileen Giant, Ethel Cnveyduck. Muriel Clarke, Mal-y Bl'illinger Albert Bales. Iris \Vood- head. George White. Norman Han:â€" mond. Jack \Vullis. Margery Sunderâ€" snu, Albert Morten", Peter Forest. Melville Burns, Victor Mon-is, Audrey GI-ainger. Paterson Merrick, Mildred Kozuck, Rog \V‘ Mr. Wm. Kinnee has 30M his new house. to Mr. ()hns. Line, of Sherwnwl. There was a large conglegation at the Thanksgiving service in the Meth- odist church on Sunday evening. At. the close about eighty views of Beautiful Canada were shown. Next, Friday evening the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will give a supper in (he vesuy. Mrs.'l‘. Mchida ,nf Banie, visited at Mr. G. Lmvrie’s (“'01- Sunday. Miss M. E. Morrison, of Barrie. spent fmm Friday till Munday at Mr. A. Duffy‘s. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Roberts, of To- ronto, spent Lhe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. j. T. Sligenn. A The masqupmde hall in the Com- munity Hall on Hallmve'en was we” attpnded and smne of the custumus we're vm‘y suiking. Leé’ch, DUI-HI Jenkins, Georgt Minand Mrs. \V. R. Rumble and children. of Egliuton, smut several days at Mr. G. H. Rumble’s. Despite the cloudy and . threatening \Vt‘nlhcl' “hicll no doubt, kept many away, ther was it large turnout at the Annual Match of thu uhore Asso- ciutiouml the farm of Mr. George juliem, Vellore, last Friday. Both sud and stubble fields were in excellent condition, and much creditable plow- ing was the result. The lllE‘mbeI‘S of the Vellore \Vo- men’s Institute served meals to the large assembly in the township hull, and will devote the pruceeds to the Fire Relief Fund. 'The results of the match axe as follows : Class I, sod, W. Timbers. SLouffville; Clark Young, Millikan; Stanley Tyndall, Richmond Hill; Jesse Richards, King. Best crown â€"l‘imbers. Best, finishâ€"Young. Class 2, sodâ€"Ed. Timbers, Stoulfville; G. Uri-an. Whibchm'ch; R. Luwi-ie. Mark- ham. BesL Clownâ€"(111m. Best fin- isl1~â€"Timl)eis. Class 3, sudâ€"Harold vaie, Milliken; Alt-x. Bishop, Wood"- hl-idge. Best crown and finishâ€" Unwiv. Glass 4 swdâ€"Lnrue \Veld- rick. anle : Robert \Vatson“ \Voudhiidge. Rest (flOWDâ€"WMtSUn. Best, finishâ€"\Veldrick. Class 5 Sod â€" Lloyd Turner, Stnuffville; VVilfl-ed Wiudas, Woodbridge; Alluanlson, Markham; Gordon Au- deisun. Engely; Leonard Cox. Max-K- ham; Roy MacDonald, Sluufl'ville; Lloyd» Steckley, Stoufl'ville; Gal-field McCallum, King; Norman Steckly, Stuut‘l’villn; best crownâ€"Turner; finish, Sbeckley. Class 6, stubble, Joseph Golden, Maple: Elmer Fockler, Ringwoud; Robert Cole. Woodbridge: best crown and finish. Golden. Glass 7 stubble, Gordon Timbers, Milli- ken. Class 8, stubble. John Clubine, Woodbridge. Class 9, tiactms, Charles Clubine, Richmond Hill; 7 stubble, Gordon Timbers, Milli- ken. Class 8, stubble. John Clubine, Woodbridge. Class 9, tractors, Charles Clubine, Richmond Hill; Evun Morris, King; Harvey Usher. Edgelev; Cmnel‘nu Walkinglon, King. Best equipped team in sud, Lurne \Veldrick, Maple; Alex. Bishop, \Vnodbridge. Best equipped team. stubble. Joseph Golden, Maple. Gar- field McCallum, King. Junior judges in stubble, Harold Uowie, Stoutfville; Percy Usher, Edgeley; Robert Wat.â€" son, \Vnodbridge; Junior judges in sod; ll. Gowie, Scoutfville; Robert \Vatson, \Vuudlwidge; Keith Thomas, Maple. Highest point, Harold Uowie. Senior judges in sud,George Forrester, Richmond Hill; George McLaughlin, Malton: George Lawson. King. Senior judges in stubble. \ant,er Patterson, Struud; \Vm. Hawstrawster, Jun., Malton;NeilMalloy. Maple. Horse judges~William Doherty, Toronto; \Villiam D. Hill, Queensville: R. K. Johnston, Nashville. The officers of (he association are as folans: Hunâ€" ornry President. A. J. H. Eckardt. Toronto; President, George Brown- lee, \Voodbridge; First Vice-Presi- dent, John Lawson, King: Second Vice-President. Alex. Cameron, Wood- ln'idge; Treasurer. Archibald McCal- lum, King: Secretary. W. 0. McDonuld, Maple. King and Vaughan Plowing Match k, Adele \Varron, I)U!'U Report of Room IV ames in order of m Dorothy Bernice He: Gilbert M. ANDERSON. Teacher Billie” Sav thy Lem MAPLE Mm Duncan '. Jack Newton nnysm), Metu Lillian Jacobs, nd rel-t \\'a.Lsnn" 1 ownâ€"Watson . k. Class 5 Sbnuffvllle; Woodbridge; Nellie Ham- merit Attl) n r Cliffox d 1 Han;- Sunder- Forest. Audrey M DAVISâ€"At Gore Bay, on Oct. 24, 1922‘ to Mr. and Mrs. E. \V. Davis s daughter, {use Jessie Kershuw). BO\'N'l‘OX;â€"â€"BOUSFIEI.1)â€"At the home of the lnide’s :Ilmr, Mrs. L. Scum, 394 Markham Sf... Tux-onto. by the Rev. H. 8. Warren, ()11 Tuesday. November 7. 1922. Mminn Isulwl Bnusfield. St. Clair Ave, to H. \Vesley Boynlon 0f_Richmond Hili. Anniversaiy sex-vices will he held in Hope chm-ch next, Sunday. November 12, at 2.30 and 7. p.11). And there- npening of the church. Rev. Mr. \Vallucc of Tumnto will cunduct both services. Music will be aupplied by the home choir. PLAYTERâ€"Un Thursday November, 1921 in Tu Lnngstaft’ Pluyxcr, Richmond Hill. Fire bloke out about six o’clock Tuesday evening totally destroying the laxge barns and nnthuildmgs of Joseph C. Bales of Lansing. 'l‘he threshers bad just finiéhe-d. and it is supposed that a spark from the engine was the cause. All the year’s crops wi-nt up in smoke. TIN-.1088. which is heavy, will IM‘: pulti.nlly covered by insurance. The regular meeting (if the \V. U. T. U. will be lwld at the home of Mrs. D. Watson. Ruseview Ava. next \Vednesduy evening. Nov. 15th at eight o’clock. Mrs. Mortsun. dele- gate to the Ontario \V. O. T. U. Conâ€" vention. will give her report. All in- terested are cordially invited to attend. Construction Company Formed A company has been forde and hnmrpnnued under “The Ontufio Unnipunies ActJ’fur the purpose of huilding houses In Richmond Hill. Th9 Plesident is Mr. P. Sunder, and theeunnpuny huveuontrnlonllotsnn BakerAve.. nicely situated for com- fortable residences. The cumpzmy purposes building a. large number of houses next. year. They will can-y on agenernl Contracting business. and Willsolllocaliy u. liIniLed amount of stock. The Im-ig Shoe Co. have received the following letter from [ht- Pastor of New Liskeal-d Methodist Church : Just a line to thank you for the box of boots you sent to the fire sufferers here. It means so much m the people up here to get shoes when the zruurd is wet and snowy. We appreciate your generous gift. in the shipunnt from Richmond Hill. “fl-1.45566]; Hing been sn kind and are sending large quantities of ch-lh» ing for the needy; n~ ,|__ SAVE '~ Because Acknowledgement THE STERLING BANK W. C. T. U. MARRIAGES Barns Burned You don’t keep a horse in the stable eating his head off and doing no work. Be as sensible with your money. Put it to work for you in 21 Sterling Bank Savings ACcount. Put Money toWork BIRTHS DEATHS Hope Yours Sincerely. J. AL BERT LEECE rsdny, lhe 2nd of in Tumnbn, Nelson er, fm-menly of 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer Barristers, Snlictors. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA . TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dede” Arthur A. Matcdonald Fcank Danton Laura Denton, B. A. Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton “The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store” 7 unless you do South side Mr. Baldock’s new garage But don't profess to be an Economist The Workingman’s Friend First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes Satisfaction guaranteed Residence address VicLoria. Squme New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-1 )olmnissinner, Cnnveynncer, E Insurance and Real Estate YOU DON’T HAVE All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. i. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL GEO. KIDD L. WADE LICENSED AUC'I‘IONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrunaae and influence respectfully solicited} [Single copies, 3 ctS. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING ISSUER 0F; MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME take your repairs to P. 0. address Gux~mley,R.R. 30-tf t1

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