Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1922, p. 3

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HOW TO REGAEN YOUR GOOD HEALTH It Can be There is not a nook or corner in Canada, in the cities, the towns, the villages, on the farms and in the mines and lumber camps, where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have not been used. and from one end of the country Lo the otLer kind words have been said for this medicine. You have only to ask your neigh- bors, and they can tell you of some rheumatic or nerveohattered man. some suffering woman, ailing youth or anaemic girl who has been benefited by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For more than a third of a century these pills have been known not only in Canada, but throughout the world as a reliable tonic, blood-enriching medi- cine. The success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is due to the fact that they go to the root of the dis-ease in the blood, and by making the vital fluid rich, they strengthen the organs and nerves of the body. Mr. A. M. Large, Victoria, P.E.I., adds his testimony to that of thousands of others who have found benefit through the use of this medi- cine. He sayssâ€"“About three years ago I became dreadfully run down. So much so that I had to stop work alto- gether, and being a carpenter, and busily engaged, the outlook was gloomy. I became so reduced that I would have to rest even after a short walk. My appetite almost completely failed. The doctor Whom I consulted told me I would have to take a pro- longed rest, and gave me a bottle of medicine, which, however, did not help me. Then a good friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a supply and before long felt an im- provement. From that on I continued to gain and was able to resume my employment. I continued taking the pills for some time longer and now feel as vigorous as I ever did.” You can get these pills through any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00.. Brock- ville. Ont. has d1 Hurry. Mother! A "California Fig Syrup oughly clean the little few hours you have child again. Even a constipated chvild ll taste, and mothers 0 cause it never fails sour bile and poisons stomach and bowels or upsetting the Child On His ‘Dignity. "I get queer questions sometimes,” says an old advertiser, “when I ask my customers, as I frequently do, what publication they saw my advertise ment. in. As a rule they reply court- eously, but once in a while a man takes the question as an affront. One pompous old fellow told me it was none of my business. Another ad- vised me to ‘hire a checking clerk.‘ A languid young man referred me to his valet. But I was worst taken back by a roughly dressed customer to whom I put the question. imitation “ ‘What magazine, may I ask, did you see my “ad” in ?’ ” “ ‘In all of them,’ he replied indig- nantly. “Did you think, sir, from my appearance that I read only one?’ ” Give us to awake with smiles, give us to labor smiling. . . . As the sun lightens the world, so let our loving kindness make bright this house of our habitationâ€"R. L. Stevenson. Heels should never be more than two inches high for health and safety, according to a doctor. Your Child’s Bowels Need “California Fig Syrup m be Done Through Keeping the Blood Supply Rich and Pure. MOTHER! :lr work its wt of the ml in play! ul 0 that Ding Autumn Leaves and Mush- rooms. "To gather mushrooms go by the high meadow, Skirt the ploughed field," they said. Such drift of November murk under impalpable skies, How should I know that th4 'I‘o Aladdin's cavern Forâ€"lis-tenâ€"I stepped over mould Into a woody path of sodden leaves, Hurrylng, as one does on November eves, And suddenly all about me flared and blazed A million jewelsâ€"scarlet, tawny, dusky red, and gold, Sour yellow and smouldering copperâ€"â€" sully shining, burning. Beyond and above and tour turning, More in the gleaming wetn more and brighter, Til], blind with color and understood: There was no sun simmng 1n lne woodâ€" Only rain was thickly falling 0n the low bushes that dripped and hissed, While the tall trees Bearer-ed bravely-caparisoned limbs To a scattering greyness of cloud . . Who sees Tiny white buttons in browning turf, if you plase, \Vhen his eyes are filled with a crowd of clustered jewels, gayer, warmer than wine? Was the fault mine In bad weather, when there are heavy fogs and storms at sea, the navigator is obliged to take his bearings fre- quently to know Where he is. If he doesn’t do this, he cannot intelligent- ly direct his course, and is liable to wreck his ship by running onto hidden rocks. GUARD TUE CUELDREN FROM AUTUMN UULDS Every man is the navigator of a life ship, and if he doesn’t early form the habm of taking his bearings, to find out where he is and whither he is going, he may, in middle life, find his ship stranded on the rocks of failure. If you would save yourself from ship wreck take your bearings frequently. The Fall is the most severe season of the year for coldsâ€"one day warm, the next cold and wet and unless the mother is onher guard, the little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby’s Own Tablets are mother is on her guard, the little ones banishing colds. They act as a gen- eral laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasion- al dose of the Tablets will prevent colds, or if it does come on suddenly their prompt use will relieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. He Tried It and Knew. Patience was the subject of the teacher's discourse and to illustrate her point she drew on the blackboard a picture of a small boy sitting on the bank of a. stream. fishing. _ “You see this led, children," she said, beaming on her pupils. He’s fishing. ‘Vell, even the pleasure of fishing requires patience. He must be prepared to sit and wait." For a little while longer she dilated on the beauties of being patient. Then came the time for her to test her work. “Now. then, can any of you boys tell me what we need most when we go fishing?" she invited; Willie had almost finished his read- ing lesson when he came to a. word he could not pronounce. “Barque,” prompted the teacher. Willie looked at his classmates and grinned. “Barque. Willie!" exclaimed the teacher, harshly. Willie, looking up finally cried out, “Bow “You farm ‘2” "Yes," said Mr. Cobbles. “I get dis- couraged durin’ the week, but I cheer up considerably on Sundays." “How is that?” “I listen to people who come out here from town in their automobiles. After I hear them tell their troubles I Like one voice came a chorus from the class. “Bait!” Navigating the Life Ship. nard's Linimem for Distemper. feet Hearing the Other Side. have decided to stay on the 1t Value of Elephants Obedience. sun shining any of that they led â€"-Peter Ren‘ny‘ at wow! wetn (ass and round every the teacher the dank in the light, I “I am glad to recommend Tanlac, for it has helped me to gain twelve pounds and made me feel better than I have in many years." This clear- cut statement was made recently by David McCulIoch, 43 New St., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. "I had been in very poor health for four years, being generally run down. with no appetite to speak of, and my nerves were always more or less on edge. My strength and energy were at a. very low ebb, and a good night's sleep seemed utterly out of the quesâ€" tion. I was simply worn out all the time, and was considerably under nor- mal weight. “Friends of mine who had tried Tan- ]ac urged me to take it. I began to pick up from the very first bottle, and now I have plenty of strength and energy, never seem to tire, and eat and sleep like a healthy man should. I have taken five bottles, and do not hesitate -t)o pronounce Ta-nlac a fine medicine." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. Professor Myers at the Congrass of the scientific association recemtly held at Hull, England. A new friend of man has been found. This good news was announced by This animal. not foreseen by Noah, is a dog. But a singular dog, which inhabits Rhodesia, and which, on oc- count of the abundant mane that adorns his neck and should-ems, and also because of his moral qualities. has been named the “dog-lion." The inhabitants of South Africa had al- ready begun to despair, so much had the wild beasts been multiplying there. The birth rate of me lion, in particu- lar, according to reports, was incom- parable. But now this log-lion has ap- peared. He was still in the state of possi- bility in the course of nature when i1- Iu‘stnous experimenters and savants re- solved to combine an animal which joined to the lion’s force and courage the fidelity of the dog. And now that the dog-lion Ihas been launched the true lions are taking fright. They do not recognize this false brother and doubt it a drop of their royal blood flows in lhris veins; for they had not thought themselves so cowardly, and they ask themselves if their reputation is not a little over- done. The other pursues them, closes them round, and compels them to run. A Clerical ‘Comeback. A young minister was expositulating with a landlord who had raised the poor parishioners’ rent over a hundred per cent. “If I want to hear you preach," said the landlord, angrily, “I’ll come to church, where you should do your preaching. Question and Answer. The youthful naval cadet candidates were appearing before the board of examiners and were being questioned to test their knowledge. Admiralâ€"~“How did you come here, my boy?” Candidateâ€"“In a taxi, sir.” Admiralâ€"“And what was the num- ber of the taxi?” Candidateâ€"“3548, sir.” Admiralâ€"“Good; you‘ll do.” That evening the admiral told the story to a friend, who said. “What a very observant lad! But 'how did you know he was telling the truth?” “Truth be sugared!” said the admir- al; “it was devilish smart of the boy to give me any number w‘lthout the slightest hesitation.” MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. “If you were whore you should be,” retorted the young minister, "you would have that privilege next Sun- day. I'm going to preach at the peni‘ tentiary.” DR. MINARD, Inventor of the Celebrated MENARD’S LINIMENT The New Friend of Man. Mcfiullech Says it fielped Him From First ISS U E No. 45â€"'22 'Bottle today Will Tea Disappear? It may surprise you to learn that tea and coffee contain exactly the same ingredients. The most important substance found In tea ls theme, and in coffee. caffeine. But theme and calfelne are the same thing. Themeâ€"or catfelneâ€" is an a1~ kalold, and is found in other plants be- sides tea and coflee. One or these is called the yaupon, or Christmasâ€"berry tree, which grows wild in enormous quantities in the South Atlantic States of America. The Indians brewed a. beverage from this plant long before the first white man set foot on the American con- tlnent, and during he Civil Wm- lt was used frequently as a substltute for tea. The Chrlsltmas~berry tree contains all the qualities which go to' make tea valuable; that is to say, it is agree- ably sitlmulating. Now the Unted States Plant Bureau is experimenting with it, to discover whether it can be grown and cured in the same manner employed for the tea- plant. If these tests are successful tea may disappear for the Chrristmas»berr& tree will furnish an equally palatable and refreshing drink at much less cost. Most fires could be prevented with care. It is the duty of every citizen to exercise such care. To clean out your bowels Without. cramping or overacting, take Casca- rets. Sick headache, biliousness. gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physio or. earth for grown-up and children. 10¢ a box. Taste like candy. Mlnard‘s Llnlment'for Gargct In Cows. Nothing like shampoos with Cu- ticura Soap and hot water, preceded. by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of. dandruff and itchingl to keep the scalp and hair healthy. They are ideal for all toilet uses. Sonp25c. Ointment 251;“! 50c. Tnlcnm25c. Sold throughout theDommion. CanadianDepot: Lynnm. Limited, 344 St. Paul St. W., Montreal. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. CARES FOR YOUR HAIR CEITECEJRA UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Seasonable Advlce. :cept onl pirin, ” xx sicians Colds ’l‘oothac Eamche 11y an “unbroken package” of “B which contains directions and dose during 22 years and proved safe is Headache Rh ‘thache Neuralgia Ne lche Lumbago Pa boxes of 12 tabl YARNâ€"WONDERFUL VALUES AND colors, samples herâ€"Georgetown Moollen Mills, Ont. RJDUUT & MAYBEE, KENT BLDG Yonge Street, Toronto. Regktor } «lent Attorneys. Send for (re. boothl. hLTlNG OF ALL KINDS, NEW on used. pulleys. saws. cable, hon. Nu. shipped subject to approval at low- est prices in Canada. York Belting Co. 115 York BL. Toronto. Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest distress from. Indigestion or a sour, acid, gass-y stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of “Pape‘u Diapepsln." The moment it reaches the stomach all soul-Less, flatulence. heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain disappear. Drugglsvts guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. End your stomach trouble for few cents. Meaford, Ontarioâ€"“I was so wealfi I could hardly do anything and my '. , ' ’ back seemed the worst. I read so much about Lydia. E. Pinkham’s Vege< 1 table Compound for women that I thought I would try it. I feel that it did help me ior I am looking after ' x my own home now and seem quite strong again. I have recommended your Vegetable Compound to quite 9. few friends and you can use my name !f you wish to do so.”-Mns. H. PORTER, Box 440, Meaford, Ontario. In your own neighborhood there are doubtless women who know of the great value of Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women every- where, either by word of mouth or by letter, recommend this splendid medicine. Those who have suffered from female weakness, change of life, and similar troubles know of the wonderful relief brought to them by the Vegetable Compound. Now Looks After Home, Thanks to Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound WM HARBLY DO ANYTHING WEAK éEELTING F93 SALE Classified Advertisements Canad a) Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT worms 0. J. CLIFF . TORONTO CQARSE SALT LA N D 8 ALT bottle 2'03 Rheuma Neuritis K‘Ba 1m yer Tablets of worked out by bv millions for itism 11m pan!

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