Mr. and Mrs. D. Muriel Watson n1 Sunday and return noun. an Buard of Education arv advertis- ing for n fifth teacher for the High nchnnl to do gmwml wurk. Duties to begin the 3rd uf‘jammry. As a HPHIiIIdPl' “ML winlcl is not fun “Way wild [IPPSP and «)thr {Palhm‘ml tribes are on the wing southwards. Quarterly meeting and Communion Service will he held in the Mvthndisl church next Sunduy commencing at, 11 a. m. Miss Marjorie \Villis of Aurora assisted the choir in the Methndist church here Sunduy evening, and enn- tributh 11 Solo. The new skating; rink is progressing fnvmably, und possibly skuLing may he enjoyed in it, nefnre this ymr is nut. The rink is being built un the North side uf the Park [u l'ull mirth and “club. and Mr. \V. H. Graham hus hem rngaged I,“ superintend Lint con- sn'uctrinn. his fees to be (m a porcem- age basis. The Young \Vnhmn’s Mission Circle Will meet at. the home uf Miss Rhoda Barker, Tuesday evening, November 14. at 8 o’clock. Three young men were taken be- fore Magistrate Brunton on Tuesng lm'nnnnying Ricbmund Hill citizens on Hsllowe'en, but the churng wrre nut pun-en. Mr. F. J. Mansln-idge \“hu suffered a diuy spell in his shup F‘ï¬duy ewming is still confimd to his hm]. but/ is gaining slowly. Our cilizens :u-c phrased to learn that Mr. Norman Glass who undor~ want. two serious operations in Wellesley Hospital has returned homo, with good prospects of much improved health. Mpmheru Hf the St. Clair Am. Methodist Choir of Tan-(mm will furnish sped .1 music at I‘bm'nhill PI-pshvteriun church. next. Sunday Presbyterian church, afteuumu. St. Mary’s, St. Luke's and St. Edward's R. C. churches purpose hulding their Buznur in thy Masonic Hall, Friday and Satuvdny, the 1st and Lind uf Dom-tuber. Further nulice Lind >1 tamer. Don’t miSs‘the Epworth Lenguv at Richmond Hill Melhudist (‘hnnch Monday, Nuvemher 13. Re\'. A. Newton St, John t-f Newmn Brook will give an interesting address. ThPre will also he a musical pm» III-ammo. All \vrlmnno. The \anan’s Auxiliary lvf St. Mary’s Church 0. of E. will hold a Bazaar and Concert, on Saturday, Dec. 9.11. Usefui and f:mcy articles “'11le on sale all the afternoon, and in the evening :1 Grand Concu-L will be given by the Choir. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller uf Dnnm-ille and Mia. Gen. Miller of Ale-rlil’fe m-Howd over to spend thP hnlid-xy will} rvlaliws in Aurter and marina shun visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahnn. \‘Vnrkmt-n are busy this Week skimâ€" minu the 5 Id 011’ Mr. H. Sandersm’s,previous to the erection of n large building for stares. apnltnmhl houws and a hall for moving pictures and uther entertainment-3. The recent frosts nnd high winds have brought runst of the leaves nrf the trees. covering the side-walks, lawns and yards. Leuws make it good fertilizer. and should not he allowed to remain to he trumped in the mud. Now is a good time to gather them up. Elgin Mills Hntel have nnw pnclosed their Pavilion fur the wintm-se;:san. Dancing every Saturday night. Good flat): and a well heated hull. 0mm- and enjoy yourselves and bring ynm- frinnds. (A) “ï¬tting of FiPld Day. to be held in Mawuic Hall, Tuesday evening. NOV. Nth. at 8.15 sharp. It is to the inï¬erests Inf Riï¬bIthdTl-llill citizens and sur- rounding vacinity to attend ‘his meet- ing. - . I. ,1“ ham [)0 muney The Anniversary Services of the Hendfurd Methodist Church will he held on Sunday, November 12th at 10.30 a. m. and 7.00 p. In. In the morning the preacher will he Rev, B, Irwin. B. A., of Bedford Park (‘vhurcln Toronto. The evening service will he conducted by Rev. A. W. St. john, B. A., of Newton Bi‘ook. These Annivexsai-y services xnre being anticipated with great pleasure. The nnnuul TliankaI’l’ering will be re- ceived. All friends of the Headford (ihul‘ch me cordially invited to be Elgin Mills Hotel Stop 51 Yonge St. Come and Dance to Good Music. Good floor Well heated hail GENTS 500. LADIES 25c. .n'esent Ant-{her citizen lms complained. and 1 duuht justly. that ' their family m bevn insulted and greatly annoyed manse they would nnt hand out uney m u party of chm-ivariers. Our illnge Council should put em end to [uh annoyances. EVERY SATURDAY N IG HT DANCING d Mrs. D. \Vabsuna‘nd )[iss anson mut-urcd In Barrie and returned Munduy after- A. GREEXE. Chairman. Millinery With a determination to lower our stock of merchandise before moving to our new store on Dec. 1st, consist- ing of (‘alicoes, Sheetings, Prints, Towels, Towelings, Flannelettos, Curtain Nets, Blankets, Hosiery, Underclothing, Corsets, Laces, Rib- bons, Millinery. etc. all goods from Saturday next will be genuinely reduced. To appreciate the low prices for best class materials, we would ask you to visit the store and take advantage of this sale, which in a few days will be the talk of the village. Mrs. Wm. Davies A ND CONFECTIONERY Home-made Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Doughnuts, Cream Puffs, Charlotte Russe, Pork Pies, Marguerites, and Fruit Pies of all kinds. Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone 110 W. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Sash, Frames, Doors Mouldings, Eta, Gypsum Wall Board and Fibre Board, and Ready Roofing always in stock. We Are Moving GENUINE SALE Shawngs glven to customers free of charge L INNES 8: SON DAY PHONE 13-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 75. FOR RENTAL LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Parties catered to Well heated hall and good floor Phone Richmond Hill 44. Ring 32 DRY GOODS MRS. WM. DAVIES Toronto Ofï¬ces Elgin Mill Hotel Pavilion Everything in new Bakery GREGORY GOODERHAH 8: CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. C. Winterton Club Dances. Private Dances RICHMOND HILL Three*Weeks Only PLANING MILL Ofï¬ces â€"â€" Continental Life Our. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Phone97 -â€"-ANDâ€" for AND Vaughan Council MONDAY, DEC' 4, 1922 The next meeting of the Council of the LADIES AND GENTLEMEN We have a splendid line of shoes for sale here. They are of this best quality and in both hmwn and black. In the ladies line there are blown and black Oxfords with both the low and (Julian heel and kid hunts for full and winter wear. For children the boots are in both lace and button, sturdy and Well made; also bedroom :llppel‘s in different colors for children and good schuul boots and shoes for girls. ‘ Butter - wrappers Printed at i The Liberal Office Fur boys who want a good strung up to date boot in black or known does not need to lnuk further as we are now selling the Iurig shoe manufactured in uul- uwn town. Also a good line of working shoes, SIDUckS and overalls. Heavy underwear. winter cups, huts and gloves, also sweater coats and the popular V necde sweaters in H good range of colors. _ Rubbers for men. women zuu chiidl'en. All at reasonable prices, for sale at Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given LbaL George Austin Trmv, of the City of 'l‘monto. in the. Counw of York. in the Province of Ontarin. residng at 33. Whitney Avenue, in the City of Toronto. Manufacture-15‘ Agent, will apply to the Parliament (if Canada. at the next. Sessiun thereof, fur :1 Bill of Divorce flom his wife, Gladys Victoria Yates, uuw known as Mrs. Gladys Victoria Aimquest, of the City of Pittsburg. in the State of Pennsyl- vania, one of the United States of America. On the gruund nf Adultery America. U11 and Desertion nf OnLa rio 1922. Municipality of Vaugh Gent's Furnishing . W. Wellman’s DATED GET YOUR held in the Tuwn Hall at Tm Vellm'e. on {Tm-onto, in the Prevince this 30th day of October. at 10 o’clock A low price level never before reached by any car in Canada The above prices are F. O. B. Ford, Ontario. Starting and electric lighting on Chassis, Runabout, Touring, Truck Chassis $85 00 extra. On Coupe and Sedan starting and electric ï¬ghting are standard equipment. J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk G. A. TROW Chassis - Runabout - Touring - Truck Chassi Coupe - Sedan - The Ford territory is now open G. A. M. Davison Phone 86 Ford Touring Car. F.O.B. Ford, Ontario NEW PRICES ON ALL FORD MODELS will be $445 UNIONVILLE, Dealer and TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager E. R. FORTNER if And it should Concern You To the Ladies I am now handling the Nothway‘s Garments, for women, Aiisses and children, 1 have now some of the said garments on hand, and my price will surprise you. If I have not in stock what you want; I can soon get in for you from the Northway Factory. To the Men As Well as my order clothing department 1 am handling a. high- class lot: of men's ready-to-wear at. low prices. Suits and overcoats from $19.50 up. All I ask you is to call and see my goods, before buying elsewhere. 1 am also making ladies order suits or coats at, low prices. Your own clothes madvup at, reasonable prices. PLUMBING, HEATING, AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Effective Oct. 17, 1922 Richmond Hill PLUMBING C0. Buy, Build, Work, and Support the Home District 'armers’ Sales Notes To Whom this may concern: GOOD WORK AT FAIR PRICES “FOR BETTE veilnvza-hl'e‘seivice to farmers by acting as cus- todian for their sales notes, or by discounting them and making collections when due. Standard Service makes the farmer’s ï¬nancing easy. BRANCHES of this Bank in rural sections render “ohml‘ln :nmir-n tn farmers hv acting as rug. STANDARD BANK OF “NAM PHONE 87, 87-J 3, 93 Shoe Factory Building $345.00 405.00 445.00 495.00 695.00 785.00 THE ,adies and Gents ‘allor, Richmond Hill. SERVICE