The Chinese are optimistic; they! I "n" m’ m“ ’"uc‘u'm . . . l " believe they are gomg to get their“ = present difï¬cultims straightened out: Their total debt is considerébly less than tw0 billion dollars. which is less l than ï¬ve dollars per capita for the} 791 Yo St. population of four hundred millions. 3 Tux; 953 a position that compares favorably! with that of most other nations. 1? Parker’s Dye Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyer: HERE are luscious rais- in pies just around the corner, at your grocer’s or a bake shop. Baked to a tum-21 flaky crust ï¬lled with tender, tempting raisins, the rich juice forming a delicious sauce. Get a pie now and let your men folks taste it. Once try tnese pics that master bakers bake fresh daily in your city and you’ll nevel take the trouble afterwards to make raisin pics at home. Uet 3‘ plc now an“ 1“ your Mail coupon for free book men folks taste it. of tested Sun-Maid recipes. Made with tcnder,thin-skinned, Learn what you can do with meaty, seeded Sun-Maid Raisins. luscious raisins. SUN-MAID RAISINS Bakers’ Raisin Pies â€"save baking at home Try these Blue Package The Supreme Pie Raisin Sun-Maid Raisin Growers FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Membership 18,000 Sun-Maid Rlï¬sin Growers. Dep'b. N-533-7, Fresno, California. NAME Fiease send me copy of your free book, “Recipes with Raisins.†ITY CUTLI‘HIS'OUT AND SEND IT ##4 ‘ the net for catching ï¬sh. His idea ‘ was obtained from studying a spider’s web. Dr. Lucien Cuentot, famous |Frenvch biologist, claims' that the whee-1 is our only invention not found 1 in nature. Cieaning Observing the nicety with which a cow licked the cotton out of a boll, an inventor got the idea. of what promâ€" ises to be a really successful cotton picker. His electrical cow has a rough tongue of revolving brushes, the suc- tion of a high-powered vacuur'n clean- er, and a group of long, flexible necks. The machine, operated from a tractor, enables four pickers to cover eight vows at once, and to pick clean and about ï¬ve times as fast as by hand. Mlnard's Liniment for Diphtheria Also a ï¬ne content of food- ironâ€"gooq food for the blood. HE postman or express man will bring Parker service right td your home. Whatever you sendâ€"Whether it be suits, coats, dresses, lace curtains, tapestry draperies, etc., etc.â€"â€"willbel beautifully cleaned by the Parker process and speedily re- ‘g, turned. Raisins furnish 1560 calories of energizing nutriment per pound in practically predigcsted form. Use ral‘sins frequently, there- fore, which are both good and good for you, in puddings cakes, cookies, etc. You may be oflercd other brands that you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know 15 good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Write for full paruculnl'l. STATE ISL inventlons n-g ï¬sh. His Studying a spiv g ï¬sh. hls 1dea ‘tudying a spider’s Cuentot, famous claims ' that the CHAPTER XIII.â€"( Cont’d.) With the fall of night the wind came away stronger and the westering ,Slm giloed a huge expanse of tumbl- mg‘, windâ€"tossed sea. Westhaver dressed in his shore clothes, was still at the Wheel. He had left it but for a moment to go below in the cabin and bring up his bottle of whisky, and with it stickin out of his pocket he sat as'tride t e wheeldbox and steered the rearing schooner. The sun, in a great ball of ï¬re, dropped below the serrated sea-line; the sky flushed from nadir to zenith in delicately blended tints from the crimson of the west, the orange and gold of the mid- a'l'titudve to the night azure of the zenith and the si'arlit dark of the eastern heavens. It was a night for the gods! Nature’s painting of a June sunset in all the gorgeous colors and tints of her incomparable palette; the twinkling, diamond-like stars set in the deep nocturnal blue of the ï¬rm-ament overhead and to the east, and the blackness of the raging waters, windâ€"hounded and breaking in livid crests which caught the sanguinâ€" ary glare and appeared like foaming waves of blood. Drenched in the spray which slash- ed across the decks, and drinking from the bottle at intervals, the lone man at the Spokes of the Kinsella's wheel found a ï¬t setting for his torment of soul in the wildness of the night, and as he strained at the Wheel, wild-eyed, hatless, and with hair tossing in the wind he roared strange songs which were snatched up by the breeze. He had drunk so much of the vile Ken- tucky whisky by now that ‘he was maddened with itâ€"mad, reckless, and deï¬ant, and Jules, offend-ed and sulky, lay in his bunk ‘below and sensed the wilder plunges of the straining vessel and listened to the snatches of song which came from the skipper. Shouting his roistering old seal chanteysâ€"picked up in his boyhood} days from the singâ€"songs and con-l certs of the Bay Shore, where men| who had learned them in packet ship' and Cape Homer were wont to croak their weird melodies for the ediï¬cation1 of the stay-at-homesâ€"he talked to‘ himself and felt a keen delight in then manner in which the 'brave little ves-l sel was swooping over the shouting seas. There was something in it which appealed to him, and when the tide began to back against the wind andl the schooner commenced wilder antics he roared in pleasure at the sight. Crash! The little craft staggered against a tideAbacked surge, and with the weight of the wind |behind her she! burst the solid water into a vast cloud of harmless spray which drenched the laughing and singing madman at the wheel. , “Morrissey, eh? M-orri‘sseyâ€"he‘s th’ ha!†And he broke “Morrissey. eh? God, I wish I had ye here, you dog! Ha, ha! The infernal cat that she wasâ€" Ha, ha! That’s a good one! Up she goes! Look out!" Crash! Over the quarter slammed a sea which ï¬lled the whole after-part of her. Westhaver hung to the spokes with the water swirling up to his knees, and as it drained off over the taï¬â€˜rail as she lifted to the next wave he laughed in "Oh, th’ carts will creak in th’ 1 to-night, An’ th’ girls will dance to: th' I: But we’ll be out with th’ sails to An’ th’ top‘s’l sheets to hand!†“Go itâ€"you 01' pe-ddler! Slam your 01’ horn inter them greybacks! Drive, you 01’ barge, or I'll (tear th’ patch of]? ye! Ha! ha! ’ goneâ€" Oh, a railroad nigger with his sea-- boots onâ€" A bog-eye railroad nigger with his hog-eye. Row thl’flboat ashore with a hog-eye o . For she wants her hog~eye man! Now Hilo town is far away! John’s gone to Hilo! H510 town_ is in Haw-way! ’Way down Santy Anna! ’Way downâ€"’way down, I tell you! John’s goneâ€"Hilo! ’Way downâ€"you Mobile hoosier! ‘Way down Santy Anna!†ze glee 1’ wind blowin’ 1K 3113 hog-eye men are all th’; go, hey come down to San ancis-co BLUE WATER bin here ser from BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE copyï¬g‘m by the Mus‘son Book Company Mdfrissey lucky man! off to sing. A TALE OF THE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN 1 wer great to: th' band. sails to ï¬st, ‘en WOI'SE les, lanes let 8. “Wonder why th’ skipper ain’t given .us a call?†shouted someone above the (din. “Never knew him t’ carry sail llike this aforeâ€"â€"â€"†1 Thump! The vessel staggered with a trembling in every plank and beam; the men jump-ed to their feet in apâ€" prehension, and then, with a sullen roaring above their heads, the fore- Icastle seemed to turn upside-down. lThe lamps flared and went out. Men were flung bodily to leeward, and pvhile the sea poured down upon them, {they struggled, yelled, and curs-ed in {their fright. than the previous one, and the drunks in the fo’c’sle, drenched by the ohil-ly brine which poured down on them, began to “(aka np._ “Py ta Cross 0’ Chrinahanish!†grunted McCual-lum, rolling; out of his bunk. “She’s runnin' ta vessel under, so she is." The men began to turn out, and staggering and slipping around the drenched forecastle, they changed their clothes for their sea toggery and oiled up, while the schooner ’soended and swamped her- self in the tide-whipped sea. “Feel her tremblin’, fellers? Lord; he’isi gotrth’ whole patch on her!†They lolled on the lockers, oilskin- clad and waiting for the call which they knew must come soon. In such a breeze and sea she should be down to her foresailâ€"Whole four lowers was too much for a vessel like the Mabel Kinsella, and the manner in which her staunch timbers were creaking and groaning told of the awful strain to which she was being subjected. Westhaver was still at the wheel talking and singing to himself, ané when he saw the men scrambling along the swept decksâ€"the dories had been carried awayâ€"he laughed and shouted, “Lord Harry! I knew I c’d hring ye outlAI’m soberin’ ye, my bul- “Cal’late ye sh’d be takin’ th' sail off’n her. It’s hell down for’ard!†The man had to shout into fhis ear to make himself heard, and Shorty pushed him away. “Clear out,†he shouted aggressive- ly. “I’m handlin’ her, an’ I’ll take in sail when I feel like it.†And taking the bottle from his pocket with one hand, he drew the cork With his teeth and indulged in a nip before the astonished men congregated aft. “So t’at's what iss to matter." said McCal‘lum. “She‘s peen trinkin’. so she has †McCallum leaped up the ladder and glanced out. He was only up a few seconds before he slammed the slide and jumped below again. Crash! An- other sea. The men cannoned against one another in the Styg'ian darkness, and all rolled in a heap to leeward. “S‘kipper’s gone daft!†bawled Mc- Cal‘lum. “Ta tories are gone from 05 ta deck †“Who’s at th’ Wheel? Who’s at th’ wheel ?†“All out, feltlers! We’ll go aft an’ see what’s th' matter.â€"Holy sailor! be careful or we’ll be washed off!†“Git below, th’ lot 0†ye!" The stocky ï¬gure at the wheel bawled the command, and the men hesitated for an instant and went down into the cabin. The Frenchman, Lyingâ€"Vin 1 shook his head. “I don‘t kn don’t care!†“God Almighty!†screamed at man. “She’s runnin’ herself under! Aft ye git an’ make th’ skipper take th’ mains’l in! He must be crazy!†lies»; here “She’s crazy trunk!†said McCallum “She’ll pe for runnin’ ta vessel undel wae gal this sail on herâ€"Chules! wha1 iss ta matter with 1:9 skipper Vhersel' “But we care!†shouted “Lord Harry! I ain’t a-goi drrowned b no crazy skippe cal’late we’l jest hev t’ take c th’ vessel ourselves.†warn 9n xm, Eh? What d’yé Wait aft 1e th waké the crowd h the question, egan to pass ke to a tea doing. He v the arms off him? Oh, yes! There he was hanging on to the tail of a comet â€"was it a comet?â€"4and they wenrt so fast that everything roared in his ears and the stars flashed past with ex- press speed. What a curious thing? He felt that the strain of holding on was becoming too much. He couldn’t hold on any longerâ€"it was killing him. He held his breath and let go. Instantly there came a great peace to, his soul. His head cooled», and when. the mist cleared from his eyes he was at the wheel of a plunging, storming schooner. What vessel was it? Not the Kinsellaâ€"it was too big a vessel for that, andâ€"-most curious of allâ€":11: was snowing. Snowing on a June night in the Bay of Fundy! And it was blowing hand tooâ€"«very hard. Dye Any Garment or Old rapery in Diamond Dyes Buy “Diamond Dyes†and follow the sdmple directions in every package. Don‘t wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Dia- mond Dyes even if you have never dyed before. Worn, ‘ faded dresses, skirts, waistm“~c0ats, sweaters, stock- ings, draperies, hangings, everything, become like new again. Just tell your druggi-svt \yhetltner the material you wish to dye is wool or silk or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak. srpm. fade, or run. ï¬rm Eff» ï¬tmchu animating, Minard's Liniment for Colds, etc. One bottle for One Dollar; Six bottles for Five Dollars. Mailed direct to customers. .t scattersTo‘ï¬stion Testimonial: Dem- Slrs.â€"At=ter eunermg from Sciatica for over:- 16 years and spending money on medicine, baths, electric belts. etc. which. did me no good, I was cured by using one bottle 0-! your NEW LIFE REMEDY. MENTHQLATED n W... Adohm at. Tampa cand- CHESEBROUGH MA NUFACTURING 331mm | E†1 ache or neuralgic pains worth one cent to you? That’s all it costs for an application of “Vaseline†Mentholated Jelly. ith the ï¬rst indication of a headache rub a small amount 0“: gently on the forehead and kemples. So convenient, effec- tive and economical' For Nervous Headaches 1380 Cbabot S THE RELIEF from head- rade Mm Ts Liniment-kilbpainl Wm. Ginny, Gerard St. Eaan, I‘m-0mm RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS (To be continued.) Yours truly, PETROLEUM JELL‘.’ Eats†swung For [Iontreal