French Surgeon Operates Under Glass Benito Mussolini The leader of the Fascism! movement In Italy, who has been asked by the king to form a. cabinet. The Fascism have no intention of deposing the king, but are out for political reform. A despatch from Paris sayszâ€"By a new idea in operating rooms just perfected by Dr. Victor Pauchet, no longer will operations be conducted in a stifling atmosphere while a score of clinical students crowd around the table listening to the explanation of the head smigeons. By the use of a constant antiseptic spray before and during the operation, Dr. Pauchet believes a greater degree of surgical success will be possible, as it is quite conceivable'tliat under the old system dangerous bacteria fre- quently were exhaled into wounds by the unintentionally careless watchers. Diner (not taking the bait) strategy, you know; the 1m was hiding behind one or the Waiter (ï¬shir you ï¬nd the ste‘ Diner (not my The The The And The peoples of the comments, we mum, w “Mumâ€, Acknowledge then in unison the sovereignity of Mind; Things are not chief in War or Peaceâ€"arms, money, ships, supplies, The core of all is Spirit; Soul at the centre lies; And this is soul and centre of the history or bravery and suffering, gallant deeds a That those who perished ransomed us; (1i And a holy whlsper comes, "No man hat] Words have not power and vo‘lume And so no words at all we use; louc' Seems universal silence. as now tl' And deep of human hearts to deep So at one moment 'round And in the quletu‘de of [11' Into the silence. of the gr We enter, and in spirit we 013 human heartsâ€"tam would we count the hardened hearts of b That tmculemtly have withstood loud condemnation's blows; Perchance this sacred silence, as a still, small voice of God’s, May reach them, too, if they are hearts and not insensate clods When in a moment we And tail on bravely t9 igtutllls solemn pailse‘s 1e The core 01‘ all is Spirit; Balfo The Silent TWO I IIV Ul-v--â€" .â€" roar and rush of trafï¬c, the Babel tongues of trade. whin‘ and grind and clankmg of machinery, are stayed: noise of busy spindles, the strident voices cease. o'er the laboring world there falls a momentary peace peoples c_f‘ the Continents, the family ,,3_-_ .L... nniynrniGY ihing tor tip) steak. sir?" Discovered “THE GENTLEMAN WITH THE DUSTER' ‘t we retake the tasks that bin-d us down 1y to repair the glories overthrown, luse’s lesson gild our every enterpriseâ€" Spirit; Soul at the centre lies. vï¬v‘l Armistice Day and volume to utter what we feel, we use; louder than thunder pea-l e, as now the s-tillrness falls, lrts to deep in noiseless throbbing: ad the world all labor We suspend. thought our heads in reverence bend; graves that spread o'er land and sea we bow the grateful knee. ~From Rey How did Minutes of November 11th. TO HONOR MEMORY OF EMPIRE’S DEAD King George Urges >Observ- ance of Two Minutes’ Silence on November 11. A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" His Excellency the Governorâ€"General, Baron Byng of Vimy, has received a message from His Majesty the King, expressing the hope that the two min- utes of silence in memory of those who gave their lives during the war, will be observed throughout Canada on Armistice Day, November 11, com- mencing at 11 o’clock in the morning. In a communication to the Prime Min- ister, the Governor-General hopes that the people of Canada will join His Majesty in making the observance a reality. The two minutes of silence is endorsed by the Prime Minister in a statement issued to the Canadian Press. No. 2, $1 to $1.05. Ontario No. 2 White oatsâ€"41 to 43c. Ontario cornâ€"Nominal. . Ontario flourâ€"Ninety per cent. pat, in jute bags, Montreal, prompt ship- ment, $4.70 to $4.80; Toronto basis, $4.60 to $4.70; bulk seaboard, $4.50 to $4.55. Manitoba flourâ€"lst pats, in cotton sacks, $6.80 per bbl.; 2nd pat-5., $6.30. Hayâ€"Extra No. 2, per ton, track, Toronto, $16; mixed, $13.50 to $14; clover, $13.50 to $14. Cheeseâ€"New, large, 211/2 to 22c; twins, 22% to 23c; triplets, 23 to 2359c; Stiltons, 23%c. Old, large, 23 £2 24c; twins, 24 to 241/26; Stiltons, c. Butterâ€"Finest creamery prints, 39 to 40c; ordinary creamery prints. 35 1;; 37¢. Dairy, 29 to 31c. Cooking, c. Dressed poultryâ€"Chickens, 4-lb. and up, 28c; 3 to 4 lbs†25c; fowl, 5-lb. and up, 28c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 25c; do, ._._,1___ A 1L- 1nn, nA-. ,1....1_ The communication from His Exâ€" cellency to the Prime Minister fol- lows: “As I think you are aware, I have received a mess-age from His Majesty! the King saying that he hopes that] the two minutes of silence, as a mark of respect to the memory of those who gave their lives during the Great War, will be observed throughout the Em- pire at 11 o’clock on the morning of Armistice Day, November 11. “I sincerely hope that all citizens of the Dominion will join with His Majesty the King in making this obâ€" servance a reality, and that all work will ‘be suspended during the two min- utes set apart for the silence of tribu¢e. “You will, I am sure, be glad to give widest publication to this request of His Majesty." British Chancellor to Pay US. War Debt A despatch from London says:â€" The new Chancellor of the Exchequer has declared that his ï¬rst duty will be to segsle the debt to the United States. He made this announcement in a speech at Cardiff, when he alluded also to the necessity of a prompt settle- ment of the reparations problem. Listory of those years Beds and bitter tearsâ€"~ us; died in our room and place, 11 hath greater love than Lhds." The Precious Thing. A banker had engaged a tutor for his children. and he addressed the prospective instructor of the young prospective iq: idea as» follows “Always bear HAP ited States, he said: “It i's a >t, but we have told Americ are responsible for it to t] my, and we are going to p n y of mankind Newspaper (London, England) 11 you gsé rthr'obbings calls is announcement 11 iiff, when he alluded : ity of a prompt set zparations problem. the amount owing â€"-J. W. Bengough n mind, my And w of foes, owmg the i's a heavy nerica that to the last assions and hat is your y dear sir, trusting to BY the shorts, per ton, $23; good feed flour, $1.90 Ontario wheatâ€"No. to $1.10, according to No: 2, $1 to $1.05: Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, $1.20. Manitoba oatsâ€"Nominal. Manitoba barleyâ€"Nominal. All the above track, Bay ports. American cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, 891/20; No. 3 yellow, 881/2c, all rail. Barleyâ€"Malting‘, 59 to 62¢, accord- ing to freight outside. Buckwheatâ€"N0. 2, 70 to 72c. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 74 to 77c. Millfeed»-â€"Del., Montreal freight, bags included: Bran, per ton, $21; shorts, per ton, $23; midd‘ling‘s, $28; goqd feed flour, $17.90. Manitoba flourâ€"lst pats., in cotton sacks, $6.80 per bb1.; 2nd pats., $6.30. Hayâ€"Extra No. 2, per ton, track, Toronto, $16; mixed, $13.50 to $14; Cheeseâ€"New, large, 211/2 to 22c; twins, 22% to 23¢; triplets, 23 to 2339c; Stiltons, 2315c. Old, large, 23 to 24c; twins, 24 to 241/26; Stiltons, Butterâ€"Finest creamery prints, 39 to 40c; ordinary creamery prints, 35 to 37¢. Dairy, 29 to 31c. Cooking, 21c. Dressed poultryâ€"Chickens, 4-Eb. and up, 28c; 3 to 4 Lbs, 25c; fowl, 5-1b. and up, 28c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 25c; do, under 4 lbs., 17c; geese, 24c; duck- lings, 33c; turkeys, 45c. Margarineâ€"20 to 22c. Eggsâ€"No. 1 cand‘led, 37 to 38c; se- lects, 39 to 41c; cartons, new laids, 55 to 60c. Beansâ€"Canadian hand- $437‘prip1es, $3.50 to_$3.75 ' M_ap1e pi‘oductsâ€"SYrup, per im . gal., $2.50; per 5 imp. gals., $2.4 ; Maple sugar, 1b., 23 to 259: HoneyLGOLLthins, 121,510 13c per 11).; 2-21/2â€"llb. tins, 14 to 141/2c per 1b.; Ontario comb honey, per dozen, $3.25 to $4. Potatoesâ€"New Ontarios, No. 1, $1; No. 2,7809. Smoked meatsâ€"Ham‘s, med., 26 to 28c; cooked ham, 40 to 43c; smoked rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls, 35 to 38c; breakfast bacon, 32 to 35¢; spe- cial brand breakfast bacon, 38 to 40c; backs, boneless, 39 to 430. The most ‘ most dangen ‘ we bestow u Cufed meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, $19; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $47; heavyweight rolls! $38. Lardâ€"Pure 7 times, 17c; tubs. 17%0; pails, 17%c; prints, 19%c. Shortening, tierces, 13 to 131/26; tubs, 13%, to 13%0; pails, 14 to 14‘,éc; prints, 1617-2 to 17c. Butcher steers, choice. $6 to $6.50; do, good, $5 to $5.75; do, med., $4.50 to $5; do, com., $3.50 to $4.50; ‘butcher heifers, choice, $5.75 to $6.25; do, med., $4.50 to $5.50; do, c0111., $3.50 to $4.25; butcher cows, choice, $4 to $5; do, med., $3 to $4; canners and cut- ters, $1.50 .to $2.25; butcher bulls, rood, $4 to $5; do, com., $2.50 to $3.50; eeding steers, good, $5.50 to $6; do, fair, $4.50 to $5.25' Shockers, good, $4.50 to $5; do, fair, $3.50 to $4; sheep, good, light, $6 to $7; do, good, heavy, $4 to $5; do, culls, $1.50 to $3; calves, choice, $10 to $10.50; do, good, $8.50 to $9.50; do, med. and heavy, $6 to $9; do, grassre'vs, $3.50 to $4; milkers, $80 to $90; srpringers, $90 to $100; lambs. choice, $11.50 to $11.75; do, cull‘s, $6.50 to $7; hogs, fed and watered, $10 to $10.25; do, f.o.b., $9.25 to $9.50; do, country points, $9 to $9.25. Montreal. Oats, No. 2 CW. 64 to 850; No. 3 CW, (30 to 61c. Flour, Manitoba spring wheat pats., ï¬rsts, $6.80. Rolled oats. ters, $ rood, $4 to $5; eeding steers fair, $4.50 to $4.50 to $5; do good, light, $6 $4 to $5; do, c CW, 60 to ( wheat pats bag, 90 lbs. Shorts, $23 The Week’s Markets toes 201, 3c A TROOP-CARRYING AIRSHIP A British troop-carrying airplane has been demonstrated in Britain a Vickers machine and carn'ed twenty-ï¬ve troops and two pilots. Time Table†ssembling‘ of a'ls amer ,ment .ination t pats, ï¬ï¬t! 90 lbs., $3.05 ts, $23. Hay $16 to $17. Eggs, selecte per bag, car He, com., $1 ODS. Toronto. ; / wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern,‘l\/1a $10; nest of British Elections from grassers, $3 1 $10.75 to $11 easterns. 20%. to :est creamery, 38 to d. 39 to 40c. Pota- lots, 90 Lo 950. to $3; calves, good {a§§ers, $3rto $3.50; 2 white, $1.05 freight outside; London me-table ice, $6 to ; do, med. to $4.50; ‘} t to $6.25 picked, bus., Bran, $21 per ton, ca] $4.50 tcher do, 50 to l A despatch from The Pa's, ‘ Mam, says:â€"lmmediate com- pletion of the ,Hudson Bay Railway will not be brought about, it is believed, according ' to authoritative advices, which state that recent orders have been issued by the Canadian National Railway ofï¬cials to proceed to at once pick up all unused railway material along 332 miles of the railway as far as Kettle Rapids, the end of the steel. Defer Completion of Hudson Bay Railway iOhEslpnore“ Turgeon , After being a Liberal MP. for twenty years. he has been elevated to the Senate, at the age of 74 years. He has represented Gloucester, N.B. A deszp-atch from Constantinople s»ays:â€"â€"The Marie Louise, a 3,000-ton ship chartered by the Near East Re- liecf as a “floating warehouse†to sup- ply its stations in the Greek islands, completed its ï¬rst round trip and is coming to Constantinople to obtain fres'h supplies. The ship was a tre- mendous value in meeting the needs of the refugee camps, as it was able to carry a sufï¬cient cargo to provide each station for more than a month. It visited Mitylene. Chins. Samos, Rodosto and several smaller ports. Relief Ship Makes Rodos‘to The ne) Dedeagz Fixing Elections A desipatch from Dublin sayszâ€"The Dail Eireann devoted a recent session to the adoption of an elaborate code of rates for the election of a Senate. Of the sixty members of the Senate, 30 will be nominated by the President, the remaining 30 will be elected by the Dail on proportionate represent-a- tion. The Republicans are continuing to occupy Clifden, north-west of Gal- way, which they took after a ï¬erce en- counter with the National forces, in which 80 of the Nationals were capâ€" tured, but they have released all the men taken prisoners with the excep- tion 'of Commandant O'Malley and relief m $200,000 Fruit and The H. Sun \V ere \Vild A despatch from Winr West nkets eral trip will embrace 'n, Salonika and ( First Round of Isles Blossoms in West’s me ung phenomena ar‘ in Irish Senate Mild Fall Man 1118, ere New C.N.R. President Sails This Month A despatch from London sayszâ€"Sir Henry Thornton, the new president of the Cana- dian National Railways. will sail on the Olympic on No- vember 22, and will take up his new duties as head of the National Railways in Canada upon his arrival in the Domini- on. The former general manâ€" ager of the Great Eastern Rail-‘ way has been much feted and dined since his return from Canada to wind up his busi- ness in England, preparatory to taking over his new duties. England Having Fewer Babies, But More Live A despastch from Lon-don says- Only a little while ago alarmists were indulging in all sorts of dire predic- tions concerning the future of Eng- land because, it is alleged, not enough babies were being born. The great middle class, called the backbone of the country, was declared by some pessimists to be doomed to speedy extinction. ‘ Now these Lamentations have ceas- ed. Some farseeing and logical sta- tistician points out that the future of a country is not determined so much by the number of babies born as by the number of babies which grow up. Looked at from that angle, England is not doing so badly. The August death rate of children under one years old was only 41 per 1,000 births. In 1919 London’s rate for the same period was 55. Compared with the beginning of this century, the baby saving ï¬gures give still greater cause for rejoicing among those who reckon the future of England depends, above all things, on babies. The ï¬rst four weeks of Aug- ust, 1901, gave an infant mortality rate for London of 267â€"more than six times that of 1922. The Department of Public Health Nursing is the latest to be added to the continual-1y increasing number 01 faculties and departments in the pro- vincial university. "llhree years ago the Ontario Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society arranged with the University of Toronto to meet the ex. penses of this new department for three years. That period expires on June 30th, 1923, and, at their meeting last week, the Board of Governors decided, subject to the approval of the Government of Ontario, to take over the Department of Public Health Nursing on July lsvt, 19:23, as a regu- lar university department. The course in public health nursing comprises eight months’ work. It is open only to graduate nurses and the number is limited to ï¬fty. These nurses are trained in school nursing, child hy- giene, municipal health nursing and in any form of community work in which the health of the public is con- cerned. The public health nurse is trained to be a health teacher in the home. the school. and the clinic. The cerned. trained t home, th Depar’tm ing has 1 Toronto, be an import: welfare of the Provin Sea Language. Mm Smith was on her ï¬rst a voyage, “What’s that down there?" she ed of the captain. “That's the steerage. madam.†replied. “Re-ally!†exclaimed the woma years surprise; “and does i people to make the 1x Public Health Nursing. exclaimed the woman, in and does it 'take all those ant. Thousands of his oined them as a result H 0 straight?†‘ermanent- ,vcrsity of star in the Ontario. the three cean 1T5